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America 2005 is Germany 1930

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posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 12:15 AM

We who live in the post-World War II period possess an immensely valuable symbol, even if we don't understand it or use it effectively: the example of Nazi Germany.


The 2004 election revealed that many American citizens are as intellectually and morally incompetent as the Germans in 1930. Such incompetence and ignorance always lead to tyranny. The United States is exactly at the same point in national degradation as the German nation in the 1930s when Hitler assumed absolute power and began his regime of mass murder and war crimes against the people of the world.


We've been conditioned to see Germany under Hitler as an unquestionably horrible example of dictatorial tyranny and inhuman barbarity--and to see our present American culture as completely opposite to that of Nazi Germany. And we like to think that if a tyranny such as that in Germany under the Nazi regime were present and growing in America we'd unquestionably be able to see it.

So it's a shock when we realize: most people living in Nazi Germany didn't see the tyranny! They thought it was the best time of their lives!


To the Germans in Mayer's study, each occasion of Nazi violence was worse than the last, but only a little worse. So they waited for the one shocking event, thinking that they would join with others if or when it happened. But as the violence escalated, no one rose up to condemn the concentration camps and general oppression. No one wanted to act alone, and when a mass uprising failed to occur, the common people just let events take their course. They progressively lost the ability to understand the horror of Nazism and the will to oppose it.

Similarly, we don't see the growing fascism in America and the world because we don't want to see it and because it happens somewhat gradually, which makes it almost imperceptible to those who don't think critically. Everything in your society--Nazi Germany or twenty-first century America--seems so ordinary.


Hitler was able to brand anyone he considered an enemy and see that that person was summarily executed. How long will it be before President Bush begins to brand as "terrorist" any US citizen who disagrees with him?

America 2005 is Germany 1930

I know this post is pretty out there, and is probably raise alot of eye-brows, but I do not want petty name-calling bouncing around... I want contructive critizism and conversations...

With that in mind, any opinions, discussion etc...

[edit on 17-4-2005 by ghostsoldier]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 01:01 AM

You have voted ghostsoldier for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Good post Ghostsoldier!

The methods of those in control in the U.S. now are more subtle and sly than those of the Nazi party but the result is the same.
The U.S. government learnt and adopted many Nazi methods after WWII. Especially psychological methods, mind control and population conditioning.
The powers that be learnt a lot during WWII.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
The methods of those in control in the U.S. now are more subtle and sly than those of the Nazi party but the result is the same.
The U.S. government learnt and adopted many Nazi methods after WWII. Especially psychological methods, mind control and population conditioning.
The powers that be learnt a lot during WWII.

The mass media system plays the biggest role in this endevour, that and the education system...

There is another post about the US being a sleeping giant! I agree they are a giant, a giant that is wide awake and is slowly taking over the world... The thing is 99% of the American public is so brainwashed they cant see it happening under their noses...

Just because their houses aren't getting bombed they think everything is OK... The US is not a sleeping giant, merely a giant who plays the best game of chess in the world... They learnt from Nazi Germany and have vowed not to make the same mistake, instead they are biding their time, peice by peice, little by little, they ARE taking over the world, all under the disguise of spreading FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY... This surely is a great world we live in...

The only difference between America and Nazi Germany is that the US is taking it slowly and patiently...

Wake up, and take the power back Americans!

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 05:46 AM
Somce Dubya's great? grampa help to fund Hitlers war Jr. and crew has a tremendous wealth of information at their disponsal to completely take control of its own citizens.
Great post bro !

(mod edit to fix caps. Please refrain from using them to write a whole post thanks )

[edit on 17-4-2005 by asala]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:00 AM
Its true, the Germans denied knowing of concentration camps

Still its a good point though if the take over was implemented slowly then it could be very hard to spot, the patriot acts could be considered part of it but thats a matter of opinion.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:03 AM
The question will be, what will come AFTER the fascist regime of the neocons in america? My guess is a global imperialist state with a name like 'The Union of Nations', who would claim to offer protection for states coming under attack from rebel uprising groups not happy with the global fascist anti-sovereignty regime....
.....yeah, you heard me.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:20 AM
The US will be split up into north (Dems) and south (Repubs) with a massive wall. The north will be occupied by the EU and the south will be occupied by Russia and China.

[edit on 17-4-2005 by cargo]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by cargo
The US will be split up into north (Dems) and south (Repubs) with a massive wall. The north will be occupied by the EU and the south will be occupied by Russia and China.

Could you explain what you mean here in a bit more detail? Thanks.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 09:33 AM
You probably missed this at the bottom, Kiwidave.

Originally posted by cargo

No detail to go into really. Just playing along with the thread theme.

[edit on 17-4-2005 by cargo]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 09:41 AM
One of the main reason why I don't post much on Above Top, too many people are oppessed with the idea of America as the new evil tyrant ready to take the world over at the drop of a pen. Many people agree with that thought and most of which creates more anger.

This thread seems a bit more like fueling the fire, creating fear. Many come to know that as propaganda.

only 1/3 of the population of ameica actually voted in the november election, so about 1/5 voted for bush...... What really disturbes me more, is the fact that when you claim 99% percent of americans are brainwashed.
These are good decent people who should be treated with respect. You act as if we love our leader, and will follow him to the pit of hell. Even if the truth is, he will be gone in three years, and I seriously doubt any of his family will ever win a race.

Another thing I would like to point out, the never ending thought that the US is leading to world domination. We have bases in many countries, but not for world domination, mostly they are their for the reasons of the Soviet Union. Places like the Middle East, which are getting a bit out of control. We need stronger relations and most of all peacekeeping forces.
Even if the US decided one day to invade Europe or Asia or the middle east, our military will be severly weakened. We can hardly handle Iraq with the soldiers we've got, much less the world.

Well we have the nuclear option, but whats a world to take over when it looks like mars? Russia has even more nukes than we do, and currently developing a new weapons system that can outmanuver all of the U.S. (I a missle that can carry several types of weapons, including nuclear bombs) . I must add also that Iran and Syria have asked to buy some, fortuantly both have been turned down.

Consider the fact that we managed that invade the earth. How the hell do we keep it under control. Even if Martial law were to be created in the US, the military would only occupy just regions of america instead of towns and cities. Solely by its vast size.

Another point is the fact that even after we have world domination, and somehow controlled countries militarily, there would so much of a large uprising since of course most people in the world hate the US.

Nazi Germany were very proud of their new country, their new superpower.
Right now many American's don't love their country as much as they use to. They complain its changed, problems like racism, illegal aliens, job loss (exports), this war, Zarqawi, laws, damn pills, and the fact that everyone seems to hate US. Our media has been critizied for brainwashing us, but what about the rest of the world? A lot of which shows some anti-americanism. The italian journalist who was wounded by US soldiers in Iraq, she brought up a large conflict. Creating more hate for America, the recent investigation by the Italian and American government both show that this was an accident. Lights were flashed, then hand signals, warning shot, then they took action. Even though they were cleared, the damage was done.

One of major reasons why nazi germany went to war was quiet simple. devestation of WW1 caused an economic crash and mortally wounded the hearts of every german.
They felt this was their knight in shining armor (Hitler) coming to save Germany.
The US has a different past, nearly completely different.

Someone on this site pointed out some time ago. "Only the bads deeds are noticed"
Unfortuantely he's right. It reminds me of Oscar Shindler even though he enslaved the jews, he did for a righteous purpose.

Im an American and I respect your views and am willing to debate them, as long as its mature.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:06 AM
If u look at the vote counts for the Nazi party it is clear that they were not popular when people were not so desperate, it was only after a few years that they rose in popularity. The US has no such problems, the economy is good and people are generally not in poverty there is no need for upheavel or any ideological changes like there were in Germany after the crash.

I dont believe the average American wants to be in a military state like Nazi Germany. I know many Americans will disagree but normal citizens are not really that hardened and have no idea of what war really is other than what they see on the news. It is not in the US psyche they have never really been bombed in the homeland and had a full on war in that respect which means they are not out for revenge and people dont want to be drafted which would be a requirement in a Nazi like state.
I dont mean to imply that Americans cannot fight it is obvious that they can
we found that in WW2, although many clueless europeans still deny that contribution.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:18 AM
I'm sad to say that the mentality, attitude and intellectual level of a much too big chunk of the American population of today resembles that of the German population in 1930 as well... It's scary and sad.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:26 AM
excellent thread,
i wish i had votes left to give you one because this thread deserves it. It truely does.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:27 AM

You act as if we love our leader, and will follow him to the pit of hell. Even if the truth is, he will be gone in three years, and I seriously doubt any of his family will ever win a race.

Yes, but what about the damage that he will have caused in the world by then..... A lot of blood can be spilled, and plenty of cities can be leveled to the ground in 3 years. A world war can be started within the 3 years he has left. The U.S. is very busy in the Middle East, and for people who know what is really going on there it is very freightening! Things have already gone too far, and it's beyond repair. The U.S. has started a fire which cannot be extinguished, even if they wanted to.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:33 AM
I'd like to see a reputable surce verify this information.

Such incompetence and ignorance always lead to tyranny. The United States is exactly at the same point in national degradation as the German nation in the 1930s when Hitler assumed absolute power and began his regime of mass murder and war crimes against the people of the world.

We are currently nowhere near that same point. I find it terribly ignorant of someone to say that we are even close to that point. I'm not a Bush fan, but there is an enormous difference between a systematic extermination of a group of people on a quest for 'purity' and a preemptive attack on false presumptions. If you believe this, I suggest you read any book about the Holocaust and/or Nazi Germany, then look at America.

evanfitz has some good points, I especially like the one about the support. Never has America been so divided (except for the Civil War). Nazi Germany was the perfect example of what unification can do, of what happens when you stop fighting (and, you know, are stupid).

I find it in terrible taste and great ignorance, ghostsoldier, to compare bush to hitler, especially through the use of art. But, that's my opinion, and it's your prerogative.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:37 AM
Were really not angry at a certain race of people. Not enough to commit mass murder. Blacks?? god no. Jews??? the US holds the largest jewish population in the world. Christians??? we are christians, or most of us.

Muslim??? nope, not at all. Many go as far as to say that we all hate muslims after september 11th, but thats just not true. I have good muslim friends, we respect muslims and I admire many for their loyalty and faith. I not trying to imply that nobody in America doesn't like muslims. Yes there are racists here.
The majority of the US public are completely against muslim fanatics. Insurgents and terrorist. But I don't like to talk much about the term "terrorist" because many people use its definition against us. Which causes some confusion.
So I will use muslim fanatics.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:47 AM
That's a good point. The US has too many people of too many kinds. We'd never get away with ruining a people because everyone else would jump in. Assuming that it took place to begin with, which it won't. Because of WWII.

First They Came for the Jews

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Siroos

You act as if we love our leader, and will follow him to the pit of hell. Even if the truth is, he will be gone in three years, and I seriously doubt any of his family will ever win a race.

Yes, but what about the damage that he will have caused in the world by then..... A lot of blood can be spilled, and plenty of cities can be leveled to the ground in 3 years. A world war can be started within the 3 years he has left. The U.S. is very busy in the Middle East, and for people who know what is really going on there it is very freightening! Things have already gone too far, and it's beyond repair. The U.S. has started a fire which cannot be extinguished, even if they wanted to.

Iraq is begining to shed some light. After the elections, civilian and american deaths have dropped dramatically. Saddam and his sons are out of the picture, new government has been installed, new president has been elected and the constitution is on its way. If in fact Iraq becomes a success (which doesn't require critizisim) it will be a major breakthrough in the mid-east, and hopefully cool the temper on ant-americanism. Yet its at such a high risk.
At this moment I getting a bit worried about China, they recently signed the right to invade taiwan if it ever delcares independence; and anti-japanese people are flaring up like wildfires.
I've been to chinese websites (chinese mlitary forum). Im not a member, but I spectate. You can see how the hatred is growing.

And at this time nothing seems to be much of a nusance to the US public besides national problems and this war.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by evanfitz
One of major reasons why nazi germany went to war was quiet simple. devestation of WW1 caused an economic crash and mortally wounded the hearts of every german.
They felt this was their knight in shining armor (Hitler) coming to save Germany.
The US has a different past, nearly completely different.

So what you are saying is that the theory that the US is heading down the same path as Nazi Germany is wrong because the build up to the occurance differs? I don't beleive that to be so, the general activities towards the same cause can still occur under different circumstances, even probable that it would not occur under the same circumstances as this is more noticable.. remember the meaning of "more than one way to skin a cat".. the tactics may differ but the final result is still the same.

Good post Ghostsoldier, you get a WATS from me!

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Klepto

Originally posted by evanfitz
One of major reasons why nazi germany went to war was quiet simple. devestation of WW1 caused an economic crash and mortally wounded the hearts of every german.
They felt this was their knight in shining armor (Hitler) coming to save Germany.
The US has a different past, nearly completely different.

So what you are saying is that the theory that the US is heading down the same path as Nazi Germany is wrong because the build up to the occurance differs? I don't beleive that to be so, the general activities towards the same cause can still occur under different circumstances, even probable that it would not occur under the same circumstances as this is more noticable.. remember the meaning of "more than one way to skin a cat".. the tactics may differ but the final result is still the same.

Good post Ghostsoldier, you get a WATS from me!

Lol, yes i've heard that quote.

Thats one of many reasons, im simply saying that the way germany acted was of deep emotional stress. It was its past that led up to the rise of the nazi party.

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