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Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face.

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posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by hobo_321
Sleeper, the state of existence and of this universe that you describe seems to have the characteristics of one created by a being. There seem to be alot of "rules" and these sort of rules don't occur naturally. If you can, explain.

Ok then enlighten me Hobo_321 if you want to get back on track. What makes you think this Sleeper is qualified to inform you of his VIEWS and you are willing to take it based on text you see on your screen?

What all of a sudden Sleeper has credibitlity becuase he CLAIMS to be witness to something you have not been able to acheive yourself?

As I said.. it's one thing for someone to post what they experianced and quite another for someone to ask someone of their VIEWS on how the univierse came to be and will be.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:30 PM
I think all three of you are the same person, Wilbert and dgoodpasture are here to add excitement to the thread, while Sleeper is here to create it. And maybe Sleeper and I are the same person. And maybe all four of us are the same person. And maybe....maybe doesn't mean a thing. All you need is a good story teller and some rumors and you can make anything happen. That's why people believe Sleeper and only one other person posting believes you. Because Sleeper has an upperhand. But now what? Now, we must decided out of all these stories which are true and which are not. And just because I believe Sleeper's story and you don't doesnt mean you have to convince me to believe yours.

Maybe in the long run, I'll be shown that his story was wrong and yours was right but until then I'll believe whatever I want.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Shadowshocker163
I think all three of you are the same person, Wilbert and dgoodpasture are here to add excitement to the thread, while Sleeper is here to create it. And maybe Sleeper and I are the same person. And maybe all four of us are the same person. And maybe....maybe doesn't mean a thing. All you need is a good story teller and some rumors and you can make anything happen. That's why people believe Sleeper and only one other person posting believes you. Because Sleeper has an upperhand. But now what? Now, we must decided out of all these stories which are true and which are not. And just because I believe Sleeper's story and you don't doesnt mean you have to convince me to believe yours.

Maybe in the long run, I'll be shown that his story was wrong and yours was right but until then I'll believe whatever I want.

Good to hear you have a brain of your own and will follow your heart and mind to whatever end you wish to take it.

Hope Sleeper can add some episodes of Beavis and Butthead to make it more entertaining.
Because I'm sure aliens have opinions on those programs also which I am eagerly waiting to hear later on.


would call you Beavis and butthead but that’s two people, you are only one----Cybil comes to mind

correct spelling for Beavis and Butthead and added in Sleepers knowledge of the program. I only saw tid bits of this show and hope Sleeper will enlighten me about other episodes I may have missed. I'm sure his knowledge with heaven and hell will be shortly intorduced. Do aliens believe in Hell also as some humans do?


Well I hate to burst your bubble but no one is going to burn in hell for eternity----so that you can play the harp on cloud nine and taunt those evil sinners from above

So what you're saying is if I keep posting for over a year in the same thread I to may become someone on a pedestal for a few who will follow my every word regardless of what their experiances may have been..

Thanks but I'll have to pass.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by Wilbert]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by hobo_321

Sleeper, the state of existence and of this universe that you describe seems to have the characteristics of one created by a being. There seem to be alot of "rules" and these sort of rules don't occur naturally. If you can, explain.


I presume you mean one god but even in the Old Testament god used the word we----insinuating more than one----and he was not speaking of the Trinity

There are rules for everything as you pointed out----otherwise we would know only chaos and cease to exist

In essence all souls are one----like a family unit----with good apples and bad----always working on the bad ones

And when will you tell us why your telling all this? You admitted yourself that your story is too unbelievable for us to believe at face value. And from what you've told me, you have the ability and evidence to prove this stories veracity. Why do you only meet us half way.

I’m telling it because I was told to tell it----regardless of whether people believe or not information is being put out there----people talked about flight way before it became a reality.

I take my orders from ET----they decide if and when

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:54 PM
and did E.T. tell you that me and Wilbert were the same person? Or was that your mistake? *day dreams* Oh E.T.... tell us everything... you are all knowing.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

I take my orders from ET----they decide if and when


We decide when and where based on our ability to grasp the situation around us. If these aliens do exists they are waiting on us..

And please.. ET is so blah.. do these things have names or do you have some words or feelings you can use to distinguish between these aliens you supposibly communicate with?

Oh.. never mind.. lets just generalize.. it's easier to get a larger audiance so everyone can rationalize and understand your messages.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:21 PM
hi sleeper, have a question, is the iarga story truthfull at all?

Are you familiar with it at all?

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

There are rules for everything as you pointed out----otherwise we would know only chaos and cease to exist

To state the obvious is very kind of you and easy. Where are the details? Where are the specifics. If your mind can grasp what these rules as you so clearly informed us then please inform us as to what they are. You must know what the rules are becuase you are able to distinguish without a doubt what these rules are.

By ATS Discussion Board member, tjack

Deny- To refuse to believe; reject.

Revolution- A sudden or momentous change in a situation.

With the denial of ignorance comes great responsibility. ATS is receiving a lot of new attention lately, as can be seen in recent statistics. This will undoubtedly draw even more attention. The proverbial genie is ?out of the bottle? and can?t be put back. This will displease some. Some will seek her downfall, as ATS has, intentionally or not, become a target. She must remain vigilant and not allow ?the powers that be? thwart her mission. Some will seek to discredit her, they will cry ?conspiracy theorists? or ?nut jobs? but they are ignorant. Deny them. Some will try to remove her, they will shout ?security threat? or ?indecent?, but they are narrow minded and motivated by greed and they are ignorant. Deny them. It is the denial of ignorance that will allow her continued existence.

She should encourage membership growth, from all corners of the globe, and from all walks of life for there is safety in numbers. ATS should also grow and develop even greater collaborative skills, for her community is a resource of unimaginable capability. Working together we have and will continue to make a difference. The truth must be told. Ignorance MUST be denied.


Please believe in me if I tell you the sun is bright.. now that we all agree on this everything else I have to tell you is your truth and nothing but your truth.

I'm quite sure Sleeper has access to computer components. Why is it no one has asked for sketches of what he's seen. Why has Sleeper not provided this of his own free will.. Noooooo Sleeper lost his free will and ET controls him and controls what info he releases to the public.

This sounds too familiar to me to be coincidental. hmmmm.... I need to ponder this and see if I can revert my views so I too can be blind to Sleepers submissions on what life, liberty and happiness is.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Dang Sleeper.. heres another 2 pts for you.. keep up the great story telling.

Getting Replies: If you author an active thread, this means you've generally done well to contribute to the community. You earn Two Points for each reply to your thread.

Was just brousing the site and found this tid bit.

So the only person really profiting from this thread is Sleeper.. Dont laugh to hard Sleeper.

No wonder you were upset about seeing this thread deleted.. you would loose all those points.
Or would you.. hmm.....

Please do carry on with the STORY telling..

[edit on 10-2-2006 by Wilbert]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Wilbert

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

1f.) Relevant Content: You will not post messages that are clearly outside of the stated topic of any forums nor disrupt a forum by deliberately posting repeated irrelevant messages or copies of identical messages (also known as "flooding").

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

2c.) Multiple Accounts: You will not create multiple user accounts and "talk to yourself".

Keep on eye on those ones Wilbert. Read them over a few times and try to follow them the best you can.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by Shadowshocker163]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Shadowshocker163

Originally posted by Wilbert

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

1f.) Relevant Content: You will not post messages that are clearly outside of the stated topic of any forums nor disrupt a forum by deliberately posting repeated irrelevant messages or copies of identical messages (also known as "flooding").

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

2c.) Multiple Accounts: You will not create multiple user accounts and "talk to yourself".

Keep on eye on those ones Wilbert. Read over a few times and try to follow them the best you can.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by Shadowshocker163]

What you dont think I read what I write.

You think your so clever as to point out something thats so obvous?

This whole thread is a farse.. If ATS is a fictional site then so be it.

Read the title...

Are extraterrestials real? As real as the nose on your face.

Sleeper did not say his/her face. My FACE. So I came to find out how noobish or nieve I've been all my life.. and what do I fine.. someone only giving their views with no prof to back it up. And on top of it I get insulted and attacked by Sleeper. Go back and read his/her comments on my posts.

So before you become all mighty and authoritive on me.. I suggest you go ask Sleeper why he gets to play disinformative on others based on title and content.

If a mod can come on here and point the errors of my way then these blind dull witted and cant think for them selfs posters I would consider the errors of my ways. Until then grow your roses and sing your hyms but don't try to pass of what others view as opinions is actual facts. Thank you very much.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by malakiem
hi sleeper, have a question, is the iarga story truthfull at all?

Are you familiar with it at all?

Hi malakiem

The story is science fiction

Never heard of it until now

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:51 PM
Wilbert, you keep repeating yourself saying that Sleeper is lying. If you have nothing else to say then get out or post something else. Stop bringing back old quotes to try and get more people to believe you. Some people don't come to this site just to argue and try and prove everything wrong.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Shadowshocker163
Wilbert, you keep repeating yourself saying that Sleeper is lying. If you have nothing else to say then get out or post something else. Stop bringing back old quotes to try and get more people to believe you. Some people don't come to this site just to argue and try and prove everything wrong.

Huh.. did I miss the boat.

Please do tell what you think ATS is all about. And why you think it's ok for someone to feed others missinformation?

A Few Good Men
written by Aaron Sorkin

Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee (Tom Cruise): I think I'm entitled to them.
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.
We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!
Kaffee: Did you order the code red?
Jessep: (quietly) I did the job you sent me to do.
Kaffee: Did you order the code red?
Jessep: You're goddamn right I did!!

Where the hell are the MODS to bring justice and order to these threads... well this thread anyhow.

Maybe you would like me to start my own thread and see if I can talk some BS for others to hold onto and dream others dreams for them so I can boast my post count or pts system.

If other posts are simular to this thread I can see how some peoples point count could be false and mean squat.

All I want is the truth.. and if all I get fread from Sleeper is BS and I say it's not as real as the nose on MY face then so be it. Sleeper has proven nothing to me and typed out rubish to others because ET said to tell them squat.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 10:03 PM
Is anyone aware of how myths are created?

Common myths, including religious ones, have some common truth. I understand that people want proof for things but it's a mistake to dismiss all of a story because some of it is false (or merely incredible). There's an old saying for this:

"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."

Read enough history, religion and mythology and there are common lessons for everyone to benefit from. So why do we argue about relatively unimportant details. Why are we obsessed with technology?

I've taught drawing classes. Everyone sits in a circle and draws the same teapot. Everyone's perspective is different. Everyone's teapot is different based on each person's ability to represent it with the technology they have at their disposal, charcoal and paper. All of the drawings are true.

Perhaps we should be asking different questions. I'd prefer to think about what's in the teapot. Is it warm? Is it delicious? I think so. That's a start.

Suppose none of what sleeper has posted is factual. I won't argue to support any of his claims. I will argue that the source of the information isn't as important as we've come to believe. Wisdom and knowledge can both come from children. What possible basis in experience can explain this? Likewise, I think it's possible that we sometimes recieve small bits of truth from the most unlikely sources.

It's easy enough to dismiss any or all of sleeper's story if you like. Simply walk away and start your own thread. I somehow don't think that will happen. How can we stop being who we are? Anyone reading and posting repeatedly, is finding something compelling here.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 11:06 PM
Wilbert, I want you to answer one question. Do you have any proof that anything Sleeper has said in this thread, has not happened before? While he may not have proof to support it, you do not have proof to deny it.

[edit on 10-2-2006 by Shadowshocker163]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:20 AM
Wilbert I can tell you're a bitter person. Clearly your too smart for this gaggle of blind lemmings that follow sleeper around like "desciples". What are you trying to prove?

I'm afraid you don't understand where most of these questions are coming from. I ask sleeper questions as someone who believes his story 100 percent, yet I don't (it just makes it an easier discussion). I assume that alot of other people on this thread are doing the same.

And sleeper, when did ET give you this "assignment" of informing people on ATS about them? what do they hope to achieve? How did they give you this order ?(telepathy? face to face? crop circles

And how come other people don't tell stories that are similar to yours?

[edit on 11-2-2006 by hobo_321]

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by hobo_321

And sleeper, when did ET give you this "assignment" of informing people on ATS about them? what do they hope to achieve? How did they give you this order ?(telepathy? face to face? crop circles

About eight years ago-----what do they achieve by having me do it?-----They can handle just about anything but rejection and ridicule-----obviously that stuff doesn’t bother me or I would have abandoned this thread long ago-----I could have said they chose me because of my superior intellect but that probably wouldn’t go over very well.

I didn’t want to divulge this but here goes----I get their communications from my bowl of cereal every morning----just like Gonzo did in Muppets from Space-----well, maybe not

We are in the same place when they give me the info

And how come other people don't tell stories that are similar to yours?

Maybe they don’t have the real hookup

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Hey Sleeper,
Care to touch base on the 4th dimension? Furthermore you talk about ET's in all your posts as hearing all, seeing all etc.. In your own post you stated there are hundreds of galaxies with hundred of earths etc... How is there only ONE race of ET's? There must be MANY races of ET's. SO which one is "feeding" us information? Your posts are very entertaining, however very flawed and to someone that might have access to classified information you might seem dillusional and a great author? Please elaborate on which species of ET is helping us and creating us as you put it and why the other 52 known species of EBE's are not creating us, "feeding us information" etc..
One other thing, please give me your take on the AIDS/HIV virius and what your take is on that. Thank You for your time.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Superior intellect.... such as the intellectual ability to call people Beavis and Butthead after finding out you are wrong in assuming they were the same person. I love it... so tell us more about the dimensions and the E.T.'s... what is heaven like? What is the Devil's real name? Why did God tell us a white li by never mentioning aliens to us? Why are there so many different religions? What planets are these aliens from? What sun? What is the distance? How big is the universe? Why are humans here? Is evolution real? Is creationism real? Why do aliens allow you to call people names and spread lies? Why do the aliens choose you? A man who has no respect for others... except those who so willingly follow?

And last.. but definitely not least... the superior capability to call yourself intelligently superior...

Peace and love in the light of truth,

[edit on 11-2-2006 by dgoodpasture]

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