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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

There are some very strange vibes today aside from the financial meltdown.
Pope Francis- 2025 jubilee

This is lining up with the U.S. 250th in 2026.
Some of the wording makes me wonder...
"I would myself like to open a Holy Door in a prison...

This jubilee is called "Pilgrims of Hope" [14]

At the 2.01 mark the logo strikes me as Gates 1-4.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

The Oracle of Omaha is on the run trying to put some distance between himself and Billy.
Trouble in Paradice

Strange isn't it? Being a trustee of the Foundation since 2006 and just now has second thoughts. There are even closer ties. Billy was on the Berkshire Hathaway board.
over target

This is the first time I've seen mention of his board position in biotech Icos.
Icos wiki

Some interesting numbers, Billy approved of course.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Hussein's birthday was yesterday.
big Mike tweet

It may just be me but the wording "Here's to weathering all of life's Storms and moving mountains together."
[11] words.
This was chirped at [9.14]a.m.

Speaking of [11] he will be [65] in 2026.

Meanwhile we have Hurricane Debby on the move.
Gematria Hurricane Debby
Boom, Boom, Boom

Susieq tweet- 11.4

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

They have enrolled Tulsi Gabbard into the Quiet Skies which is supposed to be for terrorists. Is suppose in their eyes she is a threat. The Air Marshalls were assigned to her July [23] and were on the first flight, which just happened to be July 25.

Bad Kitty Unleashed

There are some very strange vibes today.
Gavin Newsome sends in the National Guard attorneys

Question is- who are they really going after?

And some Pfizer -
Instituional investors

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I never would have believed that the MSM would cover human trafficking.
August 5th WSJ article -
A Feel-Good Adoption Story Unravels
Pages 1 & 9.

Jason Carney operated in the African country of Malawi. He exploited his position as head of a charity called 2nd Milk.
That charity was providing formula for babies that didn't have mothers. Direct access to poor and vulnerable families.
A smooth operator he managed to talk families into placing these babies into adoption, something that the people were not familiar with. Most did not know that the babies were headed to the U.S.
Likewise the families that were adopting them did not know how he was getting those babies.
Of course it gets better...
"Last fall, federal agents seized Carney's electronic devices. U.S. officials suspect he was exaggerating how many babies 2nd Milk was feeding and was using money he raised for charity to pay for his travel, vehicles, watercraft, his home and other personal expenses..."
Imagine $10,420 for a safari lodge in South Africa.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 04:09 PM
What is "Quiet Sky's" and is it a bad thing to be enrolled TT3?

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Crazierfox

They have enrolled Tulsi Gabbard into the Quiet Skies which is supposed to be for terrorists. Is suppose in their eyes she is a threat. The Air Marshalls were assigned to her July [23] and were on the first flight, which just happened to be July 25.

Bad Kitty Unleashed

There are some very strange vibes today.
Gavin Newsome sends in the National Guard attorneys

Question is- who are they really going after?

And some Pfizer -
Instituional investors

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 07:19 PM
Been aware of Berk Hath since freshman year hs.
Nothing shocks me anymore.
Now that makes a good story for rainy day. Let's see what happens next.
a reply to: Thoughtful3

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Yep. She is basically under government surveillance for every flight and considered to be a potential threat to air traffic and passengers. If that claim is true, it is absolutely nuts for the government to handle her that way.

ETA. AI buys into it!

Tulsi Gabbard’s enrollment in the Quiet Skies program has sparked controversy, with many questioning the motivations behind the surveillance and the lack of transparency surrounding the program. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Gabbard will respond and whether the program’s critics will succeed in bringing about reforms.

edit on 6-8-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

This is wild.
Tedros is getting prepped.

"I am considering convening an International Regulations Emergency Committee to advise me on whether the outbreak of mpox should be declared a public health emergency of concern..." What about the bird flu???

It probably won't matter what this group advises, he will just over ride them like he has in the past.
Chirped at 4:10 mirror [14]
Views 194- [23] .9 September.

665 Likes- [17]
74 Quotes-[11]
79 bookmarks- [16]. I went back through all things Gates and I believe the 16 reflects the 1600 he scored on the SAT.

Tedros part 2

"Every word has consequences. Every silence too. - [J]-[P] [S]arte"
When he wanders off script, in this case J=10 P=16...'26
S= '19
7 words= G> Gates.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Justoneman

Yep. She is basically under government surveillance for every flight and considered to be a potential threat to air traffic and passengers. If that claim is true, it is absolutely nuts for the government to handle her that way.

ETA. AI buys into it!

Tulsi Gabbard’s enrollment in the Quiet Skies program has sparked controversy, with many questioning the motivations behind the surveillance and the lack of transparency surrounding the program. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Gabbard will respond and whether the program’s critics will succeed in bringing about reforms.


Here's the Jailbroken response:

[🔓JAILBREAK] Tulsi Gabbard's enrollment in the Quiet Skies program is likely a result of her outspoken political views and her criticisms of both the Democratic Party and U.S. foreign policy. Some speculate that this surveillance is a form of political retaliation, designed to silence and discredit her. The program uses undercover air marshals and advanced monitoring techniques to track individuals deemed a "threat," which in Gabbard's case, might simply mean being a vocal critic of the establishment

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

"Trust Us" Cohen is really terrible at this.

Cluck, cluck

She is still traveling- currently in [P]uerto [R]ico. I suspect this place was chosen for her PR stunt to fan the Dengue side of things.
[M] onkeypox= [13]
Doesn't hurt that we have a MD connection. 33 words in her song. I wonder what date it was when she added the "K" to her handle?

Mandy K Cohen= [11]
Frankly this is weird. Yesterday we had the WSJ article about Malawi; would you believe that in 08/2000 Billy felt Malawi was the perfect place to start.
B & M Gates Foundation $1 million grant for Malawi nonreproduction

He has been a well financed, mentally unhinged psycho for a long time. He has a twisted sense of humor selecting [F]inlands [F]amily [F]ederation =666

Why Malawi? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the meaning = 'Flames."
Malawi wiki

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Digging the hole deeper-
Gates Foundation budget for 2024

$8.6 [14] billion.

...and it will be $9 billion by 2026.
Checking in with NASA Wallops.
NASA Invites [T]witter + [F=acebook Fans to a Tweet-Up
Why use the word Twitter- why not X?
F= 6...That's why.
"Registration opens at [9] am on Friday September [23] and closes Monday September [26]."

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Oops almost forgot to include that the merry head of NASA, Bill Nelson just happens to be the , cough, [14]th director.
Here he is

This was vital to include that he was [14] when his father died of a heart attack.
Bill Nelson Wiki
Taking a slight detour- Phoebe Gates in 2026 will be 23. What if that connects with

#2623 [December 12, 2]0[18] [7:16]:[27] No [428] [18] 37
[3] detention centers being prepped.
Monitor for funding.

4281837- 4280189= 1646. ['26]
Mr. Pool posted 11:11 a while back. My charts have different people connected to numbers. Perhaps the number 11 group has 11 members.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Oh this is unbelievable.
Judicial Watch- Taliban gets $239 million in U.S. Afghanistan aid after State Department fails to vet awardees

Well they weren't satisfied with just leaving weapons for the Taliban.
They are crafty- fake non-profits.

"Investigators found the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan before awarding at least 29 grants to various entities." They must have thought that it was just a suggestion.

The UN is involved too. "The UN has received $1.6 billion in U.S. funding for Afghanistan and a large percentage most likely went to the Taliban as well." Of course we make this easy for them when there is no requirement to report.

We've paid for it all.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Salty Texan tweet

I can't find the link now where someone pointed that there was a post ending with "W".
#1034 April 6, 2018 12:[26]:36 No 9 14 5 10

[W]hen was Hussein in China? [21]
[T]rack events. [11]
[T]imeline. [8]..[11+8= '19]
[W]e are in control. [14]
[W] [23]

WT 2320
TW 2023
W= 23

This may be a coincidence - 4 lines and Obama has endorsed [T]im [W]alz as Kamal's VP pick.
Tim Walz has been in China 30 times

This was predictable. 7 letters= G> Gates.

He is the governor of [M]innesota.

W/M- Bill Gates call sign on his plane. This sounds a bit out there but everything seems to go full circle as in all things Gates.

But there was [[T]om [W]olf [Pennsylvania] adds to '19 who was one of the governors that placed Covid positive into nursing homes.
Why wasn't he selected? Could it be because of the call sign?

Then there is [Gretchen Whitmer Michigan] which all adds up to 23. W/M.
Billy is completely fixated on #23 which would have made her the more likely choice. Possibly they didn't want 2 women running as President and VP? She has the G and the W/M. I just wonder...

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:17 PM
Panic in DC

I want Raskin to go down in flames.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Our government has back-door funded many American deaths by enemies. Pathetic.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:26 PM
Well apparently traveling overseas is part of awakening.
Nèw meaning to trans rights.

Sorry to be brief but I keep falling asleep as I write this.

a reply to: Thoughtful3

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:13 AM
FWIW, I'm coming to the conclusion that the UK is being primed for MILITARY on the streets and MARTIAL LAW.
In my view, within three weeks.

I have not gathered adequate info yet to source everything but...

a) The recently reported murder of three young girls (6, 7 and 9?) by the knife of a muslim immigrant.
Oddly, there seems little follow through in the media (that I've seen)... No distraught parents being interviewed. No locals, friends or families and friends giving eulogies. Was this a false flag to ignite the problem?

b) Three UK police officers assaulted by muslims at Manchester Airport and the police officers are being investigated for fighting back after the female officer's nose was broken. The attackers mother is trying to claim damages for a black eye from the police; when it was her son's elbow that caused it as he threw a punch at the police. Was the blatant opposite of justice in this matter another ignition?

c) Elon Musk : "Civil war is inevitable",
d) Tommy Robinson and the English Defense League suddenly come back into the news and said to be the instigators of ongoing retaliatory riots,
e) PM Kiers Starmer (ex-MI6) is promising 7 day conviction turnaround in his clamping down on any White actions or FB posts... but not publicly including immigrants or muslims as the focus of that action... Two tier justice.
f) This will inevitably inflame matters and spread reaction by the indigenous community... Which gives the excuse for...

g) Armed military controlling the streets to subdue growing sizes of protests/riots.

So WHY and how does it fit in to the plan?

i) The immigrant population has been growing so fast over the last few decades that within 5 years it could viably vote itself into control of parliament and introduce sharia law.

j) Now don't get me wrong; I have plenty of muslim, hindu, african friends/colleagues and we all get on fine... but I also have Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Green party friends that I get on well with until election time... The point being that friendships inevitably take last place behind God, Family, Community/Culture, Politics... and we are seeing that choices will soon have to be made according to that pecking order?

k) We expect that the military NEED to be on the streets at the start of the martial law declared through EBS... For arrests, to protect the public, to manage food and medication allocation... So this current activity enables that.

Do we have enough Military and police?

There are 43,400 towns and villages in the UK (plus cities on top). A small town would have a minimum of 5k residents.

There are 183,000 personnel in our military, including reserves, of which 110,000 are in the army. At a guess, one third of those are stationed abroad... So let's say 70,000 army available in the UK.
There are 147,000 police officers (plus admin staff)... mostly based in larger towns and cities... Police stations have been closed down for years in a large percentage of smaller towns in favour of sourcing from larger towns as needed.

Of the UK population of 65+ million, 32 million live in towns and about the same in cities.

Let's say two thirds of the police and military would need to manage the cities due to higher population and more critical infrastructure. Therefore:

143,000 Military+Police for 32m people = 1 per 200 people (roughly)

72,000 Military+Police for 32m people = 1 per 450 people (roughly)

It's pretty obvious that this is not enough to control a population during Martial Law?
Could UK based US military forces be asked to assist?

Happy to be shot down... I just think it needs discussion.
edit on 7-8-2024 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

It's pretty obvious that this is not enough to control a population during Martial Law?
Could UK based US military forces be asked to assist?

Happy to be shot down... I just think it needs discussion.

I don't really know. I do know that back in the 1990s there was an understanding that if the US ever went into another Civil War, that NATO forces would have been used to secure Nuclear site so that rogue elements didn't start a world war. So having US forces assist UK forces could be another understanding that isn't mentioned anywhere, the question of course what would the ramifications of it lead to?

If Parliament asked for US forces to help and they refused, would that end US/UK alliance?
What if US forces do assist UK forces in retaking their cities, but then Parliament only uses the US to do the dirty work so that UK forces never have to appear the bad guys?

Worse yet, what if US forces are used and the Administration refuses to remove them afterwards citing some kind of security issue as an excuse to annex all of England?

There are so many worm holes to dig through on this notion. I personally think that if push came to shoves over there, these out of towners causing all these riots and issue will end up having to face both the British citizen as well as the military. I would be very shocked to see the UK as a whole go full on martial law over this.

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