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The Entire Democrat Political-Media-Social Complex is Self-Destructing B4 Our Eyes.

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+3 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 06:28 PM
Sunday, July 7, 2024

--When candidate Trump kept gaining approval points with each Indictment-Arrest by Joe Biden's DOJ, Democrats began admitting that the Lawfare Kangaroo Court attacks on Trump were backfiring. They weren't damaging candidate Donald Trump, as planned. To the media's dismay, the attacks against Donald Trump were actually helping him. 😨

BUT...they still had JOE BIDEN! Joe Biden, who could easily be cheated back in to the White House, the same way he was in 2020.

--Then, on Thursday June 27th 2024, JOE BIDEN IMPLODED and MELTED DOWN during his Prime Time debate against candidate Trump, with 81 million people watching...

--The next week, President Biden tried to explain to ABC News why he did so poorly during the debate. Even though Biden had rested and prepared for SEVEN DAYS while secluded at Camp David, he said the international travel and a cold virus had him so exhausted, he almost fell asleep while standing at the podium...right in the middle of his debate with candidate Donald Trump.

Biden Giving Excuses and Avoiding Responsibility:


Right after the debate...the already-nervous Democrat establishment was in a state of shock. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc., knew President Biden had mental weaknesses, but he was always able to cover them up, like he did during the 2024 State of the Union address in March...just a few months earlier. But now the unthinkable was transpiring. Biden was crashing and burning, while Trump was soaring higher across all demographics.

News Media Outlets began demanding that President Biden consider leaving office, and during the Presidency over to his Vice President, Kamala Devi Harris.

Soon after, Democrats in politics began demanding that President Biden step down. Today, two of the highest-ranking Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives began demanding Joe's resignation. Representatives JERRY NADLER (D-NY) and ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA) made their voices known on the EMERGENCY CRISIS conference call put together by Democrat House Leader Hakeem Jeffries.


What's next?


+5 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Hope I'm wrong, but democrats will still rigg the election; they could get a corpse elected.

The in-your-face fraudulent results in France prove the extent of the malfeasance of the Rothschilds; in no fair election would Macron come ahead of Le Pen.

I very much fear the same for the upcoming American elections ( and later, the Canadian elections- at this point, would nt be surprised to see the "official" voting results returning Trudeau to power despite every poll indicating widespread hate for his regime).
It's the Left that is ending real democracy
The left wants PERMANENT power, by any means...

Those that prevent peaceful change of power make violent change of power inevitable; those globalists risk getting personal, very violent, blowback...
edit on 7-7-2024 by Tolkien because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 06:55 PM
The only reason ANY of these slimy democrats are turning on Biden is because Biden negatively affects their ability to raise money for their own self-serving, greedy and EVIL interests!

That is the ONLY reason!

Otherwise, they'd be 100% onboard with Biden!

Don't ever forget it!!!

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:07 PM
I figured it would run this way quite frankly. My prediction is that by July 15th, Joe Biden is firmly on his way out. I mean no more debating it, talking about it etc. It will be a firm statement, plan and the beginnings of transition of power to a new POTUS will be in the works. Schumer stated that having the first debate this early would allow time for Biden to recover and also allow the Left to figure out where to go next. The path has been set and many on the Left don't like being made fools of.

The biggest problem with this sudden awareness of Joe's poor condition is due to the media and the Whitehouse. They both kept lying and pushing the idea and hiding the facts that Joe was fine even though so many knew better. Especially so CNN, MSNBC, many social media sites and of course KJP. The doctors lied as well. Now it's been exposed there were many, many lies and liars.

When people only watch their designated agenda driven sites and channels, they only get one view, so it's easy to go along with their 'truth'. That's why as much as I don't like any sites or left wing channels, I try to occasionally read or view their contributions to the conversation. It helps me see where they are coming from and sometimes why, and if I need to see things from a different point of view. Because I never want to be narrow or closed minded or have tunnel vision. I know that my points aren't always right and I don't want to be a sheep.

Anyway, yeah, it's going to happen pretty fast because if people really open their eyes, it isn't just the debate. The interview with Stephanopoulos was another nail in Joes coffin. Then do a little research, see what others have seen and you realize that the person you believed existed simply doesn't. At least not any more and hasn't for a long time.

Shame on all those who tried to cover for Joe. They did him no favors nor to the people of this country.

If Kamala is going to campaign for the next term, she wont have time to run the country, as if she could anyway. She's a giggling idiot.

It's seriously going to be a political cyclone until the next election.
edit on th31202400000031bSun, 07 Jul 2024 19:13:43 -05002024000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
The only reason ANY of these slimy democrats are turning on Biden is because Biden negatively affects their ability to raise money for their own self-serving, greedy and EVIL interests!

That is the ONLY reason!

Otherwise, they'd be 100% onboard with Biden!

Don't ever forget it!!!

For money, they become closet Biden supporters. The fake calls by Democrats for Biden to step aside is a ruse. With Biden as a controlled puppet like he is, it's perfect for single party rule to reign supreme. 💥 But Kamala is also a controlled puppet place holder. So it's a double-bubble jackpot. 😀

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
The only reason ANY of these slimy democrats are turning on Biden is because Biden negatively affects their ability to raise money for their own self-serving, greedy and EVIL interests!

That is the ONLY reason!

Otherwise, they'd be 100% onboard with Biden!

Don't ever forget it!!!

Exactly !!

Despite their fake claims of "caring for the people", democrats are composed largely of completely lazy and useless incompetents that are barely fit to work in bar, if that ( looking at you AOC).

Political power is their "golden ticket" to get rich quick without merit, unlike those that get rich by building companies, and/or working hard for long hours, something these jackasses are completely unable to do.

Their ONLY motive is self-enrichement on the taxpayer's dime....

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

I have read that Reagan had some mental decline. Was everyone hinting that he should step aside back then as much as they are saying Biden should? I wasnt around for Reagan's presidency so I don't know. I dont know if Reagan was as far gone as Biden seems to be either I highly doubt it but I dont know.

Sorry its just weird I mean obviously Biden should step aside hes not competent but they dont really have a good alternate but it is weird to hear all the people saying yes he should step down. Like MSM I have never experienced something like this before about a president and it does not inspire confidence.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Tolkien

at this point, would nt be surprised to see the "official" voting results returning Trudeau to power

If Turdeau is re-elected that will be all the proof needed that democracy in the western world is dead; time to hold a funeral.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

12 days. He rested 12 days. That, on top of 40% of his term being spent on vacation and working less than a high school lifeguard when he is at the WH. Oh, and he needs to be working LESS amd goong to bed earlier lol. The only funny part is watching libs catch up to the truth again. Watching them implode again and again is pretty entertaining. What is this, like a dozen times now just in the past few years? Otherwise, it's actually pretty pathetic.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux
The msm knew, the democrats knew, the republicans knew and we the people knew. I really think that a large majority of our country is under some kind of spell, to think someone who, while campaigning, couldn't fill a high school gym or complete a thought. Plagerised his speeches and academic records in past presidential election bids and so much more bafoonery. Biden beat Trump, who had the most votes by any incumbent president running for reelection, Biden won with 81 million votes, the most ever. They had to stop counting when Trump had clearly won, spiked the votes and announced nearly a week later Joe won.
Here is video of Joe before he announced he is running for reelection.
wow, how is this guy president? Yes they all knew

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: WeMustCare

I have read that Reagan had some mental decline. Was everyone hinting that he should step aside back then as much as they are saying Biden should? I wasnt around for Reagan's presidency so I don't know. I dont know if Reagan was as far gone as Biden seems to be either I highly doubt it but I dont know.

I watched. President Reagan had a really bad debate against Walter Mondale (he did NOT look as bad as President Biden though.)
next debate he was fully in command of himself and did great.

a few people, mostly leftist media types, did suggest it was time for President Reagan to step down, but since this was a one-time incident it didn't go far. anyone with half a brain has seen Biden regress badly last year or two.
edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: clarify

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:13 PM
for years I've seen occasional conflict among the Democrats (and their media lapdogs).

when a Democrat does really bad, the media will 'raise questions'

but when the Presidential election approaches they have always joined together to defeat their common enemies the Republicans / conservatives / US taxpayers.

too early to say if this will happen this time. I sure hope so.
I'm hoping that the anti-Biden wave will be too much for the ballot box stuffing.
edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: clarify

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Tolkien
a reply to: WeMustCare

Hope I'm wrong, but democrats will still rigg the election; they could get a corpse elected.

The Election Fraud Organization can't cheat in a large enough way to overtake the lead that Trump has on Biden, and it's getting wider.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
The only reason ANY of these slimy democrats are turning on Biden is because Biden negatively affects their ability to raise money for their own self-serving, greedy and EVIL interests!

That is the ONLY reason!

Otherwise, they'd be 100% onboard with Biden!

Don't ever forget it!!!

100% Brutally True. Democrats in high positions don't give a damn about Joe Biden the human being. But they do love the ease with which they're able to make him do their bidding.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Boogerpicker
Actual conversation with my sister early evening of the debate:
Sister: “I can’t wait to watch the debate tonight! Going to see Biden beat the sh#t out of Trump. What are you doing? ( she knows FULL WELL that I LOATHE the DNC)

Me: “Oh, I'm going to watch the debate as well.”

Sister: “Why?”

Me: “So I can watch Trump wipe the floor with Biden.”

Sister: “Hmph. THAT’S not going to happen.”

Next day:

Me: “ Hey Sis. So, learn anything from the debate?”

Sister: “I don’t want to talk about it.”

I LOVE my sister even though she & her husband were all for “rounding up the unvaccinated”. Mind you, her elderly husband’s parents were killed in a Nazi concentration camp. Some people live through history and some people learn from history. Few do both.

I’ll post our text messages regarding the police treatment of the unvaccinated trying to enter a mall in France. It is sadly comical how brainwashed the uninformed are and yet she would say the same of me.

United we stand; Divided we fall. *sigh*

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Tolkien
a reply to: WeMustCare

Hope I'm wrong, but democrats will still rigg the election; they could get a corpse elected.

It's the Left that is ending real democracy
The left wants PERMANENT power, by any means...

Those that prevent peaceful change of power make violent change of power inevitable; those globalists risk getting personal, very violent, blowback...

The Democrats are quite open about the fact they want total control of the US. As a matter of fact they are openly running on the "necessity of a single party (Democrats) ruling the US, to save Democracy" They have made no secret of the fact they think liberals and only far left liberals are fit to rule the nation. The ignorant masses need liberals to teach us proper morality (helping little children explore their gender and teaching them how to masturbate in government run schools in first grade - that there is no such thing as XX or XY gender, that any XX can be a man and any XY can be a woman - that rapists with a penis belong locked in a cell with a person with a vagina, and the person with a vagina is to be roundly punished if they complain - that the 10 Commandments are never to be displayed in any public arena, ever, and teachers punished for teaching even one of them as codes of moral living)

Democrats WILL do whatever it takes to win the next election. You are correct, WHATEVER! We no longer live in a true Republic or Democracy. We live in a nation ruled by fear and intimidation (you will be fired if you dare to say a person with a penis is a man and a person with a vagina and uterus is a woman: you will be fired if you don't take a vaccine that doesn't prevent disease and might make you very ill [as Biden did to millions of military members] : you will be fired or socially and personally destroyed if you dare to not 100% agree with all liberal ever changing rules of speech, thought, and morality.

Biden could die, be taxidermied and he would win the Presidency,
and CNN and MSNBC would say we are all crazy to not realize how
competent, wise, and able taxidermy Joe is to rule over the nasty little peon masses.

That is the way the Democrats and liberals roll in the US. The party WILL RULE and we will darn well like it - OR ELSE!

edit on 7/7/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

The DNC Convention begins on August 19th in Chicago. You're smart and intuitive. What two names do you feel will be printed on all the signs, banners, buttons, etc..? Harris and (?).

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Biden is turning into the Girl that was Left on that Sinking Ship.......

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: StoutBroux

The DNC Convention begins on August 19th in Chicago. You're smart and intuitive. What two names do you feel will be printed on all the signs, banners, buttons, etc..? Harris and (?).

God help us all if the giggling VP who slept her way to power becomes President. She doesn't have dementia and still can't form a coherent sentence. But she would make a good puppet for the cabal who controls senile Joe.

If I am correct, it will be Newsome, if not Biden. Then the entire US will become like CA. Need I say more.

Then US citizens will become the refugees fleeing massive crime/ hyypersexuallizing children/ demanding we believe what they say is science (no such thing as being born male or female), no more gas cars only easily controlled and range limited electric cars, no more gas stoves, gas furnaces, gas lawn tools, white people must be discriminated against to make racism disappear, massive homeless citizens roaming the streets, while immigrants are put up in hotels and given monthly checks.
Yep, that is the life the Democrat Party wants for all of us. If Newsome runs we will know the above paragraph is true and that is what the Democrats want for the US, for you.

edit on 7/7/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: Tolkien
a reply to: WeMustCare

Hope I'm wrong, but democrats will still rigg the election; they could get a corpse elected.

The Election Fraud Organization can't cheat in a large enough way to overtake the lead that Trump has on Biden, and it's getting wider.

Don't count on it. I think they can, and probably will.

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