+20 more
posted on May, 17 2024 @ 05:50 AM
Time is seemingly growing short here on ATS. As such, it seems appropriate to ask this one question...
When you first joined ATS, or in your time here, what one mystery (conspiracy, event, etc.) did you hope you would find an answer to? Or, maybe
conversely, what one thing were you most disappointed you never found a solution to.
Maybe there is more than one thing, and that's okay, but there must be some big ones which stand out.
I'll go first to serve up some examples:
1. As many here know, I first joined because of the 'Black Hole in Russia'. After nearly 2 decades of research I honestly don't feel I am
significantly closer to solving this mystery other than to say I know more about what it is not. But I still don't know what it truly is, and it is
2. The other big one (for me) was something which occurred a year and two months after I joined. I had genuine hopes that the mystery of what
happened to Malaysian Airlines flight 370 would be solved. Candidly, I'm rather shocked this mystery has persisted the way it has, especially in
today's age of technology and capability.
What are yours?
Maybe if this thread is well received, we can expand it in the twilight hours here to include mysteries which 'were' solved to your satisfaction on
Love to hear your thoughts.
edit on 5/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)