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Should President Trump Accept Apologies and Olive Branches from Liberals and Media in 2025-2028.

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posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: WeMustCare


It needs to be scorched earth. Full purge of the commies and public trials and executions.

Is that in the constitution? Hmmm. 🤔

People who aren't prepared to send their kids to war, shouldn't ask for one. Particularly if you're asking for a civil war.

Too much bloodlust, too much revenge politics. More death can only motivate our extremist factions on both sides to do their worst which is the opposite of what our nation needs.

edit on 24-6-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

His huge ego is a great asset for all Germans because he wants more than anything in the world to make our country great again. His ego is tied to that end! As far as I can tell no other politician out there has that kind of motivation they are too busy trying to please everyone.

Maybe you missed the point, no one talked about party lines.
you change one word and the trump eulogy is about Hitler...
thats all, nice meme

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Lumenari

His huge ego is a great asset for all Germans because he wants more than anything in the world to make our country great again. His ego is tied to that end! As far as I can tell no other politician out there has that kind of motivation they are too busy trying to please everyone.

Maybe you missed the point, no one talked about party lines.
you change one word and the trump eulogy is about Hitler...
thats all, nice meme

Americans consist of whites, blacks, asians and others. Americans are not a race they are legal citizens. Americans are free to worship any religious belief. I guess you missed that so your Hitler, one arian race, analogy is way way off. Hitler wasn't for Germans that were jewish was he? By the way, what planet are you from?
edit on 24-6-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

That's right!
However without clarification you too see the point made.

Every sheep has uttered such stupid eulogies for their leaders...

I guess TDS cuts both ways?

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


You want FACTS ? What level of facts might you deem yourself an arbiter for the masses on. Do you speak for the masses to demand facts that they would accept? Oh mighty you. I could give you one example of how he is a con man and you would argue it for the masses, or I could give you a dozen or more and still you would repute them all so what purpose would any of that serve since you and your masses have heard them all before?

I tell you what, here is a con that he pulled early when he first ran. He conned me and many in conservative America that he was a great businessman and more importantly he knew all the best people. How did that turn out.. Hah. he appointed people who left him in droves once they found out what a schmo he was or who he ended up firing because they had disagreements with his own personal wisdom. Want a list? Why bother because you sir are one of the conned.

Not conned? OK, if you say so. If not why don't you try tossing a few facts back to me on how he is not a conman. Maybe that bastion of higher education Trump University.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 11:25 AM
The long and short here is that revenge politics is not a suitable platform for a presidential campaign, especially when revenge is targeted towards political rivals and their sympathizers.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Disclaimer: I am going to repost in full what I posted to another thread called The brave new world the left has made by Network Dude ...

Explanation: S&F!!!

Bigfoot - What Goes around Comes Around!

Personal Disclosure: @ The Democrats ...

Tornts - Final Warning!

No more chances, final warning! I got no answers, final warning! You're going out, final warning! How do you like that sound, its your final warning!

Conan The Barbarian - Prayer To Crom, Grant Me Revenge!!!

Conan: Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, Crom… so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!

MAGA! And then Keep America Great Always!

a reply to: Zanti Misfit

any bitching, and I mean even the slightest little peep of animosity towards this initiative will be so comically delicious with irony it will be hard to enjoy it all in one sitting. As I said, I'd have been against something like this before, now, # no, I'm all on board. Find me the democrat, and we can find the crime.

Sounds like history repeating ...

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.

Read more at:

Give me the man and I will give you the case against him

Its just another form, in this case an overt instead of covert form, of Blowback (intelligence)

Boomerang effect (psychology)

Unintended consequences

And will manifest as a form of Game Theory Tactics and Strategy ... Tit for Tat

Tit for tat is an English saying meaning "equivalent retaliation". It developed from "tip for tap", first recorded in 1558.[1]

It is also a highly effective strategy in game theory. An agent using this strategy will first cooperate, then subsequently replicate an opponent's previous action. If the opponent previously was cooperative, the agent is cooperative. If not, the agent is not. This is similar to reciprocal altruism in biology.

The tit-for-tat inability of either side to back away from conflict, for fear of being perceived as weak or as cooperating with the enemy, has been the cause of many prolonged conflicts throughout history.

Eye For An Eye

"An eye for an eye" (Biblical Hebrew: עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן, ʿayīn taḥaṯ ʿayīn)[a] is a commandment found in the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi, which predates the Hebrew Bible.[1]

The law of exact retaliation (Latin: lex talionis),[2] or reciprocal justice, bears the same principle that a person who has injured another person is to be penalized to a similar degree by the injured party.

@ The Democrats [again] ...

We have given you enough rope to hang yourselves with by now ok!

@ Trump ... however I advise the following ...

The phrase “revenge is a dish best served cold” means that taking revenge at a later date is more satisfying and effective than enacting it immediately123. It implies that revenge can be better planned and executed if it is cold-blooded, unexpected, and premeditated13. The expression also supports the idea that vengeance can be more enjoyable if it is done the proper way3.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

There have been actual crimes committed by the regime. Actual treason.

They need to be held accountable, because if they're not, they'll keep doing it.

It's called upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

The revenge part is just a happy side effect.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: TzarChasm

There have been actual crimes committed by the regime. Actual treason.

They need to be held accountable, because if they're not, they'll keep doing it.

It's called upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

The revenge part is just a happy side effect.

That's for congress to decide, not the president.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's for juries to decide in objective trials with all the evidence presented.

And the evidence is substantial.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: TzarChasm

There have been actual crimes committed by the regime. Actual treason.

They need to be held accountable, because if they're not, they'll keep doing it.

It's called upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

The revenge part is just a happy side effect.

That's for congress to decide, not the president.

Is that what Congress did with Joe Biden ? Party Majorities Control the Vote in Congress and Justice is NEVER Served there ...Come On Man !

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's for juries to decide in objective trials with all the evidence presented.

And the evidence is substantial.

So you agree it's not the president's job to file charges or assign prosecution. The president can fire somebody but can't put them in jail. That's a judicial function separate from the executive branch.

edit on 24-6-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 03:02 PM
Facts are facts.

No need for my designation mattering.


The rest of humanity is seeing the same facts that point to YOU being the one conned, YOU won't admit it.

a reply to: BingoMcGoof

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: TzarChasm

There have been actual crimes committed by the regime. Actual treason.

They need to be held accountable, because if they're not, they'll keep doing it.

It's called upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

The revenge part is just a happy side effect.

Congress is going to almost to a man be on the list. We will have to 1st arrest them, and figure out how to get a Quorum with the rest that are not going to be hung for their proven crimes.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 03:12 PM
No more complaining. The time for action approaches...

The Trump administration will ensure CNN suffers death in 2025 by Fed investigations and crushing audits. Yes! 😈 👍

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: TzarChasm

It's for juries to decide in objective trials with all the evidence presented.

And the evidence is substantial.

So you agree it's not the president's job to file charges or assign prosecution. The president can fire somebody but can't put them in jail. That's a judicial function separate from the executive branch.

Almost all of DC and Congress critters appear to be compromised. How can we let them decide their own fate for their crimes that way? We can't that is how. Portions of our Judicious system is compromised in RICO crimes. We need the military tribunals to dispense their justice now.

edit on 24000000083020246America/Chicago06pm6 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 05:51 PM
One thing I want to see, is breaking news stories and their pictures plastered all over every news outlet worldwide and the crimes shown so everyone can see them.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Please explain to me how you think I am conned. By Biden? Really? An old man who can barely walk across a stage? By the main stream media? Hardly, I have been haunting this web site for over a decade so you think that I am still enthralled to that? Please, I was on to mass media from way before the Reagan era.

So who do you suppose I am being conned by. I offered to this thread a comment on apologising to Trump . You however took notice and replied directly to me in defense of Trump. THAT right there Just, is classic cult member reaction, jump in and defend the cult leader. Sorry but that is how it appears to me.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:30 PM
It has to be a complete scorched earth Presidency if he wins - which he won't.
The entire 4 years should be about one outcome - ending Washington corruption and indicting everyone in Washington involved.
Many need to be tried for treason.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:44 PM
"Somebody" thinks letting Julian Assange go free, after years of TORTURE, will put them in President Trump's good graces.

Assange to be released from prison by the US DOJ:

WRONG... Nothing can stop what is coming for them. NOTHING...except extinction of the human race.

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