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In New York, "squatting" isn't considered trespassing.

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posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger2 There are many houses along Dune Road in The Hamptons (NY) owned by foreigners and other Uber wealthy. Will these houses be protected by police? The squatters must squat for no less than 30 days, and be “beautified”. Rake the sand on the beachfronts?
Or is the law allowing homes of seniors who must be hospitalized or in rehabilitation for a stint, be taken?
What about homes of US soldiers doing a tour of duty? No one should worry that their homes will be taken.
But I wouldn’t grieve if politicians’ vacation homes were overtaken. With the amount of vacations Congress takes, their DC homes could be “up for grabs”!!
What a stupid antiquated English law! I thought I read once that the USA fought for freedom from The Crown.

edit on 19-3-2024 by UnRepentantHarlequin27 because: Location location location

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: UnRepentantHarlequin27
a reply to: ColeYounger2 There are many houses along Dune Road in The Hamptons (NY) owned by foreigners and other Uber wealthy. Will these houses be protected by police? The squatters must squat for no less than 30 days, and be “beautified”. Rake the sand on the beachfronts?
Or is the law allowing homes of seniors who must be hospitalized or in rehabilitation for a stint, be taken?
What about homes of US soldiers doing a tour of duty? No one should worry that their homes will be taken.
But I wouldn’t grieve if politicians’ vacation homes were overtaken. With the amount of vacations Congress takes, their DC homes could be “up for grabs”!!
What a stupid antiquated English law! I thought I read once that the USA fought for freedom from The Crown.

As our intrepid DB often points out when discussing these matters, it's all by design. They have planned it.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: arcticshuffle

originally posted by: Moon68
I see the opportunity for a clandestine business enterprise.

Goons R Us, unwanted "tenant" removal.

Guido and his gang will remove squatters for a Benjamin a head.

There are actually guys hiring out now, to come in and be an anti-squatter for a price.

They sneak in and squat on the squatter, get all the same protections and can’t be removed either. And make the original squatter’s life a living hell until they leave.

Gotta love capitalism. There’s always a problem in search of solution, that can be sold.

I can see the squad trying to get a bill passed that says you can't out squat someone for the owner. Only the theft and that thuggery allowed not the reclamation techniques. I too think we spend way too much killing people in places we have no business being while our people starve! I help those I can and send money to places I trust to help others like the Children's Hospital in Memphis that treats kids for free who need surgery and long term care for one and to help veterans for another. We all can do that much and I hope more.

edit on 19000000083120243America/Chicago03pm3 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
For the record; if anyone tried to invade my home I'd break every bone in the #s body without any hesitation.
That's not empty, keyboard bravado, just the honest truth.
I'm not advocating taking over people's homes, just that we can do more with vacant and empty premises to help homeless people that both want and deserve helping.

And yes, far too many houses etc are being handed over to unwanted illegal immigrants.
I think I made that perfectly clear in my first post in this thread.

Yes, I think you are making good points all around if we read them carefully. I don't necessarily think the majority of them are as much needy as greedy. I do think the gov's of this world are letting their peoples down in a big way. Too many governments steal from the public while their public clearly have folks who need aid and jobs to improve their own self worth.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 06:05 PM
U.s. uses israel as a
This has been going on in israel for over 75yrs.
Not new.


posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 07:18 PM
I have some friends who bought a house several years ago. I can't remember if it was in LA or TX but anyhow, the couple bought a house that was empty because it was on the market. In the interim of the paper work, red tape and taking possession of the house, (they weren't in a big hurry as they needed to do some work on it before moving in) a woman moved in, as in squatted. She wasn't broke and wouldn't move. It took almost a year to get her removed. Meanwhile, the couple are making payments now on the rental they're living in AND the property they purchased that they could NOT move into. As well as making the payments to the utilities on both places. In many states, regardless of who the utilities name is under, the unpaid bills can be liened against the property, which means the owners are ultimately responsible for paying them.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
I have some friends who bought a house several years ago. I can't remember if it was in LA or TX but anyhow, the couple bought a house that was empty because it was on the market. In the interim of the paper work, red tape and taking possession of the house, (they weren't in a big hurry as they needed to do some work on it before moving in) a woman moved in, as in squatted. She wasn't broke and wouldn't move. It took almost a year to get her removed. Meanwhile, the couple are making payments now on the rental they're living in AND the property they purchased that they could NOT move into. As well as making the payments to the utilities on both places. In many states, regardless of who the utilities name is under, the unpaid bills can be liened against the property, which means the owners are ultimately responsible for paying them.

That's a shame. They need some friends like the guys I grew up with in Brooklyn, NY and have stayed in close contact with over the years.

These guys are terrific people but they can also be *very* bad men.

And if I needed them for something like this they would show up en masse and probably do it for the recreational value alone. Hell, they'd thank me for calling them and just say to make sure I had bail money - just in case.

True story.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: SchrodingersRat

In NYC , Squatters Need to Sleep with the Fishes and Not in other Peoples Homes.........

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Moon68

Yeah, I get all that.
But not all the homeless are Joe, far from it.
Some are, no denying that.

Let's start questioning why a handful of people are allowed to accumulate obscene amounts of wealth and do literally # all with it other than seek to gain even more wealth.
All whilst its getting harder and harder for honest, hard working people to get on the property ladder or rent any sort of decent habitable property due to the ridiculous extortionate cost of renting.

Let's start questioning why so many good people, as FF says quite often old people who have worked most of their adult lives, are being forced on the street.

Homeless people are demonised and stereotyped as the dregs of our society yet the rights of the most affluent need to be protected at all costs.

I don't expect many here to agree with me, just my take on things.

So you mean the 1% of the world, who own more than 50% of the world's resources and wealth (including multiple multimillion mansions bigger than anything we can ever imagine even).

Or do mean a 99% who's studied/worked hard all their lives, and after living within their means are able to purchase a rental property (their future retirement income maybe). I bet I know the answer.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
I have some friends who bought a house several years ago. I can't remember if it was in LA or TX but anyhow, the couple bought a house that was empty because it was on the market. In the interim of the paper work, red tape and taking possession of the house, (they weren't in a big hurry as they needed to do some work on it before moving in) a woman moved in, as in squatted. She wasn't broke and wouldn't move. It took almost a year to get her removed. Meanwhile, the couple are making payments now on the rental they're living in AND the property they purchased that they could NOT move into. As well as making the payments to the utilities on both places. In many states, regardless of who the utilities name is under, the unpaid bills can be liened against the property, which means the owners are ultimately responsible for paying them.
I'm not victim blaming, but they should have had utllities turned off? I would have done that first thing!
The whole system is a such a scam, how unpaid bills can get a lien placed on your home and it be stolen away because of maybe a $300 outstanding bill?! Just shows how we've always been a 3rd world banana republic

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 10:24 PM
This infomercial was brought to you by the New York Department of Housing and Urban Development.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 01:43 AM
heres what they need to do. draw up their own fake paper,say the squatter locked you out and that YOU have been squatting there before them. Or get a friend to do so. The cops will remove the real squatter and charge them.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger2

Squatters are a tool to be used to give incentives to homeowners not to sit on their properties and speculate on land prices... The technique you describe has been used in many urban areas where land prices were on the rise and home and land owners did not do anything but speculate on price...

Squatters are good for Capitalism...

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: ToneD

Just stop.
Squatting in the USA has nothing to do with Israel or the Jews.
Your constant antisemitism is ridiculous.
Squatting has been going on here for a long time.
Long before Israel existed.
It's just that the news is finally taking notice.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

All whilst its getting harder and harder for honest, hard working people to get on the property ladder or rent any sort of decent habitable property due to the ridiculous extortionate cost of renting.

I recently read about a building company a liitle south from me, who built around a thousand homes around the Cotswolds. An American company swooped in and bought them all before they even went to market. Now this company is going to rent out these properties, causing a rise in rent in and around the area.
Property prices around the world are slumping/slowing but not here in Europe and the UK. In London especially we have houses bought by Russian oligarchs and middle eastern royalty who have only bought the property as an investment. Some of them are left empty for years and years.
Do I agree with people squatting, not at all. Can I understand why people are doing it, most certainly.

It has emerged that the value of vacant homes in London equates to over £130bn.

London has a total of 87,731 vacant homes, making it the top city in the UK for the prevalence of empty houses. With house prices averaging £1.49m in the capital, the cost of vacant homes is approximately £130.8bn.
A recent study by CIA Landlord Insurance, which looked at the UK housing crisis and the increasing number of empty homes, analysed the impact that inhabiting vacant homes could have.

Long-awaited transparency rules have been promised to reveal just how much is owned by powerful people with links to the Kremlin and some MPs are calling for assets to be seized.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Just stop.
Your constant antisemitism

'antisemitism' ?
Actually, fyi I Fully support Semites in Equal-Rights.
if you must know,
the RACIST indoctornations of kabbalah, judiasm's
zohar must be denounced.
Have a problem with that ?
Look in the mirror if you really want to point your finger.
The 'antisemite' thing is getting old and redundant.


posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: ToneD

again ... Jews and Israel have NOTHING to do with squatting in NYC.
You are obsessed with Jews and Israel, and not in a good way.
Get over it.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
You are obsessed with

'Obsessed' . . . we should all be with human-rights.
Squatters, just as ILLEGAL settlers try, but
do not negate civil nor international laws.
Same sh@t.


posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 11:17 AM
Vigilantes show up to evict 'squatters' at Queens home where owner was arrested - as neighbors reveal THREE people have been living there for free and carrying out work inside

Looks like NYC has had enough.
It was only a matter of time.

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 06:56 PM
No way I'd let someone tell me my house ain't mine lol

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