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Hammas Calls for Global Jihad Friday October 13

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posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I don't think we will have much problems up here where I live, but I will make sure to keep my guns more available in case I do need them for a while. I am sure that a lot of people are going to do the same around here.

Glad you're not superstitious, because the Alley Akbar Gee-had is Friday the 13th, 2 weeks before Halloween, aka "Devil's Night".

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: TTU77

Hit the men aren't wearing pink underwear and like to wear a bra for the enlarged breast because they want to be transcendent transgender I think there's not going to be too much of a problem because real men do not back down from a real fight.

The implication is you are a real man and won't back down. Good for you. Should you be rewarded for being in the flesh and ego? If you have a spritual mindset when you said this, apologies, but doesn't seem so. Do you have a full grasp of the situation or are you just approaching it from a fleshly perspective. Is there ever wisdom in not fighting? Is fighting always the wisest thing to do at all times for the betterment of peace in the world?

There is a difference between a fight and self defense, and lets be honest here, this isn't a "fight" but a battle to the death. You seem to be arguing for a fight. If these people show up at your door and you can defend yourself and your children, it's good you are prepared.

What I worry about is some folks may participate in this jihad, and though well meaning, brave, and perhaps noble in self sacrfice folks, will get rallied up and start persecuting Muslims in mass, bringing things to them without a measured response and then what happens - hey, real men don't back down from a fight, right?

Where the aftermath would be greater retaliation from both sides until indeed, global jihad is birthed from this birth pangs of little skirmishes.

I'm calling for wisdom, cooler heads, and the exact opposite, fleshly mentality, of real men fight..because...because....ego. If you have a deeper spiritual or even fleshly concern above mere self defense, let's hear it then.

This issue is complicated and should be. Think about the big picture and most importantly with your mind on eternity, not this fallen fleshly world of war, fighting and violence. And sometimes that faith, is the most bravest of all - truly.
edit on 12-10-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:28 AM
Islam declared a holy war against Britain, France and Russia separately from the ottoman declaration of war in ww1 and it'll get as much traction now as it did then.. ie nothing much will come of it aside from hashtags on twitter..

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:29 AM
What's the best way to take out any terrorist who arrives in your neighborhood on a one person aircraft?

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
Islam declared a holy war against Britain, France and Russia separately from the ottoman declaration of war in ww1 and it'll get as much traction now as it did then.. ie nothing much will come of it aside from hashtags on twitter..

Inteesting. I didn't know that thanks. I wonder if there were more times in history.

Prophetically speaking, throwing Israel into the mix, is the new game changer, not to mention this truly unprecedented attack on it - and most critically perhaps, the response the muslim nations will be seeing as they attack Hamas.

I do hope you are right, truly. I'd be amazed if there wasn't, however, it might be a false alarm, then we all think there is no steam there and then a coordinated event months later.

Can anyone really see this not escalating if they go in there and wipe out Hamas? And truly, I do think jihad won't be soon or suddenly, but the seeds very well could be being laid here.

Did anyone also notice the Lebanon event was a an error, false alarm!!

Are you kidding me, there were hundreds of twitter posts from seemingly both sides, and some even showcasing hundreds of missile pings. Perhaps this was testing USA's resolve here, and whomever gathered their data.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: TTU77

honestly its a percentage game at this point.. if you have an internal population say of 1m and 1% want to cause trouble that's still 10k, the uks troubles only ever faced a max force of 10k split into brigades.. as I see it that's the worst risk puts it at the level of the uk troubles (ironically both sides there side with opposite sides of Israel/Palestine conflict)

but historical precedent leans towards most fighting for the countries they are in not against them, the kings most loyal enemy aliens is one such example.. and again they feathered into the likes of the 43 group and later IDF..

there is a trajectory to see, its goes import fight war and then export back home with new skills..

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 02:42 AM
The thing with muslims is that the guy who has been a helpful and close family friend for years can, in the eyes of his religion, slaughter you and your whole family in any brutal, depraved way he can come up with and be praised for his righteousness.

You may not think it’s possible but peer pressure made folks who were staunch individualists take a vaccine because they were told to. This is same same but different and the difference is your imminent peril.

That religion is like a person on drugs, you can turn your back on a person but never turn your back on a person on drugs.

a reply to: TTU77

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: TTU77
Seems things might be heating up. These reminds of birth pangs mentioned in the bible. Seems they are trying to rehearse jihad, ie, take it from a theory and into practice. I can see how perhaps a few would heed the call at first, then see the results, the retaliation and then another wave and it grows larger until near birth.

Has anyone else noticed all those HUGE rallies supporting hamas throughout the world, in the USA, and elsewhere. Those rallies literally show you the potential of each regions jihad potential - in theory. (I'm aware not all are muslim are even acknolwedge they are supporting genocide)

You've managed to get the nutjobs into a bigoted lather but really, clickbait title much?

From your own source.

On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued a statement[1] designating the upcoming Friday, October 13, 2023, as a day of general mobilization for the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operations. In the statement, it urged Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel to participate in large-scale rallies and confront Israeli soldiers at every opportunity.

Extending its call to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and advocates of freedom worldwide, Hamas exhorted them to dedicate this coming Friday as a day of unwavering support, to "expose the occupation and earn the honor of taking part in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Addressing Palestinians residing within Israel, it implored them to participate in guarding duties (Ribat) within Al-Aqsa Mosque "to safeguard it, its Islamic heritage, and its divine message, and to prevent the settler gangs from desecrating it, and to thwart the fascist occupation's plans aimed at dividing and Judaizing it, and building its alleged temple... and to unite with the sons of your people in Gaza and the West Bank."

Additionally, the statement called upon Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians in refugee camps worldwide to converge in massive gatherings near the borders of Palestine, showcasing their unwavering solidarity with Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. Those living farther away from Jerusalem were urged to assemble at the nearest point leading to the city.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: TTU77
Seems things might be heating up. These reminds of birth pangs mentioned in the bible. Seems they are trying to rehearse jihad, ie, take it from a theory and into practice. I can see how perhaps a few would heed the call at first, then see the results, the retaliation and then another wave and it grows larger until near birth.

Has anyone else noticed all those HUGE rallies supporting hamas throughout the world, in the USA, and elsewhere. Those rallies literally show you the potential of each regions jihad potential - in theory. (I'm aware not all are muslim are even acknolwedge they are supporting genocide)

You've managed to get the nutjobs into a bigoted lather but really, clickbait title much?

From your own source.

On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued a statement[1] designating the upcoming Friday, October 13, 2023, as a day of general mobilization for the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operations. In the statement, it urged Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel to participate in large-scale rallies and confront Israeli soldiers at every opportunity.

Extending its call to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and advocates of freedom worldwide, Hamas exhorted them to dedicate this coming Friday as a day of unwavering support, to "expose the occupation and earn the honor of taking part in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Addressing Palestinians residing within Israel, it implored them to participate in guarding duties (Ribat) within Al-Aqsa Mosque "to safeguard it, its Islamic heritage, and its divine message, and to prevent the settler gangs from desecrating it, and to thwart the fascist occupation's plans aimed at dividing and Judaizing it, and building its alleged temple... and to unite with the sons of your people in Gaza and the West Bank."

Additionally, the statement called upon Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians in refugee camps worldwide to converge in massive gatherings near the borders of Palestine, showcasing their unwavering solidarity with Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. Those living farther away from Jerusalem were urged to assemble at the nearest point leading to the city.

What thread title would you have chosen.

I'm happy if I made you aware of the issue. I hope everyone is safe.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: TTU77

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: TTU77
Seems things might be heating up. These reminds of birth pangs mentioned in the bible. Seems they are trying to rehearse jihad, ie, take it from a theory and into practice. I can see how perhaps a few would heed the call at first, then see the results, the retaliation and then another wave and it grows larger until near birth.

Has anyone else noticed all those HUGE rallies supporting hamas throughout the world, in the USA, and elsewhere. Those rallies literally show you the potential of each regions jihad potential - in theory. (I'm aware not all are muslim are even acknolwedge they are supporting genocide)

You've managed to get the nutjobs into a bigoted lather but really, clickbait title much?

From your own source.

On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued a statement[1] designating the upcoming Friday, October 13, 2023, as a day of general mobilization for the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operations. In the statement, it urged Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel to participate in large-scale rallies and confront Israeli soldiers at every opportunity.

Extending its call to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and advocates of freedom worldwide, Hamas exhorted them to dedicate this coming Friday as a day of unwavering support, to "expose the occupation and earn the honor of taking part in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Addressing Palestinians residing within Israel, it implored them to participate in guarding duties (Ribat) within Al-Aqsa Mosque "to safeguard it, its Islamic heritage, and its divine message, and to prevent the settler gangs from desecrating it, and to thwart the fascist occupation's plans aimed at dividing and Judaizing it, and building its alleged temple... and to unite with the sons of your people in Gaza and the West Bank."

Additionally, the statement called upon Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians in refugee camps worldwide to converge in massive gatherings near the borders of Palestine, showcasing their unwavering solidarity with Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. Those living farther away from Jerusalem were urged to assemble at the nearest point leading to the city.

What thread title would you have chosen.

Who knows, maybe something honest?

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: TTU77

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: TTU77
Seems things might be heating up. These reminds of birth pangs mentioned in the bible. Seems they are trying to rehearse jihad, ie, take it from a theory and into practice. I can see how perhaps a few would heed the call at first, then see the results, the retaliation and then another wave and it grows larger until near birth.

Has anyone else noticed all those HUGE rallies supporting hamas throughout the world, in the USA, and elsewhere. Those rallies literally show you the potential of each regions jihad potential - in theory. (I'm aware not all are muslim are even acknolwedge they are supporting genocide)

You've managed to get the nutjobs into a bigoted lather but really, clickbait title much?

From your own source.

On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued a statement[1] designating the upcoming Friday, October 13, 2023, as a day of general mobilization for the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operations. In the statement, it urged Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel to participate in large-scale rallies and confront Israeli soldiers at every opportunity.

Extending its call to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and advocates of freedom worldwide, Hamas exhorted them to dedicate this coming Friday as a day of unwavering support, to "expose the occupation and earn the honor of taking part in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Addressing Palestinians residing within Israel, it implored them to participate in guarding duties (Ribat) within Al-Aqsa Mosque "to safeguard it, its Islamic heritage, and its divine message, and to prevent the settler gangs from desecrating it, and to thwart the fascist occupation's plans aimed at dividing and Judaizing it, and building its alleged temple... and to unite with the sons of your people in Gaza and the West Bank."

Additionally, the statement called upon Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians in refugee camps worldwide to converge in massive gatherings near the borders of Palestine, showcasing their unwavering solidarity with Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. Those living farther away from Jerusalem were urged to assemble at the nearest point leading to the city.

What thread title would you have chosen.

Who knows, maybe something honest?

I'd think you would.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: TTU77

given the phrasing and use of words, they are akin to those used by IS, the call places the weight of action on those listening not the speaker so can be interpreted as a call to violence, or just to protest, or send money and the phrasing of Muslim world implies anywhere there are practising Muslims so the call is not just limited to Muslim countries..

the title fits within what was said.
edit on 12-10-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:04 AM
It is a global call and not just a regional call, apologies, I only now am getting the point of what Quantilian is suggesting in his underlines. It'd be nice if he actually wrote the point he was trying to make, but it is a 100% valid one.

Perhaps the article doesn't clarify, but this isn't just a regional call, it's an unmistakable call globally, but of course, the main focus will alwaybe be in the middle east. Even in the end times, this will also likely be the case - but anything in possible when the AC comes on the scene.

I linked two articles,can't open the second on my end, perhaps that one clearly emphasized the global call. Jihad is trending on twitter, and there are tons of posts detailing the global call nature of the call. This is as honest a thread title as can be! Please do more research, just check out twitter. I'll try to post more supporting stuff when I can.

On Oct. 10, Hamas called for an “Al-Aqsa Flood Friday” on Oct. 13, according to a translation from the Middle East Media Research Institute. In the statement, the terror organization sought reinforcements from “our Palestinian people, the masses of the Arab and Islamic world, and free people worldwide” in its “declaration of mobilization.”

Also on Oct.
Also on Oct. 10, the Qatar-based Khaled Mashal, who led Hamas from 2014-2017, called for Muslims to “take to the streets” on Friday in a global protest against Israel. “To all scholars who teach jihad,” he said, “to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application [of jihad].”

“It is an unambiguous global call to arms,” Robert Greenway, director of the Center for National Defense at the Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Signal. “It will be heeded. There will be blood.”

I appreciate Quantilian call out. And can see how it can appear that way if you only visit that one artticle and aren't chilling out on twitter where more info is available.

edit on 12-10-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: TTU77

we're actually already getting a flavour of what could come from a small angry minority..

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Thanks, frightening. I especially like the comment in that post.

What's wrong with people protesting peacefully?

Fella Writes

They are celebrating terrorism.

Over here, we protest over things like water charges, student loans, etc.

Not as a call to exterminate all the Jews.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:30 AM
It also seems crazy global call for Jihad Oct 13, next day, Oct 14, a rare ring of fire eclipse!

The bible explicistely states signs in the heavens to distinguish the times. The simple fact something this big happened in Israel close to such an event is eyebrow raising enough.

If there is a call or significant response, and the next day an eclipse, it's like adding significance to it. Perhaps its the start of the end times jihad, not the end time, perhaps the seed where it comes to fruition in the 7 year trib.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: TTU77

we have 2 points were the needle of public opinion can shift the first was the way Hamas recorded their barbarous acts the second will be in response to the ground war.. it looks like we'll see the second tomorrow..

then we'll see if the first was designed to create the second..

in my mind both US/UK and Iran have been trying to create their end times war and then 1,000 years of peace since Iraq and this might very be the catalyst..

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:41 AM
I think there's every chance London will have some attacks on Friday, it's a cesspit at the best of times but the call going out will likely see it ramp up

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Stu118

in all honesty I think its more liable to happen when the ground war starts as you have the tipping point for emotions to shift.

most of my twitter feed is made up of left wing women even a few SJWs and the majority have shifted on the trophy hunting rape, abuse, torture and murder of women and kids.

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: TTU77

we have 2 points were the needle of public opinion can shift the first was the way Hamas recorded their barbarous acts the second will be in response to the ground war.. it looks like we'll see the second tomorrow..

then we'll see if the first was designed to create the second..

in my mind both US/UK and Iran have been trying to create their end times war and then 1,000 years of peace since Iraq and this might very be the catalyst..

These are my thoughts exactly.

It's why I see the wisdom in Jesus' words - forgive and pray for your enemies. There plan would not work then. The cycle would be broken.

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