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Australian celebrity chef bans all vegans from his restaurant!

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posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:35 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:45 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

To save you the time

Human beings are the top predators on the planet. People are omnivores, meaning we are consumers who eat vegetation (such as onions or tomato sauce), meats (such as pepperoni or sausage), other animal products (such as cheese), and other organisms (such as mushroom fungi.

When I asked you if we are not omnivores anymore you said

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

A baseless claim (we're not omnivores anymore) easily refuted by a grade9 student.

Want to try again to answer the question?
edit on 14-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Your claims we're not omnivores anymore are just flawed and lack any scientific substance. You think because there are vegans around human nature has changed?

Jesus! I never once said we are not omnivores anymore! I said that some people happily choose not to! There is a huge difference here!

See, that is the good thing about the eorld today! People have a choice to live their life they want go live!

If you want to eat meat, then wat meat! If you want to not eat meat, then dont eat meat!

Why do you care so much about sn individuals choice that does not affect you in any way, shape or form? Thst is ehat I am trying to get my head round, and to me, it's just odd!

It's the same as claiming human nature has changed because there is a tiny minority of people who don't want to have sex and reproduce. It's just a bogus claim as the one you made 

It's not a bogus claim! They are still individuals who have made a choice to not go with their human nature and reproduce! So is that bad, or is it just their choice?

How do yoh feel about gay people? I am really interested in knowing this!

Supplements are not substitutes for a balanced diet. It's says on the supplements if you read the labels.

Yet they are given out in the medical field to people who lack certain nutrition. Why is that? If what you are saying is true, then millions of vegans would be having huge health issues! Why are we not seeing this?

Why are vegans who have been vegan for decades perfectly healthy and fit?

What you are saying makes no sense at all!🤣🤣🤣

You have proved nothing of what you've claimed but you're now making it obvious you deny human nature because there is a tiny proportion of people who chose not to eat meat/fish.

There you go again, completley ignoring all my points snd saying the same stuff over and over!

And once again! Are people who do not have children denying their human nature, and is it wrong?

Are gay people denying their human nature, and is wrong?

Is thst what you are saying? Or is it just the things you do not agree with?

You need to prove humans are not omnivores not just stated it as if it's a fact.

I do not have to prove anything, but the fact we have vegans who have been vegan for decades, and are healthy, pretty much says it all!

And again, who bloody cares! Why are you obsessed with what people eat! It has nothing to do with you, and does not affect you in anyway!

It's just odd!

To save you the time

Human beings are the top predators on the planet. People are omnivores, meaning we are consumers who eat vegetation (such as onions or tomato sauce), meats (such as pepperoni or sausage), other animal products (such as cheese), and other organisms (such as mushroom fungi.

Jesus christ! It's like talking to a brick bloody wall!
Human nature is for humans to reproduce! So you must be against gay people right, and they must be wrong right!

Let me give you a good example on human nature!

(CNN)Researchers have captured the moment when a livelong vegetarian broke rank to eat meat -- and what made it all the more "horrifying" was that it was a tortoise.

Scientists captured the moment on video when a Seychelles giant tortoise -- previously thought to be vegetarian -- attacked and ate a tern chick in what they say is the first documentation of deliberate hunting in any wild tortoise species.

"This is completely unexpected behaviour and has never been seen before in wild tortoises," Justin Gerlach, director of studies at Peterhouse, Cambridge and affiliated researcher at the University of Cambridge's Museum of Zoology, said in a statement Monday.

See, its not sll clear cut! And the nature of sll things change depending on the environment! The fact that vegans can live long healthy lives means who bloody cares! Why do you care so much about what people eat! It does not affect you in any way!

It's just plain weird!

When I asked you if we are not omnivores anymore you said

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

A baseless claim (we're not omnivores anymore) easily refuted by a grade9 student.

Want to try again to answer the question?

Seriously, yoh have to stop lying! I never once said that humans are not omnivores anymore! Stop putting words in my mouth! I said people can choose not to be, and it's their bloody choice!

This is just odd now!

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 06:07 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

Your claims we're not omnivores anymore are just flawed and lack any scientific substance. You think because there are vegans around human nature has changed?

Jesus! I never once said we are not omnivores anymore! I said that some people happily choose not to! There is a huge difference here!

See, that is the good thing about the eorld today! People have a choice to live their life they want go live!

If you want to eat meat, then wat meat! If you want to not eat meat, then dont eat meat!

Why do you care so much about sn individuals choice that does not affect you in any way, shape or form? Thst is ehat I am trying to get my head round, and to me, it's just odd!

It's the same as claiming human nature has changed because there is a tiny minority of people who don't want to have sex and reproduce. It's just a bogus claim as the one you made 

It's not a bogus claim! They are still individuals who have made a choice to not go with their human nature and reproduce! So is that bad, or is it just their choice?

How do yoh feel about gay people? I am really interested in knowing this!

Supplements are not substitutes for a balanced diet. It's says on the supplements if you read the labels.

Yet they are given out in the medical field to people who lack certain nutrition. Why is that? If what you are saying is true, then millions of vegans would be having huge health issues! Why are we not seeing this?

Why are vegans who have been vegan for decades perfectly healthy and fit?

What you are saying makes no sense at all!🤣🤣🤣

You have proved nothing of what you've claimed but you're now making it obvious you deny human nature because there is a tiny proportion of people who chose not to eat meat/fish.

There you go again, completley ignoring all my points snd saying the same stuff over and over!

And once again! Are people who do not have children denying their human nature, and is it wrong?

Are gay people denying their human nature, and is wrong?

Is thst what you are saying? Or is it just the things you do not agree with?

You need to prove humans are not omnivores not just stated it as if it's a fact.

I do not have to prove anything, but the fact we have vegans who have been vegan for decades, and are healthy, pretty much says it all!

And again, who bloody cares! Why are you obsessed with what people eat! It has nothing to do with you, and does not affect you in anyway!

It's just odd!

To save you the time

Human beings are the top predators on the planet. People are omnivores, meaning we are consumers who eat vegetation (such as onions or tomato sauce), meats (such as pepperoni or sausage), other animal products (such as cheese), and other organisms (such as mushroom fungi.

Jesus christ! It's like talking to a brick bloody wall!
Human nature is for humans to reproduce! So you must be against gay people right, and they must be wrong right!

Let me give you a good example on human nature!

(CNN)Researchers have captured the moment when a livelong vegetarian broke rank to eat meat -- and what made it all the more "horrifying" was that it was a tortoise.

Scientists captured the moment on video when a Seychelles giant tortoise -- previously thought to be vegetarian -- attacked and ate a tern chick in what they say is the first documentation of deliberate hunting in any wild tortoise species.

"This is completely unexpected behaviour and has never been seen before in wild tortoises," Justin Gerlach, director of studies at Peterhouse, Cambridge and affiliated researcher at the University of Cambridge's Museum of Zoology, said in a statement Monday.

See, its not sll clear cut! And the nature of sll things change depending on the environment! The fact that vegans can live long healthy lives means who bloody cares! Why do you care so much about what people eat! It does not affect you in any way!

It's just plain weird!

When I asked you if we are not omnivores anymore you said

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

A baseless claim (we're not omnivores anymore) easily refuted by a grade9 student.

Want to try again to answer the question?

Seriously, yoh have to stop lying! I never once said that humans are not omnivores anymore! Stop putting words in my mouth! I said people can choose not to be, and it's their bloody choice!

This is just odd now!

Your example featuring the tortoise has nothing to do with what we discuss. The fact that humans are omnivores.

I forgot to point out where is it you made your claims. It's page 5

My question: Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

Somehow our nature has change because there are millions of people around the world who don't eat meat and fish?

You need better arguments and a bit of science in your side to make the claims you're making.

edit on 14-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Of course you did when I asked you if we are not omnivores anymore you said

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

Do you have a short term memory?

Jesus christ! How many bloody times do I have to explain this! Obviously we are not all omnivores because there are millions around the world who are not! And they are doing just fine!

Your example featuring the tortoise has nothing to do with what we discuss. The fact that humans are omnivores.

Are you serious? I brought it up because it was their nature to eat plant life, but suddenly started to eat meat! Which meant they went against their nature right?

I forgot to point out where is it you made your claims. It's page 5

My question: Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

Somehow our nature has change because there are millions of people around the world who don't eat meat and fish?

No! No! Just stop already! It's a choice! Do you get that! People choose to be vegan! People choose yo be vegetarian! People choose to eat meat!

It's the individuals choice, and for some strange, and very odd reason, you just cannot except this fact that people are different to you!

Do you seriously not see this?

You need better arguments and a bit of science in your side to make the claims you're making

One more time! I have said this a few times, and you have completley ignored it! There are vegans out there that have been began for decades!

Where is the evidence that they are slowing wasting away and its unhealthy having a vegan diet with the right nutrition supplements?

Can you post the evidence?

I can post some studies thst show the benefits of s vegan diet!" target="_blank" class="postlink">liveScience

Brooke Jacob, a registered dietitian and program manager with ChristianaCare says: “Vegan diets have been linked to the reduction of risk for multiple chronic health conditions associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Due to its potential disease prevention links, it is not surprising that vegans may live longer, as following a vegan diet is linked to reduced occurrence of chronic disease. However, more research is needed to definitively conclude that vegans live longer than non-vegans.”

One study from JAMA Internal Medicine Journal found that vegans have a 9% lower risk of death from all causes compared with omnivores, and another study from that same source suggests as high as 12%. However, a study from the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that although veganism can lower rates of certain chronic diseases, it was inconclusive as to whether this translated to an impact on mortality. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible, but it has yet to be proven with further evidence.

Anecdotally, it seems that there are plenty of vegans who stay spry and healthy much longer than average, and there are a few reasons why this might be. While eating a healthy diet overall helps, there are other lifestyle habits that are more present in health-conscious individuals, which might be more prevalent in the vegan community. Eating whole foods, exercising, drinking enough water, along with other important health habits are common among vegans, especially those who focus on health as the primary motivator for their plant-based lifestyle.

The key piece of the puzzle with all diets is to stick with a good variation of the foods you consume,” says Jacob. “That way, you ensure that you get a variety of nutrients to help meet your needs. Consuming a vegan diet that offers a cornucopia of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts will help you maintain optimal nutrition. It’s also wise to consider adding proper supplements to the diet, and to ensure that you meet your iron, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D needs, depending on what foods you choose not to consume.”

Again, how do you feel about gay people going against human nature? Are they wrong?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

Of course you did when I asked you if we are not omnivores anymore you said

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

Do you have a short term memory?

Jesus christ! How many bloody times do I have to explain this! Obviously we are not all omnivores because there are millions around the world who are not! And they are doing just fine!

Your example featuring the tortoise has nothing to do with what we discuss. The fact that humans are omnivores.

Are you serious? I brought it up because it was their nature to eat plant life, but suddenly started to eat meat! Which meant they went against their nature right?

I forgot to point out where is it you made your claims. It's page 5

My question: Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect you?

Somehow our nature has change because there are millions of people around the world who don't eat meat and fish?

No! No! Just stop already! It's a choice! Do you get that! People choose to be vegan! People choose yo be vegetarian! People choose to eat meat!

It's the individuals choice, and for some strange, and very odd reason, you just cannot except this fact that people are different to you!

Do you seriously not see this?

You need better arguments and a bit of science in your side to make the claims you're making

One more time! I have said this a few times, and you have completley ignored it! There are vegans out there that have been began for decades!

Where is the evidence that they are slowing wasting away and its unhealthy having a vegan diet with the right nutrition supplements?

Can you post the evidence?

I can post some studies thst show the benefits of s vegan diet!" target="_blank" class="postlink">liveScience

Brooke Jacob, a registered dietitian and program manager with ChristianaCare says: “Vegan diets have been linked to the reduction of risk for multiple chronic health conditions associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Due to its potential disease prevention links, it is not surprising that vegans may live longer, as following a vegan diet is linked to reduced occurrence of chronic disease. However, more research is needed to definitively conclude that vegans live longer than non-vegans.”

One study from JAMA Internal Medicine Journal found that vegans have a 9% lower risk of death from all causes compared with omnivores, and another study from that same source suggests as high as 12%. However, a study from the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that although veganism can lower rates of certain chronic diseases, it was inconclusive as to whether this translated to an impact on mortality. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible, but it has yet to be proven with further evidence.

Anecdotally, it seems that there are plenty of vegans who stay spry and healthy much longer than average, and there are a few reasons why this might be. While eating a healthy diet overall helps, there are other lifestyle habits that are more present in health-conscious individuals, which might be more prevalent in the vegan community. Eating whole foods, exercising, drinking enough water, along with other important health habits are common among vegans, especially those who focus on health as the primary motivator for their plant-based lifestyle.

The key piece of the puzzle with all diets is to stick with a good variation of the foods you consume,” says Jacob. “That way, you ensure that you get a variety of nutrients to help meet your needs. Consuming a vegan diet that offers a cornucopia of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts will help you maintain optimal nutrition. It’s also wise to consider adding proper supplements to the diet, and to ensure that you meet your iron, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D needs, depending on what foods you choose not to consume.”

Again, how do you feel about gay people going against human nature? Are they wrong?

Now you have shifted your argument not all of us are omnivores! Shifting the goalposts but still humans by nature are omnivores regardless of these bogus claims.

Remember my question
Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer to my question

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

You're going from one bogus claim to another. From we are not omnivores anymore to we are not all omnivores. Just shows what happens when there is no scientific basis on the claims made. But as I told you even a grade9 student can refute your arguments.

Humans are Omnivores – Evidence
Last updated on July 28th, 2021

A number of popular myths about vegetarianism sprung with no scientific basis. One example of such a myth is that man is naturally a vegetarian. And the rationale is that the human body resembles plant-eaters and not carnivores.

But as a matter of fact, humans are omnivores. We may eat meat or plant foods. Anatomist and primatologist and a vegetarian and a Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society, Dr. McArdle, debunk the theory of man being only a plant-eater.

Humans re classified as omnivores.
It's so simple despite the mental gymnastics you're trying.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Now you have shifted your argument not all of us are omnivores! Shifting the goalposts but still humans by nature are omnivores regardless of these bogus claims.

Remember my question
Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer to my question

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

This is getting embarrassing now! My comment was you saying we are all omnivores, and I said Obviously not because there are over 88 million vegans in the world!

Which mean its a choice! Every individual has a choice! If domeone who has been vegan for the last 30/40 years, are obviously not omnivores!

It's a choice!

You're going from one bogus claim to another. From we are not omnivores anymore to we are not all omnivores. Just shows what happens when there is no scientific basis on the claims made. But as I told you even a grade9 student can refute your arguments.

I am not going from one bogus claim to another! J do not mind a debate, but stop lying about what I said or putting words in my mouth!

I do not care xbout scientic basis! As individuals, it's out choice what we eat! And as I have proven already, we have vegans who have been vegans for 30/40 years, with no problems at all! So, if they have no problems, what is the issue here?

Why are you so bothered about people's choices thst do not affect you in anyway?

Humans re classified as omnivores.
It's so simple despite the mental gymnastics you're trying.

That is because the majority of people do, hence the reason we are classed as omnivores, bug not everyone is!. But it's also been showed thst people can lead a healthy long life as a vegan!

And if they are happy with that, then what is your issue here!

Again! How do you feel about gay people going against human nature? Why are you dodging this question?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

Now you have shifted your argument not all of us are omnivores! Shifting the goalposts but still humans by nature are omnivores regardless of these bogus claims.

Remember my question
Are we not omnivores anymore?

Your answer to my question

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

This is getting embarrassing now! My comment was you saying we are all omnivores, and I said Obviously not because there are over 88 million vegans in the world!

Which mean its a choice! Every individual has a choice! If domeone who has been vegan for the last 30/40 years, are obviously not omnivores!

It's a choice!

You're going from one bogus claim to another. From we are not omnivores anymore to we are not all omnivores. Just shows what happens when there is no scientific basis on the claims made. But as I told you even a grade9 student can refute your arguments.

I am not going from one bogus claim to another! J do not mind a debate, but stop lying about what I said or putting words in my mouth!

I do not care xbout scientic basis! As individuals, it's out choice what we eat! And as I have proven already, we have vegans who have been vegans for 30/40 years, with no problems at all! So, if they have no problems, what is the issue here?

Why are you so bothered about people's choices thst do not affect you in anyway?

Humans re classified as omnivores.
It's so simple despite the mental gymnastics you're trying.

That is because the majority of people do, hence the reason we are classed as omnivores, bug not everyone is!. But it's also been showed thst people can lead a healthy long life as a vegan!

And if they are happy with that, then what is your issue here!

Again! How do you feel about gay people going against human nature? Why are you dodging this question?

You may have a memory issue. I didn't say what you claimed I did but my question was straight forward.

"Are we not omnivores anymore?"

Your answer to my question was the following

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

Then you shifted your argument to claim we are not all omnivores from we are not omnivores. Claims that a grade9 student can easily refute.
Basic science says exactly the opposite from what you've saying and refutes your arguments

Humans are Omnivores – Evidence
Last updated on July 28th, 2021

A number of popular myths about vegetarianism sprung with no scientific basis. One example of such a myth is that man is naturally a vegetarian. And the rationale is that the human body resembles plant-eaters and not carnivores.

But as a matter of fact, humans are omnivores. We may eat meat or plant foods. Anatomist and primatologist and a vegetarian and a Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society, Dr. McArdle, debunk the theory of man being only a plant-eater.

Human beings are the top predators on the planet. People are omnivores, meaning we are consumers who eat vegetation (such as onions or tomato sauce), meats (such as pepperoni or sausage), other animal products (such as cheese), and other

You've said you don't care if your arguments have a scientific basis.

At least you're honest about it.

Homosexuality isn't the topic of this discussion and better avoid off topic conversations as the mods said.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

It's not a good tactic to recycle refuted arguments about what humans are, omnivores. Basic science proves you wrong and a school kid can prove you wrong. You need better arguments to go about the vegan movement.

edit on 14-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

You may have a memory issue. I didn't say what you claimed I did but my question was straight forward.

"Are we not omnivores anymore?"

Your answer to my question was the following

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

And I answered! You do not have to be! If we had to be, we would not be getting people who have been vegan for decades! It's not rocket science!

The point is, which goes over your head, is its a person's choice! They do not need to eat meat of fish! Because we had to in the past, does not mean we need to now!

Then you shifted your argument to claim we are not all omnivores from we are not omnivores. Claims that a grade9 student can easily refute.
Basic science says exactly the opposite from what you've saying and refutes your arguments

Again! Either you are lying on purpose, or you are not reading! I am not changing the argument! I have said the same thing all through this thread!

If you live your life eithout food or fish, then you are not a omnivore. If yoh go back to eating meat and fish, then you go back to bring a omnivore! It's simple!

You've said you don't care if your arguments have a scientific basis.

At least you're honest about it.

I did not say my arguments did not have any scientific basis! I said I don't care if they didn't because that is not the point!

The point is, it's the individuals choice! Not your choice! And as you cannot post evidence of all these vegans withering away znd in I'll hell, but I can post studies that have shown that vegans may actually live longer than meat eaters, I think I have pretty much proved my point!

Homosexuality isn't the topic of this discussion and better avoid off topic conversations as the mods said.

Has everything to do with it, because by your logic, homosexuality goes against our human instict to produce right?

So what are your thoughts on gay people?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

It's not a good tactic to recycle refuted arguments about what humans are, omnivores. Basic science prices you wrong and a school kid can prove you wrong. You need better arguments to go about the vegan movement.

You have proved sbsolutley nothing! I have proved with actual studies that bring vegan can actually add yo your lifespan! I have proven not sll people are omnivore. If someone is not eating meat or fish, then obviously they are not!

Oh the vegan movement! This just gets better and better!

I think I know why you are dodging the homosexuality question! And I think you know too!

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

You may have a memory issue. I didn't say what you claimed I did but my question was straight forward.

"Are we not omnivores anymore?"

Your answer to my question was the following

Obviously not, because there are millions of people around the world who do not eat meat of fish! Amd are happy not to do so, so what is the problem here? How does this affect

And I answered! You do not have to be! If we had to be, we would not be getting people who have been vegan for decades! It's not rocket science!

The point is, which goes over your head, is its a person's choice! They do not need to eat meat of fish! Because we had to in the past, does not mean we need to now!

Then you shifted your argument to claim we are not all omnivores from we are not omnivores. Claims that a grade9 student can easily refute.
Basic science says exactly the opposite from what you've saying and refutes your arguments

Again! Either you are lying on purpose, or you are not reading! I am not changing the argument! I have said the same thing all through this thread!

If you live your life eithout food or fish, then you are not a omnivore. If yoh go back to eating meat and fish, then you go back to bring a omnivore! It's simple!

You've said you don't care if your arguments have a scientific basis.

At least you're honest about it.

I did not say my arguments did not have any scientific basis! I said I don't care if they didn't because that is not the point!

The point is, it's the individuals choice! Not your choice! And as you cannot post evidence of all these vegans withering away znd in I'll hell, but I can post studies that have shown that vegans may actually live longer than meat eaters, I think I have pretty much proved my point!

Homosexuality isn't the topic of this discussion and better avoid off topic conversations as the mods said.

Has everything to do with it, because by your logic, homosexuality goes against our human instict to produce right?

So what are your thoughts on gay people?

Of course you don't care if your arguments have no scientific basis.

Just because a tiny proportion of humans choose not to eat meat/fish this doesn't make humans herbivores. By nature humans are omnivores

Humans are Omnivores – Evidence
Last updated on July 28th, 2021

A number of popular myths about vegetarianism sprung with no scientific basis. One example of such a myth is that man is naturally a vegetarian. And the rationale is that the human body resembles plant-eaters and not carnivores.

But as a matter of fact, humans are omnivores. We may eat meat or plant foods. Anatomist and primatologist and a vegetarian and a Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society, Dr. McArdle, debunk the theory of man being only a plant-eater.

Human beings are the top predators on the planet. People are omnivores, meaning we are consumers who eat vegetation (such as onions or tomato sauce), meats (such as pepperoni or sausage), other animal products (such as cheese), and other

If you live without eating fish and meat doesn't imply humans are now magically transformed into herbivores. You can do better than recycle this refuted argument.
edit on 14-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

It's not a good tactic to recycle refuted arguments about what humans are, omnivores. Basic science prices you wrong and a school kid can prove you wrong. You need better arguments to go about the vegan movement.

You have proved sbsolutley nothing! I have proved with actual studies that bring vegan can actually add yo your lifespan! I have proven not sll people are omnivore. If someone is not eating meat or fish, then obviously they are not!

Oh the vegan movement! This just gets better and better!

I think I know why you are dodging the homosexuality question! And I think you know too!

Already mentioned it's not a good idea to recycle refuted arguments.

Your arguments lack scientific basis and basic science has proved you wrong. Human are omnivores. Any other claim is just bogus.
edit on 14-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76,included%20both%20animals%20and%20plants.

Evidence of Humans as Omnivores
Archeological Record

As far back as it can be traced, clearly the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.

It's time to admit there is no basis for your beliefs.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

You still haven't understood the main difference between herbivores and omnivores. You keep arguing it's a choice but you haven't taken into account the biological realities and adaptations of different animals.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Already mentioned it's not a good idea to recycle refuted arguments.

Your arguments lack scientific basis and basic science has proved you wrong. Human are omnivores. Any other claim is just bogus.

One more time! Hopefully this will sink in this time! Because humans are naturally omnivores, does not mean you have to be!

Official meaning of omnivores

an animal or person that eats a variety of food of both plant and animal origin.

If you are a vegan, you are not eating a variety of both plant and meat! Which makes them not omnivores!

Just because a tiny proportion of humans choose not to eat meat/fish this doesn't make humans herbivores. By nature humans are omnivores

Stop bloody putting words in my mouth! J never once said humans are omnivores or herbivores! It's a person individual choice what they are!

Stop making out I said humans are not omnivores when not once did I say that because I never generalise! That is what you do!

If you live without eating fish and meat doesn't imply humans are now magically transformed into herbivores. You can do better than recycle this refuted argument

If a human is a on a plant based diet, then they are a herbivore!

Already mentioned it's not a good idea to recycle refuted arguments.

Your arguments lack scientific basis and basic science has proved you wrong. Human are omnivores. Any other claim is just bogus.

Yoh have disputed none of whst I said! How many times in this thread have I said to you that I have answered that already! J have caught you posting saying I said something I did not say, you you are also putting words in my mouth! Znd you keep on doing it, and it's getting annoying now!

Archeological Record

As far back as it can be traced, clearly the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.

It's time to admit there is no basis for your beliefs.

Learn to bloody read! I already mentioned this earlier in the thread about hunter gatherers!

I am thinking you do not read properly!

And why are you ignoring the question zbout homosexuality! You worried your beliefs are so extreme you may get banned?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: JumpTheGun76

You still haven't understood the main difference between herbivores and omnivores. You keep arguing it's a choice but you haven't taken into account the biological realities and adaptations of different animals.

I have explained it, yoh just fo not listen! We are thd most intelligent animal on this planet! Name me another animal that does not eat food for moral reasons?

Can you list any?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: JumpTheGun76
a reply to: AlienBorg

Already mentioned it's not a good idea to recycle refuted arguments.

Your arguments lack scientific basis and basic science has proved you wrong. Human are omnivores. Any other claim is just bogus.

One more time! Hopefully this will sink in this time! Because humans are naturally omnivores, does not mean you have to be!

Official meaning of omnivores

an animal or person that eats a variety of food of both plant and animal origin.

If you are a vegan, you are not eating a variety of both plant and meat! Which makes them not omnivores!

Just because a tiny proportion of humans choose not to eat meat/fish this doesn't make humans herbivores. By nature humans are omnivores

Stop bloody putting words in my mouth! J never once said humans are omnivores or herbivores! It's a person individual choice what they are!

Stop making out I said humans are not omnivores when not once did I say that because I never generalise! That is what you do!

If you live without eating fish and meat doesn't imply humans are now magically transformed into herbivores. You can do better than recycle this refuted argument

If a human is a on a plant based diet, then they are a herbivore!

Already mentioned it's not a good idea to recycle refuted arguments.

Your arguments lack scientific basis and basic science has proved you wrong. Human are omnivores. Any other claim is just bogus.

Yoh have disputed none of whst I said! How many times in this thread have I said to you that I have answered that already! J have caught you posting saying I said something I did not say, you you are also putting words in my mouth! Znd you keep on doing it, and it's getting annoying now!

Archeological Record

As far back as it can be traced, clearly the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.

It's time to admit there is no basis for your beliefs.

Learn to bloody read! I already mentioned this earlier in the thread about hunter gatherers!

I am thinking you do not read properly!

And why are you ignoring the question zbout homosexuality! You worried your beliefs are so extreme you may get banned?

Clearly you dont understand what a herbivore is.

Do some reading before you make the claim if you change your diet you become a herbivore

I ve addressed it before in my reply

You still haven't understood the main difference between herbivores and omnivores. You keep arguing it's a choice but you haven't taken into account the biological realities and adaptations of different animals.

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