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Yorkshire cops nab autistic teen girl for telling a cop I think she's a lesbian like my nana

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posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Annee

if there was reason to arrest they already had her in their car,e why not arrest and take to the station call the mother from there

under english/welsh law what she said in a private residence is not unlawful, perhaps as i do not know the intricacies of scots law its possible under scottish law.

so the trail goes collect take home then arrest, so the issue happened within the scope of the video after she arrived home, not before, then they escalate things further.

in some ex police quarters they are suggesting the difference turns the situation into a home invasion and kidnapping. while that might e the extreme interpretation its also not clear what laws where broken the police i question have gone desperately silent..

the biggest issue are the legal fudges the conservatives and labour have tried to implement trying to please all sides all religions and none, so the police no longer understand the actual laws, and we end up here with many trying to implement laws that don't even exist, this case like a few others is becoming a lightning rod for those fudges. bottom line is the public police and courts need clear legal guidelines not fudges that allow any interpretation based on the heat of the moment

and the very bottom line is this is incredibly poor policing dealing with drunk teens/underage drinking at the is bread/butter uk police duty.. uit where they learn how to deescalate explosive situations, it was one of things that us police used to come over to learn how to do well that is how to deescalate such situations so they didn't need to use force (of arms) to resolve the situation.

one of my dearest friends was a psychiatric nurse who worked with the police to defuse explosive situations to avert tragedy..
edit on 11-8-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Annee

if there was reason to arrest they already had her in their car,e why not arrest and take to the station call the mother from there

under english/welsh law what she said in a private residence is not unlawful, perhaps as i do not know the intricacies of scots law its possible under scottish law.

so the trail goes collect take home then arrest, so the issue happened within the scope of the video after she arrived home, not before, then they escalate things further.

in some ex police quarters they are suggesting the difference turns the situation into a home invasion and kidnapping. while that might e the extreme interpretation its also not clear what laws where broken the police i question have gone desperately silent..

the biggest issue are the legal fudges the conservatives and labour have tried to implement trying to please all sides all religions and none, so the police no longer understand the actual laws, and we end up here with many trying to implement laws that don't even exist, this case like a few others is becoming a lightning rod for those fudges. bottom line is the public police and courts need clear legal guidelines not fudges that allow any interpretation based on the heat of the moment

and the very bottom line is this is incredibly poor policing dealing with drunk teens/underage drinking at the is bread/butter uk police duty.. uit where they learn how to deescalate explosive situations, it was one of things that us police used to come over to learn how to do well that is how to deescalate such situations so they didn't need to use force (of arms) to resolve the situation.

one of my dearest friends was a psychiatric nurse who worked with the police to defuse explosive situations to avert tragedy..

Place of residence and jurisdiction location definitely factors in.

Smaller towns may drive drunk teens home as a courtesy. Larger cities have more diversity training.

And — again — I’m not saying it isn’t as the video portrays.

I personally would not let an 18 year old be in charge of my 16 year old Autistic except in a controlled environment. To protect both of them

Mine is very high functioning, but still Autistic and unpredictable.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

"You're a pathetic commie POS. Go pound sand."

And you get that from, where?

Note to self - watchitburn taken off Christmas card list.

edit on 11-8-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Annee

the thing is with uk teens they are known for their drinking habits, its one of the reasons, not Brexit that many foreign destinations would rather not have to deal with british drinking habits thus it becomes the thing everyone does thats its impossible to stop but needs careful management, most get taken out by their older siblings relative even the odd parent, and in that context its the bread and butter of policing in the uk, yes it leads to plenty of sexual assaults especially of young girls.

if you read the stats while better than they used to be they are scary, if asked at any point 10% of 11-15 year olds would have been drinking in the last week.while the ulk are 15 a chunk of them will e 11, when i was young none of us where medicated but the effect now on the medicated disorders must be huge, so that needs to be factored into the policing drunk medicated children.. to which de-escalation must be the most important tool to get good outcomes for all including the officers in question..

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Annee

the thing is with uk teens they are known for their drinking habits, .

I’m from the beach area near Hollywood CA.

I’m well aware of crazy teens.

Neither the 18 year old sister or 16 year old Autistic should have been in a situation that allowed this to happen.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Before this gets into a pissing match between the UK and the US, I must remind everyone of; Jellied eels.

And the cop was obviously a Ginger.

They have no souls.

What do you mean, "Before"?

On behalf of England, may I offer sincere apologies for Jellied Eels.

Clearly, they must have been a deeply traumatic experience for you.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Before this gets into a pissing match between the UK and the US, I must remind everyone of; Jellied eels.

And the cop was obviously a Ginger.

They have no souls.

What do you mean, "Before"?

On behalf of England, may I offer sincere apologies for Jellied Eels.

Clearly, they must have been a deeply traumatic experience for you.

It's why we fought the war of Independence.

King George wanted the colonists to eat jellied eels.

A line HAD to be drawn.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Why has this turned into an America VS England pissing match, wasn't my intention, damn people just thought it was an interesting article I stumbled across on X amazingly the convo there was much more civil and unified the coppers were pieces of chit.

Where have i even mentioned America? LoL

BTW Andy works better if you are gonna quote somebody, link it back to the post. You are making it sound as if Im downplaying the carpet-munching copper's response, I Imagine you found this quote where I was involved in another back-and-forth.

How so?

I found the quote "The officer took it the wrong way" from your first post.

I dont think she would like you calling her a "carpet-muncher" all the same.

That kind of language directed at Police would indeed get you arrested in this day of age, and you would be just doing their job for them saying things like that.

Plus judges and sheriffs hear it and have been known to come down rather heavy.

It's probably me, Im cranky as hell, lately but this place is starting to feel toxic AF sometimes.

In this instance putnam6, i think your calling it.

I post most to discuss whatever topic interests me, Im usually not loaded for bear one way or another just wasting time. LOL really don't want to piss off or agitate anybody, LOL like my ex-wife said when I told her that one time, "I guess it just comes naturally".

I'm not pissed off or agitated, ile quite happily discuss what i think about the Police here in the UK, which would not exactly be singing their praise.

Again good and bad people in all walks of life through.

She is probably correct. But where else can you piss off liberals and conservatives, Americans and Brits all before I've finished my cup of java, I thought I wouldn't accomplish anything this morning.

Ah coffee, the most important meal of the day.
edit on 11-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: putnam6

What Oz Khan doesn't say is the original complaint was made by Nan, who resented being compared to a straight copper.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: greendust

Tommy Robinson is a complete and utter knobhead.

The Tories are in power over here and they are most definitely NOT socialists.

I get the impression then US is way ahead of the UK or anywhere else in the woke stakes.
The thing is, isolated incidents like this happen and they get maximum exposure and it gives the impression that this is the norm, it isn't.....quite the opposite.

Being a knobhead is a reason for being jailed?

Also, what exactly makes a politician right wing in England? I personally can't ever tell the difference, they all seem to do the same things. Sort of like alot of RINO's here, which these days are just socialist lite.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: greendust

Being a knobhead is a reason for being jailed?

Being a racist knobhead that has a long-standing criminal record.

Which includes convictions for violence, stalking, financial and immigration fraud, drug possession, and public order offenses.

That then goes on to commit contempt of court, is however a reason to be jailed.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:20 PM
West Yorkshire Police have released a statement.

In a statement released on Friday, it said: "In relation to an incident in Leeds on Monday, where a 16-year-old girl was arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence, West Yorkshire Police has now reviewed the evidence and made the decision to take no further action.

"This concludes the criminal investigation and immediately releases the girl from her bail. Her family has been updated.

"West Yorkshire Police's Professional Standards Directorate is continuing to carry out a review of the circumstances after receiving a complaint in relation to the incident."

Other police forces around the country should learn a lesson from this sorry episode and train their officers accordingly , there are plenty of real criminals to go and spend time on being as only 5.7% of crimes were solved by police in 2022.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:35 PM
Plenty of them out there, female police buzzing with aggressive energy. Can almost read their minds 'go on, give me an excuse' repeated over and over. Very glad this plod overstepped, arresting the child in her own home for not breaking any laws. Hope she is now subject to investigation along with the 'other unit' who attended.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by:Annee
Neither the 18 year old sister or 16 year old Autistic should
have been in a situation that allowed this to happen.

Same reason why good parenting, does not allow
children to be in situations with sex fanatics.
just saying.
yet . . . even younger children,
are subjected to
drastic life altering 'Dr.Mengala' gender surgery.
Pot calling the kettle . . . ?

But yah, everyone is entitled to their
own opinion, esp. in
The triggered cop, was way out of line when
'they' entered into the private domain.

Anne, do you punish your autistic gran-kids for
using the words lesbian, homosexual ?
or questioning their sexual preference ? just asking.


posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Before this gets into a pissing match between the UK and the US, I must remind everyone of; Jellied eels.

And the cop was obviously a Ginger.

They have no souls.

What do you mean, "Before"?

On behalf of England, may I offer sincere apologies for Jellied Eels.

Clearly, they must have been a deeply traumatic experience for you.

says the man with a can of spotted dick

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: ToneDeaf

originally posted by:Annee
Neither the 18 year old sister or 16 year old Autistic should
have been in a situation that allowed this to happen.

Same reason why good parenting, does not allow
children to be in situations with sex fanatics.
just saying.
yet . . . even younger children,
are subjected to
drastic life altering 'Dr.Mengala' gender surgery.
Pot calling the kettle . . . ?

But yah, everyone is entitled to their
own opinion, esp. in
The triggered cop, was way out of line when
'they' entered into the private domain.

Anne, do you punish your autistic gran-kids for
using the words lesbian, homosexual ?
or questioning their sexual preference ? just asking.


Feel free to start your own thread that fits your personal rant.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: putnam6

The Heinz Company makes cans of "Spotted dick".

And they are originally from Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania.

Anyhoo i think you can get cream for it these days.

edit on 11-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: greendust
Clearly the wrong sort of personalities are being attracted to law enforcement.

Also, clearly the wrong sort of personalities are attracted to becoming politicians and making really really dumb laws.

Those "wrong personalities" are also in courtrooms, public re-education facilities, public libraries, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, religious institutions, MSM, Social media, Follywood, and the MIC. They're literally everywhere and not by happenstance; there IS an agenda and there's plenty of documentation that dates as far back as the 1800s.

Not sure if any of the books detailing the homosexual agenda are available in public libraries or even online in 2023; and I'm 99.999% sure Utoob, which is owned by Gaggle--which is owned by Alphabet, (kek), has taken down all of the documentaries/exposes that once made Utoob informative and interesting.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: greendust

Being a knobhead is a reason for being jailed?

Being a racist knobhead that has a long-standing criminal record.

Which includes convictions for violence, stalking, financial and immigration fraud, drug possession, and public order offenses.

That then goes on to commit contempt of court, is however a reason to be jailed.

I bet you are lying. I know his contempt charge was utter nonsense. What does being a racist mean to you?

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Annee

the thing is with uk teens they are known for their drinking habits, .

I’m from the beach area near Hollywood CA.

I’m well aware of crazy teens.

Neither the 18 year old sister or 16 year old Autistic should have been in a situation that allowed this to happen.

i get that you won't be able to see it but drinking is where our cultures divide, but perhaps where yours goes down the drugs route ours goes down the drinking one..

so when a thing is a rite of passage its impossible to play God with teens or preteens be it drink or drugs..

I can't help but think this incident could start a different discussion to the one we are having, are our various teen drink/drugs issues getting worse and is that why the police are failing..

doco from a decade ago, teens being able to put away a litre of vodka..

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