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America 2005 is Germany 1930

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posted on May, 20 2005 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by BillHicksRules

Sorry kid, I was asking about the 48 countries fighting with the US.



Oh ok, sorry if I came across as agressive, just a little tired when I made that statement.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 07:18 AM

Do not worry, I simply put it down to youthful exuberance (thats high spirits to those of your from south of Carlisle)



posted on May, 20 2005 @ 07:45 AM
Calling America Nazi Germany shows your lack of knowledge of history.

You can start by checking out this website:

A copy of Mein Kampf was officially presented by the Nazis to all newly married couples in Germany. [A copy of Mein Kampf (D-660) submitted by the prosecution to the tribunal contains the following dedication on the fly-leaf:

"To the newly married couple, Friedrich Rosebrock and Else Geborene Zum Beck, with best wishes for a happy and blessed marriage. Presented by the Communal Administration on the occasion of their marriage on 14 November 1940. For the Mayor, the Registrar."

This copy of Mein Kampf, which was the 1945 edition, contains the information that the number of copies- published to date amount to 6,250,000.]

As a result of the efforts of the conspirators, this book, blasphemously called "The Bible of the German people," poisoned a generation and distorted the outlook of a whole people. For as the SS General von dem Bach-Zelewski testified before the Tribunal, [on 7 January 1946] if it is preached for years, as long as ten years, that the Slav peoples are inferior races and that the Jews are subhuman, then it must logically follow that the killing of millions of these human beings is accepted as a natural phenomenon. From Mein Kampf the way leads directly to the furnaces of Auschwitz and the gas chambers of Maidanek.

I am not saying that America is not without fault but we are not even close to a Nazi Germany of the 30's and 40's.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 02:08 AM

The sad fact is that by the time you and most of your countrymen realise you are following the same path, it will be possibly too late to change it without massive bloodshed.

However, you keep sticking your head in the sand between shows on Fox News.



posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by BillHicksRules
The sad fact is that by the time you and most of your countrymen realise you are following the same path, it will be possibly too late to change it without massive bloodshed.

However, you keep sticking your head in the sand between shows on Fox News.


If people bothered to read my original post, you'd soon see that I'm not saying America IS Nazi - I'm saying that there are alot of comparisons that can be seen, with regards to, brainwashing etc...

I dont understand why most Americans cant dis-sociate themselves with their country, and put their blind patriotism to the side - and REALISE that AMERICA is trying to/already has (to an extent) TAKEN OVER THE WORLD!

In America, 9/11 was a real big thing. I think it was a wake-up call for a lot of people, inside and outside of America because I know in America for a long time we had this perception of ourselves as being the good guy, the cowboy that wears the white hat - the world protector. It became very obvious to a lot of people after 9/11 that the rest of the world doesn't neccessarily think about us that way. I think that was a huge shock for alot of Americans

We really have no idea how people perceive us outside of America. I think there's a reason why these kinds of tragedies happen. Im not glorifying it or justifying it in anyway, but there is a reason behind why these things happen. Most Americans are kept ignorant to what goes on around the world outside of our borders.

Lyrics Born (an underground rapper who works closely with Jurassic 5, Ozomatli, Quannam MC's and Lateef)

Just spend 10 minutes, to think outside of your square... You'd be surprised on how clear things will become...



Bill Hicks was cool as - I've heard him described as Noam Chomsky with dick jokes...

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:00 PM
Sorry, did not know that your statement America 2005 is Germany 1930
did not mean nazi. In my mind when someone talks about Germany during that period of time I think of Nazi germany. I must be brain washed from fox tv or something. Maybe I am just paranoid, or maybe you are paranoid and are making something out of nothing.

Germany tried to conquer the world by force. Germany killed 6 millions jews and killed its own citizens that were retarded and or had some form of defect if you will. German leaders made decisions based on occultism which is why they most likely lost some key battles maybe costing them the war.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:05 PM
I would say that the UN vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq shows that America does not own the world. We can project our military force around the globe like no other but we still cannot make the rest of the world jump when we want them to. If that was the case we would have captured bin laden already. Just my opinion. Give me some info to make me change my mind.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:15 PM
Ghostsoldier is not saying the Amerikan government is EXACTLY like the German government of WWII.
He is saying there are a LOT of similarities between fascism in Germany and the present U.S. government policies.
Just because they're not gassing people and wearing funky moustaches doesn't mean that the other similarities don't stand. There are many of them.
Instead of blindly supporting these power mad fascists do an unbiased assessment yourself. If you don't see the similarities then your patriotic blindness is gonna hurt you in the end.


posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
Germany tried to conquer the world by force.

The US has been doing the same thing since WW2 - But instead of placing the 'United States in charge' - they put corrupt dictators, or corrupt 'leaders' in charge... With the sole intent of opening up markets for US investment... Because you dont need to own the country if you are getting the majority of its resources, for cheap....

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
Germany killed 6 millions jews and killed its own citizens that were retarded and or had some form of defect if you will.

What about the millions of Vietnamese people that the United States killed in the 60's... and the whole "Terminate with extreme Predjudice"
What about the millions of African American people that were legally 'second class citizens' - now the laws have changed, but the institutionalised racism remains, and the government does nothing about it
What about the thousands of homeless people living on Americas streets that are just swept aside by the government
What about the obvious homo-phobia that George W. displays (ie; no gay weddings)
What about the thousands of mothers who are forced to have babies they are not going to look after, because the government wont allow abortion
What about the terrorist groups the US government has done nothing about... KKK, CANF, etc etc

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
German leaders made decisions based on occultism which is why they most likely lost some key battles maybe costing them the war.

Certain parallels could be drawn to George Dubyas regular referals to 'the almighty god...' - But this isn't important... Its no use dismissing the notion of US being Facist completely - when there is obvious parallels... Its better to act on the Facist-style policies while they are still small... ie the Patriot Act...

As for the UN, the US went AGAINST what the majority of the world said... They went gung-ho into a situation they'd been planning for years - its all about hegemony over the worlds resources...


But I think the most important thing to understand is; the way the US Government used the atrocities of 9/11 to justify invading countries, all in the name of removing terror and spreading freedom...

The day I support America spreading freedom, will be the day America invades a country that DOESN'T have Oil...

[edit on 24-5-2005 by ghostsoldier]

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:43 AM

The day I support America spreading freedom, will be the day America invades a country that DOESN'T have Oil...

You already said it, Vietnam. Are you going to support uncle sam now. (just kidding, I know what you meant)

You have made some good points that i would like to discuss later today when i have more time to devote to the subject.


posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:09 PM
cryptorsa1001, I dont want to come accross as attacking you or anything (just to set the record straight, just in case you were thinking other wise


There are some people on ATS who have had arguments that are like "GS, you can't talk about what the US does - what about your pal Stalin" - Or things to these effects... So for the record I would like to make a few things clear for all those who have the patience to read this...

Stalin was NOT Communist - infact he was the one who DESTROYED THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - That Lenin worked so hard for, he was a madman who killed almost every REAL communist in Russia... There has NEVER EVER EVER NEVER been a Communist Country - NEVER!!! Stalin, Mao Zedong, Mussolini etc - WERE NOT, Communists and there countries were NOT Communist... The misconception people have about what communism is, is astonishing - and I think alot of people need to do some research... You'd be surprised at how much sense Marxism/Socialism/Communism actually makes....


Anyways, back on topic...

People - there are obvious paralells that can be drawn between the United States of the 21st Century and the Germany of 1930 - and while they are not identical - doesn't it just make common sense to bring attention to the similarities and make people aware of how they can change them...

So Hitler was in the Army, and George Bush wasn't - Does that make their crimes against humanity any better? So Hitler killed millions of Jews, does that make the US illegally invading Iraq any better?

Ofcourse not, look at what America has become, look at what America is doing - And you as the American people can change that, you cant change it all - all it takes is empathy, sympathy, reason and unity...

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:16 AM
ghostsoldier, I do not think you are attacking me personally. Although I do not share all of your beliefs I like the fact that you are able to debate a subject without going into a rant making the debate turn into a shouting match.

· Fascism
a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
· Oppressive, dictatorial control.

a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)

I have seen movement towards consolidation of power in Washington. Placing the intelligence agencies under the command of 1 person that reports directly to the white house coupled with the patriot act makes me more than a bit nervous. The fight over judges is geared towards gaining power over the judicial system.

A momentous battle for both parties and the country has just begun

THIS week the Senate embarked on an epic struggle over the appointment of George Bush's nominees to the federal bench. The struggle will determine not only Mr Bush's ability to reshape the judiciary along more conservative lines, but also the balance of power in Washington, DC, between the Republicans and Democrats and, just possibly, the future of such controversial issues as abortion and the role of religion in public life.


What about the thousands of mothers who are forced to have babies they are not going to look after, because the government wont allow abortion

Abortion is legal in the United states.

What about the terrorist groups the US government has done nothing about... KKK, CANF, etc etc

The government has done alot to crack down on hate groups such as the KKK. Where I am from there are more protesters at a KKK demonstration than actual KKK members.

As for the UN, the US went AGAINST what the majority of the world said... They went gung-ho into a situation they'd been planning for years - its all about hegemony over the worlds resources...

Well this may be true but it is also true that Russia, China and France voted no was due to the fact that they had oil contracts and were also making money from the oil for food scandal. The more powerful countries of the history have always thrown there military muscle around to get resources for there own countrymen. The early history of America is a prime example.

I would have to agree that the US is economically taking over vast areas of the world’s economies. The free trade laws are designed for American companies to be able to take advantage of nations with smaller and poorer economies. My opinion is that it hurts us citizens as well as the citizens of other countries. The big winners are the large corporations. However that is entirely different than controlling by military force.

Racism, sexism and homophobia are all tools that Capitalists use to exploit the working class, the more segregation their is, the more in-fighting there is - the less people can see the bigger picture...

I agree with you’re statement mentioned above but these are the same tactics that most governments use. Part of the reason that 9-11 happened is that the government of Saudi Arabia promoted hate of America so that its citizens would not turn there rage towards them due to there poor living conditions while the Government (ruling class) live in extreme luxury at the expense of its own citizens.

com·mu·nism P Pronunciation Key (k m y -n z m)
1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
2. Communism
a. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
b. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

The problems that I see with communism are the potential for some individual to take complete control of the country and its citizens. Another problem is that there is no incentive to invent which creates jobs and wealth. Advances for the human race have come through inventions. Taking away the potential to become wealthy diminishes inventions and thus advancement of the human race. The want of wealth is what gives America its prosperity. The want of wealth does cause problems but so far it has benefited the majority of Americans and to some extent large portions of the globe.

Between 1933 and 1945, Germany's National Socialist (Nazi) government under Adolf Hitler used its monopoly of authority to attempt to rid German territory of people who did not fit its vision of a "master Aryan race." Foremost among the so–called racial enemies, according to the Nazis' antisemitic ideology, were the Jews. When Germany's pursuit of "living space" led to World War II and the conquest of much of Europe, the Nazis undertook the systematic murder of every Jew in Europe.

Many other groups were targets of persecution and even murder under the Nazis’ ideology, including Germans with mental and physical disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma ("Gypsies"), Poles, and Soviet prisoners of war. Millions perished in this state–sponsored tyranny.


"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." - Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

Although I do not all together think you are correct in that America is going down the same path as Germany during the 1930's I have seen some similarities that warrant my further attention. I have a gun that my Grandfather used to kill Germans during the 30's before he was able to escape with some of his immediate family and move to America. He then worked for the US government on designing and building military weaponry wich was later used to defeat Germany.

Here is an article titled Is India going the way of 1930s Germany? that might help provide some info for this discussion. Others countries have been acussed of going down the same road as Germany other than America.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 07:39 AM

"Well this may be true but it is also true that Russia, China and France voted no was due to the fact that they had oil contracts and were also making money from the oil for food scandal. The more powerful countries of the history have always thrown there military muscle around to get resources for there own countrymen."

Surely this is what just happened. The US needed the oil and simply used the "might is right" theory?

"I would have to agree that the US is economically taking over vast areas of the world’s economies. The free trade laws are designed for American companies to be able to take advantage of nations with smaller and poorer economies. My opinion is that it hurts us citizens as well as the citizens of other countries. The big winners are the large corporations. However that is entirely different than controlling by military force. "


It is less obvious but in the longterm far more insidious and can cost just as many lives, e.g. Union Carbide incident at Bhopal, India.



posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:36 AM


I wonder if she read this thread?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:18 AM

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

You have voted ghostsoldier for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Good post Ghostsoldier!

The methods of those in control in the U.S. now are more subtle and sly than those of the Nazi party but the result is the same.
The U.S. government learnt and adopted many Nazi methods after WWII. Especially psychological methods, mind control and population conditioning.
The powers that be learnt a lot during WWII.

Especially when WWII was a manufactured war to advance the globalist elite agenda, and the covert importation of ex-Nazi scientists through Operation Paperclip.

Nazi Germany itself was an alpha test of the one world order system, just like the People's Republic of China is the beta test today.

Now the globalists are trying it in the United States, using the American people as guinea pigs for their one world order.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Amorymeltzer

Have you seen Naomi Wolfs history lesson lectures called "End of America?".. its on netflix and here:

The US powers, accelerated with bush, are in fact reviving many 1930s national socialist policies.

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