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If they lied to you about this, what else is a lie?

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I've said this before, listen closely. It was the same in the UK elections. The Dems/Biden knows they they WILL lose, this will he, wont he, who will take over, is just them going through the motions, political theatre. If you haven't realised it yet the US is a ruined country, Biden oversaw that and because of him the US is the laughing stock of the world. In consequence they want out but with the benefit of the new guy gets all the crap that they have caused and the crap that's coming down the line.

Mate you're wrong on that . These people are not omniscient . That is the problem with many peoples state of mind concerning the Government. You think they are all knowing and that everything was according to plan .

They were clearly caught off guard by Biden's performance . Yes they knew he was done for before the debate but clearly they thought he could make to November .

Now they are showcasing Kamala as the new chosen Toy
, That alone should show you how desperate they are . Whats Ruined is the Progressive/Marxist movement .

The Progressive clown show will never make it past training wheels and for one obvious reason that is the American people. Americans are open minded sure .... We let the Progressives shoot their shot AOC and the lot of them have been doing their thing for sometime now.

BUT it has become to ridiculous and now every single American is feeling it in their bank account . $400 dollars for a half a cart of groceries is simply not acceptable.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

That is the key difference... americans are pretty chill till something happens that impacts their safety, or their ability to provide, or their ability to feed the family, then we tend to get angry.

this clown show has hit all three in the name of the agenda.

Not saying that cant still pull off a steal, but its going to be harder as people get mad.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:02 PM
I'm smart.

How does it feel to be dumb?

I looked at the last page of the history book and it said I was right.

You suck, I win , haha.

That's the jist of this post.

If anything history is going to prove, is that there is no real substance in this thread.

It's made evident through the choice of words that this was just an exercise to boost someone with low self esteem.

Christmas must be a blast with that mentality. Hey you stupid kid, you believe in that Santa Claus lie? DERP!

With tact you can form a much more constructive dialogue. Hey, Democrats. What in particular with Biden's campaign have you had an issue with? Where do you think they dropped the ball?

"I hope that one day, we can look back on this, and actually see where the division came from, who did it, and we can grow up a little in the mental acuity department, and not let this happen again."

The irony...

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat

"I hope that one day, we can look back on this, and actually see where the division came from, who did it, and we can grow up a little in the mental acuity department, and not let this happen again."

The irony...

It started around 2012 with the woke agendas, but the real kickoff was when Trump beat the liberal's first female President and it still hurts for them.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Terpene

Politicians lie...

But hey, you got half of the point you were trying to make. You just failed to overcome the division for which it needs two.
One day you'll make an actual whole point...

People break laws too. The problem with you is you lump it all into one bucket such as "Politicians lie" and that is like saying speeding 10 over and robbing a bank are the same thing since both are crimes.

You and others need to step back and look at the lies from your parting...They are bank-robbing-level lies....

This. We've got a problem with a segment of people who think they're above it all with their "both sides are bad" cliches. That might have looked like wisdom 20 years ago but the world has changed. It's funny how the ones who think they're the smartest ones in the room can't see the obvious.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat

I looked at the last page of the history book and it said I was right.

The problem is this was obvious long before the last page in the book, but some people who think they're smart were too closed-minded to see it.

"The irony" is right.
edit on 6-7-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat

"I hope that one day, we can look back on this, and actually see where the division came from, who did it, and we can grow up a little in the mental acuity department, and not let this happen again."

The irony...

It started around 2012 with the woke agendas, but the real kickoff was when Trump beat the liberal's first female President and it still hurts for them.

I ran into one today on social media who is still unhinged over HIllary's loss in the "stolen" election. Speaking of irony again.

Same people that still think Michael Brown had his hands up.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:15 PM
I used to be a liberal and hung around with liberals a lot. They would twist things to fit their needs, they were always trying to skirt laws they did not fit their beliefs. They believed what others that shared their beliefs said without questioning if it fit their beliefs, parroting half truths or downright misinformation that fit the way they believed.

The far right is also like that, but the middle ground of those who tried to find truth was big. Now the middle on both sides of conservitive vs liberal is shifting farther left and right. The left or liberals are getting much worse it seems, almost pushing anarchy even in the middle. This is tearing the country apart, I am trying to figure out how they have accomplished dumbing down so many people to make them believe in lies that are so evident and parrot misinformation so much. The left is parroting way more misinformation than the conservatives, just the far right is still promoting deception but the middle conservatives know they are a little nuts, but they do not want to mess with the hard right at a time when the liberals are trying to improperly change good laws presently.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

With tact you can form a much more constructive dialogue. Hey, Democrats. What in particular with Biden's campaign have you had an issue with? Where do you think they dropped the ball?

So why don't you answer your own question ?

The OP of this thread is asking you a simple question of self reflection . Let go of your Ego and take a look at the reality of what you voted for , what you supported .

I mean do you realize you just compared the entire Progressive movement to the fairy-tale of Santa Claus ? You just admitted Cognitive dissonance and yet you are still talking in circles .

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:33 PM
I have found the attitude of some ATS members interesting in the past handful of years. Back when I came to this site, and no doubt even moreso before that, most everyone questioned the government, was suspicious and even paranoid. The "New World Order", "Illuminati", etc. etc., and their tactics to control us all, were talked about all the time.

Now I just feel like all those warnings about the modus operandi of the elite seem to have been completely forgotten. It's pretty sad to see some members almost begging for a boot to lick.

It went from questioning everything, looking to uncover "their" angle and agenda, denying ignorance...

To things like, "yes the government should be able to take your kids away if they want a sex change at seven and the parents so much as raise an eyebrow."

I've never voted. Because I drenched myself in the conspiracy theory world for a long time and didn't trust anything.

I know this though. Trump might not be some savior like some people like to act. I just know he pisses all the right people off. And since I see all those obviously corrupt people doing everything they can to stop the guy..

Well damn I might just vote this time around.

edit on 7-6-2024 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

On top of that, the way corporate-hating "liberals" suddenly became enormous shills for Big Pharma has been entertaining to watch.

("Liberals" is in quotes because a lot of the people claiming that label today are anything but. They're authoritarians. We need to stop using terms like "liberal media" and "liberal professors." They're not liberals. They're Democrat media and Democrat professors. Most of them are actually communist, not liberal.)
edit on 6-7-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: network dude

By who and how much more often?

The "competent president" or the "stolen election?"
The "2000 mules" or the "2000 milligrams?"

And which lies ultimately make people dumber is a matter of perspective. Or louder, more profane, more prone to training in hills, more prone to burning down police stations.

I am too f*cking bias for that. I think some lies have been more destructive, and in my opinion those perpetuated by MSM-Conservative (Fox News, Breitbart, NY Post) have caused more psychological harm than MSM-Liberal (CNN, Huff Post, NY Times) have with their woke agenda.

One glows on Biden ridiculously, but the other tells me a 20% in-person disparity of 37% to 17% isn't enough to break hearts at 2 AM. And then calls me a stupid marxist if I don't cosign their alternative narrative.

So prop that up against CNN desperately trying to convince me that Joe Biden is a great president and not a sleepy old man that signed a bunch of idiotic EOs to be as "Anti-Trump" as possible. Biden gets it where it's due, and his shortcomings are many. Like all president's he takes all criticism.

Just sometimes It seems like the world may cease to exist if there's not a sign of the apocalypse or an antichrist to usher in infernal subjugation.

Conservative MSM turns that into ratings and internet traffic.

Fox News and CNN been going back and forth in viewers for years. Q1 2024 was like CNN 44M Fox News 43.4M. True rivals to make the most money lying to you.
edit on 6-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: network dude

"A lie told a thousand times, becomes the truth"

Joseph Goebbels

LIE: We don't know who delivered the Cocain'e to the White House, or who it was for.

How many times have they said the above?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

I know this though. Trump might not be some savior like some people like to act. I just know he pisses all the right people off. And since I see all those obviously corrupt people doing everything they can to stop the guy..

YES !!!! This ^^^^^

A Trillion times yes . That has been my stance from the start of DJTrump , The man lit so many fires in all the right places.

They are scared Sh*tless of the Man .

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33

One glows on Biden ridiculously, but the other tells me a 20% in-person disparity of 37% to 17% isn't enough to break hearts at 2 AM. And then calls me a stupid marxist if I don't cosign their alternative narrative.

So prop that up against CNN desperately trying to convince me that Joe Biden is a great president and not a sleepy old man that signed a bunch of idiotic EOs to be as "Anti-Trump" as possible. Biden gets it where it's due, and his shortcomings are many. Like all president's he takes all criticism.

A. Two Fox hosts called you names
B. Democrat media convincing half the country Biden is fine, which literally got people killed

You really think A is more damaging than B? Am I reading that right?
edit on 6-7-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Clearly you have selective reading comprehension issues for the sake of rhetoric here. I wasn't really explicit though.

A. Lies of Conservative MSM, particularly that election needed to be stolen, and having that yelled, is more psychologically destructive than:

B. Democrats convincing the country (After A has already occured) that Biden is peachy keen.

Both blatent lies to me, but you can observe ones lies. Make a meme even. We all see Biden. But you can't necessarily observe the false narratives being perpetuated that makes everyone so angry and prone to making memes.

And its effect is nasty. Can you even give the benefit of my intended context? Or is it ideomotor disgust to posting views at this point?

There was an entire qualifier to why they are yelling. Like everyone watching is getting programmed with contempt and anger.

But it's the mean pundits, not that they're burning my toast and calling it dominion. Or that their shortsighted belligerence is transferable to anyone.
edit on 6-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

So yes, despite your false accusations of reading comprehension, you confirm getting called names--and worse, people made memes--is a bigger problem to you than the country getting tricked into electing a man with dementia who has gotten people killed and wrecked the economy.

You sound like someone who is gonna vote for Biden again. You can cry all day about how you're not, but that's absolutely how you sound. You sound exactly like the people I see trying to rationalize voting Biden again. Because we don't all see Biden. 30% of voters polled after the debate said he's fine and fit to serve and should stay the Democrat nominee. Because Trump is mean, and that's a bigger problem to some folks.

Thanks for clarifying. You don't exactly post the clearest messages (yes, I know a fake accusation of me lacking comprehension is coming on that too, but I don't have trouble understanding anyone else here, so sorry, it's you not me.)
edit on 6-7-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
I'm smart.

How does it feel to be dumb?

I looked at the last page of the history book and it said I was right.

You suck, I win , haha.

That's the jist of this post.

If anything history is going to prove, is that there is no real substance in this thread.

It's made evident through the choice of words that this was just an exercise to boost someone with low self esteem.

Christmas must be a blast with that mentality. Hey you stupid kid, you believe in that Santa Claus lie? DERP!

With tact you can form a much more constructive dialogue. Hey, Democrats. What in particular with Biden's campaign have you had an issue with? Where do you think they dropped the ball?

"I hope that one day, we can look back on this, and actually see where the division came from, who did it, and we can grow up a little in the mental acuity department, and not let this happen again."

The irony...

If I was duped into looking this stupid, I'd be angry too. Don't worry sport, you still have Kamala. Isn't that enough?

I'm truly sorry that all the things we have been saying are coming true. It's not a good thing when the nation falls apart. And there is no winner if it all goes to sh!t. But we can fix it. And no, I'm not going to tell you Trump is some savior, he's just a man. I do hope he can make some things better, and stop the really nutty stuff that seems to be ignored by you and yours. Stop the border mess, and get DEI out of the military. If he did that, I'd say it was a success. But there is a lot more to do. And while it does feel good to be vindicated, it will feel better when you (the left) can stroll back from the far left side of lunacy and we can all regain some sanity in all this.

I don't believe in open borders, high inflation, lawless cities, not punishing criminals, or trashing the USA.

I do believe in pride in my home, a secure border, a better financial outlook, and seeing personal responsibility making a comeback. Now, what about those things do you agree with and what do you disagree with? And please explain why you disagree. If we can have a dialog, rather than one side making the other look stupid, we might be able to make that one side look a bit less stupid.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Running "attempt to convey position": FAILED
Running "second attempt to convey position": FAILED

Screw it!

Running "Pretending to be the ghost dude and responding with esoterics":

My position against all abrasive news that screams polarizing narratives until you're as angry and reactive as they need you to be:

Vista Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
edit on 6-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

LIE: We don't know who delivered the Cocain'e to the White House, or who it was for.

If you believe for whatever reason the "Intelligence community" is going to someday figure out
what everyone else can figure out in two seconds?

Mr. I want some real estate in your neck of the woods.

edit on 6-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

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