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The Truth About Jesus

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posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: quintessentone

Truth is, that truth is never apt to materialise short of humanity devising a time machine.

There was no great flood that encompassed the world at the time period suggested in the Bible.

And there is plenty of evidence that shows that to be the case ranging from that of the geological sorts to paleontological evidence, and even that of the genetic sorts which show patterns of divergence and evolution that are inconsistent with a recent global flood.

The missing gospels and the included gospels in the Bible could be considered as evidence because some of the writings were done somewhere in the time range of between 60 AD to 200 AD and some are alleged to have been written down by witnesses.

Damn now I feel like having a Guinness.

Sorry, I have to respond to this, even if the thread is older, somehow I missed it.

The books you are talking about WERE examined as possible evidence when they were consolidating the Bible. And they were rejected. And with good reason. I for one am a bit informed about those reasons, and I have a different viewpoint than you.

I read the Gnostic texts, you missed an interesting one. The Gospel of Judas. In which it’s told that he was the greatest apostle of all. It talks about how he was the closest to Jesus, he was supposed to have received all kinds of “secret” knowledge, told he was supposed to kill him and said it was ok. What garbage. Along with the Roman centurion that supposedly got Mary pregnant.

Do you not believe that there were many texts even pornography that floated around that were meant for entertainment? People in the past wrote fiction also. For entertainment. So 300 years ago someone throws a scrap of that in the mix.
The whole idea was to find the truth. Just because the scrap existed and it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s true. They had a process, and access to far more documents then you do. I believe they still exist in the Vatican.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: quintessentone

Truth is, that truth is never apt to materialise short of humanity devising a time machine.

There was no great flood that encompassed the world at the time period suggested in the Bible.

And there is plenty of evidence that shows that to be the case ranging from that of the geological sorts to paleontological evidence, and even that of the genetic sorts which show patterns of divergence and evolution that are inconsistent with a recent global flood.

The missing gospels and the included gospels in the Bible could be considered as evidence because some of the writings were done somewhere in the time range of between 60 AD to 200 AD and some are alleged to have been written down by witnesses.

Damn now I feel like having a Guinness.

Sorry, I have to respond to this, even if the thread is older, somehow I missed it.

The books you are talking about WERE examined as possible evidence when they were consolidating the Bible. And they were rejected. And with good reason. I for one am a bit informed about those reasons, and I have a different viewpoint than you.

I read the Gnostic texts, you missed an interesting one. The Gospel of Judas. In which it’s told that he was the greatest apostle of all. It talks about how he was the closest to Jesus, he was supposed to have received all kinds of “secret” knowledge, told he was supposed to kill him and said it was ok. What garbage. Along with the Roman centurion that supposedly got Mary pregnant.

Do you not believe that there were many texts even pornography that floated around that were meant for entertainment? People in the past wrote fiction also. For entertainment. So 300 years ago someone throws a scrap of that in the mix.
The whole idea was to find the truth. Just because the scrap existed and it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s true. They had a process, and access to far more documents then you do. I believe they still exist in the Vatican.

Please provide a link to the passages you mention in the Gospel of Judas (The Sarcastic Gospel), because I dont recall any of that being there.

Thanks in advance.

Gospel of Judas

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 12:27 PM
I have no doubts as to the Choir and preaching to it. Its not my intention, as their is no way I can compete with the vast data base the Choir has amassed over time. Only maybe, to add to it.

It was written that the Anunnaki relied on "Savants" for their decision making. What is a Savant, simply one who knows, or one who acquires to know. I personally believe Jesus was a Savant, but how? How could he know through birth? Simply, it was inside him, his DNA. That wondrous code that contains far far more than we can comprehend. I recently learned how much information can be stored in the DNA, and it is staggering. And it can be, if one knows how, replicated into a new body. As once stated, DNA memory.

I admit I dont have all the Mysteries Jesus shared with his followers, but I do have enough to see what he was trying to do. At best, given the state of Mankind and their limited knowledge, and great deceptions, he could only plant seeds of thoughts, which given enough time, and yes imagination, would grow into massive trains of thought. That one day might Save our mankind.

Will Jesus return, physically? Well, if you put yourself in his position, why would he, until, all those seeds came to fruition.

Back to the DNA and all the possibilities. It is possible that each one of us have a transceiver within that DNA(Pineal Gland). And it vibrates to the frequency it is tuned to. Some vibrate to the frequency of the physical creators (Anunakki) and some vibrate to the Divine Creators frequency. Of course its ultimately the persons choice as to which to vibrate to, but the main problem to that is, you have to know the other exists, and its your choice. And to me this is how mankind has been following the Pied Piper of what you call Satan. They follow the music (Frequency) because its the only thing they can hear through the calcification of that DNA Transceiver.

I have a feeling that Jesus himself would approve of the Frequencies contained in the above video, are true and correct. The Serpent (Anunnaki Humanoids) masquerades as both Satan and god. And this is how people are controlled into the Sadistic Matrix of Lies. And once the people realize they have a choice, that truth shall set them free. For if they knew of this choice, it would be simple from there. The world, would flip.

The "Choir" has been going out of its way to identify the one "savant" that can save the world, in Harrods memory. That one savior who if exterminated will save the Anunnaki's world of lies. But as I said, If it were I, I would devise a plan where small bits of DNA in the proper place would trigger thousands upon thousands of Savant Sleepers, who would set the world spiritually on fire, when they receive the correct, frequency. Music to defeat, the pied Piper....... And it appears to be, a work in progress....

There are those who will say I haven't a clue as to what I'm talking about because I am "Uneducated" not of the Initiates. They will claim I am just, insane. And I would say, thank you, for pointing out my, FREEDOM!

If all the above are true, then in spirit, Jesus is hovering over the battle field in anticipation. For his army is surly already here...

Am I a "savant"? Of course not, I know nothing of all the sysops playing out, or, who is behind them lol lol lol

In the end, think for yourselves and make your own choices. I, have made mine

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