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Children of the Law of One: The Lost Teachings of Atlantis

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:12 PM
I understand Hanslune....I was just posting enough times so that I could begin to PM (u2u) others on this thread...(apparently the quota is 20 posts before you can begin to PM or u2u)...I am a new member to this site...


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by qbik2008

Of course we'd rather have you include a single salient post,
rather than dodge the guidelines.

Plus who knows you might get an applause for the effort.

I'm sure you'll get there in no time, without cluttering up the board, mate.

( edit: I see you've made it, already)

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I read some of the free Children of the Law of One material after reading the llresearch Law of One/ Ra Material. It moved me. It made me question and reevaluate my beliefs. How is that not useful? I read Harry Potter and it moved me too, it also had me thinking about deep personal issues. Who cares if someone makes money off of thier activities. I want that too. Don't you? If it does something for you, it is worth something, plain and simple. It doesn't even have to be "right" or "proven", it just is. Wanting to share that with others is kind. You don't even need to explain why it moved you, because it may move someone else in a different way. No one can prove that it moved you, or even the reasons why it did. The theory behind it or even the mathmatical equations of it's possiblity are just distractions to your enjoyment of it. Let it just be what it is. To question it merely takes the whole and breaks it down into parts that would need to be put back together again to make it whole. The pomegranate has many parts, but it is still a pomeganate. Just have fun with it and enjoy eating it.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Thank you for that insight Seagrass....

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:16 PM
I found the book up and down for the first 150 pages.....and it is getting harder...Especially hard to face up to "The Self" especially while reading "Realizing You Have Been Brainwashed"....

After studying the effects and the science of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms/Seeds) and how absolutely prolific they are all throughout Grocery Chains (Quaker, General Mills, Nestle, Nabisco, Tropicana [Quaker], Coca Cola, Pepsi, Fruitopia etc...)....and that these GMO's may very well be the creators of a new disease called "Morgellon's Disease"....and not even knowing about it until several decades into my pretty damned scary....

Planet X (a Brown Dwarf Binary Star within our very own Solar System...aka Nibiru???) that is making it's debut with Mother Earth quite soon...!!!

Death Tolls caused by Pharmaceutical Drugs...100,000 a year....not including the cancer patients that got "offed" due to the Chemo.....

The Cure for Cancer is already here...especially Prostate and Breast Cancers....Injections of "Laetrile (Amygdaline, Vitamin B-17) or otherwise found in Peach and Apricot Kernels and was outright banned by the FDA in the U.S. and Canada as well i believe...

Colloidal Silver and its Absolutely Massive ability to Kill All Bacterium, A large Number of Virus, Yeast and Mold (ie. It utterly destroys a Cold or the Flu within 24-48 hours, Malaria, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lung Infections, Gingivitis, Cold Sores, Deep & Small Cuts, Abscesses [ie. no root canals], sterilizing Vegetables safely, used by Homeland Security etc....

And so many other crazy truely insideously evil things that the Pharmaceutical Companies, The Heads of Government and their Rulers are purposely doing to keep us as a people Sicker, Weaker, Dumber, limbless, breastless and ultimately ready for Death way ahead of schedule....

and so yes I had to agree with that particular chapter that I have been truely brainwashed pretty much all of my life subconsciously and even then I was blessed enough to be awakened to realize what is going on.....but...the most profound information I have found is this very book...The Children of The Law of read it all the way through is going to be a it challenges the very essence of our beings...... The Selfish Separate Self...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Kinda going off the track of this ancient & lost civilizataion forum aren't you?

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:07 AM
not if you read within the which it was written...and you the same...

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:01 AM
I get really confused about the service to self vs service to others aspect in the Law of One. Because so many spritualists talk about being true to the self, and how that is a service to others. What are your takes on that?

I know people who I would call in service to self. Selfish.
But it never talks about what service to self really is. Service to others is fairly obvious to me, but....I remain confused.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:03 AM
You only serve the Universal Spirit. All else naturally just falls in place below that.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I see what you mean on the one hand and yet, I see the same thing in another light...for example I think what you are focused on or pointing out is the "Service of the Self" and "being true to the Self"...can be considered selfish yes...???

I see this as a Paradox again...and it is in the wording that you have there are many Paradox's given throughout the entire book...

I have not really seen anywhere in the Book that it states that we are to "Serve Ourselves" but I can relate to the idea that by "Serving ourselves" to rid ourselves of our own "Separate Selfish Selves" to really see and understand who, what, where, when and why we ARE...We are ONE...We are Universal Consciousness...may appear to be Selfish...

And yet at the same time appear to be serving the Universal Consciousness and also at the same time allowing us to eventually and truly serve others once we have accomplished this Horrendously difficult task of Destroying our Separate Selfish Selves and ultimately Serving others Unselfishly with Unselfish Love via the "Universal Will"....

Quite a mouthful...but does this appear to be somewhat of a viable answer?

I am by no means an expert on this stuff...just very interested and seeking knowledge and insights myself...and so by answering "other's" questions...It would appear that I am selfishly teaching myself some things about this book while answering "other's" questions....

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:08 PM
No, that is not what I meant. I was speaking in terms of Harvest from the Law of One Ra Material. That ascension and harvest are supposed to be determined by a ratio and percentage of life spent in service to self vs. service to others.

here is a seach for service to self Law of One Ra Material
It has been a while since I read the book you are reading.
but yes the paradox of words is confusing. We need new words.
(I bet the ancients hardly ever made spelling errors)

[edit on 7-6-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:28 PM
The channeled "Ra Law of One" material is not connected to the Children of the Law of One.

2 different philosophies. The teachings of one don't translate to the other.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by qbik2008
I see what you mean on the one hand and yet, I see the same thing in another light...for example I think what you are focused on or pointing out is the "Service of the Self" and "being true to the Self"...can be considered selfish yes...???

I see this as a Paradox again...and it is in the wording that you have there are many Paradox's given throughout the entire book...

I have not really seen anywhere in the Book that it states that we are to "Serve Ourselves" but I can relate to the idea that by "Serving ourselves" to rid ourselves of our own "Separate Selfish Selves" to really see and understand who, what, where, when and why we ARE...We are ONE...We are Universal Consciousness...may appear to be Selfish...

And yet at the same time appear to be serving the Universal Consciousness and also at the same time allowing us to eventually and truly serve others once we have accomplished this Horrendously difficult task of Destroying our Separate Selfish Selves and ultimately Serving others Unselfishly with Unselfish Love via the "Universal Will"....

Quite a mouthful...but does this appear to be somewhat of a viable answer?

I am by no means an expert on this stuff...just very interested and seeking knowledge and insights myself...and so by answering "other's" questions...It would appear that I am selfishly teaching myself some things about this book while answering "other's" questions....

Definitely the main point, a guiding principle, is to never give in to your seperate selfish self conciousness.

But we could look at "Service to self" in another way.

Think of the Star Exercise. You bring in energy into the body, this is blessings and salvation for oneself. But at the same time you send energy out of and through the body, giving blessing and salvation to others.

The saying in the Buddha school is cultivating inwards saves oneself, cultivating outwards saves others. Salvation for oneself and others, Salvation for all Beings.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:13 PM
It appears that "Law of One / Ra" is a completely different set of information from the "The Children of The Law of One"...the information is interesting but appears that it has been is what "The Children of The Law of One" say about Channeling:

“Even from the days before Egypt, the teachings of the Atlantean Children of
the Law of One regarding channeling have been simple, and clear as the light: only
your own Inner Being should be allowed to possess your body and mind. And that
means manifesting God. Your Inner Being is the Christ, thus it is ‘Christ
Consciousness’, God, the Universal Spirit. It should be integrated and lived, not
just trance channeled. Why channel anything else or anybody, when you can be
One with and manifest the Universal Spirit itself - your own part of God? What
more could you possibly want to channel? What more information could you need
to get, than what you can get from the Absolute? What could you possibly want,
that you can’t get from the Universal Spirit? What clearer, or better source of information
could you have?”

So in essence...the Ra Material may or may not be True...I believe there is life on other Planets within even our own Solar System...Nibiru etc...but we can never know for sure until we Decimate the Seperate Selfish Self in order to Gain Access to and Channel our very own Inner Light...Universal Consciousness...which is in all of us....that is why this goal is the Ultimate to reach...and all other Life Forms need to attain True insight into their inner light or Universal order to realize that we are all one...whether they are "protecting us" or "at War with us"... answer your question in the context of the "Ra" material...I honestly have no background information to relate with...

All I can say is that "Serving the Seperate Selfish Self" or "Self Service" will only entrap us and deny us our right to Enlightenment and ultimate access to the Universal Consciousness....and enable us to help others without our Ego's and Selfishness getting in the way...

Sorry I couldn't help...

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:32 AM
I am sorry if I confused you, I see very much the same philosophy in both. That we are all connected, and that all of us form the One. So to me there is not really much difference between the two. Even in physics we are connected at some level. Yes one was channeled, but the 'idea' is very similar. IMO it doesn't really matter where the information comes from, as long as it rings truth to you.

edited to add... just ignore my confusing addition.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:03 PM
I´m glad there are also others who have found this book. I´m still a bit cautious and the meditative part is waiting to be read, but the content and the message feels very good, right. I wonder if I will find my teacher..

Sleepless in Scandinavia

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 09:10 PM
Very True....Seagrass....I am going to Read some of the RA Material as it seems very interesting....and does appear to be in line with the CLO...Even Alien/Extraterrestrial Lifeforms are "ONE"...and undeniably tied to the "Universal Consciousness...

I must say that I have no choice but to believe in other life within our it would make no sense otherwise...whether they be in our form or any other form...

I tend to get carried away with thoughts outside of our "Earthly Realm" and thus tends to distract me from the fact that Something Very Very Big is going to Happen very very soon...definitely within our Life here on Earth...

It is both scary and uplifting at the same time...

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 09:28 PM
Welcome Anonymous....

It appears that Consciousness is Accelerating at a rate far beyond the rate at which our "Limited Reasoning" can accept...and so there are those of us that have begun to accept that fact and we are beginning to listen to our Inner Truth...

We are being bombarded with information far faster than our "Simple Basic Minds" can accomodate...

The Universal Light is is speaking to us...but the only way we can understand is by feel......I feel it everyday....the more I drink....the more Weed I doesn't go permeates every being....every object...every system...every process that man, beast or nature has to offer....

Something is is upon us...and most are oblivious...

I just hope "I get it" the end....

I too am looking for a Teacher...but reading the Book has become very difficult....I am at pg 250 and have "run away from the book for a few days to take a break"

I have been reading non-stop every waking moment that I had to reading this book...and it just keeps getting denser...stronger and will get easier I believe...I hope....there is so much to learn and so little time....

May we all make it through this "Paradigm Shift" that is about to happen to the entire Universal Consciousness....

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:41 AM
Interesting all the Cayce bashing going on in this thread and yet it appears little to none of the posters have even bothered to examine the Cayce reading in any detail. If anyone had bothered to look into the readings they would have seen that Cayce himself said that the things he predicted didn't have to occur within the time frame of when he said they would, or at all even. He said it depended on what people would do and other influences that would determine the outcome of the predections he was making at that time.

Also the truth is that almost nothing is ever written in stone. Nearly all predictions of the future can be altered and changed depending on a number of influences and the free will of the individuals involved.

Even God can change his mind and it is God that has the final decision concerning any possible future major earth changes or discoveries made of ancient lost civilizations that could drastically change life as we know it. Something as monumental as discovering a "hall of records" detailing an ancient human past, that the Bible itself says was erased from the memory of mankind and never to be remembered, would fall into the category of a life changing discovery that would have monumental changes for most of humankind around the world.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 12:49 AM

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