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Miss Universe Competition to Include at Least Two Trans Contestants

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posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 07:45 AM
I have never understood beauty contests. But I suppose they still have their place in society. The Miss Universe contest is the biggest of them all. One contestant from each country is invited to compete. This year Miss Netherlands and Miss Portugal in the Miss Universe competition are trans contestants. Miss Netherlands is a biological male. My opinion, not that it matters, is that this is absurd.

Miss Universe Competition to Include at Least Two Trans Contestants

A 28-year-old flight attendant became the first transgender contestant to take home the title of Miss Portugal, adding to the number headed to the Miss Universe competition in El Salvador next month.

"Proud to be the first trans woman to compete for the Miss Universe Portugal title!" Marina Machete wrote in an Instagram post before the competition.

"For many years I wasn’t eligible to compete and now it’s such an honor to be a part of this incredible group of candidates!"

Machete will be the second transgender contestant headed to the Miss Universe competition next month, competing against Rikkie Valerie Kollé, another transgender contestant who made history by becoming the first biological male to claim the crown in the Netherlands in July.

The win comes as discussions linger surrounding biological men allegedly infringing on women's spaces, a hot-button issue that elicited controversy after Kollé's win earlier this year.

"They [critics] see us as monsters, and my daily DMs are full of people wishing me dead," Kollé told Newsweek at the time, adding, "Wishing me dead and telling me to [commit] suicide, those things are terrible to write, but at the same it's only lifting me up because I get a bigger platform than I could ever dream of."

Kollé also said competing as a transgender contender offers a space to represent the LGBTQ+ community, adding, "Let's make my Queer community proud by doing this."

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Did they get their tuckable swimwear form Target.......

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 08:15 AM
How disgusting...shut down all beauty shows...

Who wants to see a man dressed as a woman? Not me,

Time has never changed...people do.

Time for Yeshua to return.

a reply to: FlyersFan

edit on 11-10-2023 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 08:27 AM
I'm fine with the whole separation in sports thing, where people born as men do often have a biological advantage, but... this, I couldn't care less about.

Let all of the bulimic, plastic, botox injected people with spray painted on makeup compete against each other. If anything, the cis-females have an advantage in this situation.

Or... just do away with beauty pageants. I like that option better. Start with the ones involving children.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Bloody world has gone to the dogs simple as that, people are completely insane these days and are throwing away traditions, rewriting history and destroying the very foundation of our society for the whim's of weirdo's and there short term self gratification at the expense of the future of our Children, will Children look back at this day and age with pride or will they look back with shame and anger.

Call a nail a nail and a hammer a hammer, I would rather be a squirrel than a snail a hammer than a nail.

These people HATE themselves and instead of getting them well they are being told to wallow in the filth of there minds and stay sick because it's ok to be sick and it does not harm society at all now does it.

Our forefathers and mothers must be very angry to see the world we live in.

I don't hate these people and I don't want harm on them or exclusion but I also want to protect family values, the future of our society and the Christian foundation of our civilization.

If they want to act like pagans, live fruitless lives then let them have their own community's but I am all for bringing back public decency by law in necessary and for protecting our Children as well.

I don't want them targeting and brainwashing little children as they try to turn society into there own personal abuse pen.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767


I'm a pagan.

And I happen to agree with you.
At least most of your rant. Not all.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767

So you don't hate these people, you just don't want them to exist. Makes total sense.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 09:58 AM
So two no doubt gorgeous actual women have missed out on the opportunity so that the pandering can be seen to be done.
Box ticked-at the expense of women.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
I'm fine with the whole separation in sports thing, where people born as men do often have a biological advantage, but... this, I couldn't care less about.

Let all of the bulimic, plastic, botox injected people with spray painted on makeup compete against each other. If anything, the cis-females have an advantage in this situation.

Or... just do away with beauty pageants. I like that option better. Start with the ones involving children.

I'm in agreement with you on this because this contest's only competition talents rely on in-depth interviews (what can you really know of a person by a few Q&A's), evening gown and swimming suit. No mention of any talents or humanitarian efforts. Just the objectification of women as sex objects is what I see, but if that is what these people want then let them be objectified.

As for allowing transwomen as contestants, low and behold, they are also allowing married women and women with children back. Isn't that progressive of them.

The sexualization and objectification of children is something we all should be concerned about, for sure and maybe with new online laws coming into play, platforms can nip this in the bud.


Just for everyone's information Miss Universe contestants who are transgender MUST have had full gender-affirming surgery before being considered.
edit on q000000181031America/Chicago0202America/Chicago10 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Well I guess the women in the "competition" can fight over miss congeniality because miss universe and the runner up are already decided.

It's a sad day for women when every event shows that men are better women than actual women.🤔

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:46 AM
I find the name Miss Universe very misleading.

No women from other planets. No gasous beings, no saurians, no hortas, no silicon life forms at all.

Yes, I am making fun of the contest as it is just a superficial waste of time. The people that pay attention to it probably watch the Kardashians.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:47 AM
Of course, it was inevitable. Liberals firmly believe that women with a penis represent the best of what it means to be a woman.

Liberals are out to prove that XY women with a penis are women and everyone must say they are women and treat them like XX biological women - OR ELSE!

Liberals shout, scream, insist:
women with a penis are better athletes than women;
women with a penis are superior workers to women (most liberal women of the year awards have gone to women with a penis);
women with a penis deserve to be safe from rape and sexual assault in prison, women with vaginas do not deserve the same and must be punished and are punished for complaining about being locked in a cell with a penis (documented rapes/pregnancies have resulted, but still complaining vagina's are roundly punished by liberals)

Now liberals are out to prove that:
women with a penis are better looking, more attractive, more perfect women than women with vaginas

The same liberals refuse entirely to say what a woman is or to define a woman -

if you can't define something, then is doesn't exist.

Even the White House and Dems in Congress/Senate refuse to define what a woman is -

thus attempting to erase real XX women from existence.

It seems to me liberals are out to erase women with vaginas
and replace them in esteem
deeming women with a penis superior to women with a vagina
even declaring women with a penis more beautiful than any XX in the universe!

In other words, liberals and Democrats
are out to prove that XY penis bearing people (i.e.biological men)
are in ALL ways superior to XX vagina owning people (i.e. biological women)

It seems Democrats are out to erase biological women's strides
and put them back in their submissive place.
All in order to prove that men can be "real women" if they want to.


the subjugation of women by XY who say they are women
by growing their hair and putting on a dress
to get special privileges that XX women do not have
(such as safety from rape in prison; a muscular and bone structure advantage in sports);

the dismissal of woman hood;

the erasure women by refusing to define what a woman is;

the dismissal of motherhood (calling women with vaginas and a uterus basically breeding animals; chest feeders/birthing persons)

Now, I have no issue with any adult who wants to take medically unnecessary hormones or get plastic surgery or mutilate their body. That is their choice. But on a biological scientific level XY can never be XX; and XX can never be XY. Still one must be kind and respectful to all ADULTS who make these choices. Yes there are many ABNORMAL chromosomal patterns, but they are abnormal - they are a super tiny minority of persons who must be respected and treated with kindness, as persons they are not abnormal in the psychological sense; but to set policies based on the abnormal is to end up with an abnormal society that is psychologically unbalanced.

Even if a liberal decides they are transspecies we must be respectful and kind to ADULTS who make these choices.
That does not mean we must believe a human can be another species; or a penis bearing person a woman; or a vagina owning person a man. But we must be kind and respectful.

As for children; once society decides that children as young as 5 can smoke/toke/vote/drink/drive/own a gun then they are old enough to transition medically, surgically; until then it is child abuse to allow it in my opinion, because they don't have the capacity to understand such dramatic life altering decisions.

edit on 10/11/23 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
I find the name Miss Universe very misleading.

No women from other planets. No gasous beings, no saurians, no hortas, no silicon life forms at all.

Yes, I am making fun of the contest as it is just a superficial waste of time. The people that pay attention to it probably watch the Kardashians.

And what if those other beings want to transition to be a different being, what then, should the title Miss Universe be changed to Universe Cross Being? Still a superficial waste of time. It would seem to me now that they are allowing married women into the contest the title word 'Miss' needs to be changed for accuracy.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 10:58 AM
The thought of the Miss Universe pageant being planned brings to mind 'Nero fiddled as Rome burned'.
The whole world is a powder keg right now, with internal strife, protests and riots happening in every country-yet we continue to occupy ourselves with the trivial. I guess that's the only 'normal' left for us these days.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

People that want to tear down civilized social order? why are we tolerating such?

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

People that want to tear down civilized social order? why are we tolerating such?

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:49 AM
Well, blood around this issue is sure boiling here so why not just keep on with it.

I"m outraged by the absolute pandering to the false idols of beauty and clamor that these flesh pot contests have perpetrated on our culture for far to long.

Dressing up women like they are some kind of pert breasted long limbed slender loined Barbie Dolls is reason enough to be sick of it all. This false image of womanhood, this phony perception of beauty , nay, of perfection is a fraud image to attain to. It is so bad that even some men have been fooled into thinking for some reason that they to can attain this perfection.

Is it that some peoples perceptions of phony beauty is so shallow that they are fooled into believing that is is only women who can attain this level of fraud, and not men to? Oh, some might say, men have their beauty competitions as well, and well they may have but who really cares as it is the false sexualization of the female form that has it's grips on us. This false sense of adoration for physical beauty is sad really.''

Around three decades ago, I watched a Jerry Springer program where he had on a bevy of beauties, one after another. There were maybe ten or so. All were dressed up in sexy lingerie and had on corsets and stuff like that and all of them were buxom. Buxom and painted faces, fancy hair and tight clothes. I got all hot and bothered..Hubba hubba sez I, anyone of em any one of em and maybe two if I were lucky,

But then I noticed that a few of them had a bulge in the wrong place. I had had, to that point, no idea. And sure enough all had undergone sex changes to varying degrees. And not knowing, I had been visually stimulated.

At first I was revolted at my own attraction to them.Then I was revolted at them for having pretended to be what I desired. But then I came to understand that it was not my attraction to men nor their pretending to be beautiful and sexy women but rather that completely false image of sexual beauty that I had been raised up into that as out of whack.

So, down with beauty pageants that trivialize true beauty and let's feel sorry for women, and men. who fall prey to seeking self pride though glamor alone.
edit on 31America/ChicagoWed, 11 Oct 2023 11:53:38 -0500Wed, 11 Oct 2023 11:53:38 -050023102023-10-11T11:53:38-05:001100000053 by TerryMcGuire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

At first I was revolted at my own attraction to them.Then I was revolted at them for having pretended to be what I desired. But then I came to understand that it was not my attraction to men nor their pretending to be beautiful and sexy women but rather that completely false image of sexual beauty that I had been raised up into that as out of whack.

So, down with beauty pageants that trivialize true beauty and let's feel sorry for women, and men. who fall prey to seeking self pride though glamor alone.

That's the crux of the issue, that being, objectification and sexualization of females of mostly young ages in society and those that choose to follow the programming and who, maybe unwittingly, continue the 'out of whack' importance of beauty and sexualized appearances for whatever their realized or unrealized goals may be.

What's next, ex-machina/android contestants...why not? they too can 'pass' the beauty and sexualization requirements and answer questions in such a rehearsed way to portray themselves as something they may not actually be in reality.

It's all been a farse from the beginning.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

What's next, ex-machina/android contestants...why not?

Thank you for that extension. It is, as example already shows in sex dolls, already on it's way.

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