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Trump Shooter Had 3 Encrypted Foreign Accounts Linked to Ukraine and Iran

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posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Connector

Well the propaganda peddlers in full swing is quite something to see... 20 years ago his encrypted mail would heave been with Afganistan. It's pathetic and even more so those that gobble it up unreflected.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:20 AM
When i messed up as f*ck as a child and had to explain something to my parents then believe me, it was always the fault of god and the world but never my fault. I was only ever there by chance and was actually the only good guy in the story, everyone else but me was the bad culprit. Of course it didn´t work, my parents weren't stupid. But that didn't stop me from trying this nonsense over and over again until I was about 7, 8, years old and learned that it is better to admit when you have messed up because the consequences of painting everybody else as the bag guys are worse than simply admitting to the self-made crap.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Merely for argument sake.

My take - at present - is that its more likely some disenfranchised, loner, weirdo who through sheer bloody Security Service incompetence was able to live out some deranged fantasy for whatever purpose.

Well, that's the question isn't it. Was he able, or more to the point allowed to live out some deranged fantasy? The cascade of failures that day would seem to lead to that conclusion currently. What's more, what does a loner need with more than say one cellular device?

How could these 'foreign agencies' have found this kid from such a nondescript, average background and train, manipulate/coerce him into carrying out this attack?
It strikes me as being slightly too convenient for those seeking to push their own agenda's.

Is him searching and finding them out of the question or probability?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:46 AM
I've learned he actually was considered quite intelligent. He had graduated with his AA from community college and was pursuing a path in engineering.

Crooks' name was included on a list of awardees as part of Bethel Park High School's Awards and Recognition Program in 2022, according to a local news report. He was listed as receiving a $500 National Math & Science Initiative Star Award.

"From background I've gotten from people that I know that have gone to school with him, he was your typical average kid — more on the quiet side, relatively intelligent," Allegheny County Councilor Dan Grzybek told WESA, Pittsburgh's NPR news station. Gryzbek represents the district that includes Bethel Park.


A person who encountered Crooks at CCAC but who wasn't authorized to speak publicly told NPR that Crooks was known as a brilliant student with a solid future ahead of him. This individual said Crooks was seen on campus and always dressed nicely. There were plans for Crooks to attend a four-year institution in the state after graduating CCAC, this person said.

Still very much a loner but more intelligent than presupposed. With the internet, you can do just about anything these days. Nowhere have I read he was a whiz at code or programming etc. But once again, the FBI stuns me. They can't or couldn't get into his phone and they can't seem to crack his encrypted accounts. And they've had his stuff since Saturday.

edit on th31202400000031bFri, 19 Jul 2024 04:38:43 -05002024000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:20 AM

may have ties to Ukraine or Iran

That's not what the TV news is reporting.
They are saying just that he had three encrypted accounts.
Nothing was said about any evidence connecting them to Ukraine or Iran.
It looks like the writer of the story is getting ahead of himself.
It may turn out that way ... but right now nothing indicates that.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

It's almost like they're assuming who the boogeyman is. Interesting how they put 'information' out there. But this case is interesting to say the least. I wonder if we'll ever know everything.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 05:09 AM
Sounds like BS to me. The claim is a 'possibly may be linked to...' rather than any evidence and anything can 'possibly may be' the reason behind it.

If it's encrypted then they can't tell what the info is yet or when it originated from and Iran banned all VPN, internet and encryption a few years back when the regime were nearly toppled.

There is a one in a billion or so chance it could be true but why would either country hire someone who clearly has severe mental health issues, no experience, has no concept of stealth to carry out such an attack?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

I am not surprised, every one who has been raised under and during the O'buma Regime, have been indoctrinated to believe our enemies don't mean any harm. Let's send them pallets of money...

Sooner or later, those same people who are ignorant about life, will find out, probably the hard way like that kid did.

Because that's what he was, a child who's brain was filled with anti American propaganda. Who radicalized him, I for one don't believe in self radicalization. He was Indoctrinated by some group inside our society.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:17 AM
I can't believe the Ukrainian angle because Zelenski TAKES your money he don't give it out.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Honestly the really flat features of his face remind me of FASD [fetal alcohol syndrome.] Not blaming or accusing the mom that could just be the way he looks, he could be adopted etc.

His parents are reported to be both councillors, and with the reports that he continued to wear a mask long after it was done away with makes me think he had some sort of disability as the only ones that did that in my area were people with learning disabilities IMHO .

My friend who has autistic children is also a phycologist and knows his stuff and his son is savvy in computers but cannot make a sandwich for himself , But exactly the type the NSA & GCHQ target online on kids gaming chat rooms , A few friends have said their kids were targeted in these chat rooms over the years by extremists.

In the other thread that was closed I never got a chance to reply about how he got a ladder to the site and the mode of transport? .

I have seen guys cycling with full size double extension ladders no problem that one I the picture is really small and light and fitted on the handle bars easily , but the 3 different types of transport they are pushing and how the story is changing by the hour sure look like a FF to me

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

may have ties to Ukraine or Iran

That's not what the TV news is reporting.
They are saying just that he had three encrypted accounts.
Nothing was said about any evidence connecting them to Ukraine or Iran.
It looks like the writer of the story is getting ahead of himself.
It may turn out that way ... but right now nothing indicates that.

I had a encrypted foreign account FF , Discord
when ats went down I signed up as did many here and have explosive materials in my kitchen ( sugar) .

Thankfully my cell died or I would be in the cross hairs if I got in trouble

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong

So what does this mean?
Who has this 20 yr. old loser actually been communicating with?

Any ideas, ATS?


Just like every other catastrophe this country has endured since JFK to 9/11. There is ample evidence to show direct involvement from our greatest allie(worst nightmare).

The fact Iran is even being mentioned is all I need to know...

Research the Talmud.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Wow see i stretch to reach 5'1" so the idea of bicycling with a ladder is nuts to me but I could see if it was a really small ladder. They have every different story under the sun going on right now this whole thing stinks. I'm sure they'll wrap it up with a nice little bow in their final report once they figure out what they're trying to do. Hehehehe!

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

What "ample evidence" might that be?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980

Oh FFS ... you crapping on Israel and Jews again. Pffft.
Unending irrational Jew hate spewing from you. Typical.
NO, there is ZERO evidence that the shooter had any ties to Israel.
(and Israel hates Biden but loves Trump)
There is also ZERO evidence that the shooter had any ties to Iran.
All the known information says is that there are three overseas accounts.
NOTHING is known about them.


edit on 7/19/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Wow see i stretch to reach 5'1" so the idea of bicycling with a ladder is nuts to me but I could see if it was a really small ladder. They have every different story under the sun going on right now this whole thing stinks. I'm sure they'll wrap it up with a nice little bow in their final report once they figure out what they're trying to do. Hehehehe!

I always get the job of putting up the Xmas decorations Shashanna I was 5'11 when I was 13 and stopped at 6'3 and these days I am passing teenagers and feel like a midget , I passed 2 young boys the other day while walking the mutt and actually said to one what's the weather like up there , The kid was easily 6'8 and still had years of growth ahead .

This kids parents really need prosecuted for allowing a bullied teenager a weapon and access to it given his history he should have had more safeguards in place and only allowed it when his father was with him or at the shooting range .

In this country if you have firearms the cops can visit ANYTIME to check on them and usually do even if your gun cabinet is unlocked or ammo about it is a instant gun removal and loss of licence that used to be hammered into me from a very early age .

edit on 19/7/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Senator Marco Rubio says the Secret Service is hiding things...

No Sh1t Sherlock! They're a secret service, that's what they do! FFS. Of course they're hiding things! They'd be a pretty piss poor secret service if they weren't.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Get ready for a forever war with Iran.

I can almost smell it.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 09:25 AM
Hey guys I just wanted to share this video because she makes some important points. Also shows the media supposed photo of the ladder leaning against the building which msm is now saying he bought a 5 foot ladder at home depot but in the photo you can clearly see the number of steps on the ladder matches a 10ft ladder not a 5ft ladder so are they just misspeaking and it is a 5ft ladder that extends to 10ft or what is going on with this?

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Get ready for a forever war with Iran.

I can almost smell it.

Does it smell like refined oil? 😊

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