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Is President Biden Asking to Be Removed - Or is He Making Sure Donald Trump Wins in Nov 2024.

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posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: Astrocometus

Feeling/Knowing one's time in this life is short can make you have a "Get Right With Jesus" finality. It can happen to anyone, including Satan's minion, Joe Biden.

I'm convinced!

That this is very likely one of the very few points where we disagree.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

No he is not asking , his Puppet Master is........

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: nugget1

2016 might have suited those goals well, but that didn't work out right. Jebby or Hillary would have kept it all on course but then the Trump wild card. He was never, ever going to be up to the task he promised as, I think, he proved. Yes he was met with strong push back but what the hell did we expect anyway, ticker tape and good old America back again? Really?

Asking me, there is a singularity coming, just what I can only speculate so I won't but what ever it is will make all that any of us, left or right, have been planning for moot.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

This pretty much goes along with previous post of mine so I agree with you, the dems ain't that smart either.

The best I can think of Trump, and this is again only conjecture, but the best I can give him is that he can see just enough of where we are heading that he is doing what he can, not for us but to carve out of this pulsing corpse a nice fiefdom of his own for as long as it lasts. Pass on those gold toilets to his family.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 09:48 PM
I think the answer is trapped between either the economy is so screwed they dont want to be in charge when the bottom falls out.

OR, they havent found a way out yet, they basically need biden to keel over then hope the gop is willing to quickly appoint a VP (they dont get to choose congress does), because the laws locking in the ballot at the state level and their stupid decision to run someone who couldnt even pull 1% of the democrats so they didnt have to worry about their puppet getting removed because she was a worse option. Throw in campaign finance laws dictating where that hundreds of millions goes if biden drops out or dies and they are stuck.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

The best I can think of Trump, and this is again only conjecture, but the best I can give him is that he can see just enough of where we are heading that he is doing what he can, not for us but to carve out of this pulsing corpse a nice fiefdom of his own for as long as it lasts. Pass on those gold toilets to his family.

I mean, the rhetoric makes it seem as if he’s bucking the system.

But he didn’t see a lot coming. Like COVID, or the effects of one of the biggest short term deployments of capital in US history. And I suppose one could say a lot of the world didn’t see it coming, and that would be true. But it was on the internet for about two months before it was part of the public conversation and a few weeks after a lot of politicians sold some stock.

I personally don’t agree with the sentiment that he’s an accidental self preservation altruist. His admin led to a lot of the economic problem we’re facing while the other side made it worse.

To me, I think he fits right in with them, hence why he always had them at his family functions and weddings.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Astrocometus

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: Astrocometus

Feeling/Knowing one's time in this life is short can make you have a "Get Right With Jesus" finality. It can happen to anyone, including Satan's minion, Joe Biden.

I'm convinced!

That this is very likely one of the very few points where we disagree.

The BIG PICTURE proper outcome is to have Donald John Trump as President on 1/20/2025.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Sad, but I feel it too. I think the world power structure becan to seriously change in the 60's, and we're near the completion of the 'final plan' with few even knowing it was coming.

They began studying our minds and how best to manipulate them in earnest back in the 1920's.

After WWII American becan a slow, sort rollout of what Hitler tried to do during his time in power.

The government has far more control over us than people realize, but a fair number woke up during Covid. Too late to stop what's coming, I think.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: WeMustCare

No he is not asking , his Puppet Master is........

Obama can cut the strings, but Joe is now taking orders from Hunter and Jill. If he doesn't voluntarily step down, there's nothing anyone can do (that's legal). Not enough time, if he fights it. (His attorney's, including Hunter.)

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

To me, I think he fits right in with them, hence why he always had them at his family functions and weddings.

Agreed. He was and is a schmoozer, whoever might help increase his notoriety and hence his brand. I have yet to find any reason to alter my original opinion that this was the only reason he ran in the first place, just to increase his brand and a wider consumer market, and in that he hit the jackpot.

All the things he could not see are because his awareness is limited to his nature which is that of a a quick buck artist, borrow buy and sell with little real awareness of anything other in the way of consequences other than his own pocket book

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Sadly, this is how I see it as well, though of course we naturally differ somewhat as our own experiences of it all differ.

Machiavelli was certainly a benchmark. Freud and that gang were a launch pad . And Bernays, oh please don't get me started.

The government though, I"m not as quick to point at government as others are as I see that as the physical enforcement arm of the oppressor. Or Hollywood, the cultural enforcement arm or the media, the propaganda arm.

And yeah, right after WW2. Breton/Woods. Rather than just taking over the who world, which, the US might have done, it was decided to let trade do the work for us. Let and help other nations evolve their own means of production and product and we would be the worlds military insuring that trade and commerce could happen. With of course our own stable production capacity as king. Thing is though, as you said, once the fifties were over that plan was already nearing obsolescence.Most since has been band aids on an over taxed system.

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Yes sir, and to be sure we achieve our goal, we
should start saying if DT isn't elected Pres.


Because that's one the democrates haven't used yet.
edit on 8-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: bluemooone44

No it Ain't !

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 12:48 AM
BIDEN saying that he's staying in the race is just part of the charade. He can only really help by getting his senior citizen followers to come out for Kamel. The way to do it is appearing to "give it his all", then take a knee.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: 777Vader
BIDEN saying that he's staying in the race is just part of the charade. He can only really help by getting his senior citizen followers to come out for Kamel. The way to do it is appearing to "give it his all", then take a knee.

President BIDEN has turned the reins over to someone who is polling even worse than he is....Kamala Harris.

Biden was going to lose to Trump.

Kamala is going to lose to Trump by an even larger margin!

A margin so big that BARACK OBAMA won't even give her a tepid endorsement.

Barack Thinks Kamala Sucks:


edit on 2572024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: CriticalStinker

To me, I think he fits right in with them, hence why he always had them at his family functions and weddings.

Agreed. He was and is a schmoozer, whoever might help increase his notoriety and hence his brand. I have yet to find any reason to alter my original opinion that this was the only reason he ran in the first place, just to increase his brand and a wider consumer market, and in that he hit the jackpot.

All the things he could not see are because his awareness is limited to his nature which is that of a a quick buck artist, borrow buy and sell with little real awareness of anything other in the way of consequences other than his own pocket book

There's some truth in your words. And, I think further to your point, Biden has realized (or maybe refuses to admit, might be better words) that his 'brand' is sinking. If he bails out, he torpedoes his brand altogether, but in his mind he thinks he's still "got it" (i.e. that 'schmooze charisma' factor)...IF he can just last these last few months. Plus, he's got some super-egos in Jill and Hunter reinforcing this thought. In Biden's heart of hearts, he probably realizes his days are numbered, but Jill and Hunter crave the power and status now; they MUST have it, they can't exist without it! Without the power, status and money, they are nothing. They saw what happened to Nancy Reagan after Reagan's death, and this absolutely WILL NOT happen to them. Anonymity is their absolute sworn enemy. As for Hunter Biden, if daddy goes away, he loses all his cover and becomes a convict and felon on the run. Anonymity is the thing Bidens fear the most, especially Jill Biden.

For Trump's part, I think he'll do the worst thing imaginable to the Biden family...leave them alone. To the Bidens, this is incomprehensible, unimaginable, and horrifying. Now daddy Biden is failing right in front of the eyes of the American people. Not just every now and then, but every single time he steps into the public eye. And, despite their desperate attempts to change this image, they can do nothing about it. He's just failing too fast. What was once just a loss of altitude has now turned into a death-spiral, and they are powerless to stop it. It must be terrifying to watch. But I have zero sympathy for either of them. They hitched their wagons to a known political hack and career grifter and they milked it for every drop; now they'll get to live with that decision for the rest of their lives. "Jill and Hunter who?? Nope, can't say I remember them."

It's kind of strangely ironic, the parallels between Nancy Reagan and Jill Biden. They are far more alike than they are different. Every time I see Joe Biden these days I see this ghostly image of Jill Biden right behind him, with her shoulder firmly planted in the middle of his back, pushing with all her might to keep him upright. "C'mon, can do this! Only another 45 seconds! Ugh! Just HANG ON!...and if you sh!t on me one more time, I'm gonna' make you sleep with that damn mutt of yours (again)."

And if I somehow seem cruel or insensitive, well, I'd probably have a lot more empathy if these people weren't so desperately trying to cling to power, not for the good of America, but for their own personal gain and their own egos.

edit on 7/25/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:33 PM

Barack Likely Wanted Michelle to Replace Biden...

"We also have the ego of The One, which might come into play if he feels slighted witnessing a higher level of adulation than he received.

What we do know is that preparations have been long-underway to flip the switch for Kamala Harris, and despite her prior failure to launch with operation Jussie Smollett, Hollywood, Big Tech, the UniParty, and the entirety of the left-wing political media apparatus are going to funnel all that Biden angst into Kamala worship."

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:58 PM
0a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I"m grateful for your thought-out and well expressed reply to this topic. I find that I pretty much agree with your beliefs. I recall when Biden decided to step into the race, it took him a long long time to declare. I hoped he wouldn't, but finally he did. At that time I thought it a poor decision if not a decision harmful to that side of our political struggles.

We have found out, possibly, why it took so long to decide, that being ''real'' family history unlike the polished story lines we had been fed for so long. What clay pidgins they turned out to be.

Biden was once a great speaker. Once. However, there have only been limited demonstrations of that flash for almost his entire term. Now, I have to agree with the ''elder abuse'' that some have come to label his situation. Preying upon the internal memory of a dying flame in an old man now only a shell of that memory is, abuse.

I had never given consideration to the possibility of his wife and son being the driving force behind his continuation. I suspect that they were a tool that kept him going. The wife having become the translator to him of the parties desires, his handler I suppose, much like Nancy I always thought was for the party of Reagan though at least, I hope, without the Tarot cards and astrologer she relied upon.

You may know my take on this last week, I have for a long time seen it as part of their plan, wait until the Republican Party is finished to have him step down. Now we will see how it plays out. The plan I thought was to let the R's set themselves a target in Biden /Harris while picking Trump's VP and other decisions. Now that is up in the air. Whether or not Harris will remain the ''popular choice'' that it seems she now is remains to be seen. They may still come to another choice once their convention finishes.

Now however, a great granddaughter has arrived with her mother and I have a child to charm.

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