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Yorkshire cops nab autistic teen girl for telling a cop I think she's a lesbian like my nana

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posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 01:00 AM
Never going to England. It's a silly place full of little butt munching tyrants.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Annee

Fair enough.

Also, I didn't feel you were arguing.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 02:42 AM
To all the Americans jumping on the UK with petty insults

Have you forgot when a 12 year old child was shot by a cop in the US for holding a toy gun

And yet somehow you think you got some moral high ground

Tamir rice case if you forgotten

Or Charles Kinsey the care worker of an autistic patient shot by cops despite both being unarmed

Both stories were on ATS while that does not negate the idiocy of the female officer I’d rather have deal with her than your trigger happy judge jury and executioner types

edit on 000000p3102America/Chicago811202358 by UpThenDown because: (no reason given)

edit on 000000p3102America/Chicago811202358 by UpThenDown because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

I do hope this concludes our interaction regards to your comment on needing the complete story. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant evening

Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out. (BTW original link did not work).

As news channels all get their info from the same source and then put their spin on it — there really isn’t a plethora.

Jeez Annee, what other source is a newspaper or blog supposed to go after especially in this situation? All the relevant action took place on camera, and it's king of difficult for the coppers to say she was extra belligerent beforehand otherwise why bring her home to Mum at all? Just take her directly to the station, instead, they were in the process of dropping her off at her home and got triggered.

I get it you don't appreciate a 16 year old autistic girl drinking, but even if the older sister let her partake, she showed decent responsibility skills by calling the coppers for assistance in getting her younger sister home safely.

We can have multiple wrongs on all sides, however, there was only one side with professionals and they took a relatively minor issue and took it to the Nth degree.

For another source for this incident here's the West Yorkshire Assistant Chief Constable, Oz Khan's official response

as for plethora, there were 9 different sources... for a minor news story across the pond, 9 sources sound like an abundance of sources for the circumstances, unless you expected it to be picked up on the Arizona Republic

pleth·​o·​ra ˈple-thə-rə
Synonyms of plethora
: an ample amount or number : ABUNDANCE, PROFUSION
… Grand Cayman offers a plethora of bustling restaurants, ritzy resorts and comfortable condos …
—Susanne Cummings
… a world whose credibility is threatened by the meaningless plethora of material goods it goes on producing.
—W. Roy Niblett
: a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion

edit on 11-8-2023 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:36 AM
very bizzare to see conspiracy theorists defend this particular police force following the mosque trial for non existent blasphemy laws this force punish an autistic child for the sake of community cohesion, as they did with rotherham, lets not go near the yorkshire ripper. so as a force they are a lightning rod.

anyone still fervently defending this force post Rotherham says it all really, its like those fervently defending the met police force after sarah everard..

The link between all these cases highlights the fact uk policing does not learn from its mistakes hence the stephen port case mirrors the same litany of errors as the grindr killer case.

while the us police force might be worse its really not a competition yes they'll get to the finish line first but do we really want to follow and refuse to either learn from both their and our own mistakes, the same applies to the us do they also not want to learn from the mistakes of others, not least fudging society in ways that allow police officers to make up their own laws.

in this case from legal views it seems they had no legal grounding to arrest her for comments made in a private dwelling unless they are really free to make up their own laws.

for the americans looking on, being drunk at 15/16 and being mouthy to the police is a rite of passage.. my own rite of passage was nightclubbing at 14/15, my sons between 15/16.. got one son dumped on the doorstep at 16 and a sleepless night with the sick bucket as he thought he'd die, this is normal for uk police, in terms of safeguarding the norm is to return the drunk mouthy kid to their parents and let them remonstrate, clean up the sick and deescalate then walk away rather than escalation we saw in the vid,

I think that is where most of the anger stems from here and its become a lightning rod for concerns this shift backwards in policing is becoming the norm with police making up their own laws as they go to deal with petty shiit, my own police force threatened to arrest anyone misgendering a pedophile..

the thing is as we have seen none of them learn from these mistakes and we'll be back here very soon with another similar case maybe the same force or another, indeed it could be a us case that becomes the lightning rod as they all seem to inhabit a similar place..

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: putnam6

"The officer took it the wrong way"


Thats never been known to happen before with Police in this nation.

Im outraged and shocked beyond belief!

On a more serious note i hope the young lassie is not traumatized to much by the experience.

The best advice when dealing with Police here is simply to stay away from the horrible bastards and not give them cause to come near you or if they do stick to simple one-word answers.

See they don't have much of a sense of humor and are not there to be your friend period.
edit on 11-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: putnam6

the thing that probably resonates in the uk is that this is a rite of passage at 15/16. ie getting fall down drunk and being a mouthy little sh*t.

we've all been there and the treatment of this child was well outside the one most would deem the right way to deescalate a normal situation..

the force sh*t the bed on this one, but it could just as easily been any other force indeed the way the political class fudge the laws all the time there s going to come a time when the police started making up their own laws.. my own threatened to arrest anyone who missgendered a pedophile.. it didn't take long for them to be called out on their threat to implement ban imaginary laws

it;ll be interesting to see how this case evolves today as the legal discussions already seem convinced the police oversteeped their remit.. if this child created an arrestable offence before they took her home why take her home to arrest her in her home just to drag her away.. its quite obvious to even the most casual observer it was a police power trip..

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

not sure of your childhood but its always been a rite of passage here to get fall down drunk and be dragged home by the police, i was my middle son was dumped on the doorstep with the words "you deal with it". this is bread and butter for the police to learn how to deescalate and defuse situations, something the uk police are normally held as exemplars of.

if the child had created the offence before they took her home why not arrest her when they had her in the car, if it was at home the legal discussions roll in england/wales that she can say what she likes in a private residence there was no arrestable offence.

as i say unless your childhood was radically different being a drunk mouthy god#e is the bread and butter of uk policing and this will become a lightning rod for 2 things i the way the political class has fudged the laws and the p[olice making up new ones because of said fudged laws.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: nickyw

this is why my birth town Brighton claimed it was safer for the underage to drink in pubs..

Children 'safer in pubs than in parks', claims Brighton council report


It said in recent years large groups of teens had started to gather to drink in public places, resulting in vandalism and antisocial behaviour.

It argues that: "Given that a certain level of U18 drinking is probably inevitable, it might in fact be preferable if this drinking took place in pubs rather than other, objectively more risky, environments."

even now the police send in police cadets as young as 16 to buy/beer etc to test which pubs/clubs/cafes will serve booze the the underage ast the last count even with challenge 25 it was 60%

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: nickyw

I was brought up not to have anything to do with Police, if it can possibly be helped, put it that.

Because the majority of them are either dirty wrong'yins, or in the job for completely the wrong reasons by my guess.

Im sure there are a few good yins few and far between all the same, as there are good and bad people in all walks of life.

But where Police are concerned even the good ones will cover the bad ones arses without a second thought.

Where im from nickyw Strathclyde Police(at the time) were notorious for being complete and utter bastards.

As to my childhood, that was mighty fine if i do say so myself, we had great childhood with all the trimmings, because we out to play, all day every day, until the lamps came on and it was time to get your arse back home.

In this instance through Police are out of order by my guess and managed to do nothing more than blow the situation up and inflame the matter only adding to the problem as opposed to becoming part of the solution.

By my guess that woman police officer needs to grow a thicker skin and realise silly little girls that are inebriated say daft things.
edit on 11-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: putnam6

"The officer took it the wrong way"


Thats never been known to happen before with Police in this nation.

Im outraged and shocked beyond belief!

On a more serious note i hope the young lassie is not traumatized to much by the experience.

The best advice when dealing with Police here is simply to stay away from the horrible bastards and not give them cause to come near you or if they do stick to simple one-word answers.

See they don't have much of a sense of humor and are not there to be your friend period.

Why has this turned into an America VS England pissing match, wasn't my intention, damn people just thought it was an interesting article I stumbled across on X amazingly the convo there was much more civil and unified the coppers were pieces of chit.

BTW Andy works better if you are gonna quote somebody, link it back to the post. You are making it sound as if Im downplaying the carpet-munching copper's response, I Imagine you found this quote where I was involved in another back-and-forth.

It's probably me, Im cranky as hell, lately but this place is starting to feel toxic AF sometimes.

I post most to discuss whatever topic interests me, Im usually not loaded for bear one way or another just wasting time. LOL really don't want to piss off or agitate anybody, LOL like my ex-wife said when I told her that one time, "I guess it just comes naturally".

She is probably correct. But where else can you piss off liberals and conservatives, Americans and Brits all before I've finished my cup of java, I thought I wouldn't accomplish anything this morning.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 09:46 AM
Before this gets into a pissing match between the UK and the US, I must remind everyone of; Jellied eels.

And the cop was obviously a Ginger.

They have no souls.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy
I miss the 80's/90's Brit cops to be honest, okay they were corrupt as #, but if you were too much of a prick to them, you got a good beating, and dumped somewhere with no criminal convictions on your record.

I had a brilliant start to my professional life, which would have been ruined by a number of convictions which didn't actually happen...coz they beat the # into me instead!🤣

I absolutely grieve for law enforcement officers in the 21st century, apparently emotionally wounded over a drunken teens comments, no wonder nobody normal is scared of cops anymore!😱😂

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: AdultMaleHuman73

I remember one New Years Eve in Trafalger Square (1980's) we were all passing bottles around in the crowd, a Bobby next to us was joining in.

Good times then, goooood times.
edit on 11-8-2023 by DBCowboy because: I am Batman

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

She does look like one.

Someone needs to roll a soccer ball towards her & see her reaction.- 2023 lesbian detection method*patent pending*

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:28 AM
Time to go to war against Britain again.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:28 AM
I found her! I knew Ive seen this chick before somewhere:

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

I do hope this concludes our interaction regards to your comment on needing the complete story. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant evening

Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out. (BTW original link did not work).

As news channels all get their info from the same source and then put their spin on it — there really isn’t a plethora.

I get it you don't appreciate a 16 year old autistic girl drinking, but even if the older sister let her partake, she showed decent responsibility skills by calling the coppers for assistance in getting her younger sister home safely.

I have an Autistic 16 year old.

You don’t hand them off to strangers.

And you don’t intentionally put them in a situation beyond their capability.

I am not arguing what was reported didn’t happen as reported.

An untrained person should not touch a person who is Autistic.

But there could be more to it.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

I do hope this concludes our interaction regards to your comment on needing the complete story. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant evening

Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out. (BTW original link did not work).

As news channels all get their info from the same source and then put their spin on it — there really isn’t a plethora.

I get it you don't appreciate a 16 year old autistic girl drinking, but even if the older sister let her partake, she showed decent responsibility skills by calling the coppers for assistance in getting her younger sister home safely.

I have an Autistic 16 year old.

You don’t hand them off to strangers.

And you don’t intentionally put them in a situation beyond their capability.

I am not arguing what was reported didn’t happen as reported.

An untrained person should not touch a person who is Autistic.

But there could be more to it.

Well, there could always be more to a story, there likely is. It's unclear if the 18-year-old sister, just left her for the coppers to handle or was present with them or I suppose she could have lived elsewhere all that's unclear.

There are degrees of autism it no doubt takes a special parent, can definitely see where alcohol doesn't mix well with even the lesser degrees

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: putnam6

I do hope this concludes our interaction regards to your comment on needing the complete story. I sincerely hope you have a pleasant evening

Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out. (BTW original link did not work).

As news channels all get their info from the same source and then put their spin on it — there really isn’t a plethora.

I get it you don't appreciate a 16 year old autistic girl drinking, but even if the older sister let her partake, she showed decent responsibility skills by calling the coppers for assistance in getting her younger sister home safely.

I have an Autistic 16 year old.

You don’t hand them off to strangers.

And you don’t intentionally put them in a situation beyond their capability.

I am not arguing what was reported didn’t happen as reported.

An untrained person should not touch a person who is Autistic.

But there could be more to it.

Well, there could always be more to a story, there likely is. It's unclear if the 18-year-old sister, just left her for the coppers to handle or was present with them or I suppose she could have lived elsewhere all that's unclear.

There are degrees of autism it no doubt takes a special parent, can definitely see where alcohol doesn't mix well with even the lesser degrees


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