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If they lied to you about this, what else is a lie?

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Terpene

Wasn't it obvious that it would be just more division... No it wasn't its actually right wjefe it should be enjoy the last chapter of that American dream...

It's called a dream because you've got to be asleep to belive it...

How much of that division is actually real? Most moderates on both sides go to work, take care of their families and friends, don't scream politics all day, and just want a good life. Social media can make one guy in his mom's basement seem like 10,000 people. I think maybe 30% of liberals are what we would call woke and 10% of conservatives are what we would call far right. That means about 80% of the people out there are not really part of the "division".

This. Most of the country is in the middle. In the Air Force we had a saying that supervisors spend 90% of their time on 10% of their people. The same type of phenomenon happens in public discourse. The loudest 10% of whackjobs command all the attention. Normal people aren't making the news, and a podcast by a moderate goes nowhere because other moderates are too busy handling their own # to obsess over having an echo chamber to tune into every day.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Isn't that interesting... Too bad it's voting season and they too have to choose between crap and poop...

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Terpene

Isn't that interesting... Too bad it's voting season and they too have to choose between crap and poop...

I think we are entering a time when social media makes everyone crap or poopy. The left is truly hurting when you look at their top 5. The right is a little better, but we are at a point where no one is good enough anymore.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: YourFaceAgain

This. Most of the country is in the middle. In the Air Force we had a saying that supervisors spend 90% of their time on 10% of their people. The same type of phenomenon happens in public discourse. The loudest 10% of whackjobs command all the attention. Normal people aren't making the news, and a podcast by a moderate goes nowhere because other moderates are too busy handling their own # to obsess over having an echo chamber to tune into every day.

It is known as the 80/20 rule and it is used for many things.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: network dude

"A lie told a thousand times, becomes the truth"

Joseph Goebbels

Turns out that is Scientifically accurate.


It is harder to tell someone they have been deceived by lies than to tell them a fat lie and cash in it metaphorically or even financially.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: YourFaceAgain
I ran into one today on social media who is still unhinged over HIllary's loss in the "stolen" election. Speaking of irony again.

Same people that still think Michael Brown had his hands up.

They create their own reality while ignoring what is real. I would also like to know why they think they are the smartest people in the room. Is it because their parents told them for 25 years they were the smartest? Since many of them have not done crap in their lives there is something there that is limited in their brain capabilities.

Money can Buy a Lot of Things but Intelligence is Not one of them..........

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: ADVISOR

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: network dude

"A lie told a thousand times, becomes the truth"

Joseph Goebbels

No. It's still a lie.

It doesn't matter how ridiculous a lie is. As long as the lie is repeated often enough, some people will believe it.

Lies are enemies. “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”.
— John F. Kennedy

How liars create the illusion of truth

You are right of course that a lie is still a lie.

What that quote means to me so far in my life is a lie has the power when used by people who influence the masses constantly pretend it is true for so long others believe is has to be true. I will give an example, maybe for all time. Some people right now believe not what their eyes are showing them, but what has been programmed by the big lies. Lies such as "Trump said Soldiers are losers" is one that some people tell me I am a liar or just wrong for saying this is gaslighting by the mass media.

You basically said a lie should not stand unchallenged, and I think that is the crux of the matter. The ultimate path must include exposing all lies.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Turns out that is Scientifically accurate.

It may also be an indication of how the more massive population of
the gullible can help marginalize the truth and those who see it clearly.
They get high from it I think, those perpetrating the lie are in their
minds Godlike. But all they have is an illusion. Poor devils....
edit on 6-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

People will realise one day that they lied about everything political everything , There is no left or right or centre in politics just up and down .

And I am in the 99 % down club , good thing is I realised it long long ago

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: network dude

People will realise one day that they lied about everything political everything , There is no left or right or centre in politics just up and down .

And I am in the 99 % down club , good thing is I realised it long long ago

I think you might mean there is just Good and/or Bad acting folks.

Good folks trying to be kind to each other will not be the one who hurt innocent folks on purpose with malice. Not like someone who cares for no one that gets in their way for any reason.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Well , Remember what Ole Sam Clemens Said........

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: network dude

do you think you fell for the lies, and got duped, or did you know Joe was loosing his noodle all along and just didn't want to upset the left?

I supported Joe for about as long as Mitch McConnell. So about week after inauguration. I didn't like many of his EOs. Get to the why on that later.

I think CNN and the like are saving face. Cant admit they backed a dud. Democrats are in denial that their token Trumpism counter sucks.

You are an enigma in that you seem to have some sense, but also seem quite left

Left on social issues (LGBT, pro-womens-only-choice, church/state issues). Also left on tax plans, but only tax rates, including corporate. Don't buy trickle down works. Sort of The George H. W. Bush compromise. Bush's tax hike gave Clinton his legacy, along with the internet boom.

Right on capitalism. I don't even oppose conglomerates and monopolies. Anti-trust can go too far. Against green regulations and forced EVs. I'm almost total social darwinism on trade deregulation and the smaller the federal government the better. States rights. Very pro-military.

I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 based on a Miltary Times endorsement I picked up at the commissary when i was really disliking both Clinton and Trump.

Lately though, I dislike how they last two admistrations went. Trump was doing what he said he'd do, and it was like Pelosi & Co. resurrected Kenneth Starr to be democrat and lead a witch hunt to "get Trump for anything." And failed every time, like Kenneth Starr.

Biden has absorbed the payback. All the way. And while he deserves sh*t for Afghanistan, the border, government expansion, overspending, and green crap, I don't like how it's presented.

Not only is Biden doing those things, they subverted democracy to do so. Using germans, and Soros', and a BAFFLING marxist "one world goverment". I'm pretty sure even the WEF is about "How, can we still get rich but look like we give a sh*t about the planet."

One thing to bash the shi**y president another thing to instill and anger people that cheating is the only way for it all to come about. And that it's this super-complex antichrist nightmare scenario. I don't like undeserving people getting deliberately wound up as a matter of serving an agenda.

Now we are set up for Trump or civil unrest. I don't think the liberals will do anything approaching the Floyd Riots if they lose, protests and hashtags again. but I do fear a militant armed uprising if Biden SOMEHOW wins as the unpopular incumbent.

I would rather have Trump win just to avoid that. I don't think, after 4 years of purposeful vitriol, there is any scenario in which a Biden win will be accepted gracefully or as valid. And I thank conservative media's war with liberal media for that.

One topic, the border. How do you think it should be managed? And of the two choices that currently exist, which of the two did a better job with it?

Trump, except the jackass separation of families. Trump when we wasnt stranding half the South Bay in Baja the Sunday after Thanksgiving because of a "caravan." For about 900 Central Americans he f*cked over about 45,000 US residents, many with SENTRI passes, visiting family, commuting, or traveling that just wanted to get home or to work.

Then Biden went over-the-top trying to be so anti-Trump he lost sight of what Obama/Napolitano did when he was VP that worked. He was too concerned in being humanitarian. He waited until democrats bitched at him. And then gave a sh*t about the problems his lax policy was causing.

Biden was a posturing jackass too. If Texas says your plan sucks and they secure their own border you don't sue them over wildlife like a punk. Same goes for AZ.

Joe was firmly wrapped in keeping Trumpism out of politics. And his efforts solidified it as the direction of The GOP. Which makes the moderate in me tear up. To see moderates turned into RINOs and sellouts. The only use of moderates are as perspective VP picks to steal votes now.

But... why can't we Just vote for Doug Burgum as president? Is he too moderate to be anything more than a token vote getter?

I think the insistance on polarization is driven by false narratives and the reason I'm stuck with these awful reboot choices.
edit on 7-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33

But... why can't we Just vote for Doug Burgum as president? Is he too moderate to be anything more than a token vote getter?

I appreciate your post. I'm not ignoring the rest of it, but I did want to speak on this one part. I think Bergum is a valid choice right now, but we all need to see more of what he can do. I hope most of the R's bench gets jobs in the Trump orbit, and we can see some real time "who they really are" feedback, since the next election will include them, and not Trump. But of the choices, he seems to be an obvious winner.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: network dude

Wouldn't the easier question be, what aren't they lying about?

Since they are damn near lying about literally everything...

Soon leftists are going to try and convince us, that up is down and Visa versa.

Can we as a Nation, find something to agree on for common ground?

Or is there no middle ground available for people who want to be left alone?

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Degradation33
If any would disagree with your conclusions they at least need to consider how you got here. That seems to show a mind willing to work for things. That is about the only way you will find it too. The proof often disappears real fast without screen shots, and those can be doctored.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: network dude

Wouldn't the easier question be, what aren't they lying about?

Since they are damn near lying about literally everything...

Soon leftists are going to try and convince us, that up is down and Visa versa.

Can we as a Nation, find something to agree on for common ground?

Or is there no middle ground available for people who want to be left alone?

100 percent with you.

I have been saying this for years to people like sook and dask about what is trustworthy from our "reliable sources" of old?
AND who believes anyone again who has been proven to lie to us?

Do, we let our significant other lie to us without losing our ability to every trust them completely again?

If any of you said sure to those things, you may be one huge problem for yourself.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: network dude

Absolutely not.

And he was requesting more "refugees" to be relocated to ND in 2019. Like most of the GOP, he's a useless cuck.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

Money can Buy a Lot of Things but Intelligence is Not one of them..........

The logical fallacies they play around with are almost endless. They never actually explain why they are so smart, but they are smarter...The one thing I see lacking in each case is experience.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Yes ....

Experience - (the process of getting) knowledge or skill that is obtained from doing, seeing, or feeling things, or something that happens which has an effect on you:

Example .....

Experienced People can Often Identify those who have been Experienced,,,,

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:55 PM

edit on x31Sun, 07 Jul 2024 14:04:17 -05002024188America/ChicagoSun, 07 Jul 2024 14:04:17 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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