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The Security Failures Had to Be Intentional - Making it Easier for TRUMP to be SHOT on 7-13-2024.

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posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:14 PM
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Exactly one week ago today, 20 year old Matthew Crooks laid on a roof across the street from where former President Donald J. Trump was speaking, and shot him. The wound would have been a fatal head shot (like John F. Kennedy) were it not for GOD causing 2024 candidate Trump to turn his head to the right, when Crooks pulled the trigger.

That was the ONLY failure in the overall Trump assassination plot. EVERYTHING Crook did to prepare for that moment was executed without any interference from local, state, or Federal law enforcement.

Here are 9 security failures that enabled the would-be Trump assassin to prepare, scout, and take "the shot" when he was ready...on his own terms..

1. The rooftop that Crooks fired at Trump from was an obvious security risk.

2. Secret Service allowed local law enforcement to be placed inside the building instead of on the rooftop.

3. There was a lack of security of the building on the ground, allowing Crooks to access the rooftop.

4. Local law enforcement first spotted Crooks near a magnetometer with a range finder around 3 p.m. — about three hours before Trump spoke — but then was lost track of.

5. Despite local law enforcement officers reportedly spotting Crooks about an hour before Trump was to speak — hanging around outside the building, and then seen scoping the rooftop, returning with a backpack and pulling out a range finder — and reporting him to a command center, he was not stopped and questioned.

6. Secret Service reportedly spotted Crooks at 5:52 p.m. on the rooftop — about 20 minutes before Trump took the stage — but did not stop Trump from taking the stage.

7. Despite Crooks pulling out his weapon and getting into position to shoot Trump, Secret Service snipers did not do anything before he fired at Trump.

8. Trump took the stage at 6:02 p.m., but nothing was done to get him off the stage for 10 minutes, until Crooks was able to fire at him at 6:12 p.m..

9. There was no drone surveillance of the rally that could have alerted law enforcement to Crooks climbing to the rooftop sooner.
Each point is elaborated upon here:

Since yesterday, when the above article was published, it has been revealed that Matthew Crooks researched his shooting environment with an aerial DRONE, before the rally.

The gunman who shot former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally this past Saturday, flew a drone over the rally site a few hours before Trump took the stage.

The camera drone, made by DJI, allowed 20-year-old gunman Thomas Crooks, to get an overhead view that likely helped him plan aspects of his attack, the source said.

At some point, you have to look at this many "failures" as being FAILURES BY DESIGN. Not even TV or Movie law enforcement comedy teams make this many mistakes! (Naked Gun, Andy Griffin, etc..)

U.S. Senator JOSH HAWLEY(R-Mo.) was briefed by the Director of the Secret Service, visited the PA location where candidate Trump was shot, and examined how the FBI is conducting the investigation on their end. Hawley says none of the Federal Agencies are taking responsibility. He DOES NOT TRUST the Secret Service or the FBI to be honest and transparent with anyone, including Congress. Here is Senator Hawley on Friday July 19th 2024..
HOW do you "fix" things when selfish corruption, rot, immorality, and evil is present in so many Judges and top people in the Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation???


edit on 2072024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:32 PM

He professes to be the only person who can save America.
He professes that he alone is the only person who can drain the swamp.
He claims that he understands that the powers that be are out to get him.

He uses these gems of victimhood and herohood to curry favor with his followers who feel victimized and who seek a hero to set things straight.

If he knows that he is the MAIN TARGET of Deep State, why on God's green earth does he rely upon security
provided by THE DEEP STATE.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:35 PM

🚨 Secret Service Whistleblower EXPOSED The DARK Truth About Trump Assassination: 'Not REAL Agents!’

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:43 PM
If the reports of whistle blowers are correct that long list of "coincidences" are rapidly moving into the by the design school of thought.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

What if Trump had of been assassinated, who would have really benefited from a failed Secret Service? No one would blame Biden if his people decided having rallies are too dangerous, securing them another win from the basement.

The narrative is that Crooks was watching them both. A good reason to stop openly campaigning, but since Trump lived they know he wouldn’t stop, so now Biden is thinking about stepping down.

Just a coincidence I guess.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

If he knows that he is the MAIN TARGET of Deep State, why on God's green earth does he rely upon security provided by THE DEEP STATE.

You have a point since the man can dodge bullets.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

From Donald Trump's actions, one can envision that he has been shown his future, and is not worried. He can allow the "Deep State" to dig their holes deeper, thereby making more of them eligible for the new large-scale Federal Execution methods he (Trump) and his Attorney General (Barr) implemented after the Democrat's 2020 election steal was completed.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

A couple of these Secret Service fill-ins were carrying stun-guns, it looks like.


posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Excepting sheer chance, which you seem to dismiss out of hand (not saying I disagree), there seem to be only two sources for the apparent security FUBAR:

Either from inside the USSS.

Or, from inside Trump's own circle, advising the USSS and the locally enforcement assets drawn in to assist the USSS.

Given that the inquiries and investigations following what would have been a "successful" assassination, it is almost beyond the conceivable that this could have been an officially sanctioned effort.

Far too many moving parts, too many "loose lips", too many points of failure that would inexorably "blow-back on the Biden administration. Even if] Biden were to subsequently cite the "Presidential Immunity" he enjoys, thanks to the SCOTUS's recent ruling, revelation that such power was used to try to eliminate a Cleary political rival would end his re-election campaign, full-stop and with immediate effect.

And as I have stated elsewhere, I do not believe that the Secret Service has the authority to actually prohibit a "protectee" from engaging in actions that expose them to risk, absent the existence of an immediate, active threat (ie. Even though the SS may have known a possible shooter was in the area, and they may have informed the Trump campaign organizers of the risk, the SS could not actually have blocked Trump from appearing on stage if he wanted to do so).

I may be wrong on this point, but I do believe that the SS is always subservient to their charges, until, and unless, "the bullets start flying".
edit on 20-7-2024 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
If the reports of whistle blowers are correct that long list of "coincidences" are rapidly moving into the by the design school of thought.

When you look at the Secret Service "security bubble" map, you see the roof across the street where Crooks was placed, CARVED OUT of that security bubble!

Look: vice-director-says-roof-was-too-slopey-for-sniper-safety/

The Secret Service made the bubble look like one of the Pac-Man characters.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

President Joe Biden is not stepping down or backing down. He said earlier today that his campaigning will resume this coming week, because the 14 million who voted for him in the states primaries are counting on him to BEAT TRUMP!


Way to go Joe! 😁

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

As usual, you're stating your thoughts/beliefs eloquently and concisely. Thank-you.

We'll know quite a bit more about what the Secret Service knew, didn't know....did, didn't do, could/couldn't do, after the Director testifies to Congress, in closed session, on Monday July 22nd. (Assuming they share what she says)

These security failures remind me of what an Intel Official said after HAMAS attacked inside of Israel in October 2023.

Paraphrased: We knew HAMAS was planning this. "Either we screwed up so badly, our Intelligence agencies need to be rebuilt...or, someone knowingly allowed this atrocity to occur."

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

President Joe Biden is not stepping down or backing down. He said earlier today that his campaigning will resume this coming week, because the 14 million who voted for him in the states primaries are counting on him to BEAT TRUMP!


Way to go Joe! 😁

If Joe won't comply he just may get the Trump treatment. Dems play dirty and will settle for nothing less than waht they want, no matter what the cost.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:39 PM
I thought is was generally accepted that one major reason that she lost to Trump was that so many liberals expected her to win and did not bother to vote.

But that aside, one of the things that the D party is engaging in now is tossing stuff at the wall to find out what sticks the best. Over the next few weeks we can expect a plethora of combos tossed out to the media to find out how the liberals react to them. It's all a process of popularity.

In a sense it's like the convention nominating process has already begun. Whereas once the convention begins it will be each state nominating who ever they please, this is kind of a ''per-nominating'' process with media doing the nominating.

All of that of course is contingent upon Biden stepping away from the nomination, which I think he will..

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Spot on. Circus folk doing their thing, gullible others eating it all up and feeding their dysfunction.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: Mantiss2021

These security failures remind me of what an Intel Official said after HAMAS attacked inside of Israel in October 2023.

Paraphrased: We knew HAMAS was planning this. "Either we screwed up so badly, our Intelligence agencies need to be rebuilt...or, someone knowingly allowed this atrocity to occur."

And that leads us to the bigger questions;

Who allowed this, and even more significantly


And we should always remember, when operating at these levels, The "obvious" answers are often Misdirections.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 11:22 PM
Security failures do not need to be intentional, sometimes people don't have everything together but wrongly believe they do. The secret service should have contacted the locals when they saw that person with a gun on the roof, they did not want to shoot a cop, so should have been working more symbiotically.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

President Joe Biden is not stepping down or backing down. He said earlier today that his campaigning will resume this coming week, because the 14 million who voted for him in the states primaries are counting on him to BEAT TRUMP!


Way to go Joe! 😁

If Joe won't comply he just may get the Trump treatment. Dems play dirty and will settle for nothing less than waht they want, no matter what the cost.

Most High Messiah Barack Obama wants Biden to stay. Does he no longer command the Democrat deep state apparatus?

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

One thing Democrat strategists keep pointing out (and ignored by the media, DNC, Schumer, etc..), is that some STATES will not allow a replacement, unless Biden DIES, or is removed via the 25th Amendment (mentally unfit), or resigns the Presidency.

Biden allowing someone else to run for President in his place, is NOT LEGAL in certain states. It would take MONTHS to resolve the legal filings and counter-filings.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

President Joe Biden is not stepping down or backing down. He said earlier today that his campaigning will resume this coming week, because the 14 million who voted for him in the states primaries are counting on him to BEAT TRUMP!


Way to go Joe! 😁

If Joe won't comply he just may get the Trump treatment. Dems play dirty and will settle for nothing less than waht they want, no matter what the cost.

Most High Messiah Barack Obama wants Biden to stay. Does he no longer command the Democrat deep state apparatus?

Messiah is a non stater with these two. C'mon stop it, get real.

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