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Yorkshire cops nab autistic teen girl for telling a cop I think she's a lesbian like my nana

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posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: greendust

You guys pay people to sit around dressed like clowns and pretend that God gave them the right to take your money and dress and act like clowns.

Unlike Americans who only have enough intelligence to vote for clowns as President.

The last two incumbents being prime examples.

But at the same time you claim you are run by Tory clowns. Weird huh?

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: greendust

"What do they vote for?? What laws have they passed? Please tell me, but do not worry, I already know you can't without looking it up on the government controlled media you have to tell you what it is."

What do I know?

I've only lived here for 60 odd years.

I'm sure you are far more knowledgeable about such matters.

Give it a rest, 🥺?

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: greendust

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: greendust

You guys pay people to sit around dressed like clowns and pretend that God gave them the right to take your money and dress and act like clowns.

Unlike Americans who only have enough intelligence to vote for clowns as President.

The last two incumbents being prime examples.

But at the same time you claim you are run by Tory clowns. Weird huh?

Brits vote for the party. Americans vote for the man ( Or maybe a woman one day )

At least you Americans know who your clown will be. Also you are stuck with yours for 4 years. At least.

edit on 12-8-2023 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: greendust

You guys pay people to sit around dressed like clowns and pretend that God gave them the right to take your money and dress and act like clowns.

What are you wittering on about man , our politicians wear normal clothes.

Talking about taking peoples money and dressing like a clown how's Trumps legal fund raiser going ?

How much money in taxes does the royal family take in each year? How much property do they own and take rent in from? Is there ever a possibility that any of them would ever be jailed for any reason ever outside of murdering someone in a stadium? And they get to do so because they came out of Gods vagina apparently. Seems pretty clownish to me.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: greendust

How much money in taxes does the royal family take in each year?

How many criminal charges does the guy wanting to be president again now face ?

Thinking he could even be president whilst in gaol. Now that is clownish to the first degree.


posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: greendust

How much money in taxes does the royal family take in each year?

£86.3m , I'm not a Royalist.

Seems pretty clownish to me.

TBH the rest of your post seems pretty clownish to me , it also has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:49 PM
Still the UK and US bickering.

Let me point out as someone who is an expert on the UK (also known as Sausages Land with Tomatoes) that the entire thing could have been avoided if they hadn't started calling the police there as Boobies.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 01:55 PM

No further action taken.

"We do appreciate the understandable sensitivities around incidents involving young people and neurodiversity and we are genuinely committed to developing how we respond to these often very challenging situations."


It's Political Correctness gone mad!

Note to Police: please concentrate on catching real crime, like burglars, for instance?


Police facing a complaint and an investigation. Good.
edit on 12-8-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

That's because their helmets look like...Boobs?

At least we have proper sausages, rather than Weiners and Not Dogs?

Toad in the Hole. Ponder on that.

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong

originally posted by: greendust

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: greendust

You guys pay people to sit around dressed like clowns and pretend that God gave them the right to take your money and dress and act like clowns.

Unlike Americans who only have enough intelligence to vote for clowns as President.

The last two incumbents being prime examples.

But at the same time you claim you are run by Tory clowns. Weird huh?

Brits vote for the party. Americans vote for the man ( Or maybe a woman one day )

At least you Americans know who your clown will be. Also you are stuck with yours for 4 years. At least.

And yet no one wants to tell me what it is exactly that makes them "right wing". How can you define something as right wing in a country where everything is controlled by the government? Seriously, what is your definition of right wing? Why can I never get a person from the UK to answer that?

Could it be that no party in your country is actually "right wing" and that they are all actually socialist and they are playing a game with you? Much like many American politicians like to try to do here?

No one in the UK or the USA is technically "free" as long as you can have "your" property taken away for not paying taxes. That is it, period. There was a time in the USA where that was a reality (that has since long gone), but there was never a time like that in England since England started having "royalty". You get it?

I know, I know, but un governed land owners will poison us all! Yet at the same time governments seem to ignore corporations that do so for the right price. Anyway, once again, MODS, you can delete all of this from me. Its horribly off topic.

BTW, did you notice how I easily understood the difference between England and UK in this post? Amazing huh? You watch too many videos on youtube acting like all Americans have no understanding of the world around them. Those videos are for entertainment. They don't include the people that answer correctly. That isn't fun you know?
edit on 12-8-2023 by greendust because: ...

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: greendust

Waiting for your definition of of "Marxist"?

Don't really care for YouTube, except for amusing cat videos?

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: greendust

Waiting for your definition of of "Marxist"?

Don't really care for YouTube, except for amusing cat videos?

To me, fabian socialism is marxism. Marxism can cover quite a few things. As you can say that both an anglican and a catholic are christian, I can say that a fabian socialist (which regardless how you feel, I think its the real British culture) and an american socialist are both actually marxist. WOkeism, which you and the USA suffer from, has its roots in marrxism. It came about when socialist realized that their soviet plan had failed and that workers didnt naturally succumb to the wonders of socialism because human beings are what they are and eventually will prefer capitalism if they are workers. Humans want to be rewarded for their work, not be happy that everyone is equal. So cultural marxism decided that there is a natural caste system with white men at the top and the way to FORCE the world into their game in which they will control all of us would be to set us all against eachother - man vs woman, white vs black, gay vs straight, and so on. Eventually this constant separation of groups will lead to a terrible conflict that completely breaks the existing social structure at which point their totalitarian ways will be accepted as a way to "fix" the problem they created in the first place.

Groups such as the WEF and Soros people say it to our faces and yet we dont listen. They support politicians with money on both sides and yet we do not listen, we do not see. I do. I see the game. And I laugh at it. I laugh at it for its madness and worthless ways. I laugh at all the suffering that keeps compounding while so many of us sit around arguing about left vs right. I even more laugh at Europeans because they do not even have a right wing. They believe the marxist that right wing just means racist. And it is always the favorite go to to prove that you are on the better team. When in reality it is just you being tricked by their plan and your vanity.

I do not have the answers, and I really do not know what will stop it, and I am sure that I will not convince most people that what I am saying is correct. So I just sit back and watch the proverbial boiling of all us frogs while those that were sneaky enough to and wise enough to get into a government role or some other powerful role laugh at wonderful people parties at all of us.

ENough rambling from me - sorry to sidetrack this so much. But to come full circle, did any of you think for a minute this cop would get in trouble? Now imagine had the cop been a white male and the victim a young black girl. You people would be cheering as the "youth" destroyed your bigoted white neighbors small business in a "righteous" fury. When in reality they are just doing the dirty work of the powerful in destroying their competition. And at no time in the near future will any of this toxic altruism you suffer from ever bring any minority class to any higher standard. Check back in 10 years, everything will be worse. That is one thing I can promise.

(post by Gerard234 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 26 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: greendust


Our WEF PM, isn't white?

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