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The World Is Not Being Run By Human Beings

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posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:10 AM
Listen to this video.

They claim that another species leads ours.

Nobody is taking them to court, nobody dares to complain about them - and I ask myself why?

If all this they share is nonsense and lies then the companies would take them to court, wouldn't they? I know that if I had a company and somebody told lies about my products, then I would prove them wrong to clear my name.

But they do not do that, and I do find that strange!

I am still not sure what to believe - I know we are being lied to (from many sides), but I am still in the process of solving this complicated puzzle.

Share your thoughts about this.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

If it's true then they must be clown aliens.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:25 AM
Dunno, but the chick with the brown hair in the front row is nodding every way possible! She's nodding up and down, side to side and even diagonally! Not sure if it's the crack and the meth fighting each other or what, but it's all going on inside her head at the same time!

"I'm Happy! I'm Sad! Look!...A Shiny object! Is that Peanut Butter on his shoe? My butt itches! I'm Happy! I'm Sad! I'm Hungry! Look!...A bird! I'm an airplane now! WEEEeeee! I can fly!"

edit on 7/25/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

I have to wait till I get home to watch this Rumble doesn't work very well on my phone it just freezes up. But I have wondered if it was actually humans at the top of the elite pyramid. I dont think so.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The speaker mentioned that when one species is parasitized by another, it can disrupt our cognitive function.

It's possible that we're witnessing this phenomenon with the woman in question. Perhaps she's actually a victim of some kind of parasitic influence...

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: PrivateAngel
Finally ATS comes back full circle. yes, our planet could very well be run by various combinations of reptilians, gray's, nord's, and possibly insectoid and vampiric beings. The Good 'ol days have returned.

a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
It looks like she may be whispering back and forth to the people on either side of her. Her hair makes her simple bobbing look more dramatic than it is.

Well I want to see microscope images of these bugs they claim are really directing us.
edit on 7-25-2024 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Maybe they don't get taken to court because TPTB feel they ran a successful enough campaign during the virus to make people think of these ideas and people who share info about them as totally insane so they just don't view it as a threat. I dont know.

I dont know what is in the shot. I do know that anybody pushing me that hard to do something while at the same time ignoring and mocking anyone who asks any questions about it is questionable to me and that is why I didn't get it. I mean. Where's the free cheeseburger for the flu shot? Why doesn't the president angrily tell me to get the flu shot or I can't work anymore? It never added up to me and it still doesn't.

I guess some people are just glued to their TV and all the swirling circles and half circles preceeding news broadcasts get them into beta brain function or something and all these mind wash ideas are implanted in their head. Like how a drug that was safe and used in humans for a very long time suddenly was just for livestock only and any human using it was a crazy idiot.
edit on 25-7-2024 by Shoshanna because: cant spell

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: PrivateAngel

If it's true then they must be clown aliens.

Actually, Killer Clowns From Mars.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 01:02 PM
Cats run the world....except in houses where people have dogs. where dogs are in houses, there is lots of chaos, Biden owns a dog that bites people.

Cats bite and scratch because we do not act as slaves to them, we do not know our place in the world. Dogs bite because they are like their owners, they are an extension of their owners minds because they do what their owner subconsciously desires to do.

If your dog craps on the floor it is your fault and it is punishing you. If a cat poops on the floor it is because their servant did not clean the bathroom or got terrible smelling cat litter.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Dunno, but the chick with the brown hair in the front row is nodding every way possible! She's nodding up and down, side to side and even diagonally! Not sure if it's the crack and the meth fighting each other or what, but it's all going on inside her head at the same time!

"I'm Happy! I'm Sad! Look!...A Shiny object! Is that Peanut Butter on his shoe? My butt itches! I'm Happy! I'm Sad! I'm Hungry! Look!...A bird! I'm an airplane now! WEEEeeee! I can fly!"

I think she may be one of the vaccinated he is talking about....

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 03:53 PM
I saw a video recently that claimed there are two clouds of plasma at 60 degrees from the moon that are each 9 times the size of earth, intelligent and possibly exerting control over events/life on our planet.

Considering that plasma (electrically charged subatomic particles) makes up circa 99% of the universe are these giant plasma clouds entirely unexpected?

a reply to: PrivateAngel

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

They are on the right track, more or less.

I have long believed that the human race is dominated by something from outside it, something that does not have our best interests at heart, something that feeds on our destruction and misery.

But the answer to the dilemma is found in the first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis. It is a spiritual phenomenon. And the problem, at this point, is that "the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." (John 3:19)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Dunno, but the chick with the brown hair in the front row is nodding every way possible! She's nodding up and down, side to side and even diagonally! Not sure if it's the crack and the meth fighting each other or what, but it's all going on inside her head at the same time!

"I'm Happy! I'm Sad! Look!...A Shiny object! Is that Peanut Butter on his shoe? My butt itches! I'm Happy! I'm Sad! I'm Hungry! Look!...A bird! I'm an airplane now! WEEEeeee! I can fly!"

I can't even tell whom you're talking about.

But had it been me there, you'd probably be making the same statement. I have mild Tourette's Syndrome. Just motor tics, mostly head and neck. None of the coprolalia for which it is famous, not much in the way of verbal tics, really not anything terribly disruptive. Been that way for over 50 years.

So I guess you'd make the same assumption about me.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Basically, yes, our world, at least for the movers and shakers of it, are being directed by the ETs whether by biological beings or AI with god-like abilities.

I've tried to tell ATS folks how that was done, but the details are too out of the world for most common minds. To any that want to learn, go to the name of Joe Firmage on the internet and follow his history and story. A Silicone Valley billionaire, he claims that a ET visited his bedroom one day and told him what he must do. He said many other economic leaders in the world have also been approached by the ETs and the gist of the meeting is that to save the world they must change what they were doing. Firmage claims none of these people will admit that they have been contacted, but they are going with the surge to change the very nature of our present day civilization because they have basically met our superiors. The New World Order is basically and generally the plan as being pushed by the international groups that ATS members love to hate. The climate change crap is the carrot that has been created to tempt the world governments to follow the plan...and we citizens must follow.

I've not mentioned recently, but there is a order in the cosmos, a Cosmic Law, that dictates what young upstarts like us must to to join the cosmic club. --It is as simple as that.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Dunno, but the chick with the brown hair in the front row is nodding every way possible! She's nodding up and down, side to side and even diagonally! Not sure if it's the crack and the meth fighting each other or what, but it's all going on inside her head at the same time!

"I'm Happy! I'm Sad! Look!...A Shiny object! Is that Peanut Butter on his shoe? My butt itches! I'm Happy! I'm Sad! I'm Hungry! Look!...A bird! I'm an airplane now! WEEEeeee! I can fly!"

I can't even tell whom you're talking about.

But had it been me there, you'd probably be making the same statement. I have mild Tourette's Syndrome. Just motor tics, mostly head and neck. None of the coprolalia for which it is famous, not much in the way of verbal tics, really not anything terribly disruptive. Been that way for over 50 years.

So I guess you'd make the same assumption about me.
Honestly, I didn't think the woman's movements were odd or out of place AT ALL? Seems perfectly normal to me.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 10:44 PM
Seems those who would/will be able to heal or greatly improve the planet, biodiversity, if actually anyone ever, should be the ones in charge of it.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Thank you for sharing this about yourself - I hope people will learn from your post.

To have a good sense of humor is always good, but people should make more fun of themselves first of all because that is a sign of a good self-awareness.

But please don't be sad because I don't think the intentions was meanness, he/she was just being humorous.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: PrivateAngel
Listen to this video.

They claim that another species leads ours.

Nobody is taking them to court, nobody dares to complain about them - and I ask myself why?

If all this they share is nonsense and lies then the companies would take them to court, wouldn't they? I know that if I had a company and somebody told lies about my products, then I would prove them wrong to clear my name.

But they do not do that, and I do find that strange!
It's not strange.

If someone tells lies about your product, you have to be able to show damages, then if the court agrees you've been damaged they can award you the damages. But if they can only find a handful of people who refused to take the vaccine because they didn't want to be injected with little aliens or whatever these guys are claiming, the damages would be less than $100 and you'd probably have to pay a lawyer ten times that much to bring the case to court. So why would you if you end up losing $900 in the court case after paying your attorney, even if you win $100 in damages.

I'll agree with one thing the speaker said, which is that what they are saying sounds like it's "loco" or crazy, and yes, that part is absolutely true. But even if the covid vaccines were injecting people with tiny little aliens, they don't control all humans as they are claiming because some people never got the jab. I never got the jab and I never got covid, but many other members of my family got the jab, and got covid. I haven't noticed my other family members acting like they are under alien control since they got the jab, lol.

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
It looks like she may be whispering back and forth to the people on either side of her. Her hair makes her simple bobbing look more dramatic than it is.
I couldn't tell for sure if she was talking to someone and if so who that was, but if she is talking to someone, I think her head movements are perfectly normal for someone engaging in conversation. If she wasn't talking to anybody, then they would be very odd in the absence of a conversation, but I'm guessing it is a conversation where the camera angle just doesn't give us a good view of who exactly she is talking to.

Well I want to see microscope images of these bugs they claim are really directing us.
They mention Dr Lier at the beginning who removed a number of alleged "alien implants" from some of his patients as a podiatrist. If their images are anywhere near as disappointing as Dr Lier's images, you won't be impressed. The implants didn't look like any kind of technology, they just looked like foreign objects that got under the skin somehow (not too hard to imagine how that can happen to your feet if you walk around barefoot). I've had a couple of foreign objects embedded in me that looked very much like Dr Lier's photos, and they were not alien implants, they were just pieces of stray debris that impaled me at one time or another, one was from an auto accident that I didn't even know was in me until it worked its way out about a decade later. It had nothing to do with aliens and I don't think what Dr Lier removed from his patients had anything to do with aliens either.

originally posted by: AwakeNotWoke
I can't even tell whom you're talking about.
I don't see how you could miss it, he's talking about the head of the woman directly underneath the second man speaking on the podium. The motions are in the first half of the video. I don't see them later so if the motion was due to a conversation, it ended at some point.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 12:14 AM
I want sad. My feelings were not hurt in any way. I just really couldn't whom he was talking about.

originally posted by: PrivateAngel
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Thank you for sharing this about yourself - I hope people will learn from your post.

To have a good sense of humor is always good, but people should make more fun of themselves first of all because that is a sign of a good self-awareness.

But please don't be sad because I don't think the intentions was meanness, he/she was just being humorous.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 12:21 AM
It might as well be run by aliens. Many of those in power are psychopaths. So either the aliens themselves are psychopaths, or human psychopaths just have a way of making it to the top.

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