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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 10:44 AM
Co Fe Fe ?

Cobalt Iron maganet protect against bad EMF?


... just popped into my head.

a reply to: Degradation33

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Thanks for linking the Mr. Pool post.

Mr. Pool had a specific post about Cobalt. I covered this quite awhile ago, China's involvement in the mining of Cobalt in the Congo. It is horrific what is being done to the young children.

How China Exploits Child and Forced Labor in the Congo.

Then of course we have Hunter, who has become the hunted.
How Hunter Biden's Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

The '25 and '26 is a huge warning. The next p[l]andemic is scheduled for release, I believe the month is June, of '25 and the full blown event in '26.

I've read numerous books written by these psychopaths and this is an excerpt from the thriller "Disease X- the 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics" by Kate Kelland.

Chapter 7: Prepare to Spend Money Page 1[26]
Second sentence-
"By the end of...2025..., the emergence of the novel SARS-CoV-2, and all that it brought..." Not a misprint.
These books are littered with evidence.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

From the book "The Vaccine - Inside the Race to Conquer the COVID-19 PANDEMIC" by Joe Miller with Ozlem Tureci and Ugur Sahin [Founders of BioNTech].

Page 25 + 26

"Later that afternoon, Ugur found himself in a stuffy hotel room, making his case, face-to-face, with the world's biggest philanthropists."

Bill Gates. "But the billionaire's most burning question was whether Ugur's team had given much thought to infectious diseases. Was there potential, he wondered aloud, to develop mRNA- based drugs, in record speed, during a pandemic? Ugur might want to consider a 'plug and play solution for that moment, Gates said as a matter of urgency."

He met Billy in October 2018.
Bill Gates $55 Million Investment in BioNTech returns $550 Million

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

The starter pack for those interested-

1. Fauci Expect the Unexpected- it was oddly pulled off the market but may be back now.
Must have been about the book jacket

2. The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr.

3. Vax vs Unvax by Robert F Kennedy Jr and Hooker.

4. Covid-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab.

5. The Vaccine by Joe Miller Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci

6. Moonshot by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer.

7. Uncontrolled Spread by Scott Gottlieb

8. The Indictment by Gaffrey

9. How to Prepare for the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates

10. The Premonition by Michael Lewis

11. Virus by Nina Burleigh

12.WARP SPEED by Paul Mango

13. Kill Shot by Jason Dearen

14.Lockdown by Cheryl Chumley

15. War By Other Means by General Kellogg

16. What Really Happened in Wuhan by Sharin Mackson

17. The Invisible Siege by Dan Worb

18. Sickening by John Abramson

I cross referenced and did an audit trail on #5, 6, 7 and 9 looking for discrepancies and evidence. Then compared it all to what was posted on-line.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 01:29 PM

edit on 15-4-2024 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We need to circle back to Elon Musk's post about the gold coke cans.

Elon Musk 4:48 Nov 28, 2022

We didn't know what to look for but this looks crystal clear in hindsight through the lens of p[l]andemics.

There are 3 cans lined up close together- the team -3 Gates children and then the head, Bill standing alone. 4 cans= April.
The letter on one can KO is visible.
0=15 [26]

The other has KE
E=5 [16] P=16 Phoebe.

Then there is a slightly visible X at the right corner bottom.
2 guns- 2 p[l]andemics. Do you know what type of guns they are? Could they be Cobalt handguns? One gun has an open chamber I believe.

On the bottle- Watch the Water- the numbers 626 [14] are really clear and the last letter is P, for Phoebe.

Check out Pfizer's stock price.

The timestamp Nov 28, 2022- 13+13=26.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
So I think I finally got this.

You dissect the esoteric image, right?

Nobody brought up Cobalt yet. I mean, that's an electron map for cobalt. The 27th element. You also have 26 and 25. Among that are quasi-Randall Flagg sinister smiley faces. And the date 11/25. Or just 25. A warning? Something about batteries?

Cobalt is 27
Iron is 26.
Manganese is 25.

Or maybe just...

Just thinking out loud Cobalt and Stay Safe.

We know that the mRNA is causing turbo cancer and it is accelerating.

Cobalt 60- "A radioactive form of metal cobalt, which is used as a source of radiation to treat cancer."

Colorado-Nuclear news

"the new state of the art mineral processing plant will be designed to recover uranium, vandium and cobalt from ore."
Probably just a wild coincidence that it is starting up in 2026 and that Western signed a 25 year lease. sometimes it is just that- a coincidence.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Ha that was a good one.

I went hunting Rockefeller today and I come bearing gifts.

Rockefeller+ WHO +Germany

Just imagine just a $25.6 million donation to the WHO- just what we need.

Sept 1, 2021. [7] =1=2=2=1=13]

What are they up to???

Getting ready for the next one- a Hub based in Berlin for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence. I don't like the sounds of this "to precit, prevent, prepare for and respond to pandemic and epidemic risks world wide. "

I'm trying to envision how this will work. They can come up with any kind of data- and who are we to question- and the Bill Gates GERM team will be set loose or Tedros with WHO p[l]andemic Treaty they can just shut down countries on a whim.

Resuming negotiations April 29- May 10th

Rockefeller and the WHO

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
edit on 15-4-2024 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Yayy... I was beginning to wonder if you''ld gone hopium teetotal!

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 04:50 PM
edit on 15-4-2024 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: McTech2
Co Fe Fe ?

Cobalt Iron maganet protect against bad EMF?


... just popped into my head.

a reply to: Degradation33

"Gimme a ' V ' !"


posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
So I think I finally got this.

You dissect the esoteric image, right?

Nobody brought up Cobalt yet. I mean, that's an electron map for cobalt. The 27th element. You also have 26 and 25. Among that are quasi-Randall Flagg sinister smiley faces. And the date 11/25. Or just 25. A warning? Something about batteries?

Cobalt is 27
Iron is 26.
Manganese is 25.

Or maybe just...

edit on 16-4-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 06:20 AM
....I can’t 😕a reply to:

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: cherokeetroy

More info on this attack, and something we shouldn't forget.
From: New York Post

Iran has launched an attack against Israel using hundreds of suicide drones, the Jewish state has confirmed.

Axios journalist Barak Ravid, citing a senior Israeli official, reported that hundreds of drones were headed for Israel.

Other reports put the drone swarm at “dozens.”

and what we should be aware of.
From: BBC

Scores of unidentified drones, flying at night and often in groups, have baffled officials in the neighbouring states of Colorado and Nebraska.

Witnesses have spotted the drones, which reportedly have six-foot (1.8m) wide wingspans, since mid-December.

Local law enforcement officials say they have no idea where the drones are coming from or who is flying them.

The sheriff of Yuma County, Colorado said they were being flown in airspace controlled by the federal government.

So was the 2020 incident a dry run, testing of equipment, or not connected to Iran using this drone attack?

Talking about dry runs.......
The protesters shutting down bridges yeasterday in San Francisco and NYC seems both coordinated and a dry run, a beta test for something bigger. Imagine what a coordinated effort to disrupt our way of life from millions of illegals would look like. Bad moon rising
Chicken farms, cattle farms, train derailments, container ports etc.. it seems coordinated? We need a big white board to connect the dots, this is too big and too organized to contemplate it or to just discuss it it requires a huge white board mapping this out, connecting the dots. Definitely worth paying attention to. Our country is ripening for a chaotic and diabolical execution of a long planned disruptive chokehold on our way of life from supply chains to food, water, electricity..etc..
I feel like I have front row seats to a World War Z type movie unfortunately I am smack in the middle of it and it ain't no's F'n real.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

People think I'm crazy for buying altcoins. I now own 300,000,000 of that frog, which is less than $1000 invested.

Bought even more when it tanked the past few days with all other crypto. That and Shiba Inu, the unsure dog.

I no longer recommend it since "inflation has not been contained" and interest rates aren't going down any time soon. And it's kinda like the BTC halving has been smacked by The Fed and PPP, but I remain hopeful I'll at least make something before it tanks it June.

But then again, if I just forget about it, it is predicted to be worth over a million in 2040... but that's not really smart to plan for though. I don't even think I can plan for America or USD value in 2040.

According to the technical analysis of Pepe prices expected in 2040, the minimum cost of Pepe will be $$0.0040. The maximum level that the PEPE price can reach is $$0.0047. The average trading price is expected around $$0.0043.

It be nice if Musk pimped Altcoins (Like PEPE) in the coming days. His tweets (or whatever a post is now called on his platform) do more than other social media platform owners for share price.

So I'm for that frog. Just not as sure if i should recommend it to others now.

edit on 16-4-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 10:58 AM

"A Hezbollah operative was killed in an air strike targeting the car he was riding in with two other individuals, in the locality of Aîn Baal, in the district of Tyre, less than two hours before Israel carried out a second deadly raid on two cars in Chehabiyé, in the same district.

In Ain Baal, Ismail Youssef, a Hezbollah commander for the coastal sector, was killed. The Israeli army announced on its Telegram account that it had liquidated him. The other two passengers were wounded.

In Chehabiyé, at least two persons were killed in the raid, but their identities were not immediately known.

Hezbollah acknowledged the death of one of its senior combatants, Ismail Yusaf Baz, code-named “Abu Jaafar.”

The Israeli Army said earlier that its “air force struck and eliminated Ismail Yusaf Baz, the commander of Hezbollah’s coastal sector, in the area of Ain Ebel in Lebanon.”

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 11:00 AM

"An Iranian military security official has revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel "a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran's retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.

“Iran has received messages from mediators to let the regime do a symbolic strike to save face and asked Iran not to retaliate,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, revealed to The Cradle.

He added that Tehran “outright rejected” the proposal, delivered by mediators, and reiterated warnings that any Israeli attack on Iranian soil would be met with a decisive and immediate response.

The reply was delivered directly to the Swiss envoy in Tehran by officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and not the foreign ministry. According to The Cradle's source, the decision for the IRGC to reply directly was meant “to send a strong warning to the US.”

The revelations come as US defense officials have told western media that they expect a “limited response” from Israel against Iran, which will reportedly focus on targets outside of Iranian territory."

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 12:39 PM

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