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Where are the 81 million voters today

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posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Euronymous2625
We don't worship a politician like he's the messiah. I'll have the same sign in my yard that I had in 2020: "Literally Anyone Else"

I've never owned anything that said a president's name on it, and I probably never will. Your flags on your trucks and houses are creepy. I've never been to a campaign event, because I'm normal. They don't make a difference.

I have no love for Joe Biden, but I and 80 something million Americans will, again, vote for literally anyone else.

so you believe that Biden is better for the US than Trump. We have seen both, seen the results of the policy, felt the results of those same policies, and now don't have to wonder what either of them have to offer.

So I ask again, you are good with the way things have been over the way they were?

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: chr0naut

Your From NZ Eh ? Hmm.. How come the Māori haven't Come for your Head Yet ?

Because the Maori are good people - my 'brothers from another mother'.

(Did you know I was one of the people working with political advisors and the leadership of the party to strategize how to get the Maori Party into parliament?

It must have been successful, because not only did they get into parliament, they were in coalition with three subsequent governments).

edit on 2024-02-05T15:06:31-06:0003Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:06:31 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

" It must have been successful, because not only did they get into parliament, they were in coalition with three subsequent governments)."

Oh really ? Then how come NZ Today has a Tyrannical Government that Deny's it's People their God Given Rights of Self Determination ? A Tyranny Unlike any seen in NZ History ?

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

Seems odd that it started 2 years previous to the elections,

Math isn’t your thing is it? First case in the US was 1-21-20, elections were in November 2020.

It didn't start in the US.

There is some circumstantial evidence from France and Italy that it may have been isolated outbreaks present there in 2019 (of course, being so early, it was probably a much less infectious ancestor strain).

Coronavirus emerged in Italy earlier than thought, study shows

French hospital discovers country's first known Covid-19 case, from December

Also, if they were going to use a disease outbreak to mess with the 2020 elections, wouldn't they have to plan it all first, set up all the false evidences, get all the collaborators committed to the ruse, and then implement the plan afterwards? So, clearly a 2018 start to the plan (while Trump was 2/3 through his term) would make sense if everything was in place by 2019, especially when this was all 'international'.

Oh, and all those claims of a stolen election, they went to court and were provably BS.

No they didn’t all go to court, many courts wouldn’t even hear the cases. You realize they just hacked a dominion machine during a election integrity hearing. Numbers don’t just astronomically go up early morning like they did for Biden. You seriously think he broke all time voting record numbers, smashed ‘em outta the park he did😂😂😂

Nah, you forget how stupidly Trump acted with the response to COVID-19.

For four months, as Americans were dying, he kept saying 'it will just go away like magic'. Then when the penny dropped and he realized it, he was all 'look - warp-speed and handouts, it was me, I did that'!

I mean, we aren't all stupid.

At least America isn't run by a dictator who will always keep claiming how popular they are, and how the votes are always rigged against them.
Typical liberal buzzword “dictator” when referring to Trump, yaaaawn….🥱 You want to talk dictator let’s talk Obummer, it’s fairly obvious to most that he’s still running the show, certainly isn’t potato head joe. Obama did say he’d “be fine” with a third term.

But he just stepped down peaceably. He didn't even out throw his name into the ring for the candidacy.

Maybe concentrate on your politics in NZ because for years you’ve been wrong on ours.

Seems like you are ignoring that a lot of voting Americans have been wrong on their own politics, for years?

Why can't I speculate on it? Is there a rule that says I can't?

Besides, there were a lot of anti-governmental protestors here waving "Trump" signs and pennants, even though he's a foreigner and we cant vote for him, and he can't be involved in our parliament. Seems it's OK for them to blur the lines.

edit on 2024-02-05T17:20:24-06:0005Mon, 05 Feb 2024 17:20:24 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: chr0naut

" It must have been successful, because not only did they get into parliament, they were in coalition with three subsequent governments)."

Oh really ? Then how come NZ Today has a Tyrannical Government that Deny's it's People their God Given Rights of Self Determination ? A Tyranny Unlike any seen in NZ History ?

It's the fourth government since then. And is a coalition of a centre-right and two more right-wing parties. They got in on the idea that they would solve the economic downturn.

They aren't likely to get a second term, because despite their monetarist ideological basis, they aren't showing any capability, and are also trying to implement, or cancel, a lot of things that have nothing to do with solving the economic woes.

Did you know that the New Zealand central constitutional document is a treaty between the British Crown and the Maori and that the new government has a bill before parliament trying to abolish that (not amended, mind you, abolish)?

How do you think the US would respond if someone were to suggest that its Constitution be abolished?

That's the problem with the right-wing. They always want to sweep away the slow and gradual gains of history and supplant it with themselves (as if they actually knew better than everyone else).

Th e Treaty: We don’t believe Treaty of Waitangi is a partnership between races - David Seymour

edit on 2024-02-05T16:49:46-06:0004Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:49:46 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: 1BRAVO4x1
They are always saying that the election was honest and secure

I did a quick internet search and this is what I found.

Biden received 81 million votes, and Trump received 74 million votes

81million + 74 million = 155 million

Total number of registered voters in the US in 2020, 168.31 million

Historic 2020 voter turnout, 66%
168 million x 66% = 110,880,000 votes cast

Much lower than the 155 million that both candidates received, not to mention the third part candidates

Please explain to me how I am wrong

Just send all doubters and shills here:

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: 1BRAVO4x1
They are always saying that the election was honest and secure

I did a quick internet search and this is what I found.

Biden received 81 million votes, and Trump received 74 million votes

81million + 74 million = 155 million

Total number of registered voters in the US in 2020, 168.31 million

Historic 2020 voter turnout, 66%
168 million x 66% = 110,880,000 votes cast

Much lower than the 155 million that both candidates received, not to mention the third part candidates

Please explain to me how I am wrong

Just send all doubters and shills here:


WONDERFUL RESOURCE site. Thank-you!!!


posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Wow, there is a lot to unpack from that site. I guess I know what I'm doing for the next couple weeks.

I'm sure the detractors will claim misinformation while on the same hand parrot the MSM. Quite amazing to be honest.

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

It didn't start in the US.

That’s part of my point. That was not the premise of your post though. You were saying it was around a couple of years before election so it couldn’t have been part of their plan to interfere with election, am I correct on that? In fact it was only around in the states for nine months prior to election. Do I think the virus was released for the sole purpose of the election? I’m on the fence with that but no doubt in my mind it was used for election interference. Never let a crisis go to waste, right?

You really don’t think this was planned? You think the virus just grew legs and waltzed out the lab door?

Nah, you forget how stupidly Trump acted with the response to COVID-19. For four months, as Americans were dying, he kept saying 'it will just go away like magic'. Then when the penny dropped and he realized it, he was all 'look - warp-speed and handouts, it was me, I did that'! I mean, we aren't all stupid.

Not sure what you would expect from any prez in that situation, you think it would’ve been any different with potato head joe? Do you remember when Trump was trying to implement travel bans but all the libtards on the left we’re accusing him of racism and calling him racist? Or when NY and Michigan were putting Covid patients in nursing homes with vulnerable elderly causing more deaths? Or what about Pelosi telling everyone that Chinatown was perfectly safe and everyone should come down, I believe the same thing happened on Broadway? Is that the stupidity you’re talking about maybe?

There was also a Covid vaccine in development before anyone really knew about it. My roommate just happens to work for a company that develops these vaccines and medicines, so I got a inside scoop of how things work and timeframes to vaccine developments. Are you aware Coronaviruses have been around for probably centuries they say and was first identified in the mid 60’s. This isn’t anything new to the scientists. Obviously they were playing with it in the lab. Point being it’s silly to think that it was fast tracked solely because Trump wanted it out to say it’s his. I’m sure he liked that but I think it would’ve come out when it came out regardless of who was prez.

But he just stepped down peaceably. He didn't even out throw his name into the ring for the candidacy.

Ummmm…..he had to, he couldn’t serve more than two terms. But did he really ever step down? I think he’s running a big part of the circus now and I’m not alone in thinking that. Lots of people in DC think this. Supposedly Obama has had many meetings and keeps in constant contact with Joey boy. I guess you have to apply a little rational thinking to the subject and come to your own conclusions.

Why can't I speculate on it? Is there a rule that says I can't?

Of course you can. I’m just basing my opinion on your political post about the US over the years, you’ve been wrong on a lot of our politics and what’s really going on here.

edit on 6-2-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

It didn't start in the US.

That’s part of my point. That was not the premise of your post though. You were saying it was around a couple of years before election so it couldn’t have been part of their plan to interfere with election, am I correct on that? In fact it was only around in the states for nine months prior to election. Do I think the virus was released for the sole purpose of the election? I’m on the fence with that but no doubt in my mind it was used for election interference. Never let a crisis go to waste, right?

You really don’t think this was planned? You think the virus just grew legs and waltzed out the lab door?

I don't think it is remotely likely that the virus came from a lab, but I can't definitely say that it didn't.

And if it was planned, what was it supposed to achieve? Clearly not an electoral result. Perhaps it was to influence the Superbowl result?

However, two very closely related novel viruses, SARS and MERS, also came about and started infecting Americans in the USA during the Obama administration, but they were 'just dealt with', and contained, and ceased to spread. There hasn't been the slightest suggestion that they were from a lab leak. But it is interesting to note how quickly and simply they were 'just dealt with'.

There were also other contagions, too, like Nipa virus, Ebola, and swine flu that were also appropriately 'just dealt with' by that administration.

Hmm, makes you think, doesn't it?

Even Hollywood and TV shows predicted a pandemic. It's not like we hadn't seen enough of them throughout history, to know that it was really very very likely.

That whole announcement thing by the WHO was to give a heads-up to national administrators that something bad was happening. What was Trump's reaction to that?

Do you think that claiming that they didn't give him enough warning actually does anything to contain a spreading infection? Or that doing nothing but say 'it will go away like magic' for three months afterwards is an effective way to deal with things?

Nah, you forget how stupidly Trump acted with the response to COVID-19. For four months, as Americans were dying, he kept saying 'it will just go away like magic'. Then when the penny dropped and he realized it, he was all 'look - warp-speed and handouts, it was me, I did that'! I mean, we aren't all stupid.
Not sure what you would expect from any prez in that situation, you think it would’ve been any different with potato head joe?

Other Presidents HAD been in that situation. I expect that Biden might have responded better than Trump did. It wouldn't be too hard.

Do you remember when Trump was trying to implement travel bans but all the libtards on the left we’re accusing him of racism and calling him racist?

Did you recall that he did actually get those travel bans happening during COVID?

Did you notice that the disease was already spreading in the US at that time, and that shutting down travel was totally ineffective at stopping a disease that was already spreading in the country?

And, in hindsight, how effective was he in protecting the US from COVID-19 with those travel bans?

It is called "closing the gate after the horse has bolted".

Or when NY and Michigan were putting Covid patients in nursing homes with vulnerable elderly causing more deaths?

Those nursing homes had hospital facilities with purpose built isolation wards. It has always been policy to use nursing homes with hospital facilities as overflow when other hospitals are full. Can you cite a case where someone in nursing home care at the time was infected from someone in isolation?

Or what about Pelosi telling everyone that Chinatown was perfectly safe and everyone should come down, I believe the same thing happened on Broadway? Is that the stupidity you’re talking about maybe?

Yes, that is stupid. Not just Pelosi, mind you, as she didn't know much about COVID-19 at that stage, it being three weeks before the 'shelter in place order' was even given out, but taking the advice of someone paraphrasing what a politician said, like as if they knew stuff. That's stupid.

There was also a Covid vaccine in development before anyone really knew about it. My roommate just happens to work for a company that develops these vaccines and medicines, so I got a inside scoop of how things work and timeframes to vaccine developments. Are you aware Coronaviruses have been around for probably centuries they say and was first identified in the mid 60’s. This isn’t anything new to the scientists. Obviously they were playing with it in the lab. Point being it’s silly to think that it was fast tracked solely because Trump wanted it out to say it’s his. I’m sure he liked that but I think it would’ve come out when it came out regardless of who was prez.

The first mRNA immunization to be approved, the Pfizer one, was funded and developed entirely before 'warp-speed' was announced. No warp-speed money was ever given to Pfizer for its immunization. Operation Warp Speed commences on May 15 2020. Three months later in August, Pfizer submitted their mRNA vaccine to the FDA for approval and at this time, no warp-speed money had been given to Pfizer to aid vaccine development. Operation Warp Speed did not even come under White House responsibility until February 2021.

But he just stepped down peaceably. He didn't even out throw his name into the ring for the candidacy.

Ummmm…..he had to, he couldn’t serve more than two terms. But did he really ever step down? I think he’s running a big part of the circus now and I’m not alone in thinking that. Lots of people in DC think this. Supposedly Obama has had many meetings and keeps in constant contact with Joey boy. I guess you have to apply a little rational thinking to the subject and come to your own conclusions.

The President's role involves daily reams of paperwork - Statistics, budgets, proposals and bills to read through. Attendance at meetings and briefings, with legal advisors, DOJ, military, economic, political, party and intelligence staff. Attendance at Congress.

Obama just isn't there anymore, he has no staff of assistants. He has no legal power to sign off bills or EO's, and no-one from the admin branch even reports to him.

My rational conclusion is that Obama and Clinton haven't been in any day-to-day position of power, authority, or even advisory roles for years. It's as silly as suggesting that Donald Trump, George Bush or whomever are still in secret control.

Why can't I speculate on it? Is there a rule that says I can't?
Of course you can. I’m just basing my opinion on your political post about the US over the years, you’ve been wrong on a lot of our politics and what’s really going on here.

Well, you seem to think that a cabal of people who have stepped aside from politics, terms ago, are still somehow in control, and that running a country doesn't involve any actual work.


edit on 2024-02-06T13:09:25-06:0001Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:09:25 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Go hard bro, drink some more kool aid🤣 Once again you’re wrong about a lot of things.

You’re probably right.. it must have been a inbred bat banging a cat that created Covid. Certainly in no way could it had been the lab where they’re actually working on it and gain of function which fauci was funding, nope, had to be the wet market across the street, right?🙄

vvvvvvYou really think Biden is getting all this done every day vvvvvv ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The guy is toasted he can’t even find his way off the podium or string a coherent sentence together. As far as what Obama’s role is currently, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and some of what you’ve said is absolutely false, as usual. A lot of Obama’s administration is working in the WH, BTW. Even members of congress have mentioned Obama still running the show. I find it way more plausible that he is then he isn’t.

The President's role involves daily reams of paperwork - Statistics, budgets, proposals and bills to read through. Attendance at meetings and briefings, with legal advisors, DOJ, military, economic, political, party and intelligence staff. Attendance at Congress.

edit on 6-2-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

And if it was planned, what was it supposed to achieve? Clearly not an electoral result.

Absolutely not. The US had a booming economy, no war, low unemployment, and generally a fantastic outlook. Why it would take something HUGE to knock Trump out of the second term he deserved. All of the sudden, the economy is wrecked, everyone is worried we are all going to die and Joe Biden wins the presidency at the same time he didn't campaign at all, and we changed many voting rules to accommodate for the "new normal". Yep, it would take a strange person to look at all that, and think there was anything to it being used to accomplish some electoral victory. Do you think at all, or just type?

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

Go hard bro, drink some more kool aid🤣 Once again you’re wrong about a lot of things.

You’re probably right.. it must have been a inbred bat banging a cat that created Covid. Certainly in no way could it had been the lab where they’re actually working on it and gain of function which fauci was funding, nope, had to be the wet market across the street, right?🙄

vvvvvvYou really think Biden is getting all this done every day vvvvvv ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The guy is toasted he can’t even find his way off the podium or string a coherent sentence together. As far as what Obama’s role is currently, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and some of what you’ve said is absolutely false, as usual. A lot of Obama’s administration is working in the WH, BTW. Even members of congress have mentioned Obama still running the show. I find it way more plausible that he is then he isn’t.

The President's role involves daily reams of paperwork - Statistics, budgets, proposals and bills to read through. Attendance at meetings and briefings, with legal advisors, DOJ, military, economic, political, party and intelligence staff. Attendance at Congress.

How many EO's did Biden sign-off in his first week of office?

Oh, and how is the US economy starting to do now?

Perhaps he isn't as inept as you suggest.

Do those members of Congress also have an (R) after their name, and do they repeat stuff that they have read in 'Q' drops?

Because that (R) may not indicate Republican in their case.

posted on Feb, 6 2024 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

Go hard bro, drink some more kool aid🤣 Once again you’re wrong about a lot of things.

You’re probably right.. it must have been a inbred bat banging a cat that created Covid. Certainly in no way could it had been the lab where they’re actually working on it and gain of function which fauci was funding, nope, had to be the wet market across the street, right?🙄

vvvvvvYou really think Biden is getting all this done every day vvvvvv ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The guy is toasted he can’t even find his way off the podium or string a coherent sentence together. As far as what Obama’s role is currently, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and some of what you’ve said is absolutely false, as usual. A lot of Obama’s administration is working in the WH, BTW. Even members of congress have mentioned Obama still running the show. I find it way more plausible that he is then he isn’t.

The President's role involves daily reams of paperwork - Statistics, budgets, proposals and bills to read through. Attendance at meetings and briefings, with legal advisors, DOJ, military, economic, political, party and intelligence staff. Attendance at Congress.

How many EO's did Biden sign-off in his first week of office?

Oh, and how is the US economy starting to do now?

Perhaps he isn't as inept as you suggest.

Do those members of Congress also have an (R) after their name, and do they repeat stuff that they have read in 'Q' drops?

Because that (R) may not indicate Republican in their case.

The EO’s he signed his first few days is what caused this $&%#*! mess by declaring war on the energy sector. It’s what started the major inflation for us, can you not see that, because the rest of the planet can. A monkey could’ve autographed a paper. You think signing a piece of paper for a photo op is a sign or resemblance of competence???

How is the economy now you ask? IT SUCKS. You don’t make policies that create the highest inflation rate in decades and then when it comes down a bit, declare a victory, which is exactly what they’re doing. Groceries, goods and energy are still extremely high and still going up in some areas, people that were making it under Trump, aren’t under our currently “installed” dip#, I’m one of them because I’m on disability and I’m no longer meeting my needs, not even close. Bidenomics is a failure that’s still hurting everyone. Everyone in this country had it better under Trump, everyone. Potato head joe has been a disaster of epic proportions for our country.

Like I said, stick to NZ politics because you’re a swing and a miss on everything here, enjoy your delusional bliss.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

Go hard bro, drink some more kool aid🤣 Once again you’re wrong about a lot of things.

You’re probably right.. it must have been a inbred bat banging a cat that created Covid. Certainly in no way could it had been the lab where they’re actually working on it and gain of function which fauci was funding, nope, had to be the wet market across the street, right?🙄

vvvvvvYou really think Biden is getting all this done every day vvvvvv ???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The guy is toasted he can’t even find his way off the podium or string a coherent sentence together. As far as what Obama’s role is currently, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and some of what you’ve said is absolutely false, as usual. A lot of Obama’s administration is working in the WH, BTW. Even members of congress have mentioned Obama still running the show. I find it way more plausible that he is then he isn’t.

The President's role involves daily reams of paperwork - Statistics, budgets, proposals and bills to read through. Attendance at meetings and briefings, with legal advisors, DOJ, military, economic, political, party and intelligence staff. Attendance at Congress.

How many EO's did Biden sign-off in his first week of office?

Oh, and how is the US economy starting to do now?

Perhaps he isn't as inept as you suggest.

Do those members of Congress also have an (R) after their name, and do they repeat stuff that they have read in 'Q' drops?

Because that (R) may not indicate Republican in their case.

The EO’s he signed his first few days is what caused this $&%#*! mess by declaring war on the energy sector.

Here's the list of the 59 EO's Biden signed off in the first 100 days.

Only 5 of them had any relation to the energy sector, and they just restored environmental protection legislation that existed before Trump and which the energy sector had already complied with prior to Trump.

Here are the executive actions Biden signed in his first 100 days

So much for a 'war' on the energy sector.

It’s what started the major inflation for us, can you not see that, because the rest of the planet can.

Causes of Inflation

A US President does not have a strong enough control over national budget to be able to rapidly raise (or reduce) inflation like that. Congress does, but not the President. It's in the US Constitution which specifically grants that to the Congress:

ArtI.S8.C1.2.1 Overview of Spending Clause

If the economy improved, it was more likely to be because of what Congress did, because they are the ones with the controls, determining budgets and collaborating with the Reserve to control inflation.

During Trump's administration there was [i[no attempt to limit national debt to be less than GDP, and so, under his administration, national debt (just the government part of the nations total debt) rose to exceed GDP.

The GDP is the country's profitability that is supposed to be able to pay-off its debts, but if your debts exceed your ability to pay...

Trump's attempts at meddling with long-standing and stable structures that kept the country solvent caused chaos. Every thing he touted as the good stuff he did (and which he was not really capable of doing), was essentially bought on credit while he wrestled to try and take economic control away from Congress.

A monkey could’ve autographed a paper. You think signing a piece of paper for a photo op is a sign or resemblance of competence???

The same could be said about Trump.

How is the economy now you ask? IT SUCKS. You don’t make policies that create the highest inflation rate in decades and then when it comes down a bit, declare a victory, which is exactly what they’re doing.

Higher inflation means that the businesses are making bigger profits. The money goes somewhere. If you are trying to bolster a depressed or recessional economy, to get out of the recession or depression, it makes sense to incentivise business by allowing interest rates to rise. Then reigning it back in again before it goes out of control takes the pressure off the people who don't own businesses. It is a small victory - and good economic policy.

Groceries, goods and energy are still extremely high and still going up in some areas, people that were making it under Trump, aren’t under our currently “installed” dip#, I’m one of them because I’m on disability and I’m no longer meeting my needs, not even close.

Perhaps that is because Trump cut funding for the disabled and like all other economic things, it takes time for the effects of those cuts to become evident?

Trump's Funding Cuts To The Disabled Are Bad Economic Policy.

Bidenomics is a failure that’s still hurting everyone. Everyone in this country had it better under Trump, everyone. Potato head joe has been a disaster of epic proportions for our country.

Like I said, stick to NZ politics because you’re a swing and a miss on everything here, enjoy your delusional bliss.

You clearly believe that Trump did the things he claimed he did.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

You’re being very obtuse, he did declare war on energy and said he wanted to stop drilling. He said all this before he was in office. When he canceled keystone that was huge and a sign of times to come, that was the biggest blunder that triggered the panic, along with decisions being made by the Department of Energy and BLM (Bureau of Land Management). I’ve worked in the petroleum industry for many years, retired right before all this went down, still talk to them though. Guess what we did? We sold gas. So I do know quite a bit on the subject that I know you don’t. You can shill for Biden all you want but you’re very wrong on most of your assumptions due to your bias. I digress
edit on 7-2-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut

You’re being very obtuse, he did declare war on energy and said he wanted to stop drilling. He said all this before he was in office. When he canceled keystone that was huge and a sign of times to come, that was the biggest blunder that triggered the panic, along with decisions being made by the Department of Energy and BLM (Bureau of Land Management). I’ve worked in the petroleum industry for many years, retired right before all this went down, still talk to them though. Guess what we did? We sold gas. So I do know quite a bit on the subject that I know you don’t. You can shill for Biden all you want but you’re very wrong on most of your assumptions due to your bias. I digress

There is an existing oil pipeline between Hardisty, Alberta, Canada and Steele City, Nebraska, USA. The exact same start and endpoints for the Keystone XL pipeline.

The cancelled Keystone XL pipeline never carried a drop and was going to be a redundant pipeline anyway should it have been completed.

There have also been serious engineering questions about if the new pipeline would ever carry enough to warrant its cost and if there is, in fact, enough oil there to even reach the capacity of existing pipelines (which have been running at only partial capacity since 2010).

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: chr0naut
Doesn’t change what I’m telling you, keep your head in the sand and your deflectors up, don’t really care to beat your dead horse anymore.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut
Doesn’t change what I’m telling you, keep your head in the sand and your deflectors up, don’t really care to beat your dead horse anymore.

Yes, I'll keep just looking at things there in the US from my safe distance in another country (you do realize that I have no association with, and will never vote for, every single US politician or party). I'm just an outside observer.

And you do you. You have a disability, and Trump cut funding for the disabled as part of his 'economic miracle', and now the economy has gotten harder and you are now struggling because there's no way for you to meet current prices, because your income is frozen to levels set back during the early Trump administration. And you are going to vote for him again.

Beating yourself to death would be such a relief.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: chr0naut
Doesn’t change what I’m telling you, keep your head in the sand and your deflectors up, don’t really care to beat your dead horse anymore.

Yes, I'll keep just looking at things there in the US from my safe distance in another country (you do realize that I have no association with, and will never vote for, every single US politician or party). I'm just an outside observer.

And you do you. You have a disability, and Trump cut funding for the disabled as part of his 'economic miracle', and now the economy has gotten harder and you are now struggling because there's no way for you to meet current prices, because your income is frozen to levels set back during the early Trump administration. And you are going to vote for him again.

Beating yourself to death would be such a relief.

For someone that can’t vote here and says they’re just watching, Trump sure owns you, you just can’t hardly get through a post without Trump this Trump that.

….and AGAIN you’re lying and spreading misinformation. Trump didn’t cut mine or anyone else’s disability, just asked my roommate if Trump cut his disability he said…nope. The cut was proposed for eligibility of disability requirements because a lot of people are scamming or trying to scam the system, that never went through. So, NO what you’re saying is 100% BS.

Trump cut funding for the disabled as part of his 'economic miracle', and now the economy has gotten harder and you are now struggling because there's no way for you to meet current prices, because your income is frozen to levels set back during the early Trump administration. And you are going to vote for him again.

And this is another lie from you. Things got harder because # for brains (the guy you keep defending) caused inflation the second he was in office. It wasn’t because of Trump that’s just more made up crap from you. My disability rate isn’t frozen either, I’ve received a “cost of living adjustment” COLA for the last two years, it’s not much but not frozen as your trying to claim.

Jesus H Christ, literally everything you said in your post was a straight up lie and poppycock, everything. Are you just making # up until you start believing your own lies and start thinking it’s true??? I realize US politics are tough for some but…my gosh, you’re really embarrassing yourself at this point.

And you are going to vote for him again.

I never have voted for Trump nor did I vote for Biden, not even a registered Republican but nice assumption AGAIN🙄

edit on 7-2-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

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