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Let's Talk About a Possible Shooter on the Water Tower

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posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: inflaymes69
They even has the water tower blocker or blurred out in some earlier videos on the news... hmmmm....

a reply to: CarlLaFong

Must be classified!! 💥

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:59 AM
Gotta see this.
Congressman actually mentions the "water tower" and what he is hearing... (go to :30 in the video):

Rep. Cory Mills, a Former Sniper, Freaks Out CNN Fake News Over Assassination Atempt: 'Intentional'


posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: tarantulabite1
start about the 1:30 mark

Yeah, Ididn't know Biden and Kamala were both in Pennsylvania, drawing resources not only from the Secret Service but from Pennsylvania State Police too.

to put sniper in the building instead of the rooftop where Crooks easily crawled up sounds as the young kids say suss AF

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Dunno bout nothin but...CCW permit holder, daily- 40+ yrs...

That was a successful head shot at a great distance. A kill shot...struck the head, serrated his ear...

That's really good at a distance....for anyone to make, let a 20 yr old..."nobody".

I'm starting to think a "setup"... by Trumps team...get a loner, let him fire unhindered, just shoot him already- but "missed head-center mass"...neutralize the shooter from talking....

And the real shooter was prob gov...who quietly slipped down the water tower as everyone huddled over "the shooter".

Damn plausible to me...

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:25 AM
I'm of the mind to think if there were multiple shooters then Trump would definitely be dead.

That or we just witnessed some of the worst shooting in history.

These distances make it almost impossible for someone with even the slightest bit of shooting experience to miss...

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Dunno bout nothin but...CCW permit holder, daily- 40+ yrs...

That was a successful head shot at a great distance. A kill shot...struck the head, serrated his ear...

That's really good at a distance....for anyone to make, let a 20 yr old..."nobody".

I'm starting to think a "setup"... by Trumps team...get a loner, let him fire unhindered, just shoot him already- but "missed head-center mass"...neutralize the shooter from talking....

And the real shooter was prob gov...who quietly slipped down the water tower as everyone huddled over "the shooter".

Damn plausible to me...

Yeah you will have to explain that better MS, are suggesting Trump's team inserted Crooks into the location so he could take potshots at Trump ?

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Asserting nothing yet my friend.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Dunno bout nothin but...CCW permit holder, daily- 40+ yrs...

That was a successful head shot at a great distance. A kill shot...struck the head, serrated his ear...

That's really good at a distance....for anyone to make, let a 20 yr old..."nobody".

I'm starting to think a "setup"... by Trumps team...get a loner, let him fire unhindered, just shoot him already- but "missed head-center mass"...neutralize the shooter from talking....

And the real shooter was prob gov...who quietly slipped down the water tower as everyone huddled over "the shooter".

Damn plausible to me...

Yeah you will have to explain that better MS, are suggesting Trump's team inserted Crooks into the location so he could take potshots at Trump ?

Yeah, Trump told the kid, "I'm gonna be talkn' see, and when I turn my head you graze my ear ok?"

That's how far gone these clowns are.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 05:39 PM
I saw this picture on X where the FBI cleaned the roof fast after the assassination attempt , is it normal to do something like that just a day after or the same day don't know how much time between?

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:51 PM
My question isn't so much about how many shooters but how this nutters got on the building at all. If the sniper team is inside like they said how do they not hear this nut crawling across the roof? BS, do you know how much noise he'd make?

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 01:07 AM
forgot about this thread, i post this in the new one, thought i'd post it here.

shooter on the water tower makes no sense for a couple reasons,

one, with all the people that took video of crooks on the roof and that saw him how did they miss someone on the water tower. and then them not be posting them before a scrubbing of the web could even happen?

two, the angle from the walkway of the tower is much higher, and futher back to the left / right of trump than the one from the the roof. the shot at trump would have come more of a downward angle and if aim at his head the shot at least in my mind would have hit him square in the jaw, side of the head or missed all together if he turned his head that way.

three with all the cops and people watching where crooks was killed after the the fact, how did a shooter up on the tower avoid being seen. did he wait a day or five, is he still up here hiding.

it just makes no sense. to many people looking that way to see what was going on and to many cops converged on the ground for someone not to see a shooter climbing down from the tower.

here is a view of the tower from the American Glass Research parking lot in front of the building crooks was on.

and if you open google street view and turn around to the right you can see Butler Farm Show grounds and turn 180 degrees around can see the front of the building crooks was on. you have to trun right at the red light, go a little ways down and you'll see the parking lot drive way there re two for the same lot, go all the way down to the end and you'll see both.

American Glass Parking lot View Of Water Tower

shooter on the water tower makes no sense for a couple reasons,

one, with all the people that took video of crooks on the roof and that saw him how did they miss someone on the water tower. and then them not be posting them before a scrubbing of the web could even happen?

two, the angle from the walkway of the tower is much higher, and further back to the left / right of trump than the one from the the roof. the shot at trump would have come more of a downward angle and if aiming at his head the shot at least in my mind would have hit him square in the jaw, side of the head or missed all together if he turned his head that way.

three with all the cops and people watching where crooks was killed after the the fact, how did a shooter up on the tower avoid being seen. did he wait a day or five, is he still up here hiding.

it just makes no sense. to many people looking that way to see what was going on and to many cops converged on the ground for someone not to see a shooter climbing down from the tower.

here is a view of the tower from the American Glass Research parking lot in front of the building crooks was on.

and if you open google street view and turn around to the right you can see Butler Farm Show grounds and turn 180 degrees around can see the front of the building crooks was on. you have to trun right at the red light, you'll see the parking lot drive way there re two for the same lot, go all the way down to the end.

American Glass Parking lot View Of Water Tower

also remember there were cops there that supposedly tried to see crooks and one even climbed up and jumped back down after crooks started shooting. don't you think that he or the others would have heard a shot or shots coming from the tower.

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 01:46 AM

One thing that is not adding up is the location of the shooters body. To get a view of Trump from where he was he would of needed to get to get his rifle over the top ridge of the roof. Where he was shot was getting close, but not there yet. He should be dead with his arms and head over the top ridge of the building and gun in his hands as he had to angle down to shoot from his elevation.

Instead he is found dead a few feet from getting over the top of the building. He did not have enough time to move back that far with the gun fire that went on. Especially if the sniper on the barn behind Trump did get him. There are some questions about that too, I don't know.

Could there of been another sniper on the water tower to make sure the shooter got shot in a place to set the narrative? It is one to watch out for. The sniper on the barn has the glory, but could he and did he make the lethal shot? From one more graphic image of the shooters face when dead, he got hit on the left side of his head, the side that is exposed to the water tower.

edit on 18-7-2024 by kwaka because: add set the narrative

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: tarantulabite1
start about the 1:30 mark

Ok after watching this, here’s my take… I’ll just take it at the ‘lone gunman’ theory. The Crooks-mix-person, thought it would get away with killing Trump. Than planned the same with Biden to be blamed on nutter Republican revenge shooting. Having said that, I think there’s more to it than just himself.

edit on 18-7-2024 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-7-2024 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 04:56 PM
More to gain when he was up majorly in the polls?


No one winning does that. Why risk it when you got it sewed up but for Dominion vote counting?

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: putnam6

with the failures noted thus far, to ignore the tower, and be sure not to bother with it until the second shooter made it down safely and back to his office at Quantico, would make more sense than not.

Why Quantico?

Trump had/has more to gain by staging an (unsuccessful, naturally) attempt on his life, than Biden has on a successful assassination of his political rival.

If Trump does not win the election, he will most certainly be sent to prison on whatever charges that can be made to stick. Given his age, even a relatively brief prison sentence could turn into a "life sentence". In a sense, Trump is running for his life.

So, if this was an "inside job", it is just as likely, if not more so, that the "inside" was from inside the Trump campaign committee.

Without Trump's knowledge, of course.

edit on 18000000293120247America/Chicago07pm7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 05:08 PM
They fell apart and they have to start all over. That is the case for all of the criminal charges. They can start over, but we knew it was horse crap out of the gate and it don't get any better than initial surge. The FBI doctored the finds on top of him being within his rights to take those papers.

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: putnam6

The cases are not "falling apart", they are delayed and being reviewed. If Trump loses his bid in the election, it will seriously impact the clout judges he has appointed, and who have aided in causing the delays, will be able to exert to help his appeals. It us quite possible that some, or all , of those judges might be impeached and removed from their benches.

The race is still too close to call, and was prior to the attempt last Saturday. Remember, Trump, and many of his supporters believed that he was ahead both the polls and the election back in 2020. And yet, Biden has been serving as President for the last for years. A staged "narrow escape from assassination" would (and has) go a long way towards roping in impressionableswing voters in all states.

It's basic (political) theater.

Or as Trump likes to say, it brings in the "ratings".

The plan, "plan", if it existed, did not include Trump actually being injured: he would never had agreed to that, had he been informed. Just shots being fired, perhaps even blank rounds being used (we'll never know for certain).

But something went terribly wrong, people were injured, one killed.

I must say, given the tenor of today's divisive society, and the stakes at hand, as I suggested, in my most cynical outlook it us not beyond imagination to suggest that the murder of an innocent bystander might have been part of the scenario; as a way to "sell" the drama.

We are but pawns to the Powers That Be, after all.


edit on 18000000493120247America/Chicago07pm7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: NorthOS
a reply to: putnam6

That picture, along with the angle that Trump’s head was at when he grabbed his ear, with the graze angle should tell us exactly which direction that shot came from.

No way that one we can all see on that pic could get to his ear as it is too low. We can see the line is parallel to his shoulder and too low to get that ear. I do think that was one that hit someone else. My money is on the three letter agencies sticking with lying as a habit. Whatever they say will likely only be partially true so as to keep kicking the confuse can down the road. They are still arguing over what lie to tell us why they didn't put a team on that location since it had a commanding view of the podium at short range. They cannot walk that part back no matter how hard they try.

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: putnam6
Thats 830 feet away, They would have to be up high to get a good vantage point, and IF the picture from the earshot is legit that shot had a level trajectory

Not to mention they had big cajones to climb up there with the police staging building so close by.

Just discussing this and fleshing it out,but it all smells rotten to me. Hard to believe the ineptness levels obvious here, the building and water tower should have been covered

Hitting a deer at three hundred yards is not bad, but hitting it in the head is pretty hard. Good thing deer do not have bullet proof vests on.....also good that deer don't have guns, because most people out hunting are not good shots.

Right plus the hunter has a bigger target, the front of that deer in a certain location is the heart. They hit that the 1st shot the meat is better.

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Dunno bout nothin but...CCW permit holder, daily- 40+ yrs...

That was a successful head shot at a great distance. A kill shot...struck the head, serrated his ear...

That's really good at a distance....for anyone to make, let a 20 yr old..."nobody".

I'm starting to think a "setup"... by Trumps team...get a loner, let him fire unhindered, just shoot him already- but "missed head-center mass"...neutralize the shooter from talking....

And the real shooter was prob gov...who quietly slipped down the water tower as everyone huddled over "the shooter".

Damn plausible to me...
Keep saying it won't make it real. There are 0 reasons to shoot yourself in the ear from a distance, unless you want to die and be a martyr if they miss the ear and hit you. No way Hoh zay is that happening in a million years. Not believe that ever. I AM A FENCE SITTER and I jumped down for this because the setup by the d's is so obvious a child can figure it out. You have to be a super low IQ to think this was a smart move to do that to yourself ever.

UNLESS, you don't mind being a martyr. I don't trust a knife throwing expert and I sure wouldn't trust a 20 year old ill trained child to be able to hit an area about the size of a potato chip either from that distance. Point blank range? Then you might have something.

edit on 18000000333120247America/Chicago07pm7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

The whole things reminds me of the Batman tv series...just as contrived, convoluted.

A really bad and obvious script we're all suspecting. Lone gun, water towers, ladders, crack shot.

False flag, setup, lucky event( for Donny not the shooter).....and its all getting obvious......

Nefarious days my brother....

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 09:58 PM
It would be fairly easy to check the bullets to see if they came from the same gun. I am sure if there was a sharpshooter on the tower, that person would be using a different type of gun than the shooter had...they can usually tell if two bullets came from the same gun or different guns....if they actually have bullets they can use and the people doing the testing are honest..

Guns have gotten more precise over the years, so sometimes they can not get a clear identity if the guns are the same kind of gun...but I doubt it the kind of gun the shooter was using would not be the same as the other shooter if he really existed.

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