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Historic Deception - US Gov UFO Investigations?

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posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 04:32 PM
Given all the recent hullabaloo in the US regarding the 'UFO threat narrative' (and whatever your thoughts on the agendas behind it) suppose it's always worth looking at the historical context of US Gov UFO investigations to see if there are any emergent similarities, parallels, patterns in (deceptive) behaviour etc.

Don't know whether they're currently attempting to investigate, sanitize or reset the UFO subject (or even make researching it illegal lol) but whatever the case there definitely looks to be serious attempts at 'rebranding' and 'narrative control' - also think it's fair to say the CIA vs DIA crowd could easily release certain archived material if they really wanted to.

Anyway might be boring for some but there are some relevant quotes and source links below involving UFOs, deception and taxpayer funds - the first example involves the USAF which is ironic as they've really tried to keep themselves backstage during this current production.

Some info below on the largest scientific UFO study ever conducted by the US Gov:

• Bluebook Special Report 14 (BBSR14)

Stanton Friedman exposes how the Secretary of the Air Force blatantly lied to the American public about Battelle Memorial Institute's BBsR14 actual unknown 20% unexplained rate (21.5% out of 3201 cases) which found that 'the better the quality of the sighting report, the more likely it was unexplainable'; that 'UNKNOWNS were observed for longer than KNOWNS' and that less than 2% of reports fell in the hoax category.

USAF attempts to mislead the public on numbers.

This was a good report, but the Air Force deliberately tried to mislead the public. The report actually showed that 21.5% of the sightings were unknowns. However, the first page of the report contains the press release which stated that only 3% percent of the sightings were unknowns. (This only represented reports received in early 1955 and not reports in the actual study which covered 1947-1952.) The Air Force also tried to weight the report by removing astronomical phenomena from the study. This had an effect of showing that known and unknown sightings were more similar (using characteristics such as color, speed, number of objects, aerial maneuvers etc.) However, dropping astronomical phenomena didn't much difference in the outcome of the report, but it illustrates how the Air Force was trying to deceive the public. In other words the Air Force didn't appear to want the public to know the results of there own study of UFOs.

Bluebook Lies


• "The government has manipulated the results scientific studies, such as the one done by Battelle, to show that they found nothing when in fact they did. In other cases it has set up panels that purported to scientifically examine the subject, but instead used them to debunk the phenomena, such as those of Robertson and Condon."

Battelle Researcher Dr. Irena Scott Ph.D.

Report / Video

edit on 29-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 04:34 PM
• Statements on deception within the Robertson UFO Panel:

• "By calling the Robertson Panel a scientific panel we really do an injustice to science itself. It's an insult to science to call the Robertson Panel anything other than an officially sanctioned cover up to put UFOs away from the public."

Researcher Richard Dolan describes the CIA Robertson Panel which led to the implementation of the military wide directive JANAP 146 which made the reporting of UFOs to the American public an act of espionage (fines of up to ten thousand dollars and/or one to ten years in prison).


• "I get so mad when I read this, I am just appalled that any government official reading this kind of report could accept it. It seems to me that any responsible general or politician on reading something like this would demand further explanation."

Researcher John Keel on the full uncensored text of the CIA Robertson UFO Panel.

Video / PDF

• "They were in a very definite mood to debunk.. I would have had about as much chance of coming out and saying that I thought they were all wet as Galileo might have had satisfying or convincing the Inquisitors that the earth moved."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).


• "The Robertson Panel was a device used by the CIA to establish a cover programme (Project Bluebook) that would draw attention away from a covert programme designed to meet the UFO challenge."

Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO).

Video: 36:20 / Thread

• "This memo to the Director of CIA indicates that what would be the recommendation of the Robertson Panel was already determined a year before.. It also shows that CIA estimated current efforts of UFO research insufficient as far as national security is concerned and that the problem must be escalated to higher levels."

Researcher Patrick Gross.


• "I think Ufologists live in their own world and they believe that everybody knows about this panel - the problem is the vast majority of the populace don't."

Researcher Paul Kimball on the CIA Robertson Panel 'disseminating the gospel'.


• "Perhaps that'll take care of the Forteans for a while." 

H.P. Robertson - letter to H. Marshall Chadwell (Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence at the CIA) dated January 20th, 1953.

< br />

• Statements on deception within the Condon UFO Report:

• "The Condon report was a travesty on science."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).


• "You can actually buy the Condon Report, it's like the Kennedy assassination report, it's about 800 pages long, all the data is in there, much of it contradicting what Condon's final conclusion was. Eventually the report was released and at the time, a lot of people forget this, to large scale ridicule by the scientific community."

Researcher Paul Kimball.


• "Specious argumentation, and argumentation of scientifically very weak nature, abound in the Report's case-analyses. And, while broadly charging bias on the part of those who have taken the UFO problem seriously in the past, the Report exhibits degrees of bias in the opposite direction that deserve the sharpest of criticism."

Dr James McDonald -Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona.

• "The opposite conclusion could have been drawn from The Condon Report's content, namely, that a phenomenon with such a high ratio of unexplained cases (about 30 percent) should arouse sufficient scientific curiosity to continue its study.. From a scientific and engineering standpoint, it is unacceptable to simply ignore substantial numbers of unexplained observations.. the only promising approach is a continuing moderate-level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective means.. involving available remote sensing capabilities and certain software changes."

Ronald D. Story - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics UFO Subcommittee - New York: Doubleday, 1980.

Link / Video

• "If we read the report of the Condon Committee closely and ignore Dr. Condon’s conclusion, there is a strong argument for continued intense research.”

Dr. Michael Duggin, US Air Force Research Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base.


• "The Condon report was a political and sociological response to the USAF’s UFO problem."

Dr. Michael Swords -
Condon study review, CUFOS Journal of UFO Studies Volume 6, 1995/1996.

Link: 1 / 2

• "The conclusions were drawn before the check was even signed, and Dr. Edward U. Condon, the chairman, knew what answers the Air Force wanted."

Researcher Kevin Randle.


• "Ivan Sanderson knew Condon and the story was as you know that he was asked to do a 'job' or take the consequences of bring investigated for his past. Whatever the motivation he undoubtedly did a good job for his unseen masters."

Dr. Berthold Schwarz M.D.


• "There was a man who played a very influential role in World War II deceptions, his name was Dr. R. V. Jones. Aside from being the MOD's Director of Scientific Intelligence he was a leading expert in the use of deception, his whole thing was 'how do you fool people?' and he would dream up very elaborate methods of hoodwinking people and steering them away from some things the military did not want people to know about.

Interestingly enough Jones evidently played an important behind the scenes role in planning for the University of Colorado's UFO study by Edward Condon and the Robertson Panel - I think this is a significant fact that has not got a lot of attention in the UFO community so far."

Researcher Terry Hansen.


edit on 29-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 04:40 PM
Not his biggest fan but also thought Alejandro Rojas did a good job going through all the many other official international UFO/OVNI investigative bodies in the vid below.. and reckon the average Joe (if there is such a thing) would be quite surprised about just how many there are.

What many do not know is that France and several South American countries currently have active official government and/or military UFO research organizations. We will examine these organizations, past and present, and the amazing UFO cases that have prompted their creation.

• Relevant quotes from Military Officials regarding UFOs and the US:

• "I think that the Americans practice on the subject much higher efforts of investigation than those of any other country, they practice a deliberated policy and had deliberately orchestrated misinformation. It is total misinformation. What for? Is it the fear to see their supremacy challenged if one day they face a much more advanced external civilization? Is it their concern of keeping potential technological assets to themselves? Or.. or any other explanation, who knows?”

GEIPAN Director Yves Sillard, former Assistant Secretary General for Environmental and Scientific Affairs for NATO. Radio France International Interview - September 29th, 2005.


• "We're interconnecting bilateral meetings to exchange information and have coordination meetings. The most advanced are the Europeans, France, Italy and Spain."

Colonel Julio Vucetich (director of Peru's Department of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research) describes how his country engages in international meetings on UFO information.


• "Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as in the rest of the world.. Look, as a General, as a military man, I have the same position as the one officially held by the Ministry (of Defense). Now, from a personal position, as Carlos Castro Cavero, I believe that UFOs are spaceships or extraterrestrial craft.. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data. Maybe when this group of nations acquire more precise and definite information, it will be possible to release the news to the world.. I myself have observed one (UFO) for more than an hour.. It was an extremely bright object, which remained stationary there for that length of time and then shot off towards Egea de los Caballeros, covering the distance of twenty kilometers in less than two seconds. No human device is capable of such a speed."

General Carlos Castro Cavero, Spanish Air Force - interview with J. J. Benitez, 'La Gaceta del Norte' newspaper, Balboa, Spain, June 27th, 1976.


• "The official conclusion is that the anomalous aerial phenomenon known as unidentified flying objects is real and is present within the controlled airspace and outside the controlled airspace. It is also present in the sea - we have some reports from our navy in that respect. It is present everywhere, and therefore it is necessary to share the information in order to have more background and be able to study it more scientifically, so that we can give real information to the people and not rely on what is shown on TV and in sensationalist media."

Chilean General Ricardo Bermúdez - Director of CEFAA (Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), part of DGAC, Chile's Civil Aviation Agency, equivalent to the U.S. FAA - 'Chile, France and Russia.


• “It is clear that the Pentagon has had, and probably still has, the greatest interest in concealing, as best it can, all of this research, which may, over time, cause the United States to hold a position of great supremacy over terrestrial adversaries, while giving it a considerable response capacity against a possible threat coming from space. Within this context, it is impossible for them to divulge the sources of this research and the goals pursued, because that could immediately point any possible rivals down the most beneficial avenues. Cover-ups and disinformation (both active as well as passive) still remain, under this hypothesis, an absolute necessity. Thus it would appear natural in the minds of U.S. military leaders, secrecy must be maintained as long as possible.”

The Cometa Report discusses the U.S. Government’s historical UFO research. Study carried out by independent group of former 'auditors' at the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense (IHEDN).

Link / Video

More here:

Quotes - Military Officials

edit on 29-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 04:42 PM
Could have posted lots more but don't want to sound like a broken record and saturate the thread - has anyone any thoughts on 'trust' or the current theatrics going on at the moment (promoted by mockingbird media)?

Realize it's a lot of reading but would appreciate some sincere input lol.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I did not mind it, I was reading while you posted and hoped your third post continues :-P.

Something that came to my mind while watching the latest WY files was mind control. The first thing we often think about UFO is the tech that is interesting for military.

In so many UFO cases where witnesses say they either got abducted, experienced thoughts in their head, loss of memory or missing time, hypnosis and mind control. I think this is one of the lesser looked at possibilities this is all about. Sure, tech ensures supremacy, but if you can tell the enemy to no fight and do things for you, that seems almost more valuable than exerting pressure via technical supremacy.

One is brute force, the other is hidden and sneaky.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain

I did not mind it, I was reading while you posted and hoped your third post continues :-P.

Good stuff mate - always seem to hear the 5% 'residue' figure bandied about by debunkers on cheesy TV shows when think it's fair to say the general consensus from official government UFO studies is far more like a conservative 20%.

• Misrepresentation of official unexplained report percentages:

Based upon unreliable and unscientific surmises as data, the Air Force develops elaborate statistical findings which seem impressive to the uninitiated public unschooled in the fallacies of the statistical method. One must conclude that the highly publicized Air Force pronouncements based upon unsound statistics serve merely to misrepresent the true character of the UFO phenomena."

Yale Scientific Magazine (Yale University) Volume XXXVII, Number 7, April 1963

Captain Ruppelt states a 25% unexplained rate in this article.


Dr Hynek also states below that about 20 percent of Bluebook cases could not be explained (great interview).

Historic Film Stock

The Amazing World of Kreskin (1972-1975) Show No. 43

• Researcher Kevin Randle on numbers:

"There are many such cases in the Blue Book files. Cases in which the solutions are simply not borne out of the documentation available. Yet we continue to hear about only 701 unidentified cases when the number is probably closer to 5000 when the solutions are examined carefully and those labeled as insufficient data are included. Insufficient data is not a solution, but is a label other than unidentified"

Project Blue Book Declassified - Really?

• Researcher George Fawcett on numbers:

"I have found there are real objects under in intelligent control being seen on the ground and in our skies worldwide. The unknowns have varied over the decades from 22 percent in my own civilian files, 30 percent in the University of Colorda Condon Committee scientific studies, to at least 40 percent (recently revised) found in the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book military investigations. This is not acceptable, no matter who is doing the investigations"

George Fawcett, UFO researcher (Ronald Story, Encyclopedia)

‘Curious George of UFOs’ devotes 40 years to study'

Also, not to go on about it but there's a 1949 Government document below sent to the Director of Intelligence entitled which it states that only 20% of UFO incidents have been explained.

Title: Unusual Incidents

To: Director of Intelligence, General Staff, U.S. Army

Authors: C. P. Cabell, Major General, USAF, Director of Intelligence, Office of Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations.

Date: February 23, 1949

Length: 1 page.

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Reports that detailed investigations of all UFO incidents reported from June 1946 to date have been conducted and only 20% have been explained. "There is no tangible evidence which would support a theory that any incidents are attributable to activity of a foreign nation. The Air Materiel Command of the USAF is continuing investigations of each unexplained event."


Won't even bother with the Condon report unexplained rate (30% possibly 50%) but probably worth pointing out that the author never investigated even one case and wrote the summary whilst completely neglecting the contents of the report - Stanford University astrophysicist Peter Sturrock also conducted some great work exposing the 'huge disconnecton' between Condon’s conclusions and the actual reports of the scientists who conducted the research and how many of his final summaries were 'variously misleading, false or inaccurate'.

edit on 29-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 05:21 PM
The antics being played out by the government is what Von Braun said would be the final false flag "card", which will lead to the militarization of space and the ushering in of the new world order.

Other governments and civilian companies setting up for space exploration has the US Government very concerned because it is out of their control. There are no alien bodies or craft possessed by the government, its all propaganda to get the public to be in agreement with their agenda when it is launched.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: eManym

We only have the word of woman working with him, not Von Braun himself.

But I agree. Every time disclosure comes up this is first thing that comes to mind.

But I do believe pilots are seeing a lot of something they can’t explain, would not surprise me if this is our tech. We came so far so fast in first half of the 20th century then slowed to a comparative crawl.

I think we have the black triangles, both big and small people are seeing. Don’t know what to think about the cube in a bubble and tick tacs they are seeing.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 06:11 PM
Glad you chime in on this latest assault of our senses. I think we are possibly on the cusp of a reveal or a complete psyop event? Maybe the subject itself UFO, USO, UAP or whatever has has enough and want's to be known. Would explain all the tyranny, wars, lies and corruption and all the hoopla lately.

They no longer want to be hidden and are about to start their great reveal, they themselves I believe want the curtains pulled away. We are living in interesting times and the authors of this domain/world want either two things Retribution or acknowledgment.

I think the tip of the sword of all things has finally now arrived. They will reveal unto us that they are indeed the Progenitors and have been with us all along on this planet living underground and undersea.

They are fighting to get the truth out so to speak. They created religions to pacify us, and they realize it's not going to work for there dominion anymore. They want 'TRUCE"!
edit on 7 29 2023 by Ilikesecrets because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thank you for bringing this information to us K12.

There is no doubt in my mind that somewhere on U.S. soil
secret craft are constructed, maintained and flown.

Also no doubt in my mind that this program is under tight
wraps, and yes the Gubbmint has been very deceptive
with the public about this, as they are with just about
everything else these days.

That said, the testimony about non human remains,
without any evidence leaves us about the same place
we have been for a long time.

If we are on the cusp of creating genetically modified
babies in mass production, imagine what technology
could be used to clone people, grow organs in labs,
so on and so forth in secret underground bases.

Sadly, in the last 10 years the criminal acts of the
intelligence community leave me with no doubt
that if they are creating non humans, it is for a
nefarious purpose.

We have seen enough evidence of the UFO's
secret craft to know they do exist. Now we
are just waiting for the other show to drop.

edit on 29-7-2023 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 07:12 PM
There is pressure from the top of the shadow government to keep this under wraps. It could be because of a secret treaty with the aliens given without the consent of the population.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: karl 12

You mentioned that travesty of Science, the Condon Report and its denial of the legitimacy of the UFO phenomena. Most people have no idea that one of Condon's hires on the project was Carl Sagan, at the time, a fairly newly minted Ph.D. Nor do they know that Sagan was a over-the-top UFO fanatic while an undergrad. Willaim Poundstone in his authorized biography of Sagen details how he was constantly urging his roommate to go out nights looking for UFOs. He was so on-board with the topic that he wrote the US Secretary of State, asking what the government was going to do about the phenomena.

I agree that Sagan brought millions of people around the world into being acquainted with the universe, but he always played both sides of the game. His famous spiel was "Yes, aliens are out there, somewhere, but they are so distant that they can't get here." He knew that the Einsteinian falsehood of SOL physics being the ultimate velocity was incorrect as it did not include the resourcefulness of intelligent beings as we have demonstrated with our inventions that allow us to fly.

I've preached for years that the very antics of UFOs was definite proof that they moved without concerns about gravity, mass and inertia. The F-18 showing of a UFO diving into water and moving at speed without a ripple is about as blatant of
of a show of capability as you can get. Wake up people!

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
There is pressure from the top of the shadow government to keep this under wraps. It could be because of a secret treaty with the aliens given without the consent of the population.

A "surrender"?

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
Given all the recent hullabaloo in the US regarding the 'UFO threat narrative

I always saw it as 'I Don't Need To Know'.

I really don't.

I've never seen one myself.

The Government doesn't need to tell me about it.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: karl 12

there are a few posters here who have been invaluable to the UFO research cause, and you certainly are among them. I'd say most "believers" have been that way for a while, and have already seen all the proof they need to know this is a reality. But the way the government has handled this was so wrong, and so pathetic, they now seek to normalize this, and pretend they didn't ruin people in the past for just telling the truth. Well, they did, and some will never forget it.

So for those in the government who have run this psy-op, there is a special place on my ass for you to kiss.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 10:31 AM
The MSM is controlled indeed by the CIA, but in this case, the MSM and related professionals are tuned in to the absurdity of Grusch's claims and the fact that all of them could have been taken out of commonplace ufo lore and books and doesn’t have to have anything to do with Grusch’s experiences in his job...

But that’s the point, if as is likely, this is a psychological operation on the fragile psyche of the American population, then the exposing of “ whistleblowers” and Elizondo types as pedestrian nonsense plays into the hands of the psyop. And their following also plays into their hands...

They want the message in the psyop to get out of a threat...not really provoke genuine disclosure. So keeping TTSA/Delonge/Elizondo and now Grusch at arm's length or on a short string is a part of this psyop. They, not proven to be blatant liars, part of the psyop, or genuine disclosure vehicles, serves their purpose enormously...

On its face, two elements seem clear to motivate this operation:
The raising and maintenance of the massive defense budget and, two, raising the fear of the threat of UFOs. Which is related to raising the defense budget.

Other valuable secondary motives may be information on how widespread ufo interest is in America and observing the reaction of the population to any genuine( and this likely ain't it) disclosure. And to make ufology look ridiculous in the general population, something that they've always tried to do since the 1953 Robertson panel.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:33 AM
Hi All,

New account log in issues with old one.
I have been reading and posting on here for years.
Seen craft fly between stars and constellations in clear country sky's of one of the southern most points of Australia many times as a young person.

Historical stories and depictions of sky travellers weave through every ancient culture.

Interesting to see how the information flows after the congretional hearing or if disclosure continues .
Or if it is a concerted trail of breadcrumbs to instigate more black budget spending for 'mericas space wars supremacy.

Clearly UAP's capable of flying that fast and jamming flight systems are just playing with our inferior technolodgy.

The "non-human's" could be cyborg AI, or interdemensional travellers
Or possibly the progenitors of human evolution through breading or DNA manipulation.
We are possibly a laughed at reality show in their planet or space station.

Or a sphere on a cats collar and the UAP's are just fleas (M.I.B).

Or they pitty our stupidity and predisposition for planetary destruction.
Our perception of time, the universes existence could be a mere nano second of their day.

It is mind bogging the possibilities of our perceived reality

edit on 30-7-2023 by Psychonaught because: Glitch in the Matrix.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: karl 12

After the George Adamski/CIA UFO misinformation hoax in the answer to David Grusch's latest congressional testimony --- which I believe is a total falsehood --- Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

edit on 30-7-2023 by Erno86 because: typo

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:01 PM
Appreciate the replies and yes think it's fair to say the US Gov (and UK Gov) haven't got the best track record when it comes to telling the truth about this subject (whatever its origin turns out to be) - as for the agencies involved in these current antics I wouldn't trust the CIA (or DIA) to make a sandwich lol.

Lots of other agencies implicated in the UFO mystery over the years from the NSA, NRO, NORAD, the Department Of Energy and Secret Service right through to Britain's DSTI, DI55 and P&SS and not to sound too cynical but I wouldn't trust them to tell the truth to the public either.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Observer19

You mentioned that travesty of Science, the Condon Report and its denial of the legitimacy of the UFO phenomena..

Thanks mate - wasn't aware of that about Sagan and do remember he once penned this article about ET on the moon.

As for the whitewash Condon report, nearly forgot to include this private 'memo' lol.

• "The trick would be to describe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study, but to the scientific community would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer."

Robert Low, Assistant Director of the Condon Committee (and former intelligence officer) - confidential 1966 memo suggesting the 'approach' of the Condon UFO study.

Link: 1 / 2 / 3

Also thought there were some extremely curious connections discussed in this presentation between Klass, Low,.Condon and Menzel (NSA).

edit on 30-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

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