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So is it Kamala Harris or brokered convention

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posted on Jul, 22 2024 @ 02:14 PM
Polls will be interesting as they come in.
Two new ones today has Trump up 5 and up 6 vs Harris.
Before this weekend the polls were actually tighter than that, but as has been pointed out theorectical polls when Harris was not the nominee are not reliable.

I do think the reason the Democrats are not all in on Harris is because they are waiting to see the reaction to her in the coming week(s).

It's not very democratic to be monitoring the polls to wait and see - it's making a mockery of the election cycle.

At this rate they will have floated a few names and not make a decision until election week

edit on 22/7/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

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