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Parents' rights groups are the newest addition to 'Hate and Extremism' report

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posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Look at this group:

The glory of America is that people can act as wild as they want on their own property. I guess they just get carried away and start hating on others, and grow.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Look at this group:

The glory of America is that people can act as wild as they want on their own property. I guess they just get carried away and start hating on others, and grow.

So religious 'clubs' are a predominate way of getting on the haters list.

I wondered if these groups might have listings in Meetups. com or something. How else do like minded haters find each other?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: LSU2018

I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm lying. Go look at the list for yourself.

Some pretty wild ones on there:

Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge
Black Riders Liberation Party
OneBody in Yahawashi
Bomb Islam

Many more...

Here's the list directly from their website.

Hate Group List

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Salamandy
a reply to: quintessentone

whatever their motivation, its a negative one

people involved in creating a list like that would do a better service for society bagging groceries

Yep, we haven't even heard of 98% of the groups listed, but since they're mostly white groups, it's easier to hate whitey and call him racist. And research sucks.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Salamandy
a reply to: quintessentone

whatever their motivation, its a negative one

people involved in creating a list like that would do a better service for society bagging groceries

Yep, we haven't even heard of 98% of the groups listed, but since they're mostly white groups, it's easier to hate whitey and call him racist. And research sucks.

I don't get that, why would your mostly white old man government have lists of white hate groups if the underlying factor was to hate the whitey racist?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:42 PM
The problem we have are words.
Words misused but poweful. The left think they've found the holy grail with certain words, and they kind of have until of course you put your truth sunglasses on and realise that the left is full of hot air, emptiness and shallowness.
Everything they build is build on dry sand.
Always has been and always will be.

Of course concerned parents aren't full of hate.
They are full of love for their kids and society as a whole.
Nobody is a transphobe.
People are rightly pointing out that it isn't ok for grown men to twerk in front of children.
Not very many people are racist. Yes there are some, coming in all colours, but most people worry about crime due to culture. Because if we can tackle this, life will be better for everyone.
White privilege. Load of old bllx. Is africa full of black privilege? Isn't it nepotism for blacks to only hire their own once in a job?

If it weren't for these absilutely charged words, we'd just be assholes and non assholes.
Whole laws are changed because of words, people go to war, they fight each other.

Hate is one of the worst. It's a lie. It shuts people with a valid opinion up. And they know it. But there is nothing to it.
The left attracts psychopaths and sociopaths, because you don't need to listen or think, yet can get virtue points for shouting prescripted slogans.
There is no discussion to be had with most lefties.

Another trick is to call people that which has been formed after long observations.
Remember the name Snowflake?
It was true, because leftists got triggered (another stolen word) so easily, they scream and trample.

It hit them hard this truthful description. Guess what happened next?
Yup they called logical people with opinions snowflakes and use triggered whenever they can.
Problem is though it doesn't at all describe most mid to right people. It sounds odd because it makes no sense.

There are other examples. So many that I really think we are not dealing with real thinking people.
Well as I mentioned, a study has found a large amount of non feeling, non thinking people being drawn to the left.

One good thing though, they can never sustain power for long. Too many thinkers usually tear their paperwalls down with just common sense and logic.
This is the reason leftists regimes are so violent. They have to be, as it doesn't otherwise survive.

It's scary, but true. We can use their own methods against them though.
Speak in tryptics, three hard hitting words which in our case will be true and almost impossible to tear down.
Call their actions hate.
Call them bigots and racists, because the actually are.

Their heads won't be able to compute.
Only eventually we have to stop as Good people don't like tricking their peers.
It works however to reach the dumb masses on the fence. Especially once they find out that propaganda can actually be based on truth.

We are dealing with a mindset that most of us don't understand. We argue with facts and logic as if the other side will listen and suddenly agree.
Nope, completely different kind of people from most peaceful humans who want what's best for everyone, with the least of destruction.

I have given up trying to convince the unconvinceables. We need to try a different format. A peaceful one of course, because we aren't the violent side.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Salamandy
a reply to: quintessentone

whatever their motivation, its a negative one

people involved in creating a list like that would do a better service for society bagging groceries

Yep, we haven't even heard of 98% of the groups listed, but since they're mostly white groups, it's easier to hate whitey and call him racist. And research sucks.

I don't get that, why would your mostly white old man government have lists of white hate groups if the underlying factor was to hate the whitey racist?

Below is a comprehensive list of the people involved in the SPLC, from leaders to Board Members. Let me know which of the people I've listed are old, white, male government people.

Karen Baynes-Dunning
Josh Bekenstein
Cleveland Christophe
Robert Fox
Bennett Grau
Pam Horowitz
James B. Hughes Jr.
Jini Koh
Joseph J. Levin, Jr.
Katheryn Russell-Brown
Minjon Tholen
Isabel Watkins Rubio
Verna L. Williams
Emery Wright
Ann Beeson
Derwyn Bunton
Shay Farley
Cherry Z. Gamble
Sybil Hadley
Margaret Huang
Arun Kandel
Rebecca Latin
Seth Levi
Erika Mitchell
Julian Teixeira
LaShawn Warren
Twyla Williams

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

What she's it matter who's listed by the SPLC?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

That's the short list for 2022... there's nearly 1200 on the whole list.

The word list is starting to sound wierd to me now...

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: LSU2018

That's the short list for 2022... there's nearly 1200 on the whole list.

The word list is starting to sound wierd to me now...

I hate when that happens and suddenly the word you keep saying starts to sound like you're saying it wrong.

Most of their list is silly anyways. There are a few listed that should be on there like the KKK (even though they're a remnant of what they were), the Aryan Brotherhood, the NBPP, Black Hebrew Israelites. I don't think the Border Patrol or College of Pediatrics should be on there. We already know the hate groups, no need for the SPLC's silliness.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Salamandy
a reply to: quintessentone

whatever their motivation, its a negative one

people involved in creating a list like that would do a better service for society bagging groceries

Yep, we haven't even heard of 98% of the groups listed, but since they're mostly white groups, it's easier to hate whitey and call him racist. And research sucks.

I don't get that, why would your mostly white old man government have lists of white hate groups if the underlying factor was to hate the whitey racist?

Below is a comprehensive list of the people involved in the SPLC, from leaders to Board Members. Let me know which of the people I've listed are old, white, male government people.

Karen Baynes-Dunning
Josh Bekenstein
Cleveland Christophe
Robert Fox
Bennett Grau
Pam Horowitz
James B. Hughes Jr.
Jini Koh
Joseph J. Levin, Jr.
Katheryn Russell-Brown
Minjon Tholen
Isabel Watkins Rubio
Verna L. Williams
Emery Wright
Ann Beeson
Derwyn Bunton
Shay Farley
Cherry Z. Gamble
Sybil Hadley
Margaret Huang
Arun Kandel
Rebecca Latin
Seth Levi
Erika Mitchell
Julian Teixeira
LaShawn Warren
Twyla Williams

Am I not typing in English today? WTF?

That is not what I said in my previous post. Government lists are mostly white extremists and right-wing political extremists, I don't know if those people you listed are on the old white man government list or not.

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