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posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: chr0naut

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world.

You are well and truly in lockstep to take that bait. Have you seen the contracts the government signed with Pfizer?

Yes, the bits that the anti-vaxers disagreed with looked like standard limited liability boilerplate. It wasn't much different than other public sector contracts with private companies.

Did you notice how the government was restricted in pushing covid policy so left it to the corporate world to make it up?

No, where was government COVID-19 policy restricted? Please link to the documentation and clearly identify the specific paragraph that placed limits on government policy.

Where does the WEF sit when it comes to implementing global corporate policy?

The WEF is a conference organization. Various of its attendees and speakers have differing economic theories and opinions. It provides a forum to discuss economic policies. There is, and has been, disagreement among its speakers about what is the right way to do things. The WEF is an economic forum, a place to discuss ideas.

Klaus Schwab will be happy owning nothing sitting in a jail cell.

You know he'd be miserable.

But what crime would he be in jail for? And what country would he be incarcerated in? They all have different laws.

I just hope he only gets fed insects while incarcerated after all his assets and bank accounts frozen and confiscated.
Soros as well.
That would be real justice.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: chr0naut

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world.

You are well and truly in lockstep to take that bait. Have you seen the contracts the government signed with Pfizer?

Yes, the bits that the anti-vaxers disagreed with looked like standard limited liability boilerplate. It wasn't much different than other public sector contracts with private companies.

Did you notice how the government was restricted in pushing covid policy so left it to the corporate world to make it up?

No, where was government COVID-19 policy restricted? Please link to the documentation and clearly identify the specific paragraph that placed limits on government policy.

Where does the WEF sit when it comes to implementing global corporate policy?

The WEF is a conference organization. Various of its attendees and speakers have differing economic theories and opinions. It provides a forum to discuss economic policies. There is, and has been, disagreement among its speakers about what is the right way to do things. The WEF is an economic forum, a place to discuss ideas.

Klaus Schwab will be happy owning nothing sitting in a jail cell.

You know he'd be miserable.

But what crime would he be in jail for? And what country would he be incarcerated in? They all have different laws.

I just hope he only gets fed insects while incarcerated after all his assets and bank accounts frozen and confiscated.
Soros as well.
That would be real justice.

But have Schwab or Soros actually abused human rights? Surely they are allowed an opinion under free speech laws. To be effective, that EO would only be able to prosecute only those who have actually committed human rights abuses. Like placing limits on people on racial or religious grounds, or incarcerating people and confiscating their property.

Oh wait, wouldn't the action of prosecuting the EO itself constitute abuse of the human rights of those it prosecutes?

Fortunately, it was never used against anyone, and the Global Magnitsky Act EO13818 expired on December 23, 2022, as it only was in effect for the declared one year 'national emergency in human rights and corruption' declared in 2017 by Trump and extended for a further year, again by Trump, that has not been extended subsequently after its expiry (because there was no such threat external to the US, the national emergency was bogus).

edit on 5-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: chr0naut

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world.

You are well and truly in lockstep to take that bait. Have you seen the contracts the government signed with Pfizer?

Yes, the bits that the anti-vaxers disagreed with looked like standard limited liability boilerplate. It wasn't much different than other public sector contracts with private companies.

Did you notice how the government was restricted in pushing covid policy so left it to the corporate world to make it up?

No, where was government COVID-19 policy restricted? Please link to the documentation and clearly identify the specific paragraph that placed limits on government policy.

Where does the WEF sit when it comes to implementing global corporate policy?

The WEF is a conference organization. Various of its attendees and speakers have differing economic theories and opinions. It provides a forum to discuss economic policies. There is, and has been, disagreement among its speakers about what is the right way to do things. The WEF is an economic forum, a place to discuss ideas.

Klaus Schwab will be happy owning nothing sitting in a jail cell.

You know he'd be miserable.

But what crime would he be in jail for? And what country would he be incarcerated in? They all have different laws.

I just hope he only gets fed insects while incarcerated after all his assets and bank accounts frozen and confiscated.
Soros as well.
That would be real justice.

But have Schwab or Soros actually abused human rights? Surely they are allowed an opinion under free speech laws. To be effective, that EO would only be able to prosecute only those who have actually committed human rights abuses. Like placing limits on people on racial or religious grounds, or incarcerating people and confiscating their property.

Oh wait, wouldn't the action of prosecuting the EO itself constitute abuse of the human rights of those it prosecutes?

Fortunately, it was never used against anyone, and the Global Magnitsky Act EO13818 expired on December 23, 2022, as it only was in effect for the declared one year 'national emergency in human rights and corruption' declared in 2017 by Trump and extended for a further year, again by Trump, that has not been extended subsequently after its expiry (because there was no such threat external to the US, the national emergency was bogus).

Biden signed off on it. corruption

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

On December 20, 2017, by Executive Order 13818, the President declared a national emergency with respect to serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world and, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), took related steps to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.

The prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on December 20, 2017, must continue in effect beyond December 20, 2022. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13818 with respect to serious human rights abuse and corruption.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

  THE WHITE HOUSE, December 12, 2022. Filed 12–13–22; 11:15 am]

[FR Doc. 2022–27270

Billing code 3395–F3–

Crazy huh?
Biden supposedly undoing everything Trump did.
But signing off on EO13818 AND EO13848.
And because of PEADS there is absolutely no reason you have to be informed of how it has been implemented and used.
You just have to be informed it is being implemented and enough so that Biden willingly or unwillingly signed of on it on this date.
Not that he ended it as you implied.
Did you intend to try and trick us into believing Biden did not extend it but ended Ed it?
He did not end as you said.
He extended it.
edit on 5-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

Since this has a 1 year expiration this must have been the 2nd time Biden extended it.
edit on 5-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Creating and or causing misery does not need to be a crime, it needs eliminating, people endorsing need a kick up the arse imo
edit on 5-12-2023 by AianawaQ1320 because: Take joy in the beginning of the end, be blessed

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Rosby123

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

All the information was anonymized. Anyway, the cops have all the data if they put him in a court of law it is going to get more interesting.

He probably has signed up to comply with data protection laws, it's probably standard boilerplate in his employment contract.

I have worked with medical databases some years ago, and encryption, and data protection are hammered in to all the IT support guys, repeatedly. This guy knew what he was doing was contrary to the law.

I wonder how much he was getting paid to break the law?

Too much speculation.
Probably this and probably that.

At the end of the day he was arrested for having access to the data and sharing it with others. They have nothing to be afraid of if the data is clear and truthful.

Data, and especially medical data, can be misused criminally.

Even if he didn't misuse the data, he took private and secured data that could be damaging to people, and put it in a publicly accessible place.

As I pointed out, the conclusions he was drawing from the data in the video, were not actually consistent with the data itself. He was misrepresenting the data, and was making allegations of criminality against specific people who were only doing their job and probably had no idea that their patients were later going to die. The data he presented was also missing any mention of cause of death, and he has assumed that every case was therefore the vaccine, something which neither the data, nor any clinical evidence, has shown.

You see, if you are worried about my 'speculation', what about the speculation on the anti-vax side of the argument?- A balanced view would be skeptical of both sides, and would seek for, and evaluate, evidence. At present, neither you nor I really have all the facts. What we have is necessarily, speculation.

That's another speculation.
You we don't have all the facts and I agree with this but you almost immediately accused him of misrepresenting and misusing the data in a criminal manner.

I am glad you have acknowledged somewhere else in this page the excess deaths in most other countries around the world. I don't know what the situation is in NZ. The excess non Covid deaths should be a big red flag against the covid campaign and the vaccines and most excess deaths are non Covid deaths.

The start of the rise of excess deaths that led to the peak in other countries, happened in early 2020, before the vaccines were available in 2021. The ridiculous estimates for excess deaths proposed up to months ago were based upon extrapolations, and now the datasets are closed and actual, rather than speculation.

Weekly number of excess deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to November 2023

The peak in excess deaths in the UK clearly happened in April 2020.

Here's the excess deaths data from a stack of countries, from another source.

COVID-19 vaccinations were not generally available until January 2021. The peak in excess deaths across the planet happened before the availability of the vaccines.

You explain that.

That's not true.
Excess non Covid deaths have been seen in all countries that followed strict lockdown protocols and mass vaccinated their populations. We don't suppose to have excess deaths in the post-covid/lockdowns years but unfortunately we have and isn't going away. You're conflating covid deaths with non covid deaths.

The spike in excess deaths worldwide was quite a massive spike, occurred before the vaccines were available, and excess deaths have not recurred at anything like the same levels, subsequently. In fact the subsequent excess deaths show variability around a fairly stable median line and no escalating trend subsequent to the availability of the vaccines.

As to the spike in excess deaths approximately in early April, it correlates to the unimpeded disease progression through populations in the period prior to lockdowns (which started in late March) being enforced over those populations. So the initial and largest peak in excess deaths started before the lockdowns, and abated quickly once the lockdowns were implemented.

There is no way that the lockdowns, or the vaccines, caused the excess deaths. Check the details in the graphs (previously posted) against the timeline of events (which you can verify for yourself).

We aren't talking about the excess Covid deaths but the excess non Covid deaths and especially in the years 2021/22/23. In the last two years this has been a global concern because we didn't suppose to have them. It has affected the young and middle age groups mostly. Something is wrong and it can't be hidden.

Why do you assume we aren't supposed to have excess non-COVID deaths?

Firstly, there are still people dying of COVID-19, even though new strains are less deadly. The disease has become endemic, it hasn't gone away.

Secondly, like most viral illnesses, there are multiple possible complications:

Complications Coronavirus Can Cause

With many of these complications there is ongoing cellular damage, even after you are 'over' the virus. These all contribute to ongoing excess deaths.

Something has changed dramatically. So under normal circumstances we shouldn't observe a sharp increase in the non Covid deaths and especially in the young age groups. The disease hasn't gone away but young and healthy people are in such low risk and they're not dying of Covid but of other causes.

Something has changed, true, but not dramatically. Review the graphs. Excess deaths are variable but the multi-year trend after initial spike is mostly flat.

I believe you need to have a look at the data worldwide.

There are excess non Covid deaths in most countries that went under strict lockdown protocols and used mass vaccinations to deal with the problem.

Young and middle age people have become susceptible to a range of diseases and I can't see anything else other than lockdowns and mass vaccinations as the main causes.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 03:52 PM
It is not mysery, it is freedom from debt slavery.
If you cannot set aside temporary leisure for the sake of your children and their children and forward this fight isn't for you.
This is a time unlike any other.
Are you not aware of the abject servitude our globalist masters had intended for us?
The vaccine pushers thrust upon us?
It was this or that, them or us.
We won.
Now we have to go to work.
The globalist intended for hunger then starvation to whip us into servitude.
Instead we get hunger but no starvation as we once again learn to feed ourselves as we rebuild and regain our national and individual sovereignty.

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Creating and or causing misery does not need to be a crime, it needs eliminating, people endorsing need a kick up the arse imo

edit on 5-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Creating and or causing misery does not need to be a crime, it needs eliminating, people endorsing need a kick up the arse imo

I may have misinterpreted what you meant.
If so my apologies

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you a Kiwi , WEF spell is a thing you know. Governments lie you know ?, if you embellish their lies as imo you are, your just as bad, no joking as it is important to feel safe or well paid or both.

Apoligies if your not paid or unable to think for yourself dear one, your not alone.

I am an Australian citizen, permanently resident in New Zealand.

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world. It even has keynote speakers who disagree with the general consensus of other attendees (for example, Donald Trump was a keynote speaker and strongly disagreed in his speech with the opinions of previous keynote speakers).

I have had no contact at all from the WEF organization, nor anyone associated with it. Therefore, it cannot have affected my reasoning, and my opinions are my own.

For decades there have been all sorts of conspiracy theories about groups such as the WEF, Illuminati, Bilderburgers, Zionists, Communists, the Rothschilds and etc.

People have spewed their unfounded opinions about these groups being the dark hand behind world politics, on and on for decades, and yet the world is clearly politically fractured and there is no no-one in overarching control. Nor is it likely to be allowed to happen.

Your funny, WEF has not affected you, infected maybe ?, Adern a WEF youth leader, did she have any affect on you ?, yes it be better to laugh, anyways will ignore you cobber, good luck.

Ardern is gone as PM. She resigned, before her second term was over. Very un-'dominating-the-world' when they do that. Makes you wonder if the whole 'evil overlords' thing was just doom porn.

The new guys are right-wing.

Picture says it all

Politics pre-dates mechanized military, and therefore pre-dates the military industrial complex. But without a doubt, they are deeply intertwined now.

But as an entertainer himself, Zappa is highly credible to comment on the entertainment industry. In fact, as he was once alive, and is now dead, he is a credible source of information on all topics related to life or its absence.

edit on 5-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 06:44 PM
Barry Young is out on bail. Even more surprising is that he does not have a gag order with this Alex Jones interview, starts at around 40 min.

Alex Jones Full Show 12/5/23 Barry Young, Steve Kirsch, Liz Gunn, & Maria Zeee, Hannah Spierer

His house got trashed by those making the arrest. When in jail he had a lot of support from the staff and inmates.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
Barry Young is out on bail. Even more surprising is that he does not have a gag order with this Alex Jones interview, starts at around 40 min.

Alex Jones Full Show 12/5/23 Barry Young, Steve Kirsch, Liz Gunn, & Maria Zeee, Hannah Spierer

His house got trashed by those making the arrest. When in jail he had a lot of support from the staff and inmates.

Geez, it's almost like the government were more concerned about him putting private medical data into the public domain than they were about his opinion?

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you a Kiwi , WEF spell is a thing you know. Governments lie you know ?, if you embellish their lies as imo you are, your just as bad, no joking as it is important to feel safe or well paid or both.

Apoligies if your not paid or unable to think for yourself dear one, your not alone.

I am an Australian citizen, permanently resident in New Zealand.

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world. It even has keynote speakers who disagree with the general consensus of other attendees (for example, Donald Trump was a keynote speaker and strongly disagreed in his speech with the opinions of previous keynote speakers).

I have had no contact at all from the WEF organization, nor anyone associated with it. Therefore, it cannot have affected my reasoning, and my opinions are my own.

For decades there have been all sorts of conspiracy theories about groups such as the WEF, Illuminati, Bilderburgers, Zionists, Communists, the Rothschilds and etc.

People have spewed their unfounded opinions about these groups being the dark hand behind world politics, on and on for decades, and yet the world is clearly politically fractured and there is no no-one in overarching control. Nor is it likely to be allowed to happen.

Your funny, WEF has not affected you, infected maybe ?, Adern a WEF youth leader, did she have any affect on you ?, yes it be better to laugh, anyways will ignore you cobber, good luck.

Ardern is gone as PM. She resigned, before her second term was over. Very un-'dominating-the-world' when they do that. Makes you wonder if the whole 'evil overlords' thing was just doom porn.

The new guys are right-wing.

Picture says it all

Politics pre-dates mechanized military, and therefore pre-dates the military industrial complex. But without a doubt, they are deeply intertwined now.

But as an entertainer himself, Zappa is highly credible to comment on the entertainment industry. In fact, as he was once alive, and is now dead, he is a credible source of information on all topics related to life or its absence.

I am a Zappa fan.
And agree with every word in this post.
Having said that.
Can you accept that you were wrong about EO13818 and that Biden most certainly did sign off on it and that it is still active till the 20th of this month?
Unless Biden signs off on it again of course.
Which I have every reason to believe he will.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

stop being so predictable .

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you a Kiwi , WEF spell is a thing you know. Governments lie you know ?, if you embellish their lies as imo you are, your just as bad, no joking as it is important to feel safe or well paid or both.

Apoligies if your not paid or unable to think for yourself dear one, your not alone.

I am an Australian citizen, permanently resident in New Zealand.

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world. It even has keynote speakers who disagree with the general consensus of other attendees (for example, Donald Trump was a keynote speaker and strongly disagreed in his speech with the opinions of previous keynote speakers).

I have had no contact at all from the WEF organization, nor anyone associated with it. Therefore, it cannot have affected my reasoning, and my opinions are my own.

For decades there have been all sorts of conspiracy theories about groups such as the WEF, Illuminati, Bilderburgers, Zionists, Communists, the Rothschilds and etc.

People have spewed their unfounded opinions about these groups being the dark hand behind world politics, on and on for decades, and yet the world is clearly politically fractured and there is no no-one in overarching control. Nor is it likely to be allowed to happen.

Your funny, WEF has not affected you, infected maybe ?, Adern a WEF youth leader, did she have any affect on you ?, yes it be better to laugh, anyways will ignore you cobber, good luck.

Ardern is gone as PM. She resigned, before her second term was over. Very un-'dominating-the-world' when they do that. Makes you wonder if the whole 'evil overlords' thing was just doom porn.

The new guys are right-wing.

Picture says it all

Politics pre-dates mechanized military, and therefore pre-dates the military industrial complex. But without a doubt, they are deeply intertwined now.

But as an entertainer himself, Zappa is highly credible to comment on the entertainment industry. In fact, as he was once alive, and is now dead, he is a credible source of information on all topics related to life or its absence.

I am a Zappa fan.

Yeah, he's alright, almost as much fun as Ian Drury and the Blockheads, and nearly as popular, too.

And agree with every word in this post.
Having said that.
Can you accept that you were wrong about EO13818 and that Biden most certainly did sign off on it and that it is still active till the 20th of this month?
Unless Biden signs off on it again of course.
Which I have every reason to believe he will.

Yeah, sure, Biden signed off on it.

Still, it doesn't mean that the EO doesn't totally indemnify its own prosecutors, or that it is referring to taking actions outside of the national domain of US government, and therefore has no legal force outside of the US.

It is clearly designed to make it look like the officers are doing something they aren't.

And Biden might sign off on it again. He's supposed to be senile, isn't he?

edit on 5-12-2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: stonerwilliam

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you a Kiwi , WEF spell is a thing you know. Governments lie you know ?, if you embellish their lies as imo you are, your just as bad, no joking as it is important to feel safe or well paid or both.

Apoligies if your not paid or unable to think for yourself dear one, your not alone.

I am an Australian citizen, permanently resident in New Zealand.

The WEF is a conference company. It does not exert any political control over the many governments of the world. It even has keynote speakers who disagree with the general consensus of other attendees (for example, Donald Trump was a keynote speaker and strongly disagreed in his speech with the opinions of previous keynote speakers).

I have had no contact at all from the WEF organization, nor anyone associated with it. Therefore, it cannot have affected my reasoning, and my opinions are my own.

For decades there have been all sorts of conspiracy theories about groups such as the WEF, Illuminati, Bilderburgers, Zionists, Communists, the Rothschilds and etc.

People have spewed their unfounded opinions about these groups being the dark hand behind world politics, on and on for decades, and yet the world is clearly politically fractured and there is no no-one in overarching control. Nor is it likely to be allowed to happen.

Your funny, WEF has not affected you, infected maybe ?, Adern a WEF youth leader, did she have any affect on you ?, yes it be better to laugh, anyways will ignore you cobber, good luck.

Ardern is gone as PM. She resigned, before her second term was over. Very un-'dominating-the-world' when they do that. Makes you wonder if the whole 'evil overlords' thing was just doom porn.

The new guys are right-wing.

Picture says it all

Politics pre-dates mechanized military, and therefore pre-dates the military industrial complex. But without a doubt, they are deeply intertwined now.

But as an entertainer himself, Zappa is highly credible to comment on the entertainment industry. In fact, as he was once alive, and is now dead, he is a credible source of information on all topics related to life or its absence.

I am a Zappa fan.

Yeah, he's alright, almost as much fun as Ian Drury and the Blockheads, and nearly as popular, too.

And agree with every word in this post.
Having said that.
Can you accept that you were wrong about EO13818 and that Biden most certainly did sign off on it and that it is still active till the 20th of this month?
Unless Biden signs off on it again of course.
Which I have every reason to believe he will.

Yeah, sure, Biden signed off on it.

Still, it doesn't mean that the EO doesn't totally indemnify its own prosecutors, or that it is referring to taking actions outside of the national domain of US government, and therefore has no legal force outside of the US.

It is clearly designed to make it look like the officers are doing something they aren't.

And Biden might sign off on it again. He's supposed to be senile, isn't he?

I dunno man.
It sure looks like a lot got hit really hard.
The queen when she was alive put Buckingham Palace up for sale and moved out.
Vatican pulled all their cash worldwide all of a sudden.
Rothschilds selling off their stuff. Just because we do not hear about it certainly does not mean it didn't and isn't happening.
Same that it it did?

Of course I am just speculating.
A lot of Krazy konspiracy sights have speculated. Some claim its Intel.
Probably nothing happening.
But it does look like something is happening.
And that EO.
Well those 2 EO's were signed off by Biden no less. Twice on both actually.
So something might be up...maybe?' Possibly??..
Nah probably not. Our present day gods of Olympus are untouchables.
Nothing can topple them.
Maybe jewish Laser beams from satellites are actually lightening bolts from Zeus returned and that is why these elites are untouchable. They are God's.
Or maybe if we are fortunate and we get to witness a king Nebuchadnezzar moment and Klaus Schwabb eats insects like beast in the field.
I'ld watch it if it was live streamed while I ate a tomahawk steak.

Hey won can dream.

As far as outside our borders.
Bdens DOJ indicted a Philipino official for taking bribes from Smartmatic.
How can they do that to a Philipino politician?
It is outside our jurisdiction???

Remember Trumps capitulation tour.
I think about that a lot.
I can only wonder what kind of Treaties were negotiated that year with 70 Nations.
All that went into effect Jan.1, 2023.
It really does feel different this year

edit on 5-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: kwaka

Good interview, it does not leave much room for the Bosses and the NZ Government. The Gestapo squad doesn't come off too well. "Vee ver following orders when ve ransacked the underwear draw"

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
Barry Young is out on bail. Even more surprising is that he does not have a gag order with this Alex Jones interview, starts at around 40 min.

Alex Jones Full Show 12/5/23 Barry Young, Steve Kirsch, Liz Gunn, & Maria Zeee, Hannah Spierer

His house got trashed by those making the arrest. When in jail he had a lot of support from the staff and inmates.

Some more news here.

A man accused of dishonestly accessing Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand vaccination data will be bailed tomorrow.

Barry Young, 56, is charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes. He didn't enter a plea when he appeared in the Wellington District Court today.

He was arrested yesterday after the health ministry laid a complaint with police following the alleged "unauthorised disclosure and misuse of data by one of its staff members", chief executive Margie Apa said.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
Barry Young is out on bail. Even more surprising is that he does not have a gag order with this Alex Jones interview, starts at around 40 min.

Alex Jones Full Show 12/5/23 Barry Young, Steve Kirsch, Liz Gunn, & Maria Zeee, Hannah Spierer

His house got trashed by those making the arrest. When in jail he had a lot of support from the staff and inmates.

Great to hear, stone continues rolling

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

You know he'd be miserable.

No I don't. I think he would really be happy without all the responsibility and direction he is going. Being a megalomaniac, super villain is going to be a tough job. To extrude so much evil, death and destruction is going to take its toll. He knows he cannot help himself, full of stress wondering who is going to stab him in the back.

To get to repent and have some quite solitude is going to be good for him and deep down he knows it. That is why he pushes ' you will own nothing and be happy'. He is reflecting a personal goal of his. He knows he ain't the best man for the job he is in, but does not know how to get out of it.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: AianawaQ1320
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Creating and or causing misery does not need to be a crime, it needs eliminating, people endorsing need a kick up the arse imo

I may have misinterpreted what you meant.
If so my apologies

indeed lol, accepted

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 12:46 PM

people prove nothing these days

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