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Trump Just Challenged Biden to an 18 Hole Golf Contest this week

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posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: RazorV66

So will Trump debate Harris, if she takes over for Joe, or not?

Why wouldn’t he debate her?

IDK, maybe the same reason he didn't debate any of the Republican candidates during the primary?

And what was that reason?

He was 99% locked in to be the nominee at the time.

Is this all you have?
I guess worrying about the what Trump did or didn’t do in the past is all you guys have because you certainly don’t have a candidate that can debate him on the Democrat’s garbage policies, let alone beat him.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 10:40 PM
Oh, this thread is just too fun to pass on!! So, two things...

1.) I can just see Biden on the 1st tee. Walks up all presidential like, bends over to put the tee and ball in the ground...stumbles forward and falls down. Gets up, walks the wrong way, over to the ball washer, bends down, and starts lifting it up and down, verrrry slowly, as if he's fascinated by such an invention. Jill runs over and hits him with the presidential taser gun, Biden shoots upright, craps his pants (twice), staggers sideways a couple steps and catches his balance. Then he waves in the opposite direction of the cameras and gallery, points his finger towards the sky like he's going to make some great proclamation, and starts to keel over...when CNN, MSNBC and NPR all immediately cut the live feed.

Camera feed cuts to Biden strapped to a back board, eyes propped open with toothpicks and mouth taped open for a smile accepting the trophy for beating Trump, to a crowd going crazy!

2.) I forgot what item #2 even was now! Item #1 is just too hilarious to even go on!!

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Is this all you have?

Sigh. Lighten up.

I expressed surprise that Trump wanted to debate Biden again. Poster Xtrozero said that Trump lives for debates. I asked, if that's the case why didn't he attend any of the Republic primary debates. Xtrozero said Trump doesn't need to stoop that low, so I asked if he thought Trump would stoop that low to debate Kamala, when she takes over for Joe. (Paraphrased)

That's when you interjected. I have no idea why.

edit on 4320242024k04America/Chicago2024-07-10T23:04:43-05:0011pm2024-07-10T23:04:43-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

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