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If the Grid goes down who is surviving?

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posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: sendhelp
If the grid went down in reality, we would fix it. We built it, we would fix it. I don't think by the "flip of a switch" we would be thrown into the stone ages overnight.

The other thing, if domestic terrorists or foreign terrorists did this, what would they do to survive? They would destroy their access to the grid too.

There's got to be so many "grids" all over the US, probably 10,000+? No way those would go down all at once at the same time.

If one States' grid went down, hopefully the government responds fast! Hard to say when multiple states have experienced massive water contamination and others rolling blackouts, with delayed or zero government response.

Our major transformers are made by China and have an 18 month waiting period to deliver.

We have no backups.

One Carrington event and there will be nobody to "fix" it.

No terrorists needed.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

You mean they don't sell critical infrastructure components at WalMart?

Next thing you'll say that all our repair parts are imported too!

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Lumenari

You mean they don't sell critical infrastructure components at WalMart?

Next thing you'll say that all our repair parts are imported too!

And then someone will come along and say Trump banned importing transformers and components from China because our intel agencies found they have backdoors so china can control them.

Sheesh; thank goodness Biden struck that EO order down in the first week for the gretaer good of the country and we're now dependant on China again! *sarc*

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: Edumakated

Sounds like "One Second After". Great book. You are spot on though. Unless you have 200 acres in no-mans land Montana people will eventually come upon you.

You should watch "Leave the World Behind."

It is an interesting take on something I have a theory about.

As a bonus, the Obamas were listed as executive producers in the credits.

They own Higher Ground Productions...

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Who is surviving?

Those people on Mountain Men and Alone.

People with a garden. Livestock. Farmers. Ted Nugent. Republicans. People from 3rd world countries. Consanguineous Appalachian Hill folk. Homeless people.

There'd definitely be a great separation that favors the preference for self sufficiency and those most off the grid naturally.

Who's most f*cked?

Read as instant gratification Millenials, immediate song I thought of.
edit on 12-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: BosonC

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I’ve read that some think 90% of humans will die if the grid goes down.
I think that is a high number, but I do think it will take out a lot of people.

The 10% that live will have killed the other 90%.

Rinse, Repeat.


Because the 90% will be the victims of those who survive of course. Those who cannot protect themselves and those who can will eventually clash over resources to leave just the survivors who end up with enough each not to need to war no more. For a while anyway.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:10 PM
Sorry. To answer the OP.....My family and I......

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I"ve lived without electricity and running water.

I watched a video a few days ago about how small houses are going to take a such a psychologcal and physical toll on Americans that people be able to survive.

I played it for my wife and we laughed and laughed and laughed. We have lived in cultures where enitre families of several people lived in two round tents of less than 20 feet in diameter, or small huts or ranshackle houses. We, ourseves, have often lived in small dwellings with no or limited supporting infrastructure.

THe weak, the stupid, the uninformed, the idiots who think that the government cares about them and will take care of them will be gone pretty quickly. Anyone who can weather out the first few months will be alright once the idiots all die off.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:25 PM
If the grid went down, the wife and I could go three months no problem in the winter without much of any changes in diet. We are pretty prepared for being able to HELP both my daughters and their families to survive too...about three months for all of us to survive...but we will lose some weight. They do not have a means of heating their houses though, and it would be crowded in here with fifteen people living here. I have a hand pump for the well to get water out and I know how to make ice blocks for the freezer in cold winters here.. We have quite a bit of salt to corn our beef in the freezers to preserve them.

If the daughters and there families bug out...we are not going to do that...we have food for about a year in stock, but the freezers are essential and we need more gas for the generators in the summer.

Lots of people are prepared more than us in this country, but I am sure there will be some food coming in to help the people, my time figures are counting on us being able to get some supplies from somewhere. We have a wood cookstove that can heat our house, and another franklin style airtight in the basement I can hook up if needed.

It will not be fun and I am sure there will be problems, especially if the kids keep up their wastefulness with foods. We waste very little, even boil the bones to make soups with. My granddaughter who died was trained well by me to help to teach my family how to survive, but now she is gone.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:45 PM
You mean like this?

It's the water supply that would be the doom of most people in the cities. Toilets stop flushing, nothing coming from the taps, water all sold out; hard times indeed.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: sendhelp
If the grid went down in reality, we would fix it. We built it, we would fix it. I don't think by the "flip of a switch" we would be thrown into the stone ages overnight.

The other thing, if domestic terrorists or foreign terrorists did this, what would they do to survive? They would destroy their access to the grid too.

There's got to be so many "grids" all over the US, probably 10,000+? No way those would go down all at once at the same time.

If one States' grid went down, hopefully the government responds fast! Hard to say when multiple states have experienced massive water contamination and others rolling blackouts, with delayed or zero government response.

Our major transformers are made by China and have an 18 month waiting period to deliver.

We have no backups.

One Carrington event and there will be nobody to "fix" it.

No terrorists needed.

Just went down a big rabbit hole with this, but I did find US manufacturers of transformers, but that's a little irrelevant. Places have been without power for weeks from natural disasters and it wasn't a complete collapse of society. If it was an act of war the guilty party would be worried about a retaliation, so would they do it in the first place?

But if it never came back on, only peppers, or remote off the grid survival type people would survive the longest.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: sendhelp

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: sendhelp
If the grid went down in reality, we would fix it. We built it, we would fix it. I don't think by the "flip of a switch" we would be thrown into the stone ages overnight.

The other thing, if domestic terrorists or foreign terrorists did this, what would they do to survive? They would destroy their access to the grid too.

There's got to be so many "grids" all over the US, probably 10,000+? No way those would go down all at once at the same time.

If one States' grid went down, hopefully the government responds fast! Hard to say when multiple states have experienced massive water contamination and others rolling blackouts, with delayed or zero government response.

Our major transformers are made by China and have an 18 month waiting period to deliver.

We have no backups.

One Carrington event and there will be nobody to "fix" it.

No terrorists needed.

Just went down a big rabbit hole with this, but I did find US manufacturers of transformers, but that's a little irrelevant. Places have been without power for weeks from natural disasters and it wasn't a complete collapse of society. If it was an act of war the guilty party would be worried about a retaliation, so would they do it in the first place?

But if it never came back on, only peppers, or remote off the grid survival type people would survive the longest.

Thee are no US manufactures of the really big transformers.

There are places that have been weeks without power, yes.

Name one major city that has done that.

Much less the entire world in a Carrington event.

I'm currently offgrid and on 400 acres in a place in Montana you can't even find.

I went to the grocery store in my closest town twice this year for non-essentials.

Think about that,

I went to town in April and I went to town in September.

I'll be fine.


edit on 000000012America/Chicago12amWed, 13 Dec 2023 00:19:59 -060019 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

I went to the grocery store in my closest town twice this year for non-essentials. Think about that,

You’re doing better than most of us but I think that is probably due to where you live too.
The further away from a store you are the less you are going to rely on it. Those that live close might go everyday, those that live a little further, a few times a week.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

I have supplies to last years, but There are so many variables to this. So many ways to die when a society falls apart.

I use ATS as an indicator of the American societies milieu... I'm buying more guns and ammo!

edit on 13-12-2023 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: lilzazz

I use ATS as an indicator of the American societies milieu... I'm buying more guns and ammo!

Some people think that is going to be enough.

Just watch the Walking Dead. Will one gun be enough when there is a mob with guns coming at you?

I think place is a lot more important than security.

Think about it this way. If you are in a somewhat remote area, your chance of being scouted is probably a lot less.
If you are in the suburbs, you are going to get other people from the burbs, and then even city dwellers.
Better to just be in the sticks.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: nugget1
only the fitest of the fit stand much of a chance..

.. and at 61 I'm not the 'fittest of the fit'. So it won't be me who survives.


i'm pushing 77, the 3rd tranche in the OP.... i won't divulge my Pantry but my Son's family would be sustained +6 months and have adequate metals to barter for a 'time' afterwards (already transferred)... granddaughter 'Everly' is the key-holder...

iow, i'm in a Leave the World Behind state of mind (movie produced by Barack & Michelle Obama)


48 minute synopsis by the canadian prepper

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: nugget1
only the fitest of the fit stand much of a chance..

.. and at 61 I'm not the 'fittest of the fit'. So it won't be me who survives.


i'm pushing 77, the 3rd tranche in the OP.... i won't divulge my Pantry but my Son's family would be sustained +6 months and have adequate metals to barter for a 'time' afterwards (already transferred)... granddaughter 'Everly' is the key-holder...

iow, i'm in a Leave the World Behind state of mind (movie produced by Barack & Michelle Obama)


48 minute synopsis by the canadian prepper

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: StudioNada

i'm pushing 77, the 3rd tranche in the OP.... i won't divulge my Pantry but my Son's family would be sustained +6 months and have adequate metals to barter for a 'time' afterwards (already transferred)... granddaughter 'Everly' is the key-holder... iow, i'm in a Leave the World Behind state of mind (movie produced by Barack & Michelle Obama)

My biggest advice is to not rely on things. Yes they will come in handy if you can use them but look at recent upheavals.

So much of what happens is displacement!

Think more along the lines of knowledge. Learn how to identify food, how to butcher, how to clean, sew, how to disinfect, how to collect and purify water, how to build, how to insulate, how to grow,…..
Perhaps even human psychology so you can learn effective bartering, and negotiations.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 12:20 PM
i live in a motorhome. and i don.t plan to move it. it has solar and two 100 ah lifepo4 batteries that are new.
10 miles from where i live there is a lake with fish and watercress plus ducks and in the winter geese winter there.. i have a throw net and a large supply of hooks to set a trot line in the lake. i also know the old hobo trick for fishing for ducks and geese.
There is a lot of screwbean mesquites in the area, and few know you can grind the beans into flour.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

If the grid goes down, I don't want to survive.

I'm tired, tired of what I see in the world, tired of the selfishness, greed and brutality to other humans, animals and this is just the surface stuff I see. I am aware that there is a whole other world of evil operating beneath the visible stuff.

I'm worried about my family and what the future holds, the cost of everything, the in fighting over politics and covid, etc.

I have a bug out bag. I have severe osteoarthritis and can't even turn over in bed without agony - so yeah, I'm not going to be trekking through the mountains and looking for a lake and hoping to survive the first week. I'm a slug in the malls. LOL.

There was a time that I ate this stuff up and fantasized, but life had me working, I have a child that is autistic and I adore her more than anything else in the world, but she exhausts me.

I'm good with going to the other side.

If it ever happens, I wish everyone the best: I wish strength of mind and inner courage, opportunities, safety and the ability to master their circumstances.

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