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Hammas Calls for Global Jihad Friday October 13

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posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:05 PM
Well this could turn "interesting" real quick in France which has both the biggest Muslim community and the biggest Jewish community within the European Union. Added bonus for the conspiracy/synchronicity minded:

At dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offenses in the Order. Then they were put to death.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: burntheships

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: TTU77

Problem is they will attack civilians over military targets so its not war its revenge killings against people who literally have nothingnto do with the wrongs they are revenging. Like its never an attack against a military target or politicians...always against folks just trying to live life the best they can. Its those actions in both sides which further this type of violence. One side kills a bunch of innocents then the other and both just got more enraged. Its utter f%*&ing nonsense and everyone should be calling it out as often as possible. I can understand their anger and Israel's anger when its comes to this. I'd rather all the politicians who created this die than 1 innocent on either side...many of which don't have any choice or involvement.

Do you see the only way out of this?

It's rising to a higher level, forgiveness, mercy, and grace and that is only bestowed by God - that the veil be lifted concealing the obvious truth of His Word he placed before our very eyes.

It's a spiritual issue. The only solution is on the spiritual plane. That is controlled by God - that ones eyes are opened so they can see the truth. This is a miracle. It's only a gift on those broken and call upon Him for salvation. His will be done.

But our instructions are to forgive and pray for our enemies and those who persecute us.

Forgive. Then, only then, does that break the cycle.

However, that is grace upon grace. A self sacrifice, of the lives unto righteousness, and unto not giving into to the temptation of hatred and killing in return.

This is the spiritual correct response.

In the secular world, this is utter foolishness and weakness and political suicided. Yet it's the only true way of peace.

It'll never happen. Not until Christ returns, after the end of the Earth for those who don't believe, sadly.
edit on 11-10-2023 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: face23785
It won't stop until either the cycle breaks or one or the other side is extinct.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel and everyone living there. You can't break a cycle based on that type of adversary. Unless Hamas is willing to compromise, its kill or be killed.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
Well this could turn "interesting" real quick in France which has both the biggest Muslim community and the biggest Jewish community within the European Union. Added bonus for the conspiracy/synchronicity minded:

At dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offenses in the Order. Then they were put to death.

Nice catch.

Check this

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: face23785
It won't stop until either the cycle breaks or one or the other side is extinct.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel and everyone living there. You can't break a cycle based on that type of adversary. Unless Hamas is willing to compromise, its kill or be killed.

Exactly. But make no mistake. It's not just Israel, far from it. It's all of Christianity. It's all the world. They want it all!

They are everywhere as well.

It's just ridiculous to think there could be 10,s of thousands of sleeper cells in the USA.

Take notice, it's not Israel who is their fist target. It's the USA, 100%

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: face23785
It won't stop until either the cycle breaks or one or the other side is extinct.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel and everyone living there. You can't break a cycle based on that type of adversary. Unless Hamas is willing to compromise, its kill or be killed.

Someone has to protect people from a world that isn't all rainbows and unicorns like they wish it was.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex
Well this could turn "interesting" real quick in France which has both the biggest Muslim community and the biggest Jewish community within the European Union. Added bonus for the conspiracy/synchronicity minded:

At dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offenses in the Order. Then they were put to death.

Maybe the NWO is really the knights Templar with all the baphomet worshipping.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
Maybe completely off topic , but now seems the time that some whatever alien force is out there lands in front of the Whitehouse telling us that were just a byproduct of their creation and that we're a complete joke for what we have become, so that our jaws drop for like two weeks recovering and realizing we are a completely bogus species

Similar thoughts, yet, more likely they'll come up with a line that stop all these religious wars, it was we who created both Jesus and Muhameed, etc, believe in Muhammed (according to the premise of spiritual deception and that it is the muslims who will persecute Christians in the end - because their religion is antichrist - denying the son).

This is just an idea. Not word for word biblical by any means, lest I steer people in the wrong direction.

But the bible does mention deception. The "aliens" are obvious a huge piece of the puzzle, but the role they play in the eventuality of persecuting Christians or some exotic tech in the end times, who knows.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: TTU77

They should be shown mercy because you are the same as they are.

no their not, their no where even close.

And it is from here, one is able to turn to Christ,

my friend Jesus said to turn the other cheek, he didn't say what to do when when they slap the other one. plus he is not above violence, did he not take a whip to the sellers and money exchangers, or tell the disciples to buy a sword, and is he not going to come on a white horse and destroy the anti christ and followers? and don't say he rebuked peter for using his sword, he rebuked him to fullfill the prophecy.

and why didn't Jesus the tell both thieves they would be with him at the end of the day instead of the one that defended him. Jesus said he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. you can forgive and still extract justice.

and just one more point to make, serval lessons can be applied to these

Luke 11: 21-22 King James Version
21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: 22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

edit on 11-10-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: TTU77

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: TTU77

Sounds like Friday the 13th is Second Amendment Appreciation day to me.


I somehow feel like I'm unprepared here.

I still haven't gotten my mind on the correct approach here, as a Chrisitan.

On one side, one should defend themselves and those responsible for, the either, to turn the cheek. In the face of true evil, in the endtimes, the bible does say, those who live by the sword, must die by the sword.

Thoughts anyone?

Something I should do a quick study on.

Live a good life, treat others as you would like to be treated, help out anyone you can, and always protect your family and those who cannot protect themselves. The rest will sort itself out. If you take an inventory of your life, and find you have regrets, do your best to rectify those if you can.

Never apologize for doing the right thing.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:44 PM
Does anyone else notice how X twitter and social media seems to be capable of enflaming things being all measure here?

Literally an event happens, the gory details spread like wildfire, rage and polarization happen, evoking support for one side or another, a call to action in a united concerted effort, then a response - evil unto evil.

What happens? This generates even more images and content, even more rage and hatred and division and call for action, until it just baloons and balloons, indeed, not unlike birth pangs that grow larger and larger, so even a small jolt can spiral beyond measure.

If even a handful of people partake in the call of Jihad here, and share the content like Hamas did, if they plan it for the social media response like it seems they did, that will invoke a response - and most importantly a precedent of jihad. Any response to the jihad birth pang that isn't anything but forgiveness and mercy, but evil upon evil, ie persecution, more battles, or anything against it, it will grow.

Plus the boldness of seeing others partake it may encourage more actions.

Things can spiral out of control fast.

I don't think we truly realize what could have just happened here that Hammas has done. They could literally have opened the gates to Armeddon in their actions, within 7 years. That pure evil can't be undone, unto even Israel, God's chosen people. The significance here cannot be understated for 5 billion or so people.

Truly, if people had any sort of wisdom, or prepping attitude, they'd do well to research what's going on biblical and prep for eternity, imo.

The things that are happening make perfect sense. There is design, spiritual order. The players are 100% the right ones too. It's all falling completely in line as prophesized.

It's Tureky imo that is the battle of God/Magog, btw, not Russia.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: TTU77

They should be shown mercy because you are the same as they are.

no their not, their no where even close.

And it is from here, one is able to turn to Christ,

my friend Jesus said to turn the other cheek, he didn't say what to do when when they slap the slap one. plus he is not above violence, did he not take a whip to the sellers and money exchangers, or tell the diciples to buy a sword, and is he not going to come on a white horse and destroy the anti christ and followers? and don't say he rebuked peter for using his sword, he rebuked him to fullfill the prophcy.

and why didn't Jesus the tell both thives they would be with him at the end of the day instead of the one that defended him. jesus said he din't come to destroy the law but to fullfill it. you can forgive and still extract justice.

and just one more point to make, serval lessons can be applied to these

Luke 11: 21-22 King James Version
21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: 22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.

You are right to call Jesus a friend, He is also Lord and saviour and King of Kings, etc.

You are wrong that we can forgive and take justice, for the Word clearly says Vengeance is mine. That is unequivocal.

The other points you mention, I'm aware, thanks. I'm not so clear on myself. Maybe someone can chime in here.

First Jesus came to save, then when it's time to judge, He will destroy evil - no doubt. Yet, he is righteouss, He is judge, not us. In this church age, is one of peace, is one of sharing the gospel, even at the expense of our lives unto peace.

I'll ponder the other bits.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:51 PM
All this immigration.. going to be like some "execute order 66" darth sidious star wars type of thing. Already set in place all in these Western nations.
edit on 11-10-2023 by gnosisx because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:59 PM
The unhindered open borders mean that the US is doomed when it comes to terrorism.

Terrorists from all over the world have crossed our borders illegally just to be left to go where they wanted throughout the US unhindered.

I have thought this since Joe opened the floodgates and tore down sections of the wall.

The Biden administration, liberals and Democrats have made it inevitable that the US will be struck and struck hard.

Because Biden depleted the oil reserves for the US, and at the same time stopped drilling and the transport of oil within the US in far to many locations. Strategic hits will finish off what Democrats started when they shut down the entire economy in 2020. Oil will be too expensive for trucks to take goods to your local grocer. Food prices will soar to unimaginable heights. Thanks to Democrat policies. The only nations we are now getting oil from hate the guts of the US and will side with the terrorists to finish off the US economy. Biden DID NOT replenish the oil reserves. Thank you Democrats.

The military has been decimated, with Biden depleting ammunition reserves in both the US and Israel and sent them to Ukraine and DID NOT replenish them. Thank you Democrats we have little ammunition left to even protect our own nation.

The military has been whimpified and forced to become so "politically correct" that even generational military families told their children - do not join. The military is more interested in your politics and that you follow liberal ideology than they care about defending the nation. Families that normally encourage their children to join are conservative and have told their children, stay away from that liberal cesspool of politically correct indoctrination. Thank you Democrats.

We are in for it, I fear worse than 9/11.

California is in such disarray with crime, prostitution, drugs that it is too weak to fight back and may be a prime target.
Along with Philadelphia, Portland, Seattle, and NYC. They too are in such a terrible state with crime, prostitution, drugs and are nearly bankrupt with citizens that are not likely to fight back. I would hope I am wrong, since I have family in those areas, but I fear I may be right.

God help us all, I pray I am wrong.

edit on 10/11/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: TTU77

I am aware, but these are cowardly people.

They are not brave, noble warriors.

So you are saying they are too cowardly to do Jihad?

How do you know that? The majority of muslims, yes, of course, probably those who don't read the quran diligently. Those people who do, I assure you, they take it seriously and will die, whether they are brave, noble or not.

Don't underestimate your enemy - NEVER.

Look at ISIS, 9/11. Yet you have the gall to say they are all cowards.

They are foolish, deceived, upon damnation, evil, controlled by evil, don't value life, but cowards, you'd do well to give them the benefit of the doubt unless unequivocally proven otherwise.

They've already proven it's possible and they will.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
The unhindered open borders mean that the US is doomed when it comes to terrorism.

I have thought this since Joe opened the floodgates and tore down sections of the wall.

The Biden administration has made it inevitable that the US will be struck and struck hard.

Because Biden depleted the oil reserves for the US, and at the same time stopped drilling and the transport of oil within the US in far to many locations. Strategic hits will finish off what Democrats started when they shut down the entire economy in 2020. Oil will be too expensive for trucks to take goods to your local grocer. Food prices will soar to unimaginable heights. Thanks to Democrat policies. The only nations we are now getting oil from hate the guts of the US and will side with the terrorists to finish off the US economy. Biden DID NOT replenish the oil reserves. Thank you Democrats.

The military has been decimated, with Biden depleting ammunition reserves in both the US and Israel and sent them to Ukraine and DID NOT replenish them. Thank you Democrats we have little ammunition left to even protect our own nation.

The military has been whimpified and forced to become so "politically correct" that even generational military families told their children - do not join. The military is more interested in your politics and that you follow liberal ideology than they care about defending the nation. Thank you Democrats.

We are in for it, I fear worse than 9/11.

Excellent points!

The oil reserves!

Reduction of Stockpile of Ammu!

Imagine if this was all Russias plan. Deplete USA Europes resources in Ukraine while gaining territory, weaken USA ability to defend Israel, which could provoke global jihad as the ring of fire around Israel is ignited, seeing they are in bed with Iran, not to mention Syria. Russia is intricately involved here. This is a piece of the puzzle they are well aware of strategically for decades, since Syria.

On another level, it can be anyone, nation, or even corporation, for any reason like global warming or anything else, control power, to cause WWIII, and the easiest most powerful way without invoking nukes would be inciting jihad and igninity the spiritual war. Yet, God is soverign. Any such heartless person is in for a rude awaken to find they become but a tool of destruction to be used to carry out God's good plan of redemption and taking back the nations.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 04:13 PM

Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape

a reply to: TTU77

Birth pangs indeed.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: face23785
It won't stop until either the cycle breaks or one or the other side is extinct.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel and everyone living there. You can't break a cycle based on that type of adversary. Unless Hamas is willing to compromise, its kill or be killed.

It’s as if some don’t even want to see the difference between the IDF and Hamas.

The IDF is conducting retaliatory urban warfare in a crowded setting. They are going after Hamas who chooses to hide among human shields who they say they are fighting for.

Many of those human shields protect and facilitate Hamas.

What did Hamas achieve by starting a hot war by doing this?

No strategic value.
No hardened targets.
No military targets.
No infrastructure targets.

Mostly just kids enjoying a concert.

Thugs and terrorists that are responsible for getting their own people killed.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 04:21 PM

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