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RNC Convention Begins 7.15.2024 in Milwaukee - Nominee Trump Was Just Shot but is Not Deterred.

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posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything1
a reply to: marg6043

Agree, he looked very subdued and serious. Almost being sniped will do that to a person.

Melania probably cried and begged Donald to do what Democrats are pressing Joe Biden to do. Drop out of the race.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 03:23 PM

RNC Convention MASTER CALENDAR for the Week.


posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:32 PM
Day 2 of the convention, yay!

I am told by anonymous, but completely reliable sources, that it will be totally different today. I am told by the people who have advance knowledge of the situation that there are plans to bus in some non-white people in today, now that Trump is done speaking.

The goal is to seed them inside the convention goers today and make it look like the crowd comes from all walks of life and all different backgrounds.

But anyway, yesterday was a great success... here is an image from last night:

Disappointing to see only one guy wearing a MAGA hat, but the rest of the crowd was working on their tans, aided by field lighting.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

It very obvious that you didn’t watch any of the RNC coverage.
I only watched the first couple boring hours and there were plenty of non whites speaking.
The republicans aren’t the ones pushing racist DEI policies.
The Republican candidates for president were more diverse than the democrats.
Republicans stand for the meritocracy, regardless of skin color or gender.

edit on 16-7-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani
Day 2 of the convention, yay!

I am told by anonymous, but completely reliable sources, that it will be totally different today. I am told by the people who have advance knowledge of the situation that there are plans to bus in some non-white people in today, now that Trump is done speaking.

The goal is to seed them inside the convention goers today and make it look like the crowd comes from all walks of life and all different backgrounds.

But anyway, yesterday was a great success... here is an image from last night:

Disappointing to see only one guy wearing a MAGA hat, but the rest of the crowd was working on their tans, aided by field lighting.

Always with the divisiveness?
Maybe you should worry about what the Dems and mashed potato brain Biden is going to do to beat Trump?
It’s pretty much a lost election for you guys at this point.

Anyways….plenty of non white people love Trump, way more than you would expect but they don’t want to say it out loud for fear of backlash from the Liberals.

I have more than a handful of non white friends, they all love Trump.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Mahogani
Day 2 of the convention, yay!

I am told by anonymous, but completely reliable sources, that it will be totally different today. I am told by the people who have advance knowledge of the situation that there are plans to bus in some non-white people in today, now that Trump is done speaking.

The goal is to seed them inside the convention goers today and make it look like the crowd comes from all walks of life and all different backgrounds.

But anyway, yesterday was a great success... here is an image from last night:

Disappointing to see only one guy wearing a MAGA hat, but the rest of the crowd was working on their tans, aided by field lighting.

Maybe you should worry about what the Dems and mashed potato brain Biden is going to do to beat Trump?

I AM worried about both of their mashed potato brains. I am an independent, as I have stated here over the 20 years many, many, many, many times.

I am worried about Biden's age and confusion, and I am also worried about Trump's age and confusion. And I am also worried about Trump's autocratic tendencies and promises.

But this was just a joke, and I'm pretty sure there is not a single sentence in my post that can be taken seriously. It's just a joke, lighten up.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 06:47 PM
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 RNC DAY #2

RNC Convention Schedule for This Evening...

The theme is a nod to what the Trump campaign calls the Biden administration's "soft-on-crime" policies that it says have created "dystopian nightmares" out of American cities and communities, which Trump plans to correct.

The first official session of the day gets underway at 5 p.m. CT, or 6 p.m. ET. For a detailed schedule of events, see the RNC's master calendar on their website.

Who's speaking?
A slew of GOP Senate candidates are set to take the stage, including Kari Lake, who's seeking an Arizona seat. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, who's also running for Senate, is on the schedule as well, as is Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And top members of House Republican leadership, including Speaker Mike Johnson, are set to address the convention.

Some of Trump's former rivals in the primary — Vivek Ramaswamy, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley — are likewise expected to address the crowd. And Sen. Marco Rubio, who was a top contender for Trump's vice presidential pick, will also speak.

Convention-goers will hear from the first Trump family member Tuesday night, RNC co-chair Lara Trump, who is married to his son Eric Trump.
Continued at:

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:07 PM

President Biden is being made the party nominee in a manner that demonstrates HOW Democrats operate. Here is ONE WAY the party cheats. This CHEAT is to screw over Democrats who are not 100% behind mentally ill Joe Biden being the 2024 nominee.

The Democratic National Committee is quietly steaming ahead with plans to technically nominate President Biden weeks before the party's convention next month, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: It's the latest effort by Biden's team to stamp out the Democratic rebellion that's been pushing for the president to step aside since his bad performance in the June 27 debate.

Once Biden receives votes from a majority of the nearly 4,000 delegates, it will become exceedingly difficult to remove him from atop the Democratic presidential ticket.

The DNC's current plan is to train state party chairs next week on how to conduct the electronic voting in a secure way.

The window for voting is likely to open on July 29 and conclude by Aug. 5, according to people familiar with the matter.

If the working plan for a "virtual roll call" holds, Biden just has to outlast his party's critics for about two more weeks.
For the 81-year-old Biden, time finally may be on his side.
Continued at:

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

With Biden facing massive resistance from internal forces and external forces, the only was he can win is to .....

wait for it .....

use Dictatorial Tactics and Methods.

Watch for it before our very eyes. 😬

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: Mahogani

It very obvious that you didn’t watch any of the RNC coverage.
I only watched the first couple boring hours and there were plenty of non whites speaking.

Tuesday night (Night #2 of 4) was pretty interesting. It was a pleasant surprise seeing ABC/CBS covering it during the 9pm to 10:30pm (Central) time frame.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: WeMustCare

With Biden facing massive resistance from internal forces and external forces, the only was he can win is to .....

wait for it .....

use Dictatorial Tactics and Methods.

Watch for it before our very eyes. 😬

Media people who are not afraid of the Biden family, say it's HUNTER and JILL controlling Joe Biden's schedule and interviews. They are also giving him advice on how to circumvent and neutralize Democrats who want him to quit the race and turn it over to Kamala.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Interesting is a good word I guess. An argument between McCarthy and Gaetz, in which McCarthy brought up Gaetz having sex with a 17 year old and Gaetz slinking off after a crowd member called him an a***hole. A weird rap song by that guy tatted with a Trump face and dead silence from the crowd after the performance.

Reality TV star Savannah Crisley who ranted and raved about her very "Christian" parents being targeted by Fulton county for their tax fraud and convinction, except it was a federal crime brought forth during Trump’s administration and his DOJ.

You did get Nikki (according to Trump "bridbrain") Haley to endorse Trump amid some boos and now her base angry at her.

And WV Governor Jim Justice warning
" we will all become unhinged if Trump is not elected in November". Yep, we saw that happen before. Vance should be prepared I guess.

Fun times!
edit on 17-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: WeMustCare

You did get Nikki (according to Trump "bridbrain") Haley to endorse Trump amid some boos and now her base angry at her.

Fun times!

That's ok Democrats never liked Trump to begin with.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fun for Republicans. Tonight featured Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance's influential attorney wife, introducing her husband. J.D. satisfied a lot of curiosities, and his words were well received. Lots of nods of the head by Donald Trump.


posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 07:25 PM
Prior/Next President Trump's oldest grandchild delivers a tribute to grandpa.

Sixteen year-old Kai Trump emotionally declares (after all the attacks).. "He's Still Standing"!

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:35 PM
Hulk Hogan is speaking at the RNC now, always entertaining. 😆
When I say speaking, I use that word very loosely, brother 💪

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Yes he is hilarious, I love what he said at the end about going after all the criminals, cartels, drug dealers and crocked politicians.

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

Hulk Hogan is speaking at the RNC now, always entertaining. 😆
When I say speaking, I use that word very loosely, brother 💪

I didn't see ABC and CBS covering the convention tonight, but NBC is. They are upset that all the "brawlers" are speaking tonight. Hulk Hogan finished by saying what I've said in recent years...nothing can stop millions of us from coming after the top level crooks. (In other words, getting rid of President Trump will be the spark that ignites carnage on a massive scale.)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Very true.
I only watched a bit, but I saw Alina Habba, Tucker and the Hulkster.
What other brawlers spoke tonight?

“Let Trumpamania run wild brother” 😆
edit on 18-7-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: WeMustCare

Very true.
I only watched a bit, but I saw Alina Habba, Tucker and the Hulkster.
What other brawlers spoke tonight?

“Let Trumpamania run wild brother” 😆

In addition to those you named, The NBC crew, led by Lester Holt, were upset over someone named DANA WHITE.

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