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posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 07:41 PM

HOUR 1 - Series Premiere
9pm 2005-04-13 ALL NEW!
COULD THE END OF DAYS BE NEAR? -- From executive producer Gavin Polone ("Panic Room") and writer/creator David Seltzer ("The Omen") comes "Revelations," a six-hour event series starring Bill Pullman ("Independence Day") as Harvard professor Dr. Richard Massey, an astrophysicist who is certain that all worldly events can be explained by Science. In the series premiere, Dr. Massey is dealing with the tragic murder of his 12-year-old daughter by a maniacal murderer, Isaiah Haden (Michael Massee, "24"), who was captured and imprisoned. After a strange course of events, Massey is challenged by a nun, Sister Josepha Montafiore (Natascha McElhone, "Solaris"), who leads him on a journey through the unfamiliar world of faith. Drawn together by personal tragedy, these unlikely partners -- one who worships God and one who worships Science -- are propelled into a deepening mystery, finding evidence that the world, as predicted by The Book of Revelation, has reached The End of Days. Also starring, Chelsey and Brittney Coyle, Tobin Bell and John Rhys-Davies. TV-14

this could be good...

i will watch it...

will you???

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
this could be good...

i will watch it...

will you???

Im not sure. I mean is it blasphomouse? Taking a book of the bible and turning it into a tv show?

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:26 PM

what about ALL those movies about Christ???

and TV specials

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

what about ALL those movies about Christ???

and TV specials

Well thats different because its about what he did, but this is about a prophecy.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 09:37 PM
a prophecy it is...

but it is my favorite book in the bible...

check ATS...

these prophecies could / are comming true now...

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
a prophecy it is...

but it is my favorite book in the bible...

check ATS...

these prophecies could / are comming true now...

Hey for all we know the person who started this show could be the anti christ

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 11:05 PM
Hub & I will deff watch it... it looks very Cathoilc oriented, but than again only good movies about exorcism, revelation, Doomsdaye and so on are ususally oriented ... im sure it will be cool..........

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 05:18 PM
it is on tonight at 9:00 PM (EST) ON NBC...

just a warning...

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:32 PM
Well that was kinda weird.

That part where he was trying to debunk the plagues: Evan if thats true then how do you explain them all happening at the exact time the hebrews needed it? And all the water was turned to blood not just in the ocean. clearly a higher power was at work. Evan if that higher power used science.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:39 PM
I'm still not quite sure what exactly is going on and it does seem to very Catholic-centric, but I'll watch again...

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:46 PM
I dont see anything wrong with making movies about the Bible.......
The thing I do see wrong is HOW will it be potrayed.....
Many times in every day movies or what have ......have some sort of influence of Biblical meaning.....

Many people become sort of like''brainwashed'' into thinking that , that is how the end of times will be(talking about the series''Revelation'' which I have not heard of before reading this post.....
Many have no true knowledge of what Scripture says and will base their facts by some movie......
This is where many will be fooled .........this has happened many times with many programs and movies ....

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:12 PM
I swear... if that Baby is Jesus I am gonna have a cow.

I really don't see how they plan on fitting 7 years into 5 more parts, especially since the next part seems to take place at the same time. Are they really gonna make a 7 year old be Jesus or the Anti-Christ?

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 06:42 AM
Anyone remember "Miracles"? It was out about 2 years ago. They only ran like 6 episodes but I was strangely addicted to it. I never did find out the what the dilly was on it.

My fav. book is Revelation. This looks interesting, I'd like to see it but have too many commitments in the evenings these days. I'd still like to hear about what everyone thinks.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 08:52 PM
I caught up on Sci Fi Friday repeat, but will try to switch to Wed NBC schedule now.

Last season of Enterprise on Friday ya know.

It's a good mini-series so far. Very 24/BSG.
The conflict for me of course being, um, doesn't the Church want the End of Days? So how can there be a resolution?

Yay! We stopped Christ's return!!! Stupid.

Though "hot nuns" wearing makeup are a pet peeve of mine too. The nun character should be at least a senior citizen to have her accolades and credentials in the RCC.

Not a sweet young thang just shy of 30 playing a tense opposite to Pullman's atheist.

Reminds me of the Stigmata plot.

The Sci Fi Original "Revelations" from a few years ago with Knights Templar, Illuminati, Bible Code, Second Coming, etc. was mo better.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 05:57 PM
That show was complete and total bs. First, no proof the plagues happened. Second, there was studies done, and a super volcano may be the explanation, like Krakatoa but bigger.

Third, wtf? This show was basically "Give me money or you go to HELL!!!! Give me your 6 year old boy or you go to HELL!!!!! If you even think for yourself YOU GO TO HELL!!!!! Atheists are evil, they coming to eat your babies, vote republican." So sad the church is resorting to these kind of tactics to threaten people.

Fourth, got any bleach? I need to clean my brain, that show sucks. It was one step away from Sean Hannity and Dick Cheney going on tv and yelling "Liberals are satan!!!! Kill anyone who didn't vote for Bush!!!!! Come on you holy christians, do you want those evil satanist liberals eating your babies? Then kill them all to make sure us holy blessed republicans stay in power!!!!! We support the church, we want bull# taught in school as fact, kill athiests! They gonna eat your babies if you don't." Wait, they did do that with this show....

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
That show was complete and total bs. First, no proof the plagues happened. Second, there was studies done, and a super volcano may be the explanation, like Krakatoa but bigger.

Third, wtf? This show was basically "Give me money or you go to HELL!!!! Give me your 6 year old boy or you go to HELL!!!!! If you even think for yourself YOU GO TO HELL!!!!! Atheists are evil, they coming to eat your babies, vote republican." So sad the church is resorting to these kind of tactics to threaten people.
Take it with a grain of salt. It wasn't that bad really for fiction, at least I found the concept entertaining and the plot being purely fictional licence from another fictional account, the writers managed to pull off a cheap rendition of the 7th sign.

A show like this is necessary for the Christian churches in today's society, even if it means employing the author of the Omen for assistance, for they have lost ground for the last three years in terms of population ratios, and need to find some way to scare the gullible back into the fold.

There would not be much of a recruitment after all if Revelations with an empasized 's' reflected the crux of Revelation as it pertained to the events of 1900 years ago and the mental instability of its author, instead of an imagined event in the future which is intended to prey on the mental instabilty of todays target audience.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 02:30 PM
Ok, so we have to allow bs on tv, but any show that evens hints at something the church doesn't support you get Christian Family Values whining to the FCC that the show is evil and corrupting children. But isn't this show corrupting children? Scaring them into doing something they don't want to do but feel they must do or else they gonna get it from someone? That show was just so wrong, you can't have a titty on tv but you can have something that came from the same people that have been raping children for past 40 years that we know of. Some show on fox is evil for they have whip cream contest, but a show that is basically "go and kill the jews, athiests, arabs, indians, and anyone else who doesn't worship us" is a-ok?

I hate hypocracy, no matter who does it, even more when they say they do it because the other side does it when the other side doesn't. Even if the other side did, if it is evil for them, it is evil for you, two wrongs don't make a right. Whats next? "Allah and Us" a show where it all about making bombs and blowing up jews? Wait, can't have that, that is wrong, but the christian version is a-ok. Why isn't this show on channel 6 or channel 68?(was 61, but now 68) They could have it after "The Evils of Harry Potter" is on.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 11:18 PM
I havent seen one episode of this ... i thought it would get my attention more.... but right now we are also doing our radio show ...and off course ..."Revelations" is second plan

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:50 AM
Not sure how many parts in this, but moving a little slow so far...

Just once I'd like to see a LITERAL portrayal of the apocalypse on tv/ THAT would be pretty damn cool.... YOU imagine an 8 foot tall angel with eyes of white, flam all around and for hair, with a sword for a tongue, and hideous beasts cowering at thrones, human-headed locusts swarming over the Earth, etc. Now THATS some scary #, hehe....

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:55 AM
After the fourth time I saw episode one of this miniseries between NBC and Sci Fi, I started thinking the hiply apocolyptic end of the world genre has gone too far.

This is really screwing up a generation of kids.

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