posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to:
Well there's a batch of bad optics for the hoolies.
Good thread anyway, tex. What a time to be alive,
we never know when the other pops in now.
I've luckily practiced soldiering over here since old
enough to wrangle a polyethylene Sten. How old
are we NOW? Just the same I'm grieving the loss of
so much young innocence with this evil; and the
results have painfully shown for generations. [r/]
I wax poetic with the elan of a Kimodo Dragon w/Shingles.
Everyone should be sure by now which side Rishi's
muffin is buttered on. Problem Is, he's landed that
side down since he walked into the parlor. Accident?
edit on 11/11/2023 by derfreebie because: Just slide a thread that deserves it, Dave. Sick puppy.