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Expecting People to Be On Time is White Supremacy Culture - Duke Medical School

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+17 more 
posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:14 PM
According to the morons at Duke Medical School .... expecting people to be on time for things and to be where they are supposed to be at a given time is 'white supremacy culture'. So is expecting them to be properly dressed. So is expecting them to speak coherently. etc etc. Apparently expecting 'people of color' to be on time is white supremacy.

If I make a doctors appointment for 1pm, I expect the doctor to be there at 1pm and I'm sure that doctor expects me to be there at 1pm as well. If we both don't bother to show up until we feel like it, then everyones time is wasted and things don't get done.

The STUPIDITY OF WOKE that is reigning is mind boggling ...

Expecting People To Be On Time is White Supremacy Culture - Duke Medical School

Duke Medical School claims it is “white supremacy culture” to expect people of color to be on time in a strategic plan for creating an “anti-racist workforce.”

The medical school said its goal is to “catalyze anti-racist practice through education” in a 2021 plan titled “Dismantling Racism and Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Medicine.” The guide — praised by the school’s dean — called out what it deemed “white supremacy culture,” with its purported nitpicking about being on time, dress code, speech and work style. It also contains a series of negative terminology vis-à-vis white culture.

“In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness,” the document said. “Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You can literally go to google and type in "Is (blank) racist" and anything you fill the blank space will be considered racist.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Only white supremacists would object to not keeping appointments or promises.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

BTW...Karine Jean-Luc Picard (KJP) is currently ONE HOUR late for her scheduled Press conference today.
edit on CpmTue, 09 Jul 2024 12:56:58 -0500Tuesday 1pmJuly20247 by CarlLaFong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

This Was The Moment This Black Woman Discovered Biden Doesn't like Black People - Video

The black girl was pulled from the back row and placed up front where cameras could see her. She was nothing more than a political stunt for Biden to gain appeal with black voters, and he ignored her.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Hopefully those same morons at Duke University will not be upset when the ambulance is late arriving to help their loved one who just had a heart attack...

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:38 PM
Yea, God forbid anything has to go according to a schedule. Not as if the world likes waiting on stupid people to get their crap together on an agreed upon time. I am a fairly lazy person, but being on time (if not slightly early) is part and parcel of being an adult! It's not racist to be on time, it's juvenile to be late for appointments, interviews and your daily job! Same people pushing this get mad when they are made to wait.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Doin bumps with Hunter to prep..all good.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:49 PM
Also, so it is not racist to say that black people are late all the time? or do not dress well? or do not communicate well?

That is what Duke is saying..and it just sails over the heads of those who want the change.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:50 PM
“Some identifiable characteristics of this culture (White Supremacy) includes perfectionism...."

I don't know about you, but I prefer doctors that are perfectionists. In fact, I prefer all professionals-and people in general-to be perfectionists., right down to my vetrenarian, bank teller, store cashier, waitress, etc.

We must stamp out perfectionism so the dumbest among us can rise to the top and become leaders. Oh, wait! We already accomplished that in 2020!

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:04 PM

BTW...Karine Jean-Luc Picard (KJP) is currently ONE HOUR late for her scheduled Press conference today.

She's just protesting white supremacy.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Yes, please be patient with black people. Theyxdont knkw how to be on time, talk, dress, or even know what a computer is. In fact, the one thing they DO know how to do is vote democrat. So, if you see a dark skinned conservative it's okay to go ahead and hold them to those reasonable standards because they're not actually black anyway.
Question for all you black people on here. Does this subversive racism bother you? If so, has it always? If not, why or why not now? Pardon my english, and please take your time since youve probably never seen a computer before.

edit on 9-7-2024 by Boogerpicker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:47 PM
Better to be a slacker than a punctual white cracker?

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:48 PM
So are we going to have gene testing now to prove what percentage someone is black or what percentage they are white and then issue statements if you are 30% this race, you can be up to 30 minutes late?

I will be upset if I go to a dentist appointment and have to wait an extra 30 minutes when I have an appointment.

What I mean is everyone should treat everyone else as they want to be treated regardless of skin color. Treating others based on skin color or implying if you have a particular skin color that you are often late, often sloppy in appearance etc, is racist.
edit on 9-7-2024 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:09 PM
Duke is the university right?

By this logic, tuition can be paid some time. No need to pay it now, just sometime. Students can show up at any time along with the instructors showing up at any time. It will just be pure luck if a couple of the same class students and the instructor show up to the correct location together.

Does anyone actually have to attend classes as time and space are related so if time doesn't matter then space doesn't ether.

Everyone now gets a deploma from Duke University as it is no longer required to attend or even register to get one. But wait, dose't this make deplomas useless? Useless deplomas therefore useless school.

I think I have just proven the nonnexistance of that university.

For my next trick, I will explain away the existence of the entire universe.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: Boogerpicker
a reply to: FlyersFan

Yes, please be patient with black people. Theyxdont knkw how to be on time, talk, dress, or even know what a computer is. In fact, the one thing they DO know how to do is vote democrat. So, if you see a dark skinned conservative it's okay to go ahead and hold them to those reasonable standards because they're not actually black anyway.
Question for all you black people on here. Does this subversive racism bother you? If so, has it always? If not, why or why not now? Pardon my english, and please take your time since youve probably never seen a computer before.

Hehehehe yes. It bothers me. It has always bothered me but what bothers me more is how many people actually don't even pay attention to what these people are saying.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being late.

I was late once on Nov 17, 2002.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being late.

I'm always early for everything.
It's polite to be on time.
It's rude to just show up whenever you feel like it.

Giving 'people of color' a pass to be rude because they are 'of color' ....

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If I make a doctors appointment for 1pm, I expect the doctor to be there at 1pm and I'm sure that doctor expects me to be there at 1pm as well. If we both don't bother to show up until we feel like it, then everyones time is wasted and things don't get done.

Actually I expect you to be there at 12:45 .

15minutes early gives you time to fill out any necessary paper-work and it allows the Nurse time to do Triage work . It gives the Doctor a grace period of 15 minutes patient to patient . Perhaps he finishes early perhaps he takes an extra 15 to examine the patient .

15 minutes early is the rule to any appointment or shift in my opinion .

Showing up right on time means you didn't factor in any of life's innumerable possibilities , which means in the eyes of an employer you are guaranteed to be late in the future.
edit on 9-7-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You know, of all the conspiracies about the left, the one about liberal agenda-driven indoctrination by far left professors in US Universities is absolutely accurate. Recent events sort of made that clear.

If I had to guess.

This stems from Germanic culture being traditionally industrious, self sufficient, and punctual. Punctuality as an expectation is now an "Aryan" value. Not an indo-european allele group, but an ethos of "noble" values exalted by white culture and white Nationalist literature.

Also "Black People Time." Which is the stereotype that black people are never on time. And if you read into it, it is argued as a cultural rejection of assimilation, and much like use of ebonics, it is a cultural pride expression.

Only "Uncle Toms" show up on time and speak like the white man say. As a matter of mistrust of the systemically racist culture.

I made a fascism joke in another thread, but this just systemically tries to make a good work ethic a vestige of racism. Responsibility is not an attribute of bigotry. It's an attribute of community and mutual respect, regardless of race.

So at least they'll lose funding for teaching that now.
edit on 9-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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