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Why did the universe start…

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posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: JJproductions

I haven't, I'm not that well read tbh.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: JJproductions

The concept of "My" is a very powerful word... One that is strong enough for an entire; World or galaxy of duality to spin on like an axis.

It's something to contemplate in regards to; All so called "possessions" mental and physical... As it is a possessive word in both how it: Enables and inhibits simultaneously.

For many the word "my" equals a near infinite bondage.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: crowf00t

This is why and the how are awesome! Thank you!

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: crowf00t

you gotta check your pm

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 07:37 PM
Because it became self aware.

The power of god in which many refer to is the Sudden Realization within the Akasha, the apple that fell from the tree, eureka, the light bulb and so on.

Have you ever had one of those days where your whole life you didn't know about something then one day your eyes lit up and suddenly you understood almost everything about that certain thing and you feel a rush of euphoria? in a way your brain expanded and you came to a realization, that's how the universe expands, that is the power of all that be.

Everything in human history was molded by the power of Sudden Realization, whether you are the hippy who partook in substances and it changed your perspective, or the mad scientist who realized something that had benefits to civilization in the long run, all the way to the caveman who rubbed two sticks together and realized they could create fire, sudden realization has been there with you the whole time.

Because everything you thought, think of or have yet to think of already exists within the Akasha, the hard part is gaining access to it, but once you do, Sudden Realization becomes the god complex, whether you realize how to create a never aging vaccine or an infinite power source of energy, the knowledge is there within you, you just have to know how to access it because each and every one of us is a part of all that be.

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

This is very brain thinking what you posted! Thank you!

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

Might I suggest the concept of contact?

If both eyes are blind? There is hearing, smelling/tasting and touch still existing... For some animals on birth that is the case; Where are the eyes on puppies and kittens before they open?

If both ears are deaf? There is seeing, smelling/tasting, touch still existing... For some animals there is deafness; Where are the ears on a fish?

If there is no nose? There is tasting, seeing, feeling, hearing... For some animals there is no smelling; Where is the nose on a crab?

If there is no taste? For some animals there is no tasting; Where is the tongue on a squid?

For some animals there is no seeing, no hearing, no smelling/tasting, feeling... For some animals that is the case: Where are the senses on the jelly fish?

So when we say: The mind requires senses to exist...

How so how so when we have used ours to notice those animals both do and do not have some as we do and then some of them not any of them at all...

But do we call the Jellyfish mind?

It is about as close to one as we can find; As it goes off and does whatever it likes in the range in that it dwells... Think of how dangerous the jellyfish is and it does not have any senses at all.

Us 'humans' have proved that 'we' are nothing at all to mess with; Not even in the regards to the concept of each other. As when it comes to the 'self' it's all for one as everyone else is 'none'.

Some are beyond both the senses and mind... Having thoroughly conquered them. Seeing all of that as empty... Not understanding how that is so or even possible?

One hasn't even yet lived... So why discuss it.

edit on 22-11-2023 by crowf00t because: sp

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: crowf00t

Concept of Contact :

Yes but none are or have yet to reach the level of sentiency when compared to humans and other potential alien races that we don't know about.

Using the jellyfish as an example, it too is self aware to an extent, it relies on the earths gravitational field to navigate as well as sunlight, without this awareness, it would either be lost or swim in circles until its eventual demise due to this limitation, this limitation is what keeps species on earth

Humans on the other hand don't seem to have this trait, because their self awareness levels are completely different in comparison, the least limited species on earth is the humans as they possess the greatest ability of all, whats known as "need".

With this ability the greatest achievements within recorded human history have been achieved. Humans needed fire, they found a way to harness it, they required water, they found a way to collect it, they required shelter, they found a way to build it, yes other species have their own unique abilities that can do extraordinary things, such as the majority of birds that posses the ability of flight for example and some others that even we don't fully understand how yet but don't forget humans posses the ability of need, so they too created transport that can pass through the heavens just like the bird and humans will most definitely mimic the abilities of other species too in the future.

Humans are the only species that have managed to reach the outside boundaries of earth and into space, not including micro-organisms as they don't count.

To conclude, everything has senses, its pretty unheard of for something animated to not have any senses, even the flowers on a field outside or the trees waving in the wind or even the earth we stand on has senses as they too have levels of awareness but when it comes to the physical plane of existence, these seem fixed, for humans however there doesn't seem to be anything they cannot achieve, they just require to have a need for it, hence why i said they are the least limited species.

But they manage to keep themselves limited with things like Greed, Ego, Kayne West and so on. Without these things, humans could reach unlimited potential. Even in religious scriptures like for example Christianity, you have the deadly sins which one should not take part in, there's a reason for this, as the ancient sages knew, these actions would keep humans limited.

And they have, the world is currently in a sex, drugs and rock and roll era, everything we aren't supposed to be doing and i don't mean this in a religious way, but in a limitation one.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

Thank you for posting this!

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

Indeed we humans are too interested in tribal war to further ourselves.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

All that is a matter of controlling one's senses as guarding them... However some call that a dissociative disorder instead of how a turtle or conch retracts into it's shell for protection. Using the other senses as a hermitage where any of them are being assaulted eventually turns them all inward into a perfect stillness and silence no matter what is occurring where even in the face of death about to occur one is fearless.

The danger then is when conceit arises due to that fearlessness; As one is apt to forget the impermanence of all else not that 'self' that one has grown and become accustomed too... Some think it very rude even evil in not teaching or passing how to achieve that to others along.

However; Such a state is also beyond any possible accumulation of good or bad as the body and mind have learned to automatically turn away from such as those and do so faster than one could try to will them not too. Even if they were to feed clothe and house beggars the rest of their life which would carry normally a positive result in a better birth of circumstances? In such a being there would be no change that only on death as the natural end of it will the final result of that turning come about.

From such a place before that all possible places and abodes of beings are known and are essentially the same as a craving a grasping and desire for something more than what they already have... With most humans it's holding onto what they already have and then later regret in having lost it and then the seeking out of someone or something to replace it or fill that void instead of embracing that void seeing it clearly as the true nature of what it means to be human that all mind arises out of that void causing reality to be directly experienced once that occurs it cannot be unknown.

edit on 24-11-2023 by crowf00t because: sp

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: JJproductions

Because it was Created by God!

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: neoholographicpart2


posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 07:27 PM
Nature abhors a vacuum.... in Genesis the 'Waters of the Deep' were agitated by the 'Word' & creation ensued

btw.... this Thread reads like The Screwtape Letters
edit on 26-11-2023 by StudioNada because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2023 by StudioNada because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: JJproductions

Soul, our universe started with soul a soul that had energy left from time. A soul from the here to the now. Who can measure 13 billion years ago. Is 13 billion really time or is it distance? It’s both. Our soul was formed by a digit. A digit that was so far away from nothing but so close to time that its energy caused motion.

Your soul formed 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the observable universe. Just planets, not counting stars that the planets orbit around. Soul formed 40 billion earth sized planets. Every soul in this observable universe helped create time. What is time? Time is only a thought. It’s only measured up until souls next thought. Time balloons and multiplies!

The question of why did the universe start can never be answered because to answer this question we have to know why soul started. Some people might say the Big Bang started the universe. Soul says no, the Big Bang only expanded the universe. The two words of “how” and “why” are the most important words ever. We know how a baby is made but we don’t know why!

Soul figured out that time, light, energy, bravery and gravity created this universe. Soul traveled in a straight line looking for answers for 13 billion light years to only fine one answer. The answer soul found was if I travel the universe for 13 billion light years in a straight line will I return to my starting point?

Soul returned to the starting point and this repeated over and over again…

Edit to add: Soul proved that gravity bends time so that is why soul did not travel a straight line for 13 billion light years…

Link to how many planets are in this place

"Your soul formed 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the observable universe"

I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: ARM54

There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets formed in the universe that we can observe. Not including stars. Stars are a whole different part of the game. The universe is rapidly expanding. Where it it going? You might know!

One day the universe will reverse itself and fold over due to too much gravity and it will repeat this over and over again!

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: JJproductions
a reply to: ARM54

There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets formed in the universe that we can observe. Not including stars. Stars are a whole different part of the game. The universe is rapidly expanding. Where it it going? You might know!

One day the universe will reverse itself and fold over due to too much gravity and it will repeat this over and over again!

My question is about the soul comment you made.

How do you know the universe will reverse itself? And how do you know the amount of planets in the universe?

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: ARM54

If you google how many planets are in the universe that's what the current estimate is. I suppose too that there are many theories about how the universe will end. One being a big crunch.

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: midicon

Yes 10000% correct! Many many theories! You are also right. I added a google like in my op to how many planets are in the universe. Thank you for this help midicon!

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: ARM54

If you google how many planets are in the universe that's what the current estimate is. I suppose too that there are many theories about how the universe will end. One being a big crunch.

Actually there are additional starless planets

There are ~10^25 planets that orbit stars, with some ~10^26-10^30 additional starless planets.

edit on 27-11-2023 by ARM54 because: (no reason given)

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