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If they lied to you about this, what else is a lie?

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posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33

Left on social issues (LGBT, pro-womens-only-choice, church/state issues). Also left on tax plans, but only tax rates, including corporate. Don't buy trickle down works. Sort of The George H. W. Bush compromise. Bush's tax hike gave Clinton his legacy, along with the internet boom.

So many just social ideals turned into political issues by the left.

Trickle Down was never an economic theory. The Term was used/invented by the left only to attack Reagan's tax plan.

But no recognized economist of any school of thought has ever had any such theory or made any such proposal. It is a straw man. It cannot be found in even the most voluminous and learned histories of economic theories.


Clinton also had the Dot-Com Bubble burst which was very painful.

I'm almost total social darwinism on trade deregulation and the smaller the federal government the better. States rights. Very pro-military.

Did you like Woe vs Wade pushed to the States? I also like small fed footprint and large State footprint. Clinton was horrible for the military, both Bill and Hilary hate the military, Bush Jr was extremely good for the military, but really bad on wars, so hard to put it all on a scale.

Biden has absorbed the payback. All the way. And while he deserves sh*t for Afghanistan, the border, government expansion, overspending, and green crap, I don't like how it's presented.

One of the problems was by day three Biden and crew worked to remove everything Trump was able to do with zero thought on what may have been good for the country or not. That caused much of our issues today that they sat back 3 years doing not much of anything to replace what they dropped.

Now we are set up for Trump or civil unrest. I don't think the liberals will do anything approaching the Floyd Riots if they lose, protests and hashtags again. but I do fear a militant armed uprising if Biden SOMEHOW wins as the unpopular incumbent.

The reason why the Right doesn't riot like the left does is because we have Jobs and responsibilities in life. I remember watching riots in Portland as they would start at about 9 at night and go on for many hours and I came to the conclusion they had zero responsibilities in life. I would say who the F can riot at 2 AM on a Tuesday?

Trump, except the jackass separation of families. Trump when we wasnt stranding half the South Bay in Baja the Sunday after Thanksgiving because of a "caravan." For about 900 Central Americans he f*cked over about 45,000 US residents, many with SENTRI passes, visiting family, commuting, or traveling that just wanted to get home or to work.

So, Obama and Biden built and used the so-called kid cages. Obama also deported more people than Trump did. The separation of families was done because no one knew who was who, and whether the kids were being trafficked/used to get into the country or actually with the rightful family. Now we have zero accountability as kids are just tools to get in and used in sex trafficking.

edit on x31Sun, 07 Jul 2024 13:56:47 -05002024188America/ChicagoSun, 07 Jul 2024 13:56:47 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

More on the "separation of families" nonsense.

They were arrested for breaking the law. Crossing the border illegally.
When you get arrested, your kids don't go to jail with you.

A large % were caught crossing multiple times w/ different kids with them.

And the Biden regime has now lost track of more than 85,000 children since he opened the border.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn

More on the "separation of families" nonsense.

They were arrested for breaking the law. Crossing the border illegally.
When you get arrested, your kids don't go to jail with you.

A large % were caught crossing multiple times w/ different kids with them.

And the Biden regime has now lost track of more than 85,000 children since he opened the border.

This takes us back to the OP in people still think those old lies are true. Even after years of proof they were all lies many on the left still recite them as 100% proof positive true.

It's like the guy that goes up to liberals and reads off 10 horrible things Trump has done and after agreeing they were horrible and Trump should go to jail over it all the guy then says "Actually these are things Obama/Biden did"

Most just walk away being so deep in their Trump hate delusions.
edit on x31Sun, 07 Jul 2024 14:37:03 -05002024188America/ChicagoSun, 07 Jul 2024 14:37:03 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I have a gay niece we accept her female husband, who would never transition to a male anyway, are ready to kick me off their FB page for telling them red pill things.

Gays in Palestine I mentioned who lives there as Gay are NO ONE because they either stone you our dump you off a tall building. They don't play around and let them be like we do, and another lesbian asked why she hadn't kicked me out already?

I said I was doing it out of love and to let her know we do accept her lifestyle and she needs to accept ours. Barely hanging on for challenging them on Trump said "soldiers are losers" is gaslighting being done to them..

Wait til tomorrow...I hear they are going to announce that Trump was overheard saying, "aren't puppies just so kickable?" You think THAT'S bad just you wait...

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 10:40 AM
Answer:- how do you know a politicians is lying? When he opens his mouth.
You all must understand, no matter what the party, Rep., Dem., liberal, conservative, socialist, communist etc.etc., 99% of them are in it for the power/influence because that equates to money and the only consideration they give to the electorate after the event is how to move, manipulate, coerce, scare (add what adjectives you want) you, yes you, to get what they want. The state of the country, ppffftt, as long as they're making, nothing else matters and when they decide that they've had enough they'll leave, city, state or country.
It's just a game/power trip to them.

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: network dude

People will realise one day that they lied about everything political everything , There is no left or right or centre in politics just up and down .

And I am in the 99 % down club , good thing is I realised it long long ago

I think you might mean there is just Good and/or Bad acting folks.

Good folks trying to be kind to each other will not be the one who hurt innocent folks on purpose with malice. Not like someone who cares for no one that gets in their way for any reason.

Most In politics in the UK are all from the private posh schools and are only there because they have been corrupted lol and are in the old boys club ? .

I have à friend who attended Gordonstone school ,The one where King Charles attended and he has told me horror stories of what went on their
I have to stick my fingers in my ears it is that bad and tell him to shut up .

The new prime minister of the UK is a Jimmy Saville fan club member and refused to prosecute him .

We should get rid of all them and replace them with AI IMHO

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