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Pure Unadulterated Evil

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posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:34 PM
It appears we are finally reaching a point in history where the truth about UFOs/UAPs is being slowly revealed to the public through a slow organised disclosure campaign, even though it seems like some powerful people are still trying to prevent it. As time goes on its becoming very clear to me why this subject has been mocked and censored for such a long period of time.

When full disclosure happens, the true shock won't be that they actually exist, it will be who they are and where they really come from. It will overthrow our understanding of our place in this universe and force us to accept new physics concepts which could completely transform our civilization for the better. Yet, someone clearly doesn't want us reaching this next phase of civilization.

Here's something I want people to think about; when was the last time your cost of living fell by any considerable amount? Is your quality of life improving or is the average quality of life getting worse despite the fact we are constantly developing new advanced technology to make our lives easier? Energy availablity is at the heart of any developed civilization, yet we are facing energy scarcity on a global scale.

It was recently reported that the cost of energy in Australia will be rising anywhere from 15% to more than 30%, and at the same time some places in Australia are banning natural gas lines into newly built houses starting next year. We're told all these things are done to save the planet, yet we are offered no viable alternatives which can truly replace existing sources of energy production.

Make no mistake, there are ways for us to achieve global energy abundance in a cheap and clean fashion. For example, consider the fact a modern submarine can run for over 20 years without needing to refuel, according to the EPA. They achieve this in a very small space using a very small amount of nuclear fission fuel, but exact details on how they work is still classified.

When was the last time you heard of a nuclear meltdown on a sub? Statistically, its the safest form of energy generation known to humanity, especially compact reactors with modern safety guards in place. It's also the cleanest and most technologically advanced form of energy production we know of, yet people have been convinced to ignore nuclear energy out of fear.

They tell us just wait a decade or two and we might achieve nuclear fusion despite the fact not a single fusion reactor has produced more energy than it consumed, and it may well be impossible because we have to emulate the immense pressures caused by the massive gravity of a star, which requires an immense amount of energy to recreate on the surface of Earth.

As we begin to accept the humanoid-alien presence around Earth, we will begin to ask more questions about what they are doing and why they are so invested in the future of our planet. It would seem to me there is a very concerted effort to slow or even reverse the technological progress of our species, and logic tells me it isn't our own species in control of this agenda.

I was browsing Reddit the other day and came across an old lecture from a retired military guy who made some very interesting claims. I actually watched this lecture a few years ago but didn't take it very seriously, mostly because I didn't know what I do now and he was making some pretty wild claims. However, current events have forced me to reassess the claims being made.

The most exciting aspect of all, to me, was the fact that one of these groups, one of the four, looked exactly like we do, and I mean exactly. So much so they could put on a suit and a tie, sit next to you in a restaurant, sit right beside you in an aeroplane, or sit right next to you in a hall just like this, and ladies and gentlemen you would never know. You would never know unless they wanted you to, and generally speaking they don't want you to. Now if you think this didn't upset the Admirals and Generals in 1964...

I remember over lunch one day there was a comment brought up; my god, that means they could even be here in the cafeteria sitting down having lunch with us, walking up and down the corridors. Some wag said, my god they could even be walking up and down the corridors of the Pentagon. Some smartass who'd had a bit too much wine says they could even be wandering around in the White House. And there was a lot of forced laughter about that but it really didn't strike them as terribly funny... the idea that there could be intelligent humanoid, human-aliens in our midst.

It might sound nuts, but if these humanoid-aliens actually exist, we need to consider the very real possibility they have infiltrated all aspects of our society without us even knowing it. They seem to be experts in deception and I think they are remaining hidden for a very good reason, which isn't simply because they don't want to interfere with an immature and violent species.

If that were the case they wouldn't be abducting people and subjecting them to horrendous medical procedures or trying to brainwash them with propaganda. One of the most common experiences reported by abductees is a situation where the beings show the abductee images of an Earth devastated by fires, floods, quakes, volcanic eruptions, and every other natural disaster.

They are also told human activity is what causes it unless we are able to change our ways. At first glance this may seem like these beings actually care about us and our planet and they only have the best of intentions. However, it strikes me as fearmongering propaganda, even more outrageous than some of the crap spouted by the MSM, with little basis in real science.

Here's another quote from that old lecture:

Having spoken about the cataclysms, having spoken about the Earth changes, the quakes, the volcanoes. I'm talking about wide spread mass, insurrections, panic, famines, floods, all of it.

Some of the words he chose to use stand out to me, particularly insurrections, that seems awfully specific, unless he's using the word in a different way than I'm assuming. The predictions being made feel to me less like a warning of what could happen and more like a warning of things that certainly will happen, because they need to happen for some agenda to unfold.

The younger generations are constantly being taught to be anti-human, self-hating, self-loathing, depressed, nihilistic, hopeless, uninspired, unoriginal, and generally have a negative outlook for our future. And who is primarily responsible for pushing this anti-human world view onto young people? It's the elite, globalists, world leaders, the most powerful people on this planet.

Perhaps I sound like a crackpot, but I've put forward many seemingly outrageous ideas which later turned out to be true. Those with real power clearly don't want our species to advance too rapidly, despite the fact it would generate more wealth for them and increase living standards for everyone. They are clearly willing to inflict mass suffering to achieve their goal, and it's pure evil.

Related thread: Reject the globalist plans for manufactured austerity
edit on 30/7/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:43 PM
Sorry to tell you, but the real Aliens are from Mount Tai. It's one of the five Sacred Mountains of China. Ever wonder why people worship it.

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for that grand insight.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: musicismagic

Thank you for that grand insight.

You are most welcome.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

That's some good out-of-the-box thinking! I don't favor the idea of alien overlords but I really enjoyed your theory!

S & F

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:26 AM
I have a question... who is disclosing what exactly, slowly or otherwise? I've heard endless stories of disclosure since 1969. But just stories. Still no aliens.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:34 AM
I'm skeptical about this claim, aliens working with governments to achieve a globalist dystopian agenda?
I don't see why they would bother? The 1% are behind 99% of the crap happening in the world and it's all about control.
They want total control as they not only fear us , they also despise us (like any narcissist would )

The reason we are purposely being held back is again about control. A narcissist doesn't want their partner to hold a job, be in contact with loved ones, thrive , be happy , be independent, be healthy etc. They want misery and a caged animal basically.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Why exactly would all the images of the disasters on Earth be a future prediction? They could just as easily be the history of why they left at the end of the previous civilization. Perhaps it is cyclical.

edit on 31-7-2023 by beyondknowledge2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
It appears we are finally reaching a point in history where the truth about UFOs/UAPs is being slowly revealed to the public through a slow organised disclosure campaign, even though it seems like some powerful people are still trying to prevent it.
I usually like your posts my friend and you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I'm not seeing any truth. I'm hearing a lot of stories and not seeing any evidence.

Whatever else is going on, there's no doubt the rich and powerful have their own agenda, but I'm not seeing that it has anything to do with aliens, except in a few cases like Robert Bigelow who seems to be a "true believer", maybe.

In fact the so-called whistleblower Grush seems to avoid using the word "aliens" and says things like non-human biologic, so I still haven't figured out what he's getting at with that but it doesn't really matter until there's some kind of evidence of what he's talking about.

I know you're a thoughtful person so maybe you could give some thought to these 5 red flags:

Top 5 red flags with UFO whistleblower story

So I hope you won't be too disappointed when no disclosure comes, because I'm afraid I'm seeing the merit in those red flags, which means we aren't really seeing any disclosure.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
I'm skeptical about this claim, aliens working with governments to achieve a globalist dystopian agenda?
I don't see why they would bother? The 1% are behind 99% of the crap happening in the world and it's all about control.
They want total control as they not only fear us , they also despise us (like any narcissist would )

I tend to agree that there's enough narcissistic humans to carry out this anti-human agenda without help from aliens. That was my assumption when I wrote that thread about rejecting the globalist plans for manufactured austerity. However, if we discover that human-like "aliens" actually exist, which all the evidence is pointing to, then it seems very unlikely they haven't already infiltrated different aspects of our society. It helps explain why they have kept their presence hidden from us.

I don't necessarily think our government knowingly works with them, they most likely infiltrated government while pretending to be totally normal humans. Having said that, if they are like humans, that means there are "good" and "evil" aliens, it's not a simple black and white issue. However, the ones which have the most power over our society certainly seem to be evil and uncaring about the average human existence, much like an anti-human Marxist or environmentalist. These beings might even believe their outlook on humans is justified in the same way.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Why exactly would all the images of the disasters on Earth be a future prediction?

Well because the "aliens" literally tell the abductee it's a future Earth. Read almost any book about abductions and you will find that same thing being reported by an abductee. If they were from a distant star system I highly doubt they would care so much about the health of our planet.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Sounds like you're reading from the script of They Live.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

That's as good a theory as anything else out there. Maybe Grusch is one of these human-like Aliens...and Musk. Both seem highly intelligent beyond human capability...and they talk funny.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Or this one.

Wasn't there some conspiracy about why they canned the remake?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

I usually like your posts my friend and you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I'm not seeing any truth. I'm hearing a lot of stories and not seeing any evidence.

Sorry to tell you but I don't think we'll be getting any hard evidence in the short term. Maybe in a couple of years when they decide to get more serious with disclosure, but for now I think they're trying to warm people up to the idea of aliens before they start revealing any proof. I understand that some people will not buy into the alien narrative until there's hard proof, and that's totally fine. In fact I would recommend that approach to the subject.

However, I've been researching this subject for a very long time, and I've read way too much corroborating information from highy respected individuals to ignore all of it. Before now my belief in aliens and abduction stories wasn't 100%, it was more like 70% confidence. But it now seems like the government is taking the UFO issue very seriously, and after reading the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023, my confidence in the existence of "aliens" has risen to 90%.

I've also spent a lot of time studying body language and tells that a person is lying, because I've seen way too many hoaxes to believe anything at face value. Even without hard evidence I can be fairly confident there is an "alien" presence on and/or around Earth. The theory I present here is simply a logical conclusion extrapolating from what we already know. And I can almost guarantee if there is a human-like species visiting Earth, the conclusions I have reached are correct, the peices all fit together.

I would also point out that almost every abduction story I have ever read involves a so called "hybrid program" where they create human-alien hybrids. Some abductees even report having sexual relations with such hybrids, they are so much like us such relationships can even produce hybrid offspring. So we have to ask, why are they trying to produce hybrids which look so close to a typical human, that should raise all sorts of red flags.

In fact the so-called whistleblower Grush seems to avoid using the word "aliens" and says things like non-human biologic, so I still haven't figured out what he's getting at with that but it doesn't really matter until there's some kind of evidence of what he's talking about.

It sounds to me like he's witholding knowledge about the nature of these beings, in particular I believe he is referring to the idea that the Grey's seem to be genetically engineered beings but they do share some DNA with humans. I have recently seen that theory corroborated by several different leakers and whistleblowers. I would suggest reading a thread I recently wrote where I did an analysis of the EBO post, which dives very deep into the genetics and physiology of the short Grey species, and how they are genetically related to humans. The term non-Human is technically correct but it's misleading in that it suggests they are extraterrestrials from another star system, and I've already written multiple threads explaining why that is extremely unlikely.

I know you're a thoughtful person so maybe you could give some thought to these 5 red flags:

The main arguments in that video seem to be that there is no hard evidence, which I have already addressed, and that Grush wouldn't take that reporters calls. He probably had a short predefined list of news outlets he would do an interview with, plus he probably had restrictions placed on what he could say and who he could talk to, especially after he started having discussions with Congress. I don't fully trust the guy, his body language suggests he's hiding something, but that could simply be because he has to be very careful about what he says, and he can't reveal certain things.
edit on 31/7/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Yeah that did occur to me, except I don't think the aliens are weird reptilians or inectoids, it's more likely they look and even think much like we do. At least those aliens which have integrated into our society, assuming this theory is correct. I'm not totally convinced it's correct, but the more I think about it, the more I fear it could be true.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 04:05 AM
I said it a few times here on ATS since 2020. That nothing that happens makes sense anymore except aliens are changing the earth to their belongings, getting slowly rid of too many people on earth because they need the space for themselves, changing the climate to their belongings and tell us it´s a man made climate change that will kill anybody of us anyway and so on and on.

I said that maybe these "philanthropes" are aliens, disguised as humans. I mean, look at them a bit closer and longer, at all these Musks and Zucks and Gates etc, i wouldn´t wonder if they are "space-aliens in DNA-costumes", send from the ship right behind the sun. That is parked there since a few centuries to prepare the silent invasion of earth with and for it´s passengers.

And i also asked if we need some special sun glasses or some special contact lenses to see their real shape.

Because, everything else the "leaders" on earth do makes absolutely no sense anymore, especially since 2020. It´s like they are programmed to harm mankind in the worst ways( but somehow get paid good for it, with whatever and by whomsoever).

We need some of these special sun glasses because i really want to desperately see how these aliens look without their costumes....

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
I'm skeptical about this claim, aliens working with governments to achieve a globalist dystopian agenda?
I don't see why they would bother? The 1% are behind 99% of the crap happening in the world and it's all about control.
They want total control as they not only fear us , they also despise us (like any narcissist would )

The reason we are purposely being held back is again about control. A narcissist doesn't want their partner to hold a job, be in contact with loved ones, thrive , be happy , be independent, be healthy etc. They want misery and a caged animal basically.

What makes you think these governments / leaders are human? But you are right, it's about control. I would submit that the real question is, what is the end goal of controlling humanity?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The red lag for me in all of this, like you already hinted on, is the replacement energy source. Fusion is away from getting even, by around a factor of 200 currently. Massive amounts of funds are pumped into ITER and other projects.

Role play time, a theoretical scenario:

If I was evil and had to pull off depopulation, it would not happen like most think, in a big event. Reasons. I would want to enjoy the Earth without much pollution and the one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is nuclear facilities and biologic weapons storrages, gas & oil pipelines. But basically anything that could become a problem for me* after there are not enough people to man all these places to keep them running, shut down correct or whatever my energy needs are.

So I would start influencing on these topics and find ways to either force the people giving it up or make them do on their own. I would first prepare such things and build back before, so I do not have to deal with it after the fact. I would lead us on a path away from actual science and bastardize it. Of course I could not interfere in all things that stupid humans # up, like antibiotic resistant bacteria that could be a problem for me. Unless I have since the last 50 years developed my scientists into a complete different direction. Their results are the reason they can't speak up about it. One because no one would believe them when they talk about things like antigravity, advanced space craft etc. Two because I would threaten them after the fact to utilize the technology against them, their families and anyone they ever spoke to.

Families are a unit I don't want to see, too, since family gives my peasants security, a place to teach and unisom. I can't have that because I want everyone to be on the same page under the disguise of unity.

I would want the people to communicate and throw them a bone, so I can know what they think. I would want to know if someone on a conspiracy site doing arbitrary role playing, is spot on.

For all that I need only one thing: Advanced science and deception. Everything else follows, the power to intimidate and force people to do what they want etc.

*In this scenario, we pretend that I want to have an intact nature and not disaster everywhere else, except my island.

Role play out.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: ChaoticOrderFusion is away from getting even, by around a factor of 200 currently.

It's hard to keep up, it seems. But no.

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