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Children of the Law of One: The Lost Teachings of Atlantis

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posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by qbik2008

Also to be considered as your consciousness increases, you see through the illusion of everyday things. People who are looking for the big news events often overlook many everyday things. You see and sense the truth in all, even mundane things; so many look for the big ticket things that the everyday, important stuff is overlooked.... take this for what it is worth.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:26 PM
I can't seem to see every post on this thread, the last post seems to not be visible to me.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 08:58 AM
This seems to happen when an anonymous ATS poster reads the thread and makes a post without puting in the password thingy

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 11:36 AM
I see, yeah i thought it had something to do with anonymous posters as i can always see registered posters' posts.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:15 AM
I found the meditation techniques to be very enlightening and that has changed the way I think. There are no words or intellect that can replace the experience of these ancient meditation techniques. Since finding the lost teaching of atlantis I no longer am a seeker of advanced spiritual information or god, I have found what I wanted to know. Now that is my problem, what to do with that knowledge..... If you get through this book and get over your intellectual blockage you can experience something great, then you can access that anytime. There is a strangeness to this unlike any other teaching. The more advanced you get the higher the chance is you will fall.... This this is serious stuff, in the end it is only for people who can handle living with the spirit world.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Definately a wonderful and inspiring book. One that can help those who really WANT to change to become better people and to ultimately help the whole world.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Well said; let those who have eyes see!

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I think I know what you are saying as awareness, i.e., consciousness increases mor eis evident s one sees the universe with new eyes....

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Regarding the attempted discreditation of Edgar Cayce and the subsequent dismissal of his prophetic reading of “John Peniel“. I feel it must be said that Edgar Cayce was not alone in prophesising the presence and work of John Peniel. For example, in the published and widely available book “The Prophetic Revelations of Paul Soloman”, Paul openly wrote that there would come a time when a shining light named Jon Peniel would come into this world to show a path of Love and Truth to an ever increasing dark and disillusioned world, a path back to Oneness (paraphrased of course). Could it be that all prophets who foresaw this be incorrect or false???

Also, regarding the earlier comment of LTA being a mish-mash regurgitation of new age ideas. Yes, there are some things within LTA which ‘coincide’ with many different religions, including those of the “new age” kind, yet, on reading LTA thoroughly, it became apparent (at least to me) that these were teachings of the purest kind, and that, if anything, many well known religions and new age groups have used, in varying degrees, some elements of Universal Laws and mixed in a whole bunch of BS along with it. In my opinion, it is best to receive information from an ‘expert’ in their field, whether it be regarding the mechanics of your car or spiritual growth. You just can’t go better than an Enlightened Being when it comes to spiritual matters, they’ve made the highest grade possible on this earth.

Yes LTA is just a book, yet it is more than that. It’s a map of sorts, and it guides you through the maze of complications that we human beings have become. It’s a map of our past, present and future, and leaves the sincere seeker with an indelible responsibility to open up and transcend the low nature that we are addicted to and trapped in. Much more awaits those who have the courage and astuteness to take on such a task. The LTA path works. And if it wasn’t for Jon Peniel and his selfless labour of Love, I and many others would still be floundering in a non-sensical world, and likely would have remained internally shut-down from all the pain this world delivers. There is a way out of this mess.

LTA is fun, hilarious, serious, confronting, challenging, magical, insightful, inspirational and filled with Love. Read with open mind and you will know Jon Peniel. Read with open mind and you’ll know more of your self. Read with open mind and you just might find your way.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:06 AM
For THE real truth (and I'm not claiming that your book doesn't have elements of it in there), read The Ringing Cedars Series. It will be the most important 9 books you ever read, I guarantee it. See the link in my signature and read about the books on the website. These books should be required reading for every person born into a typical, modern society. The enlightenment and love you will feel and know to be true when and while you read it outshines any book in existence, and scholars have said that. The essence of everything is in here.

And when you read them, you will want everyone else to read them, too.

Peace and love to all.

P.S. If anyone here has read them, I would love to start a discussion on them. I'm on the 6th book now.

[edit on 1/16/2009 by pjslug]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
when and while you read it outshines any book in existence

Not the LTA.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:31 PM
You know these Atlantis threads remind me of those Wiccans that think they're teaching came from druids, who never wrote anything down, instead of Gerald Gardner in 1951. This kind of stuff is no different. "Atlantology" is about as credible as that. We know nothing of Atlantis beyond Plato's accounts, and we're expected to believe that we have somehow found "Lost Teachings"?

What are we, a bunch of medieval preachers? It's 2009, if you want spiritual growth don't look to some nutjob out to make a buck, look to yourself. And before reading some 400th hand account of Atlantis, read Plato's account.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 03:56 PM
The difference here is that these teachings really are handed down in Tibet from the time of Atlantis and are from survivors of Atlantis, passed down the generations in an unbroken line until today.

So it's not the same as Wicca, which died out, and then modern people tried to revive it and recreate it.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
The difference here is that these teachings really are handed down in Tibet from the time of Atlantis and are from survivors of Atlantis, passed down the generations in an unbroken line until today.


Tibet's history doesn't go back to 10,000 BC.

Atlantis never even existed.

These sorts of things sort of rule out the reality of your little pipe dreams and reveal them for what they are - children playing mind games with themselves and avoiding at all cost any semblance of logical thought, exactly as implied in projectvxn's post.


posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Harte

One wonders what language this was originally written in......LOL

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Atlantis never even existed.

bull#. just because you couldn't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. it just means you aren't that clever fester.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by pjslug

For THE real truth (and I'm not claiming that your book doesn't have elements of it in there), read The Ringing Cedars Series

I don’t think that any book or person can legitimately claim to be “THE real truth”, at least not for everyone at any given time. Ever heard the expression “there are many roads that lead to Rome”?

These books should be required reading for every person born into a typical, modern society.

What? You advocate compulsory reading for the masses? What about respecting other peoples Free Will choices?

And when you read them, you will want everyone else to read them, too

I don’t think so, and oddly enough, I don’t want everyone to read LTA either, but rather, just to put my opinion out there to assure & encourage some that the LTA path really works. It has been a life changer for many.

This thread is actually about LTA, and is not a thread about the many books that people have encountered and feel are true. Perhaps you could start another thread about the Cedar Series where your comments would be more appropriately placed?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Harte

Tibet's history doesn't go back to 10,000 BC. Atlantis never even existed.

That's what you think yet it doesn't make it reality, other than in your own mind. Your beliefs are based on alot of things including what you've been told, along with all the other masses who've had the wool pulled over their eyes. And it's not the first time, just look at the many topics on this ATS site for evidence.

Of course logical thought is vital, & common sense is often lacking these days. But where does intuition and 'feel from the heart' fit in with your "logical thought" processes?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:43 AM
The conscious rational mind and logical thinking is used to understand and interpret the information and messages from the inner being.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 04:32 AM
Ah, I see, yes, a conscious rational mind will make all the difference. Thanks so much

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