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Near Death Experiences - 'The Void' vs 'Heaven' - what do you expect when you die?

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posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: nugget1

In the realm of potential probabilities all possibilities exist. Whatever you can imagine, you can manifest. Our free will allows us the freedom to choose between infinite probable experiences.

All things are possible for those who believe..

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 06:55 PM
a long time ago I stumbled upon astral projection. I was blown away and didn't believe it at first. I read as much as a could that day and tried to do it at night. I did the visualization exercises and relaxation techniques and nothing seemed to happen so i just decided to blank my mind out completely. I stopped all my thoughts and i felt my body blowing up bigger than the apartments i was in.
I was spinning and flipping around in "the void". all i had was feeling. I originally called it the 3d blackness because you can see in 3 dimensions but it was all black still. Like nothing existed except for space and my awareness which was just constantly spinning.
I woke up eventually and completely forgot who i was, where i was, anything about myself. And like KKLOCO said, it took me about ten minutes to realize who i was and where i was. It was mind blowing. Slowly i started to remember, "oh yeah this is who i am, im in college, im living in the mountains, this is my first year here, these are my friends, oh yeah i have a familly, and slowly it all came back to me.
So needless to say i was fascinated. It didnt scare me a bit. I think i was so happy that i found something sacred finally that I got obsessed with learning astral projection and getting back to the void. For me it was very comforting, like the most relaxing place i've ever been to. I was fine with being alone and just observing and floating around. It's like i was finally free from my human cage.
That was the first time i went there. Ever since that first time I've never lost awareness of myself when going into "the void". I thought that was weird. I recently talked to a meditation master,
, kevin chin, who has had similar experiences to me. He said the first time he went to the void he forgot who he was as well, but the more you go there, the stronger your sense of yourself becomes which makes it easier to hang on to your sense of self awareness.
Now I've been astral projecting for 20 years and a lot of the time i will meditate myself out of body into the void but maintain complete awareness of myself. I see the void as a jumping off point to a limitless plane of consciousness. The only thing holding you back is your own fears and beliefs. In those realms your beliefs and feelings manifest instantly which makes it very dangerous for an untrained mind. There are a couple things I'll do when I get to the void. I'll relax and enjoy it for second, I'll look for a speck of light anywhere, when I see one i consciously move my awareness closer to it and it will usually become some kind of different reality. Sometimes earth like with humans speaking english, sometimes it is a different solar system, sometimes it is dinosaur land, it is infinite honestly.
Another thing I will do in the void is open my astral eyes, not my real eyes. I'll meditate myself into the void, stabilize my consciousness by feeling for my feet on the ground, and then open my eyes. I will usually be in my room somewhere or in some other astral reality all together.
My point is the void is the jump off point for exploring the consciousness realms and I think getting used to it and understanding how to navigate before you die is one of the most important things you can learn as a human.
That being said, who knows that happens when you die. I've had astral projection experiences, salvia experiences, Demetri experiences, that have all touched on what could be possible after death which have similarities to what people have said about their NDE's. I've listened to hundreds of NDE stories and from my perspective it seems that your near death experience is tailored to your current or strongest belief system. I also think the other side might be completely lawless. There are possibly groups of souls we travel the multiverse with having different experiences together. It is possible that Earth is trap where we forget who we are and reincarnate until we remember. It is possible that we are all Human junkies and just can't get enough of the feelings and experiences we have on Earth. It is possible we are all part of "god" and our ultimate goal is to make it back to the overwhelming feeling of of love, excitement, beauty, happiness, acceptance etc.
It is possible that all of those experiences are culminating into a type of group consciousness that we can't even comprehend yet. A recent experience I had in meditation I became so overwhelmed with the best human emotions possible and felt like I was a cosmic egg of pure happiness, joy, excitement, love, bliss, etc. We were all one consciousness (the entire universe) and we were cracking out of an egg into another reality that was created with all those feelings. There were beings we couldn't possibly comprehend with our normal human minds welcoming us out of this egg into the next level of consciousness. Like we're all part of this new god being and there were parent gods excited to watch us hatch out of this egg and be part of their family. All I could see was insanely bright light with beautiful flowing patterns but it felt like I was part of it at the same time.
So thats what I'm going with for now, until another experience can show me otherwise. Seems like there are endless amount of things that can happen when you die which depend on the state of awareness, confidence, fear, love and consciousness you can maintain. And all those experiences we've had are points of awareness and memories inside a much larger being about to crack out of its cosmic egg into a level of bliss and excitement we can't comprehend as humans.

edit on 9-8-2023 by TheHiddenFoot because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2023 by TheHiddenFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I devoured every book about the psychic Edgar Cayce in the 70's and 80's. I especially liked the book 'Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation'.

In it he channeled information that we're here to learn lessons enabling us to eventually become one with Source, having no need to reincarnate anymore BUT we have a choice! Some call it karma.

when my fiancée took her own life
the only way i could get through my days were to study
best i could
what happens when life ends
EDGAR CAYCE was my quest's end for an understanding

a spirit being will meet me in the after life
i'll go to the akashic library with it
when ready reincarnation will be a choice
i hope to remember to politely pass on such offer
as this tour of life has been enough for me

but yes
i fully beleive my edgar cayce studies
as he best of them all
made sense to me
of what happens next

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan2

"what do you expect when you die?"

I would like my own pocket universe to lord over and play creator around in of a sorts.

Then again this Rolling Stones tune springs to mind.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan2

And that scares the stuff'n out of me.
And pisses me off. No justice in the end.
The bad guys get away with everything and there is no reward for good behavior.

Good behavior should be rewarding in itself.
The "bad guys" aren't really ending up with anything better than the good.

Anesthesia, as mentioned above, may be a reasonable analogy. I went under 11 years ago for leg surgery. Not scary.

The circumstances causing NDE may be a very big part as well as subconscious expectation.

One of my NDEs caused by a near toxic level of intoxicant along with exposure, resulting in hypothermia, seemed like this:

I looked at my watch, it was 4:15 pm, then falling in the dark saying, "Oh sh ****************(about 30 subjective seconds worth)******"

Then it was 8:30 pm and I was in a hospital bed with a doctor doing something to my arm.

What are you expecting to experience when you die?

Something like the NDE described above, without the waking up.

edit on 9-8-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: lasvegasteddy

Sorry to hear about your fiancée.

My best buddy hung himself from a door with a belt back in February 2012.

Loved the dude like a brother, but the fellow had his problems, aka smoking cr@ck to much, and always falling back into the same pattern.

Suicide stings, and leaves so many unanswered questions, and then there is the guilt.

I've read some Edger Cayce, after falling down the likes of the David Icke rabbit hole back in the 90s amungst some others, thing is mate all that stuff never seems to have come to pass, aka where is Atlantis, which should have risen by now according to Cayce's reckonings.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:08 PM
It's a shame there are so many who feel obligated to adopt or duplicate preexisting ideas and beliefs because they don't have the conviction to originate their own. We are individual entities with distinct experiences and exclusive perspectives. Do you exist to forge your own unique path or do you simply want to follow in the footsteps of another. Wouldn't you rather be the creator of your own story rather than be cast in the supportive role of someone else's?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

To a certain extent but being centre stage in the grand scheme of even your own has its proclivities.

Where do you stand on predestination versus free will for instance?

Given the fact that the former and later ideologies are not exactly synonymous with one another.

Are we the authors of our own identities considering we are all products of society?

Or do social circumstances and geography generally dictate one's station in life?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: lasvegasteddy

Sure beats hell fire and damnation, doesn't it? And it requires one to take responsibility for their own lives instead of 'The devil made me do it!'.

I'm sorry about your fiancée; the death of someone who is essentially a part of ourselves has to be the worst kind of pain.
edit on 300000099America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Something that you are forced to realise as you get older i suppose, that you are indeed responsible for your own actions.

And they have consequences for the better or worse of the matter.

The phrase from "Gladiator" or rather "Marcus Aurelius" springs to mind i suppose.

"What we do in life echoes in eternity".

There is truth in the above even if we do somewhat have a penchant where repetition of past historical transgressions are concerned.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 10:55 PM
Near death? Talking is a bad idea as they will eat the first cause of your birth seeing her.

Which in the causation of things or events leading up to it a wall of slowly not remembering as he digests her and perhaps why women are not, cannot and never have been evil. Anyone disagreeing only outs them-self as death or someone dead and not even knowing it... Meaning the same has occurred(happend) to them.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Where do you stand on predestination versus free will for instance?

Probabilities exist for each outcome. Your outcome is determined by what you choose. We are so free, we can choose bondage.

It comes down to asking yourself the question, "What do I want?"

Are you satisfied with being a product of society and letting your circumstances limit your options or do you want more? If you want more, chances are that's what you'll get. But you have to make the choice.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan2

Well, seems a lot of people who have Near Death Experiences don't experience those things. Most enter 'the void'. Black nothingness. And along with the nothingness comes a loss of self. "You" slip away and stop existing. Not even thoughts can happen.

This is exactly correct. This is what I have been saying for a while mow.

Currently you are having the experience of being an active thing. An active thing is a finite thing. It doesn’t take up all the space available to itself and therefore it is able to experience things.

I know someone who had a spiritual enlightenment experience. Many people have these. But they are quite rare. Best guestimates think they’re as rare as a million people in the world who have had them. In essence their active consciousness came to rest. They lose their sense of self. They came out of it and said for like 3 weeks the colours of the world were brighter and more vivid. What did they experience? “I went back to the source.” Whats the source? “Nothing. Consciousness. Existence”. What did you experience? “Nothing. The void. Everything. The absolute in infinity. I do know that if someone wants to experience this they never will. All i know is that I KNOW NOTHING.”

Now I didn’t know what all these things meant at the time.

And i tried asking a lot of questions. Toooo many questions, and then I got yelled at for it for about 40 minutes.

But damn I went nuts trying to figure it all out and to understand it.

Theres this guy on youtube called Leo who is the creator of

He mentioned in one of his videos that people think that when they die, that they will end up going somewhere. He laughs, shakes his head and says no. There’s nowhere to go.

I agree.

And it is exactly like they say at the beginning of the Bible. “In the beginning there was nothing”.

And it’s true. There is nothing. That includes spacetime. There is no space. There is no space. There is nothing, and that is the void.

Since there is nothing, spatially nothing. No space for anything, no time, no time for anything. Spacetime you know lol…

Now lets talk about logic and reason. Also known as physics regarding this topic.

Lets talk quickly about the three things the religious say God is known for. The three omni’s.

Omnipresent (everywhere (all spacetime aka space and time)), omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing).

They also say that God is infinite or an infinite being.

In physics they say that an infinite thing is something that take up all the space and therefore time available to it.

Think of a cube. Divide it up into three’s. 3 x 3 x 3. Three wide, three high, three long.

If one thing exists throughout all of those 27 cubes taking up all the spacetime, no matter where you look throughout that spacetime it exists. Throughout all of space and time. It exists. And there is nowhere else for it to go. As thats all the spacetime that exists. Nothing outside of it. It cant move or wriggle to go anywhere else. Whatever that infinite thing is, it is said to be at rest.

An infinite thing is a thing that takes up all the spacetime available to itself. And an infinite thing is therefore at rest.

If in the beginning there was nothing. Then what you have is no spacetime, yet you also have something that takes up all of the spacetime ever. You have a singularity. An infinite thing existing throughout spacetime.
An infinite thing existing as nothing spatially. The void. Nothing. Nothingness. Empty. Emptyness. Alone. Loneliness.a singular thing. A whole, complete thing.

So what is this infinite thing?

It is the same thing that you are.

What is it that you are?

If you think long and hard I think you will come to this conclusion.

You are that which is aware.

And so that MUST be the infinite thing.

Yet you are having the experience of being a finite thing. A finite thing is an active thing. An active thing doesn’t take up all the spacetime available to it. Only finite things can have something external to them so they can actually move around and be active. Have experiences.

So what did my friend… who had a spiritual enlightenment experience actually experience? Nothing. The void. However also EVERYTHING, throughout all of space and time, because they went back to the source and became an infinite thing, at rest. They.. had.. ALL of the experiences and memories, having lived and experienced, EVERYTHING, throughout ALL OF SPACE AND TIME!!!! Sure. Whilst they were an infinite thing they shouldn’t be able to feel or experience anything. But when they came back to being a finite, active thing, they still had all those experiences…

So that’s what I expect when “I” die. My sense of self will disappear and I will be nothing at rest, not able to experience anything, yet have the experiences of absolutely everything and everyone throughout all of space and time.

Lots of people who have near death experiences are overwhelmed by the amount of love they feel.

Ever heard of “unconditional love”? Kind of hard not to as you are the ONLY thing in existence. Be stupid to hate yourself being the only thing in existence.

In all the religions worldwide the one thing they all preach is basically this: “treat other how you yourself would like to be treated” because guess what, they are the real you, just as you are.

Only one thing in existence. An infinite awareness. Plays all the rolls and parts.

Hope this helps.

In essence… eternity in an instant.

What we are experiencing in this illusion of space-time are experiences that go back to the source when our active form of consciousness which only exists and is created inside the awareness of Gods mind, comes to rest. When we “die” our active form of consciousness comes to rest and we go back to being an infinite being at rest. An infinite amount of spacetime. The Alpha and Omega. Beginning and end, without beginning and end. Eternal. An infinite amount of everything yet at the same time, an infinite amount of Nothing. An infinite amount of something, that is an infinite amount of nothing. Formless yet forms everything. God constantly dreaming. Infinite awareness. Are we in a simulation? Yes. In the mind of God. Yes. God is simulating everything in existence.

Existence, unconditional love, nothing, the infinite multiverse, God, consciousness, awareness. All the same thing. Nothing. Yet the absolute in infinity.
edit on 10-8-2023 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 04:24 AM
I just hope to see my mom and dad again. That will be enough for me.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: Bradders3479

That probability exists and you change it from possibility to fact when you replace "hope" with "will".

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 04:53 AM
my own experience in extremis came with a head injury (vaccine related), I was one of the unfortunates who had a stroke but fortunate that i lived and recovered much of my mobility, the first night i was on the hyper acute ladies ward i saw arch angel Gabriel over one of the little old ladies bed as she cried why me and begged for god, I was then moved to a slightly less acute ward (this time mens) where i saw arch angel Michael over one of the little old mens beds, the 3rd move to the next least acute ward, and closer to the exit door to escapee I saw arch angel Gloriana over the beds..

the least acute ward is where I saw the most death but it also shaped my hatred of the church where the angels where there to give comfort the dying in their last hours the chaplains refused as they no longer do such things, covid has done a lot more damage to societies safeguards than people realise though they will all find that out when their time comes to die as none of us can escape that end point.

i did for a while question my own sanity seeing these angels but on talking to my doctors was assured that it was normal in extremis to see those things. so while i hate the church i also know i believe far more in the after life and the sanctaty of life than its priests and most of its adherents.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 04:56 AM
You are right, I should be more positive! We will meet again when it's my time. a reply to: socialmediaclown

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 05:01 AM
I think I'll find my consciousness held in a buffer pattern until they decide to download me into a new housing for my next assignment.


It's a living.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Probabilities exist for each outcome. Your outcome is determined by what you choose. We are so free, we can choose bondage.

That kind of makes it sound like an old Fighting Fantasy book with the roll of a dice.

It comes down to asking yourself the question, "What do I want?"

Well, i want everything, but ile setting for what i have, as you simply cannot always have everything you want.

Are you satisfied with being a product of society and letting your circumstances limit your options or do you want more? If you want more, chances are that's what you'll get. But you have to make the choice.

We are all products of society and there is no escaping the human condition in this verse like it or lump it, as to the rest of the above paragraph, sounds like the law of attraction to me which is problematic at best.

You try telling some poor little uneducated girl that has to walk 20 miles each day to find a clean water source.

And that's forcibly married to some old dude that makes her spit out kids that will be lucky to survive childhood.

That what they hold in their mind on a consistent basis is exactly what they will experience in life and they won't even comprehend what you mean nevermind agree much by my guess.

The fact is geography and social circumstances generally dictate ones station in life a lot more than free will does or ever could.
edit on 10-8-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan2

Most reported NDEs aren’t. They’re OBEs, but they fall short of piercing the veil between life and death. One sure sign of a fake NDE report over the years has been the claim to have “seen the light”. They’re charlatans repeating what everyone else does because it’s their fake source of whatever BS they’re peddling.

In a true NDE what you’ll encounter is Life. It’s referred to as “initiation” into the mysteries of Life and Death because it’s the only way you learn the difference. Once you discover what life and death actually are, you realize you’ve had it backwards all along.

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