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DNA from Mexico's 'Alien Corpses' is from Unknown Species, according to analysts

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posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Rosby123

was it the same quack dr and his team that did the testing this time or a new quack and team.

as your article said it's the same excact thing that show he put on in mexico and became the laughing stock of the world even above ancient aliens. and been trying to do it since for ever. hell he's been caught using fake paper mache, and a fake alien baby.

the last one down in mexico his quack dr even said the last one were probably fake but these are the real deal. talk about blowin smoke up people ass.

there's a big ol thread about here about the show down in mexico.

don't believe made up bullsh@@

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: CataclysmicRockets
30% DNA from the plaster and Papier-mâché , have you seen these things? I've seen mediocre marionette puppets look more realistic.

You're right...

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Every semi-believable report I've seen discussing the DNA of these non-human beings has concluded they are not human but contain some human DNA. Who wants to bet the remaining the 70% of the DNA matches humans and other life on Earth? And what is the bet that the DNA structure itself is also very similar to ours, which is how they were able to analyze it in the first place.

Apparently, slugs and humans share 70% of their DNA, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was just an Earth animal.

The researchers have commented on the authenticity of these skeletons saying they are real and authentic. They haven't said they're definitely alien. It could be this is another animal species or another intelligent anthropoid and this is where things become very interesting.

That's the most important part.
We need to see if these skeletons are real and if they are what are these creatures.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
These so-called mummies are likely as fake as they come, but "may" and "believe" aren't going to cut it. None of those in the article have examined, or even seen them in person. That's not to say their opinion of what they are seeing isn't valid, it may be, but that is hardly scientific.
Opinions of scientists in their fields of expertise are scientific opinions. Good scientists tend to use careful language usually not dealing in absolutes, but don't let that fool you into thinking they don't think it's fake.

If someone like Hancock had brought these forward, the scientific community would be falling all over itself to debunk it, but as it is, they seem only mildly interested in exposing these for the fakes they believe they are.
I think you're living in an alternate reality bubble by trying to separate "Maussan's scientists" from Maussan. I think it's well known by now what a fraud Maussan is based on his known and proven history of making fake alien claims and paying people to fake DNA evidence.

This documentary is in the real reality, and it not only thoroughly debunks the mummies showing they are made of a mixture of human bones and bones from other animals, and that they are missing the ligaments that would make them real, but it also recognized that "Maussan's scholars" are a thing, which you apparently try to deny, or don't seem to recognize.

originally posted by: Caver78
Pieceing together alien mummies is a industry in Peru.
Steve Mera and Barry Fitzgerald were asked by the Inkari Institute (Thierry Jamin) to assist in investigating the mummies.
First link to Steve Mera's Phenomena Magazine with article pg 9. Second to the presentation on YouTube.
Thanks, that documentary on youtube was very informative.
From Youtube video link:

hearing from the European Specialists clearly and beyond doubt showed the mummies had been manipulated. The bone structures were incorrect and no matter the efforts from some allegedly serious researchers in Latin America to convince us they were indeed at one time alive and walking around, the truth was very different. They were simply a man-made manipulation of mismatched bones and other material, but what was the other material? The brilliant work in this matter of Rodolfo Salas gizmonde PhD who is a member of the vertebrate paleontology Department of the Natural History Museum in Lima was published on a website

in it he identified the bones that made up the hand provided by Thierry Hamin the president of the akari institute in Cusco he States Jaime musan displayed the hand in a contact program on July the second in which the image showed the hand with three fingers he points out according to the scholars of Jaime Maussan each finger is made up of six phalanges and the metacarpals which would make up the palm of the hand are long thin and form a rectacular palm this analysis is absolutely superficial Incorrect and is based on the relative position of the bones and not on the morphology of each boon in the radiography of thierry's alien hand the morphological analysis of the bones indicates that each finger is formed by two metacarpals and four phalanges and not by six phalanges as indicated by the Mexican forensics expert and the rest of Maussan scientists all these bones are from adult humans this shocking statement solidifies the fact that these are manufactured artifacts of varying animal and human remains and are an act which Falls neatly into the desecration of human corpse law within many countries around the world including Peru...

the scientists of Jaime Maussan, among them the Peruvian surgeon Edison Salazar and the Mexican coroner Jose De sus Salas have not been able to distinguish metacarpal phalanges. Their convincing statements about the authenticity of their remains are not based on scientific knowledge and leave a bitter taste as to the real reasons behind the Brazen fires
a growing number of Peruvian layer people like Anthony Choi Guillermo rental Legato Eduardo pogorowski LucaMcLovin are gathering their voices and are openly attacking online the supporters of the alien hypothesis they've had enough of their Heritage being stripped and manipulated and most of all disrespected
The claims of Maussan and what the documentary calls "the scientists of Jaime Maussan" have been thoroughly shown to be false by the x-rays, I'm not even an expert in X-ray analysis and it's obvious even to me the X-rays show these things are completely fake and that "Maussan's scientists" are lying, but don't take my word for it, listen to all the experts in X-ray analysis state their findings in the documentary.

So what we have here are not alien mummies but evidence of crimes performed by grave robbers and their associates, since even in Peru it's illegal to desecrate human corpses which is what they have done my mixing multiple finger bones in an obviously fake fashion as demonstrated in the X-rays of the hand showing the bones aren't even assembled correctly, these beings couldn't have even walked the way they were put together.

Why Maussan's scientists or scholars have such wrong and irresponsible opinions, I can't say for sure, but the documentary does mention the value of the Maria corpse is approximately one million dollars to investors in the black market in Lima and even the smaller mummies can fetch $100,000 each. These are significant sums even in developed countries, but are incredible riches in the poverty-stricken areas of Peru, so I don't think financial incentives for making these fakes, or for supporting Maussan's fake claims can be underestimated.

originally posted by: ArMaP
a reply to: sendhelp
"José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, director of the Scientific Institute for Health of the Mexican Navy, who said X-rays, 3D reconstruction and DNA analysis had been carried out on the remains.“I can affirm that these bodies have no relation to human beings,” he told the lawmakers."

I see two problems with the above:
1 - He "said" that X-rays, 3d reconstruction and DNA analysis had been carried out, but did he say who carried them out?
2 - Saying that the "bodies have no relation to human beings" means nothing.
The bigger problem you didn't even mention is his the complete lack of credibility José de Jesús Zalce Benítez has. He's one of "Maussan's scholars" who confirmed the "alien mummy" in the Roswell slides wasn't human, but that mummy was shown to be a human boy from South America that was on display in a museum. So I don't know why anybody would listen to anything Benítez says about non-humans and aliens after that embarrassment.

originally posted by: Arkapi
That's the most important part.
We need to see if these skeletons are real and if they are what are these creatures.
We already know they aren't real. Watch the youtube documentary or just see the transcript snippet above.

edit on 2023126 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Thank you so much for copying & pasteing the article info!! (it was late & I was exhausted)
I know both Steve Mera & Barry Fitzgerald have stellar track records. Six years sitting on this because they have strong ethical personalities speaks volumes. Glad you enjoyed their documentary. Both have a slew of YouTubes about a wide range of paranormal topics. All well researched, interesting as all giddy-up.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Just a moment.
The documentary may claim these are not real skeletons but that's what the documentary said. It may or may not be true but I don't know to be honest. Any official announcement yet?

You sound absolutely convinced about what these skeletons are. It could be true they're not real but based solely on this documentary? They are suggesting the other scientists including the peruvian surgeon and the mexican coroner don't know what they're talking about.
edit on 6-12-2023 by Rosby123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

You have spoken about the credibility of some of these people. It's an issue but not the one that concerns me at the moment or those asking if these skeletons are real. Character assassination is not something I will use to approach this story. Then again you have come to the conclusion these skeletons are not real based on a documentary.

From your analysis it sounds as if these scientists are either incompetent or lying and they have conspired with Maussan to mislead the public.

edit on 6-12-2023 by Rosby123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: Rosby123
The researchers have commented on the authenticity of these skeletons saying they are real and authentic. They haven't said they're definitely alien. It could be this is another animal species or another intelligent anthropoid and this is where things become very interesting.

This is where things should become interesting, but if they insist in presenting this as (or turning it into) an alien it may end up forgotten in someone's basement.

It's a very interesting story anyway.

If they are alien then we have discovered alien bodies.

If they are not alien then this is a species that changes quite a lot our understanding of the evolution of humanoids and things are getting more complicated if it's an intelligent species.

If it's a fraud and a lie (see post above) then Maussan and his team of scientists and experts have conspired to mislead the world. It was claimed in this page by another poster some of these scientists are incompetent and are liars.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Rosby123

Maussan is irrelevant in any discussion on this. Wasting the time using his lack of good standing to debunk the find is just attacking the source instead of the information.

What we should be looking at are the DNA labs, the doctors, and the anthropologist who have all claimed the corpses are indeed real and at least a portion of the DNA is unknown. What about their credentials and standing?

Also, comparing them to the movie ET is off the mark. A few of the Dogu figures from Japan (3000BC?) also look like these creatures and could have been Spielberg's inspiration.

I'm not even a believer and I think these deserve looking into.

I completely agree.
I mentioned in another post that the character assassination technique isn't the right approach and we need to focus on whether these skeletons are real and authentic. It has been claimed by other posters that some of these scientists are Incompetent and are lying just like Maussan.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 08:26 PM
A very interesting read that brings to our attention an ongoing controversy.

Last Monday, doctors in Mexico City carried out several laboratory tests on the remains.

According to Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, director of the Mexican Navy's Scientific Institute for Health, the three studies were designed to check the skeletal structure of the bodies.

The study proved that the alleged bodies belonged to a single skeleton and were not assembled.

"There is no evidence of any assembly or manipulation of the skulls," Zalce added.

edit on 6-12-2023 by Rosby123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 08:34 PM
And from the same source

However, the Peruvian Attorney General's Office, together with the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, had launched an investigation years earlier, when the bodies were found.

The investigation found that the figures were "recently manufactured".

"Creations made of animal and human bones joined together with synthetic glue. These in turn were covered with a mixture of plant fibres and synthetic glue to simulate a type of skin," the report added.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 08:42 PM
The matter is further complicated when the university UNAM carbon dated the skeletons and found them (allegedly) to be 1,000 years old.

He (Maussan) said they were buried in a remote area of Peru and were around 1,000 years old, according to carbon dating tests allegedly carried out by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

However, these claims have been qualified by the university.

The university's Institute of Physics denied that its studies could be used to prove that the two bodies belonged to extraterrestrials.

They were able to prove through carbon-14 analysis that the bodies had been buried for 1,000 years in diatomaceous earth, a type of algae that does not allow bacteria or fungi to grow, making their preservation possible.

In a statement, the institution said that "they are only intended to determine the age of the sample brought by each user and in no case do we draw conclusions about the origin of these samples

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: Rosby123
They are suggesting the other scientists including the peruvian surgeon and the mexican coroner don't know what they're talking about.
I would say it's not a suggestion, it is proven that either they don't know what they are talking about, or else they do know and they are intentionally lying, I can't say which. What more proof do you need? Did you watch the documentary? You can see a straight cut in the end of a bone stuck in one of the mummies; that's not how bones look, and I don't think you need to be an expert to see that kind of blatant fraud. Anybody who claims that's a real skeleton and is not manufactured has to be an idiot or lying.

originally posted by: Rosby123
The matter is further complicated when the university UNAM carbon dated the skeletons and found them (allegedly) to be 1,000 years old.
I don't see how that's a complication. Grave robbers dug up 1000 year old bones and illegally desecrate the old corpses to manufacture a new fake mummy using some of the old bones.

edit on 2023126 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: charlyv
The outward appearance of an object is near the end of the list of evidence criteria when it comes to scientific analysis.
It is right down there near witness testimony.

I'm sure you are right.
But one look at those things and I just laugh.
They look totally non credible. A bad hoax.
Sorry. But I can't take them seriously.

I get it, as they look like paper mache and the dude holding it up and waving one of them around is stupid at best.
The problem is, they are taking it much more seriously than when Mausen originally acquired them. Some on here say that those scientists are not vetted with the proper accreditation... so who knows where this is going to , if anywhere.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Rosby123
And the mystery deepens!

A team of scientists who performed a DNA Analysis on the two 'corpses' found that 30% of the DNA is not recognizable and it doesn't belong to any known species. It remains unclear what the other 70% of the DNA matched up with.

Back in September of this year Mexican journalist and UFO enthusiast José Jaime Maussan claimed they have discovered for the first time in the history of mankind non human alien corpses when he testified in Mexico's Congress. The skeletons were authentic and real, researchers have argued, without saying there were definitely alien.

The other 70% of the DNA 🧬 results came back as tortilla wrapped chupacabra bone.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: Rosby123
If it's a fraud and a lie (see post above) then Maussan and his team of scientists and experts have conspired to mislead the world.

It wouldn't be the first time...

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: Rosby123
If it's a fraud and a lie (see post above) then Maussan and his team of scientists and experts have conspired to mislead the world.

It wouldn't be the first time...

I am not convinced the skeletons belong to an extraterrestrial intelligent species.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 05:59 PM
Rubber hitting the road.
I'm fine with taxidermy. Want that Bear, Fish, Deer head on your wall? COOL!!

I am NOT FINE with digging up indiginous peoples, soaking them to get the mummified skin flexible then pulling bones out, rearranging & adding parts to manufacture a abomination to sell or hold up as a ET.
Which is exactly what was documented in Peru.

From the grave robbers, to the workers who altered the, yes, possibly 1000yr old bodies, to the authorities who are currently looking away cause of the large sums of money involved. I find it difficult to comprehend anyone STILL considering these fabricated adulterations as "real ET's".

The desecrated grave sites are also Peruvian history getting wiped out for cash.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: Rosby123
They are suggesting the other scientists including the peruvian surgeon and the mexican coroner don't know what they're talking about.
I would say it's not a suggestion, it is proven that either they don't know what they are talking about, or else they do know and they are intentionally lying, I can't say which. What more proof do you need? Did you watch the documentary? You can see a straight cut in the end of a bone stuck in one of the mummies; that's not how bones look, and I don't think you need to be an expert to see that kind of blatant fraud. Anybody who claims that's a real skeleton and is not manufactured has to be an idiot or lying.

originally posted by: Rosby123
The matter is further complicated when the university UNAM carbon dated the skeletons and found them (allegedly) to be 1,000 years old.
I don't see how that's a complication. Grave robbers dug up 1000 year old bones and illegally desecrate the old corpses to manufacture a new fake mummy using some of the old bones.

Which part is proven?
When you say it's proven that they either don't know what they're talking about or they're lying. You aren't sure yourself. I can't make up my mind and can't come to a conclusion, I still want more information.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: Rosby123
If it's a fraud and a lie (see post above) then Maussan and his team of scientists and experts have conspired to mislead the world.

It wouldn't be the first time...

But are we sure they're lying and the whole thing is a fabrication?

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