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Pure Unadulterated Evil

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posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:08 AM

Pure Unadulterated Evil

Hell, Yeah! Nature can be a real #'n bitch at times. For my take on the galactic situation, there are a lot of similarities mixed in with a lot of diversity when traveling around. I like the Allies of Humanity approach to things.

When dealing with the mind trip of more war, death, famine, volcano, tidal waves, ect... This stuff has been going on for a long time, not much we can do about that. Maybe there a a few getting some capability, not much I can do about that either.

If I did have some alien abduction appearance, it follows the trend that I do not remember just exactly what happened. Did have a strange moment when camping near Wycliffe Well, Australia's version of Roswell. Sure things are a mess, has been worst, could happen again I guess, will somewhere. How this left me was more invigorated to get into topics like 9/11, HAARP, UFO's and other out there stuff. The first step in fixing any problem is to first define it.

That was 15 years ago now, there was brief moment I could of grabbed my motorbike helmet and put it on, might of helped, maybe not? I hesitated then and that was enough to lose the moment.

As for the disclosure process going on in congress, check out the 34-45 minute section in the following link for where the mind games are at:

Covaids Zombie Alien Apocalypse: How It Started… How It’s Going

When it comes to the history of Earth, the Insects where the first that ruled this planet. We would not be here without them, they have my respect. Next the reptiles evolved and became the dominant species. The reptilian parts of our brain still work when our higher functions get frazzled. More recently it has been the time of mammals and man. As for what evolves next has so many possibilities with the current technology going on.

One theory I like is that all the different races do have some connection to various parts of the galaxy. Earth is some kind of spiritual pressure valve while life is ripe on this planet, it won't be this way forever but works for now. IF you run away or miss the light when it's your time to die, those ghostly remains are trapped here?

I don't know how this after world stuff works, if it does? In dealing with the more advance alien species perhaps they have a better idea how life really rolls? When doing the Naruto run as storm Area 51 passed, our legal system is based on a lot of hard lessons. We all know it ain't perfect and still needs a lot more work, but as a source of hope in this planet reaching it's potential in providing balance and justice for a more civilized way of being, there in a lot of interest in seeing this experiment work.

Keep your guard up, don't fall for the drama, when it comes to self determination, use it or lose it.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I believe in UFO's as we have videoed many here in South Carolina over the Georgia border near the Hartwell, Georgia region.

IMO many are USA owned and many are ET. We have the orange ones that wont allow you to even get a picture or film them. They are huge and up in space.

I received an email from a retired Special Agent friend who watched the Congressional hearings. Its its take that ET exists.

Its also his take from watching the hearings that:

The Black DOD Budget has funneled money to private contractors or people invent or reverse engineer alien crafts. These contractors or private people are exempt from FOIA and any oversight by USA Federal government.

Its also clear that Congress is now aware of this and fear that one of the reverse engineered crafts will either be sold, stolen or given to our enemies.

He said its also clear that Congress is aware of those who "know" who the UFO private and contractors are and they are in the process of flushing them out as they are corrupting the National Security of the USA.

Final sentence was that to hold on as this is going to heat up and explode.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 07:26 AM
I would almost venture to say, that it's one of two things. The first one, is that they implant this ideal that we are destroying the planet and doom because they have an vested interest in this planet. I personally think the reason why they go into the sea is because down there they are mining precious metals maybe through the crust that's only created through all the pressures within the crust and within the ocean or something like that. That they've been doing this for a long time, and it may be that they do this in order to terraform the planets that they go to. So it's not just for riches it's also to create the planet to be more comfortable for them. All this stuff with climate change makes me think that. The aspects of human abduction and the propaganda they are fed about these things being benevolent it's almost as if they're setting up sleeper cells so when they do make themselves known they're accepted.

Everything they do is very similar to a special operations. They go through they do their research, they see where our weakness is and where our strengths is. A good example is the nuclear facilities and bothering some of our military and this goes on clear across the globe. And then you've got sightings from where it looks like they're scanning mountains and other lands it almost seems like they're looking for resources or mapping the planet maybe that's what the orbs do.

Then you got the hybridization only thoughts to that is that they're building a military. Off world maybe, and All this stuff goes back to their homeworld do eventually set up for an invasion once they've got the terraforming aspect down.

That's why it's been hush hush for so many years. The government's probably found this out or those participating in the research and it terrifies them as it would us. Now what really freaks me out is if they created us then why would they outside of a slave race. What if we are food and they wait until our numbers get large enough and then come and harvest. I know that sounds a lot like signs but if you think about the missing civilizations that just look like they disappeared it would kind of make sense.

I really don't trust these aliens I do think they're hostile they show enough signs to be. I mean think about it if the evolutionary tree holds true across the galaxy then at some point these things were the apex predators just like we we were so they would have had to kill and conquer to become the top race of that planet.

I don't know what are you guys think

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Its also clear that Congress is now aware of this and fear that one of the reverse engineered crafts will either be sold, stolen or given to our enemies.

A bit like how the transistor has its biggest mass production in China these days. The story of how Geranium is used in this process has a big crack is how it evolved. Apparently some guy at General Electric used some probes on a lump of Geranium and concluded it would transform the logic gate from valve based technology to a silicon based one. This explanation does not account for how the N and P type geranium interact when layered in a silicon shell.

And who really is the enemy of congress these days? With how covid went, its open boarder policy, funds to Ukraine, I don't know? looks like this congress lives in a different world.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 08:28 AM
I bet all of us have been scanned like bar codes in our beds at night. I intuitively feel some aliens look like humans. I saw a lady working at the zoo botanical gardens. She was odd in personality and had green with red eyes. She was plant obsessed. Wanted to talk about the fig tree growing in the shade. I have met friends and neighbors and other people who have had sightings. When I see stuff I no longer want think about it. It’s all unresolved as to what is in our skies. Our government and society are not open or transparent.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 09:12 AM
This is just another episode of Project Blue Book with an updated script. The bottom line is there still is no hard evidence. The whistle blower has no whistle. He says he knows exactly where the evidence is - so WHERE IS IT??? He sounds very convincing but at the end of the day, no evidence = no science = no aliens.

How many times does the public have to be duped into thinking this stuff exists?

My opinion (without any hard evidence) is that most of these incidents observed by pilots are orchestrated by DARPA . DARPA has a multi billion dollar budget to engineer toys and they need test subjects. That is, until someone gets killed.
DARPA is laughing their ass off at these hearings.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Scandals in high places most certainly lead to a red herring taking steam from generating a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of scandal.

Trump intended to drain the swamp red herring is staple diet in politics.

The biden scandal should be investigated thoroughly and completely without distraction.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 11:07 AM
"truth" "government"


posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Agree but their is good and evil everywhere. All we can do is push on

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
That's a great and thoughtful story, harvesting our world is exactly how we would operate of we had the chance with a lesser civilization.

However if our universe and multiverses hold the key to spreading consciousness around intelligent life and the positive and negative elements are a factor of stability and continuation of duality than there must be a duality between civilizations from both sides to maintain their agenda of ruling over starsystems in gaining control over vast amounts of space or maybe eradicate light from darkness?

Intelligent life on the higer Kardeshev scale can do whater it wants , portrait itself however it wants to look like, and probably be in whatever time or place it wants to be?

They use civilizations , entities and even spirits of bodyless souls to inflict their over them as we do over ants in our backyard.

We never know the real data why a star had gone supernova, it might just be because a higher advanced civilization decided that there was infestation dangerous enough to finally or maybe they battled over and lost or destroyed for whatever purpose to keep balance and recycling of energy, reset if you will?

I only hope that the NHI'S have a mission that's been put up by a greater civilization and they've been instructed to baby step us on to the right path of being or becoming a galactic neighbor and not a threat in the future to our planet and what lies above ...

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 10:00 PM
Imagine humanity figured out faster than light travel, or worm holes or whatever. Imagine we find a distant solar system with a planet that harbors life.

Now imagine we visit this planet for decades. Imagine we constantly crash, or get captured and the only thing we achieve is to zip around their skies and oceans while they capture blurry photos and insanely zoomed in video.


Just sayin.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 10:45 PM
Good points in the OP and thread.

However, the discourse surrounding visitors from other planets, dimensions, or realities brings forth both intriguing points and perplexing contradictions.

These mysterious beings, allegedly present throughout our recorded history, pose a logical conundrum in their relationship to humanity.

First and foremost, we must confront the assertion that, given their apparent advanced capabilities, these entities could have easily exerted control over human civilization at any point in history. This has not occurred, which leads us to two possible conclusions: either they are unable to control us, or they simply have no desire to do so.

However, their behavior is not entirely passive. Some evidence suggests that they engage in a form of provocation, guiding humanity in a manner that seems impulsive and perhaps even malicious. This guidance does not appear to be leading us towards a benign end, adding complexity to our understanding of their motives.

The popular depiction of 'Grey' aliens may also warrant a more nuanced interpretation. The possibility that these beings are genetically engineered "body suits," facilitating spiritual or demonic interaction with our dimension, adds an extra layer of intrigue. This suggests a mechanism for entities to bypass the difficulties of possession and interact with our reality directly.

And while there are spirits that are using these body suits to interact with this dimension, there are others that don't need to. They look just like us. And it is possibly they who have created these genetically engineered body suits that we call Grey’s.

If you cannot already tell where I am going with this, this is eerily similar to how angels are described in the bible. Consider the following parallels:

1. Angels Appearing as Humans: Biblical accounts, such as the angels that entered Sodom or dined with Abraham, describe celestial beings having human-like appearances. These narratives echo themes found in modern accounts of humanoid extraterrestrials.

2. Possession by Evil Spirits: The Bible is replete with stories of evil spirits possessing human hosts. Jesus's exorcism of spirits into a herd of pigs demonstrates the necessity for these entities to inhabit physical bodies, akin to the idea of aliens using 'body suits.'

3. Visions of Terrifying Celestial Beings: Daniel's encounter with an angel in the Bible depicts a being neither human nor Grey, but something altogether more awe-inspiring. This example adds dimension to our understanding of potential extraterrestrial forms.

4. Heavenly Protection and Warfare: Elijah's vision of angels (or possibly advanced drones) annihilating the Philistine army, and his subsequent ascent to heaven in a fiery chariot, speaks to themes of extraterrestrial intervention and celestial technology.

5. Intervention in Human Affairs: The account of John the Baptist's parents being visited by an angel exhibits characteristics of large, non-human, intimidating extraterrestrial entities intervening directly in human affairs.

These correlations may point to a grander cosmic narrative in which some Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) seek to subvert human progress and virtue, possibly aligning with the concept of Fallen Angels. Conversely, other entities may exist that promote human goodness and advancement.

Additionally, some of these NHI’s have the ability to cross the dimensional divide, while others cannot. This supports the theory that the NHI’s do not simply originate from another planet in our universe, but come from another universe, reality or dimension altogether. Or even more complexly, they originate from both other realities and from other worlds in our universe. It is important to keep an open mind until we have some concrete evidence and understanding.

And with that, I’ll leave you with one more interesting quote from the book of Thessalonians. And I believe it relates to this topic specifically, though the author gave no hint of what God was alluding to:

"And for this reason, God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Sorry to tell you, but the real Aliens are from Mount Tai. It's one of the five Sacred Mountains of China. Ever wonder why people worship it.

What a relief, and thank you for solving such a vexing mystery. I was worried about the amount of scientific research I may have to do for the remainder of my life here.

All sorted.

edit on 2-8-2023 by Darkstar654 because: grandma

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

First and foremost, we must confront the assertion that, given their apparent advanced capabilities, these entities could have easily exerted control over human civilization at any point in history. This has not occurred...

How do you know that? You acknowledge advanced capabilities yet fail to consider what these capabilities might include, like messing with our memory like how we mess with the memory of a computer as one example.

With how far these psych capabilities go, where did that confidence come from to for those involved in 9/11 to know they could get away with a stunt like that? Was it all just human nature, or was there also some external subtle push for those more involved in the darker side of things?

Space is a hostile environment, so many ways to easily die out there. My odds on space exploration success is similar to what London had when first trying to setup a colony in Australia. A 1-5% survival rate was considered a great success as the first fleet had many casualties. The colony stood and more boats came, here I am many years later. Many other nations have tried over the generations to setup a colony, in the past those travelers that did survive the journey either got taken up by the aboriginal community or died out.

I don't know if man is to find a place among the stars at this time. With the globalist eugenics thing going on it is screwing up the supply chain for such endeviours. Perhaps all this EMF, snake venom, mRNA tech is to toughen up the gene pool so for those that do want to try stepping into the unknown and have a better chance of survival. Maybe the plan is Homo Nexus or some other biological upgrade for the next dominate species on this planet. So like a farmer dealing with a rat plague, we ain't being that easy to get rid of just yet.

As for how it all pans out, we all have our own part to play. In trying to look for a deeper understanding of what this god thing is about, it looks like god does not even know where it is all going at times. So it has to try many things out to find what works. A lot of things will fail, but for those that do hold it together and stay strong, its give the next generation a better chance. There is a long term trend for improving things going on. Life knows its hard at times and is looking for finding a practical way out of this mess.

Do the right thing and keep punchin. If there is something to this reincarnation thing, we reap what we sow is kinda what I am expecting. I could be wrong, or it gets a bit more complicated than that.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 07:11 AM
very well written and thought provoking.
I come from te other end of the continuum and whilst I have no problem with any beleif system I am cautious about imprinting them on current (or potential) scientific discovery. and explainng everything in terms of a spiritual good and evil battle; angels v demons with our free will as the deciding factor.

There are certainly things we may be able to learn or conclude form say the bible relating to otherworldly experiences that defy explanation, Jesus has in some cases been regarded as an Alien, the angels and demons could be put into that category knowing what we know now.

I doubt the curretn round of intrigue has a mystical explanation though, I respect religion but thinking purely and objectively about what I know I come down to this...given the 14.7 billion years, that all matter has existed, smashing in to all matter has in some cases given rise to pockets of life, some new and primitive, and some old and advanced, and one day by pure achaotic chance one will bump into the other.

the starcount is now 3e10-24 the planet count only conservatively estimated at 3000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Our star mapping still has polar blind spots where we are missing at least half the infomation but it is likely once we accurately start counting from our axies the count will prbably quickly double and be closer to 10x6e10-24 or 6000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 600 Septillion, this is the first time we have a count of septillion in a space where you could travel at light's Constant "C" or 186,000 miles per second and it would take you 14 billion years to get anywhere near the edge.

So my money is on almost infinite chaos, resource and time creating consciousness rather than any plan or design i'm sure civiliasiations have lived and died before us, and will after us.

If an alien landed here today, I'm sure some would relate them more to religious history and deify them or damn them as a devil regardless of their intent, morals or actions.

If an alien did come down and boom "I am your God" as he rolled oun thunderclouds out of the heavens...I wonder how many of us would say "Oh no you are not, prove it, ID please, etc.

Interesting debate.

reply to: FingerMan

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Darkstar654

I doubt the current round of intrigue has a mystical explanation though

Mythic could be a better term. It gets hard for a clear picture of so long ago. We have a lot of numbers that are clearing a lot of things up these days. Still some problems on a clear Theory Of Everything. The Rainbow Serpent is one piece that fits in some ways.

If you are good at this number stuff, then to date the age of the 3 big Cheops Pyramids, How much galactic drift has happened with the constellation Orion?

There is something strong looking for a better way, religion is a big chuck of that. 90% of most religions is good things, it does hazy on the edges. There is a lot more to history, life and the law than one book. Keeping it simple is a good thing.
edit on 2-8-2023 by kwakakev because: added last sentance.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
It appears we are finally reaching a point in history where the truth about UFOs/UAPs is being slowly revealed to the public through a slow organised disclosure campaign, even though it seems like some powerful people are still trying to prevent it. As time goes on its becoming very clear to me why this subject has been mocked and censored for such a long period of time.

When full disclosure happens, the true shock won't be that they actually exist, it will be who they are and where they really come from. It will overthrow our understanding of our place in this universe and force us to accept new physics concepts which could completely transform our civilization for the better. Yet, someone clearly doesn't want us reaching this next phase of civilization.

Here's something I want people to think about; when was the last time your cost of living fell by any considerable amount? Is your quality of life improving or is the average quality of life getting worse despite the fact we are constantly developing new advanced technology to make our lives easier? Energy availablity is at the heart of any developed civilization, yet we are facing energy scarcity on a global scale.

It was recently reported that the cost of energy in Australia will be rising anywhere from 15% to more than 30%, and at the same time some places in Australia are banning natural gas lines into newly built houses starting next year. We're told all these things are done to save the planet, yet we are offered no viable alternatives which can truly replace existing sources of energy production.

Make no mistake, there are ways for us to achieve global energy abundance in a cheap and clean fashion. For example, consider the fact a modern submarine can run for over 20 years without needing to refuel, according to the EPA. They achieve this in a very small space using a very small amount of nuclear fission fuel, but exact details on how they work is still classified.

When was the last time you heard of a nuclear meltdown on a sub? Statistically, its the safest form of energy generation known to humanity, especially compact reactors with modern safety guards in place. It's also the cleanest and most technologically advanced form of energy production we know of, yet people have been convinced to ignore nuclear energy out of fear.

They tell us just wait a decade or two and we might achieve nuclear fusion despite the fact not a single fusion reactor has produced more energy than it consumed, and it may well be impossible because we have to emulate the immense pressures caused by the massive gravity of a star, which requires an immense amount of energy to recreate on the surface of Earth.

As we begin to accept the humanoid-alien presence around Earth, we will begin to ask more questions about what they are doing and why they are so invested in the future of our planet. It would seem to me there is a very concerted effort to slow or even reverse the technological progress of our species, and logic tells me it isn't our own species in control of this agenda.

I was browsing Reddit the other day and came across an old lecture from a retired military guy who made some very interesting claims. I actually watched this lecture a few years ago but didn't take it very seriously, mostly because I didn't know what I do now and he was making some pretty wild claims. However, current events have forced me to reassess the claims being made.

The most exciting aspect of all, to me, was the fact that one of these groups, one of the four, looked exactly like we do, and I mean exactly. So much so they could put on a suit and a tie, sit next to you in a restaurant, sit right beside you in an aeroplane, or sit right next to you in a hall just like this, and ladies and gentlemen you would never know. You would never know unless they wanted you to, and generally speaking they don't want you to. Now if you think this didn't upset the Admirals and Generals in 1964...

I remember over lunch one day there was a comment brought up; my god, that means they could even be here in the cafeteria sitting down having lunch with us, walking up and down the corridors. Some wag said, my god they could even be walking up and down the corridors of the Pentagon. Some smartass who'd had a bit too much wine says they could even be wandering around in the White House. And there was a lot of forced laughter about that but it really didn't strike them as terribly funny... the idea that there could be intelligent humanoid, human-aliens in our midst.

It might sound nuts, but if these humanoid-aliens actually exist, we need to consider the very real possibility they have infiltrated all aspects of our society without us even knowing it. They seem to be experts in deception and I think they are remaining hidden for a very good reason, which isn't simply because they don't want to interfere with an immature and violent species.

If that were the case they wouldn't be abducting people and subjecting them to horrendous medical procedures or trying to brainwash them with propaganda. One of the most common experiences reported by abductees is a situation where the beings show the abductee images of an Earth devastated by fires, floods, quakes, volcanic eruptions, and every other natural disaster.

They are also told human activity is what causes it unless we are able to change our ways. At first glance this may seem like these beings actually care about us and our planet and they only have the best of intentions. However, it strikes me as fearmongering propaganda, even more outrageous than some of the crap spouted by the MSM, with little basis in real science.

Here's another quote from that old lecture:

Having spoken about the cataclysms, having spoken about the Earth changes, the quakes, the volcanoes. I'm talking about wide spread mass, insurrections, panic, famines, floods, all of it.

Some of the words he chose to use stand out to me, particularly insurrections, that seems awfully specific, unless he's using the word in a different way than I'm assuming. The predictions being made feel to me less like a warning of what could happen and more like a warning of things that certainly will happen, because they need to happen for some agenda to unfold.

The younger generations are constantly being taught to be anti-human, self-hating, self-loathing, depressed, nihilistic, hopeless, uninspired, unoriginal, and generally have a negative outlook for our future. And who is primarily responsible for pushing this anti-human world view onto young people? It's the elite, globalists, world leaders, the most powerful people on this planet.

Perhaps I sound like a crackpot, but I've put forward many seemingly outrageous ideas which later turned out to be true. Those with real power clearly don't want our species to advance too rapidly, despite the fact it would generate more wealth for them and increase living standards for everyone. They are clearly willing to inflict mass suffering to achieve their goal, and it's pure evil.

Related thread: Reject the globalist plans for manufactured austerity
There are no aliens here or have been.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

My post was kind of well thought out and complex, if I might say so.
Highlighting one little piece of my post, then postulating a completely different argument?
I mean, I don't really disagree with what you said. But it really had nothing to do with my post.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:47 PM
Well look at this... Superconductor Breakthrough Findings Replicated, Twice, in Preliminary Testing. It seems scientists from Berkeley and China have managed to replicate LK-99, the supposed room temperature superconductor recently revealed by Korean researchers. What interesting timing.

Humanity may be in the throes of another breakthrough that's every bit as impactful as the invention of the transistor and the advent (and eventual vindication) of quantum computing. LK-99, as it's been named, is a new compound that researchers believe will enable the fabrication of room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductors. Initially published by a Korean team last Friday, frantic work is underway throughout the research world to validate the paper's claims. For now, two separate sources have already provided preliminary confirmations that this might actually be the real thing — Chinese researchers have even posted video proof.

If this is legitimate it will allow us to transmit energy with virtually no losses at all and also generate energy with nearly 100% efficiency, which would presumably result in much lower energy costs. It would also allow us to create many other sci-fi technologies, including things like floating tables. Superconducting materials may even play a key role in the propulsion mechanism behind UFO's, which makes me wonder if LK-99 is possibly a reverse-engineered material.
edit on 2/8/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
Well look at this... Superconductor Breakthrough Findings Replicated, Twice, in Preliminary Testing. It seems scientists from Berkeley and China have managed to replicate LK-99, the supposed room temperature superconductor recently revealed by Korean researchers. What interesting timing.

Humanity may be in the throes of another breakthrough that's every bit as impactful as the invention of the transistor and the advent (and eventual vindication) of quantum computing. LK-99, as it's been named, is a new compound that researchers believe will enable the fabrication of room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductors. Initially published by a Korean team last Friday, frantic work is underway throughout the research world to validate the paper's claims. For now, two separate sources have already provided preliminary confirmations that this might actually be the real thing — Chinese researchers have even posted video proof.

If this is legitimate it will allow us to transmit energy with virtually no losses at all and also generate energy with nearly 100% efficiency, which would presumably result in much lower energy costs. It would also allow us to create many other sci-fi technologies, including things like floating tables. Superconducting materials may even play a key role in the propulsion mechanism behind UFO's, which makes me wonder if LK-99 is possibly a reverse-engineered material.

That is pure imaginative speculation.

Look what everyone said would happen with the internet, and now AI.
ChatGPT is just another tool, and we are learning how to harness it. Not the leap everyone was expecting. But a leap in ways we did not expect, all for the betterment of efficiency and competence.

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