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Is America finished as a an empire

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posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:10 AM
I'm beginning to wonder about the true trojan horse that has the silent invasion in America and with the atrosion horse can open its doors to a silent invasion that people will totally be unexpected for.
Of course they will go for the weak-minded people in the bigger cities with no guns or are protection and so forth they will never ever try it to where the hillbillies have the rights of we are Americans and we will protect our rights at all costs.

But the sad part is if it all crumbles very quickly and I've mentioned this in my threads before within 24 hours America can really collapse.

My greatest worry is the nuclear power plants if the people that run them can't get to the power plants to shut them down what will actually happen.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

No disrespect, but shouldn't you be more worried about Japan ?

I know you're an American, but you've been living in Japan for a long time. If you're that worried, get back here and help.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: musicismagic

No disrespect, but shouldn't you be more worried about Japan ?

I know you're an American, but you've been living in Japan for a long time. If you're that worried, get back here and help.

I don't know if you know it but people with money from around the world are actually trying to get into Japan with their new regulations concerning immigration it's a pretty good program right now and actually the foreign population is almost tipping 4 million people and yeah I think of course I don't know what's going on in America although my family can tell me and here on ATS can tell me but I'm just worried because maybe one day I actually have to return to my homeland and I'm just afraid to what I may see.
And of course thank you for concern about myself but I'm also concerned about my fellow Americans also.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Honestly, we are not in a good position.

We're dumping money and military equipment in to a proxy war in Ukraine and about to get involved in another Middle East fiasco.

We have illegals [ not to mention terrorists ] pouring over the border and the system is struggling to handle it.

Our military is not up to snuff because recruitment is way down, the top brass is more worried about drag queens and equity than an effective fighting force.

Inflation has families struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table.

If we elect leaders who keep us on this path, we are done. It may take another 20 years but we are done as a super power and China will roll right over us.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: musicismagic

Honestly, we are not in a good position.

We're dumping money and military equipment in to a proxy war in Ukraine and about to get involved in another Middle East fiasco.

We have illegals [ not to mention terrorists ] pouring over the border and the system is struggling to handle it.

Our military is not up to snuff because recruitment is way down, the top brass is more worried about drag queens and equity than an effective fighting force.

Inflation has families struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table.

If we elect leaders who keep us on this path, we are done. It may take another 20 years but we are done as a super power and China will roll right over us.

As you may know I live near a military base here in Japan and American Military base and I know for a fact that the military here is very superb yeah it's very superb they're highly trained and they're on a 24-hour Lord if it's trying to depends to use their Force against Taiwan or even the Philippines.

Also was been told to me that the structure of the military like you mentioned is more worried about the weakness of the leadership of what should do if things go wrong and that's very true that's what the the ground soldiers are thinking what happens if it goes wrong or we're just going to be used as whatever they call it disposable soldiers.
It will really pissed all this military people off over here at Iwakuni is when Biden says you guys are nothing but stupid bastards they didn't take it as a very joke either by the way.

I guess I'm a former military United States Air Force and I have no respect for the man in the oval office.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 06:59 AM
LOL. Trillions in debt. It's already fatally wounded. Any coming conflicts are a swan song.
The dollar failed to keep supremacy.
It's already over.

a reply to: musicismagic

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

America has never had an empire in the true meaning of the word.

Look it up.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

The nation is 247 years old ffs.

Relatively speaking still a baby empire wise in the grand scheme of recorded history.

It's teething and growing pains America is experiencing.

It is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning your nation is contending with.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:03 AM
Most empires fall. In fact historically ALL empires fall.

The US has entered the overspending phase that helped to bring down most empires.

The US has also entered the moral degradation and public support for gross immorality phase that brings down many empires.

The US has also purposely given up it's borders, losing national identity.

The US has also given more honor, respect, aide, and support to non-citizens in it's borders the past few years than to its own citizens; and more money to foreign nations for infrastructure than it has actually spent on real concrete infrastructure in it's own nation. Money allocated to infrastructure by congress rarely ends up with much concrete infrastructure actually being built by construction workers.

The US has a political party in power that thinks the US was born in evil and injustice, and is still evil and unjust, its citizens are racist/sexist/homophobes/transphobes and can never be redeemed. This party encourages citizens to loathe their own nation and it's very own citizens.

The US is absolutely in it's last days as not just an empire but as a nation.

Many citizens in many states, red and blue, are saying their states would be better off if they withdrew from the Union.
CA, WA, OR, HI (all very liberal) have strong secessionist movements. TX has a strong secessionist movement (conservative).

Of course the US is in it's last days as a world power and in it's last days as a nation. 200 years is the normal life cycle of a dominant nation.

With the current political party in power
loathing at least half of it's own citizens as a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobes;
passing laws that create more and more crime;
giving more aide and comfort to non-citizens than citizens;
with a corrupt justice system that hides and overlooks crime done by the political party in power;
the military in decline as parents don't want their children to join, even generational military families don't want their children to join;
it is inevitable and not too far off in the future.

The decline will be slow and painful as it was for Rome, but looking at the current state of the US, it has already begun.

edit on 10/16/23 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: musicismagic

The nation is 247 years old ffs.

Relatively speaking still a baby empire wise in the grand scheme of recorded history.

It's teething and growing pains America is experiencing.

It is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning your nation is contending with.

Articles all on the consensus that the average lifespan of an empire is 250 years, only 3 years away.

Come to provide some clarity is Luke Kemp of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, creator of the infographic above. View it here in a larger format, courtesy of the BBC. .....What comes at the end of virtually all of them, he calls a collapse: “a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity. Public services crumble and disorder ensues as government loses control of its monopoly on violence.”

When civilizations have collapsed, as they’ve done with fair frequency over the past five millennia, “some recovered or transformed, such as the Chinese and Egyptian. Other collapses were permanent.....The Roman Empire, “the victim of many ills including overexpansion, climatic change, environmental degradation and poor leadership” ...

8 states of the rise and fall of civilizations

From bondage to spiritual growth – Great civilizations are formed in the crucible. ...... American culture was formed by the injustices that grew in colonial times. Sufferings and injustices cause—even force—spiritual growth. Suffering brings wisdom and demands a spiritual discipline that seeks justice and solutions.

From spiritual growth to great courage – Having been steeled in the crucible of suffering, courage and the ability to endure great sacrifice come forth. Anointed leaders emerge and people are summoned to courage and sacrifice (including loss of life) in order to create a better, more just world for succeeding generations. People who have little or nothing, also have little or nothing to lose and are often more willing to live for something more important than themselves and their own pleasure. A battle is begun, a battle requiring courage, discipline, and other virtues.

From courage to liberty – As a result of the courageous fight, the foe is vanquished and liberty and greater justice emerges. At this point a civilization comes forth, rooted in its greatest ideals. Many who led the battle are still alive, and the legacy of those who are not is still fresh. Heroism and the virtues that brought about liberty are still esteemed. The ideals that were struggled for during the years in the crucible are still largely agreed upon.

From liberty to abundance – Liberty ushers in greater prosperity, because a civilization is still functioning with the virtues of sacrifice and hard work. But then comes the first danger: abundance. Things that are in too great an abundance tend to weigh us down and take on a life of their own. ..... culture is living on the fumes of earlier sacrifices; its people become less and less willing to make such sacrifices. Ideals diminish in importance and abundance weighs down the souls of the citizens. The sacrifices, discipline, and virtues responsible for the thriving of the civilization are increasingly remote from the collective conscience; the enjoyment of their fruits becomes the focus.

From abundance to complacency – To be complacent means to be self-satisfied and increasingly unaware of serious trends that undermine health and the ability to thrive. Everything looks fine, so it must be fine. Yet foundations, resources, infrastructures, and necessary virtues are all crumbling. As virtues, disciplines, and ideals become ever more remote, those who raise alarms are labeled by the complacent as “killjoys” and considered extreme, harsh, or judgmental.

From complacency to apathy – The word apathy comes from the Greek and refers to a lack of interest in, or passion for, the things that once animated and inspired. Due to the complacency of the previous stage, the growing lack of attention to disturbing trends advances to outright dismissal. Many seldom think or care about the sacrifices of previous generations and lose a sense that they must work for and contribute to the common good. “Civilization” suffers the serious blow of being replaced by personalization and privatization in growing degrees. Working and sacrificing for others becomes more remote. Growing numbers becoming increasingly willing to live on the carcass of previous sacrifices. .... Hard work and self-discipline continue to erode.

From apathy to dependence – Increasing numbers of people lack the virtues and zeal necessary to work and contribute. The suffering and the sacrifices that built the culture are now a distant memory. As discipline and work increasingly seem “too hard,” dependence grows. The collective culture now tips in the direction of dependence. Suffering of any sort seems intolerable. But virtue is not seen as the solution. Having lived on the sacrifices of others for years, the civilization now insists that “others” must solve their woes. This ushers in growing demands for governmental, collective solutions. This in turns deepens dependence, as solutions move from personal virtue and local, family-based sacrifices to centralized ones.

From dependence back to bondage – As dependence increases, so does centralized power. Dependent people tend to become increasingly dysfunctional and desperate. Seeking a savior, they look to strong central leadership. But centralized power corrupts, and tends to usher in increasing intrusion by centralized power. Injustice and intrusion multiplies. But those in bondage know of no other solutions. Family and personal virtue (essential ingredients for any civilization) are now effectively replaced by an increasingly dark and despotic centralized control, hungry for more and more power. In this way, the civilization is gradually ended, because people in bondage no longer have the virtues necessary to fight.

I believe the US is clearly entering the last stage with even the justice system corrupted and beholden to a political party fighting for collectivism and governmental control over the daily lives.

edit on 10/16/23 by The2Billies because: formatting

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:19 AM
yes it is in context of it being an extension of the british empire as Babylon was the 2nd half of their empire.

in that context with the inteerugun as first empire, this is the 3rd empire stage, its also why a lot of progressives in Britain see themselves as the better kind of American and totally superior to Americans in American..

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

you can argue its the 3rd British empire..

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: musicismagic

America has never had an empire in the true meaning of the word.

Look it up.

Okay you're right but they're outside of America everybody has looked as America as a leader of the world whether it's a good empire bad empire or just a leader of the world that's up to a further discussions I just used the word empire because in the past we all know that those types of structural government worldwide leadership seem to fail and it was to my understanding it was called the empire.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Thank you very much for your post.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: nickyw

That's the thing nickyw they beat the monarchy, and fair play to them there.

But failed to smash the bankers behind both sides.

Hence all that freedom and independence is kind of beside the point.

Considering who still holds on to both of our nation's respective shirttails.

Then there is the fact that Scottish, English, Welsh, and Irish helped to colonise and build the USA.

They are us, or at least a hell of a lot of our ancestors and descendants constitute those who hold the cards of power across the pond.

The UK and USA are linked together by more than just blood by my guess, and that's the way it should remain.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

There is nothing average about America The2Billies.

Your nation has just about everything it desires.

And the world at her feet so to speak.

My guess is you do a whole lot better than 336 years.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: The2Billies

There is nothing average about America The2Billies.

Your nation has just about everything it desires.

And the world at her feet so to speak.

My guess is you do a whole lot better than 336 years.

I strongly disagree. Please re-read my 2nd post in this thread above, with quotes from articles on the collapse of civilizations happening in 250 years.

The US has met every criteria for collapse and is absolutely on the verge, no doubt.

We have already lost control of our borders allowing many verified possible terrorists intent on destroying the nation to flood the country.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Sounds rather paranoid to me kind of reminiscent of the racially inflamed nonsense the likes of Trump is attempting to punt.

Mexico is not coming to get you, and point of fact without the workforce her immigrants provide on, off, and under the table, there would be a multitude of tasks and jobs that simply would not get done in your nation without them being there to do so.

Anyhoo again my bet is the USA will do just fine and will be around for quite some time to come.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion all the same.

But people have been claiming the fall of America for quite a while now.

And yet there you are, relatively intact, bar the division amongst your populace, and still kicking.
edit on 16-10-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
A lot of these events are real "behind the curtain"things..
It would not surprise me to find out all the recent global chaos is part of a convoluted plan to ensure continued western dominance this century.
My thinking is that the Russia/Ukraine situation is designed to weaken (or even take out)Russia.
The middle east situation,IMO will ultimately lead to the end of the current islamic fanatic regime of Iran-and possibly to topple Assad in Syria.

And who are those three countres major Ally?
Yep-its China-whose regime are the number one threat to the west.

Without strong support from those three,Chinas plans to take over the planet are hugely set back.
Which I applaud-but it would be nice if we could make that happen without a 3rd world war.

A lot of these events were also "wished for" in the famous neo con PNAC document-remember that?
That agenda didn't just cease to exist I think.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

beat the monarchy lol thanks for the laugh.

Tom Paine was paid by the excise office to write his pamphlets there are receipts of the paymwents held in the keep, he was introduced to Ben Frankin by friends of the crown, notably the kings tutor from the same office that paid for the pamphlets to be written..

Paine was a member of the twelve(law society) at the exact same time as the commander of British forces in the Americas, general Gage, the twelve was made up of the richest families in Sussex, these are the companions of the conqueror, some of the richest families in the last 1,000 years of world history, they stopped counting their wealth at the time poof the American revolution so we have no idea how rich they are or got.. the royal Stuarts are the junior line of these families.

through another lens the American revolution created the 2nd British empire as it destroyed the French as Britain's main physical opponents as it exported revolution to France, and through the war of 1812 it gave the British the merchant fleet to rule the waves..

the only way to look at it and think the monarchy lost is to through conceit, even the Americans trace all their presidents to king john..

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