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More Baby Boomers Are Falling Into Homelessness - Fastest Growing Segment of Homeless Population

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posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

if you know your ranting and raving is affecting your family members, maybe try to temper it.
Or get help/support for the root cause of it, probably your own past trauma.

I did eventually get help.
The tempering I've dealt with by only ranting in agreement with what my son in law is ranting. We do seem to rant on the same page. Harmonious ranting.

But he has a steady girlfriend who doesn't want to hear ranting, so we have to talk about other things around her. Mostly she likes mellow movies on Hallmark channel.

Didn't you write something about house mates needing to have similar outlooks? I think it was you.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 01:40 PM
We're discussing homelessness and you're suggesting euthanasia as a solution?

a reply to: peskyhumans

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: Degenerabalus

Why not?
I'd rather die in an environment where I have some say in the matter than in a gutter some where.

I've got at least 2 good years in me yet, and then ...?

I better write up a living will:

Just as long as it isn't on a cold wet road
while bystanders film it on cel phones.
(to be added to as more nightmares dictate)

edit on 13-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

All you've said is true. Its the natural path, and you did learn and grow from it. For most of human history, families took care of family. Another 1st world improvement is we are free from all that!

edit on 9/13/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: FlyersFan

As a Boomer, I suggest that we use the trust funds and inheritances we'd set aside for our ungrateful children and blow it on cruises, booze, and anything that can harm the environment.

But seriously, this sucks. And the following generations don't give a damn anymore.

They're too busy playing victims and blaming my generation for all their problems while they're on their phones sipping vegan soy mocha-latte'.

Not my original idea, but I’ll add on to it…….
Picture this.

We take old abandoned malls. We make those into retirement homes.

Here’s my add ons-
We have giant lan parties and us mIRC, drink coke from glass bottles, play oldies from the 80’s.
In the cafeteria we will be served school square pizza, orange Julias, and McDonald’s pies fried in beef tallow and listen to boom boxes and walkmans.
Instead of Anchor stores, we will have a grocery store, an urgent care, and a blockbuster. What more could we need?

There will be a moat built around the mall and one road in. The road only fits one car that uses stick shift with no GPS.
This will prevent any Millennials from sneaking in. 🤣

All clocks will be analog and all writing in cursive.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:11 PM
As far as the rest of it, we stopped giving the proper care to the elderly, when we stopped having multi-generations all living together.

a reply to: chiefsmom

This right here.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: pthena

Im sorry to hear your troubles. Im glad you have a family that cares about you!

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Was listening to a famous professor of psychology lecturing on mental health issues. He made an interesting statement. He said that anyone that forgives infidelity in a relationship that had monogamous boundaries has a mental health issue. Co-dependence, or borderline, or very low self esteem.

I was shocked at this statement.

Most of us have some mental health challenges, depression, personality issues....

If the US social structure was more supportive of multigeneraltional families, if it didn't take 2 earners to support a family, etc. there would be more resources for the very needy.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Thank you,
I'm a lot better now, minimum stress.
Probably not trying to solve everything.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Well that is some BS.
How hard is it to make a younger person move to the top bunk?

As far as the rest of it, we stopped giving the proper care to the elderly, when we stopped having multi-generations all living together.

It really was a great set up. The older people took care of the children, and usually helped around the house, while the middle aged either farmed or worked.

Why did we stop doing this?

Lol not here. I like in a multi generational household. The only way to make ends meet Here.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Was listening to a famous professor of psychology lecturing on mental health issues. He made an interesting statement. He said that anyone that forgives infidelity in a relationship that had monogamous boundaries has a mental health issue. Co-dependence, or borderline, or very low self esteem.

I was shocked at this statement.

Most of us have some mental health challenges, depression, personality issues....

If the US social structure was more supportive of multigeneraltional families, if it didn't take 2 earners to support a family, etc. there would be more resources for the very needy.

Another study I read was that elderly women, once their children leave, are the most likely group to seek a divorce from their long-term spouse. So it would appear women sacrifice for their children so as to not live in poverty.

Absolutely, government should take into account when a parent is subsidizing their adult children especially when the economy is tanking and jobs are not easy to find. Jobs other than flipping burgers, that is, and give them a break on their tax.
edit on q00000053930America/Chicago2020America/Chicago9 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

I was shocked at this statement.

Seems true though.
A monogamous person should only marry a monogamous person. Like don't settle for someone willing to attempt monogamy. People fail so often.

If the US social structure was more supportive of multigeneraltional families,

I don't think that's something that can be mandated. Tax incentives maybe. Tax credits.

Culturally, I've seen some movies, mostly animated, showing multi generation, but they seem to be Asian characters. Maybe if Western cast of characters were portrayed people could get used to the idea.

The elderly and mentally disturbed needy is a really big issue. When I think about government it's like we pay for government to do things in a collective way that are too big for individuals to do alone.

I don't mind if the top 1% or 2% pays more in taxes.
edit on 13-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 04:11 PM
Trickle-down economics does not work. That is how come the amount of buying power of Americans' wages has been steadily decreasing since it was introduced. Workers are not paid for the full value of their work. The productivity of Americans has at least tripled since the middle of last century, yet the buying power of their wages has decreased.

I also agree that we have an inflation problem right now. When the government released COVID relief funds, a vast majority of them went to businesses and corporations that did not need the money. It reminds me of the financial corruption in the latest Batman movie with a similar fund.

No one seems to be addressing the inflation issue (yes I am being critical of Biden). People say it is only 5% or so year-over-year, but my food and gas prices have doubled, and I know people who can say the same for rent.

I am not a fan of capitalism, for the philosophy states that a corporation wants to extract the maximum value from its workers for the minimum cost - the ultimate form of capitalism is slavery. I think the philosophy of capitalism is short-sighted. It is like a farmer who torches his corn fields to reduce the costs of watering and harvesting. It is actually in the farmer's best interest for his corn crops to thrive, not be torched.

I think that aspects of capitalism should stay in place as long as they benefit society. I hope it is clear that in a capitalist society, your boss wants to pay you the least amount of money for your work as possible. Therefore, to counter this force, we need a way to represent the workers' interests.

One way that I suggest is to provide a support system for people to work for themselves across all fields. This could be infrastructure set up by the government, or a private entity. Managers need to be replaced, because they are a waste of resources. It is entirely possible they could be replaced by AI.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: darkbake

Trickle-down and Capitalism will allow this Boomer to retire in some form of comfort.

But then again, I've been planning my retirement for 25 years.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: chiefsmom
we stopped giving the proper care to the elderly, when we stopped having multi-generations all living together.

I grew up in a house with an elderly grandmother living there and being taken care of until my mother couldn't do it anymore. There came a point where she was just unqualified to do it. But my mother did take care of my grandmother for as long as possible.

I don't want us to have to go live with my daughter when we are in our mid to upper 80s. (I don't know if she'll even have the room.) But it looks like that could be in our future. Either that or the homeless shelter if they'll take us.

All those billions of $$ we ship overseas and yet we have elderly here living homeless because life is too expensive. It's just not right.
Could you invest in real estate? Get a mortgage and rent it out for passive income? It's some work, but not that bad and at some point the property is paid of by the renters.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 05:09 PM
Perhaps it is time for the western world to rethink its notions regarding death and euthanasia.

I do not make this statement flippantly and I am not suggesting that those who read the statement and gasp are wrong. It is within out culturally DNA to want to live every moment untill are last breath and it is almost sacrilege to suggest otherwise. I understand that opinion and frankly my own "id" tells me to want to live forever. However, intellectualy I am questioning whether or not that cultural normality is the correct one for or times and as we move into the future.

I come from an stereotypical Italian family. Family is very important to me, if not the most important aspect of life. My elders, by extension, are also very important to me. They are literally my heroes in life and I spend every day trying to emulate their examples and teach my own children their wisdom. I lived in a multi generational home until my young adult life. Watched my grandparents take care of my great grandparents; I am now watching my parents take care of my grandparents; I will take care of my parents in the same fashion and hope that my children do the same for me. "When you're changing my diapers..." is a common turn of phrase in our households. I make this point in order to make it clear that I do not want to see older people die just to make it easier for "my generation" and when it comes to my older people I have already structured my life to help make sure what is outlined in the OP doesn't happen to them (as they have done for me and their's).

Further contemplating the posible need for a cultural change over our views on death and euthanasia does not by extension condone the interrelated ills of our society. Yes the Government waists resources on unimportant issues that could be used to help the elderly. Yes it is wrong to house illegal immigrants while older citizens go homeless at alarming rates. And ect ect. But even if those things were to be miraculously fixxed we would still have a population of elderly who can not and/or do not have the means to care for themselves monetarily and/or physically. The OP problem still persists no matter the state of all other problems we face.

So all that said ...

Why the gasp? Why are we filled with righteous indignation every time the topic of death and euthanasia are brought up?

What is the driving motivation behind wanting to prolong our lives for every possible second?

Why do we through our life time of wealth creation at doctors, insurance companies and big Pharma in the hopeless pursuit of curing our old age?

Why can we not conduct a rational actuarial assessment of life and place different value (value, not money) on different stages of life?

As I stated earlier I hope my children take care of me just as I plan to care for my parents... but I am increasingly wondering if I should be planning to figure out when and how to leave them with less of a burden. Maybe it would be better for them to live their lives with out having to worry about changing my diapers... even if it costs me a few "not so go" years.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: dandandat2

My wife and I have already agreed that we won't do a nursing home or be a burden to our children.

We'll be on our own, we've relied on each other for decades, so it'll just be my little bride and me to the end.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
What is the driving motivation behind wanting to prolong our lives for every possible second?

Maybe it's in our DNA. After all, humans were created to live forever....


posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 05:29 PM
yet ANOTHER byproduct of the 'Rona2020 disaster. CARES act didn't do # for personal suffering, only business suffering.

A scary scenario for sure and you have every right to be afraid.

Afraid not only for YOUR future but what about the next few generations? They don't know the meaning of the term "savings" and when their turn comes.....who knows.

When stories and articles like this come to my attention I take a deep breath and remember that one of the facets of our society is Capitalism. If there's no money to be made there's no sense in doing. Sad but true.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 08:00 PM
This country will allow their elderly to become homeless, yet will house, feed, give free medical and support millions of illegals?
Now that is a crime.

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