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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

No wonder Peter Hotez didn't want to be in any debate. Look what he authored.

Malnutrition Vaccine by Peter Hotez

Seriously we can't make this stuff up. I found it in the NIH library just to make certain that this wasn't some kind of sick joke.
Malnutrition Vaccines for an Imminent Global Food Catastrophe

We have our link to Ku post #1010> doi 10.10 16/ 2022.08.007 September 10, 2022.

It's simply amazing that he knows that this is "imminent' as if they are all in some kind of plan.

Peter Hotez wiki

No doubt this jab will be mRNA based as well.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 11:06 AM
Great, just program your body to make some coc aine, amphetamines or what ever upper you want for a while and off you go. Probably work out great for a few week unless you really have a lot to lose, then a few months. Lots of historical record of where malnutrition leads. The only vaccination against that is to kill the bastard before he takes over.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I found something interesting concerning Robert Maxwell

Robert Maxwell Connection to Peer Review Problems

I knew that Robert Maxwell was heavily involved in publishing but I did not understand the significance of his acquisition of Springer- Verlag publishing house.
This is the largest publisher of scientific books and journals.

"Robert Maxwell essentially founded the modern day concept of "peer review'.

"It's through his British intelligence that he was introduced to scientific publishing."

Robert Maxwell Wiki

Basically the 'peer review ' process is a scam. That was the perfect fit for the plandemic where we saw articles published with in essence no effective real peer review process.

With this system completely corrupted it allowed anything to be published and fully supported by Peer review. Complete control of the narrative. Big Pharma Big Business can do whatever they want - all supported by peer review of course.

Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person [s] of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignataries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top heavy players, other high profile industry specific people, ect.
2. Feed an addiction [controllable].
Maxwell family background?
Robert maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS1-99]?
Sometimes it's the people in the background
that are of greater significance.

That brings us to CLAS 1-99.
EPA CLA 1-99

Monsanto and Bill Gates.
The Monanto Papers: Poisoning the Scientific Well

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

We have quite a few members of the club that need to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity. What I struggle with is how can so many be on board with all of this. Some may believe the only course is to reduce the world population but why to such an extremely low number? Unless of course the real objective is to take this planet from humans.

Remember Al Gore's strange speech at the WEF?

Al Gore speech at WEF 2023

This may sound way out there but if some entity, of obviously higher intelligence, told him this would happen he would believe them. Maybe that is why he is frightened and angry. He is being used.

Also doesn't it seem strange that there are so many engaged are involved with pedophiles and human traffickers? It makes it seem like they are the majority.

If we are reduced to 500 million and placed in smart cities doesn't this smack of different zoos?

I'm thinking of inversion.

Then we have The Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games Wiki

What are your thoughts? Frankly non of this makes sense. No doubt we have a number of competing themes going on atm- world domination, de-population, transhumanism and the attempts at genetic tampering. Why the intense need for tracking and surveillance when there will just be 500 million of us remaining unless...

Just a bit of humor

It would be a shame if this went viral

Bill Gates wants to dim the sun- which makes no sense unless it was the purpose of terraforming for some other entity.
Just some thoughts I'm mulling over.

We Are Legion [We are Bob]

This was the science fiction section but still...

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Bill Gates wants to dim the sun- which makes no sense

I mulled this over, and you're right-it makes no sense.

All the man-made pollution world wide in a year doesn't come close to what one volcanic eruption does. All that would be necessary is to trigger a few volcanic eruptions and voila! population reduction AND blocking the sun.

I think it's to keep us focused on 'global warming/climate change' instead of the past history showing we may well be headed to a mini ice age.

The only thing Gates is good at blocking is the truth.

posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: nugget1
It is not, and has never been, about Climate Change.
It is about Control.
It is about population reduction.
It is about power.
It is about money.
It is, and always has been, about spiritual warfare.

Divided we fall,

edit on 13-8-2023 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I had to literally live in me truck for ~ 2 1/2 yrs surviving toxic mold... it made me chemically sensitive & the Thermacell has been a life saver!!! It absolutely works & I have been using it & Picaridin 20% better than or equal Deet & no harsh chemicals.
I also know how to refill the butane cartridges & you can also reuse the pads if you buy the gallon jugs of the effective sorry I am so bloody tired & toast ATM...but anyone interested can PM me.

I literally had to lose everything I owned & learned how to survive living outdoors in order to save me life. So I had to do much research on how to survive, built out 2003 Ford F150 & had everything I needed, built a bed, containers for clothes that slide underneath the bed, bedside table with a lamp, curtains plus much more...& etc everything an RV has...yeah & my dog & cat had an awesome set up too!
It was as perfect as it could be & saved my life...My blood work showed that I carry a mold gene & a Lyme gene & Dr said do not get a tick bite cz if you get Lyme it will be chronic. Therefore I always have to protect myself. So the Thermacell & Picaridin 20% have been saving me...

The Thermacell gives you 15ft diameter protection around you as well as a 15ft ceiling & it Bloody Works!!! The citronella candles & other do NOT work...I looked everything up years ago on a gov chart that showed everything that had to do with Mosquitoes & ticks.
Thankfully I've been in a new RV since Nov 2019


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:37 PM
So I am once again going to throw out an interesting storyline that is going on in the comic book world that has a creepy connection to some of our vaccine discussions. In the current X-Men titles there were new drugs developed to help humanity. They had created life span enhancing drugs that added five years to overall lifespan, a drug to treat Alzhimers and a cancer treatment. All based on comic book world plants but that is not the point. The point is that in recent stories the drugs were "hacked" by the series antagonists. The hack allows them to basically control anybody that took said medicine. I have the feeling that the X-Men comics are tapped into the zeitgeist. Trans-humanism, AI, tainted vaccines and for ironies sake future proves the past. It's becoming weirder and weider how much the themes are running parallel with the real world.
edit on 14-8-2023 by hangedman13 because: Words

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:13 PM
HBAR Rallies on FedNow Addition of Hedera-Based Dropp

Hedera Hashgraph’s HBAR token has surged over 15% after the U.S. Federal Reserve’s instant payments platform FedNow added "Dropp," a Hedera-based micropayments platform, as a service provider.
Dropp is a pay-by-bank alternative to credit card payments which allows merchants to accept small-value purchases digitally without large transaction fees, according to FedNow’s press release. Dropp allows micropayments in Hedera’s HBAR, the U.S. dollar and Circle’s USDC.

Hedera Hashgraph describes itself as a uniquely structured blockchain compared to other chains due to its usage of hashgraph consensus. Hedera is the only public distributed ledger that uses this, according to the company, which notes that Hashgraph achieves 10,000+ transactions per second and low-latency finality in seconds.

Hedera has seen a number of updates over the past few months, FreshSupplyCo (FSCO), a platform that tokenizes assets across the agrifood supply chain, integrated Hedera into its payment trigger API which was previously used on the discontinued private Mastercard Provenance blockchain. South Korean bank Shinhan Bank also recently completed a stablecoin remittance proof-of-concept pilot which was built on Hedera’s open-source public network.


CBDCs: What They Are and How They Work

America is becoming less reliant on physical currency, with only 59% of Americans using cash on a weekly basis. Some reports suggest that as few as 18% of global point-of-sale transactions are in cash. Many central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, have expressed interest in using a digital form of fiat currency known as a central bank digital currency. Countries like China, Australia, and India are already using CBDCs.

According to a report issued by the White House, CBDCs can be interoperable with those from other countries, enabling fast, cheap cross-border payments. They can also eliminate the risks posed by bank runs, increase financial access for unbanked individuals, and lower costs for financial infrastructure.

Central bank digital currencies don't necessarily rely on blockchain technology, as cryptocurrency does. Some use centralized ledgers or non-blockchain distributed ledgers. Still, blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies, such as directed acyclic graphs, could benefit CBDCs in many ways. For one, these technologies are well-established, so central banks could save time, money, and effort when developing CBDCs. Additionally, cryptocurrency-based ledger technologies are well-known for lightning-fast international settlements. Hedera's distributed ledger technology, hashgraph, is also carbon negative, so a central bank wouldn't expand its carbon footprint when building a CBDC.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
So I am once again going to throw out an interesting storyline that is going on in the comic book world that has a creepy connection to some of our vaccine discussions. In the current X-Men titles there were new drugs developed to help humanity. They had created life span enhancing drugs that added five years to overall lifespan, a drug to treat Alzhimers and a cancer treatment. All based on comic book world plants but that is not the point. The point is that in recent stories the drugs were "hacked" by the series antagonists. The hack allows them to basically control anybody that took said medicine. I have the feeling that the X-Men comics are tapped into the zeitgeist. Trans-humanism, AI, tainted vaccines and for ironies sake future proves the past. It's becoming weirder and weider how much the themes are running parallel with the real world.

From the inception of the medium, Comic Books have been used to inject certain ideas and values into the minds of our youth.

The colorful storyboards mixed with fantastic situations allows the subtle introduction of the thought patterns that lead the naive or our children to "get with the CURRENT program"

They start young, it allows them to shape the zeitgeist of the future..


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:04 PM
Solid Grassley comms on X this weekend. 4th appearance or “Beth”, his vacuum.
His post links to Q 129

edit on 14-8-2023 by G005E because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 12:58 AM
Maybe crazy but this just popped in my head...these B Gates Mosquito releases scare the B.H. out of me!!! So AFAWK nothing works to prevent them...

So will the next lock down possibly be not only Covid or whatever other DZ...but maybe cz of the GMO Gates from Hell Mosquitoes that we might not any way to kill them nor prevent the bites? Seems like a free-for-all toss up on who will
die or survive.
Now that also just reminded me of the "Hunger Games" T2 mentioned a page or so back? This whole Covid BS from the very beginning while reading this thread made me think of the Hunger Games due to Jab against Unjabbed. I mean truly think about the way things were reported & the unjabbed were like dirt & even worse (Never Forget)!

We may possibly need better outerwear including upgraded mosquito netting hoods & full body, clothing, jackets & coats, hammock & bed netting, probably need to drape hammock or bed netting over tents, vehicle build outs & more...especially when I saw that INSECTICIDES will NOT work...WTF!!! Cannot live w/o Thermacell & Picaridin I'm now chemically sensitive.


I'm exhausted so sorry if I carried on a wee bit much...
PS OK so tonight when my friends returned home from the hospital I told them to be careful because or neighbor Mike has a severe cold & I didn't want them to sick or get Covid again (I think 3x maybe 4 & the whole family is jabbed) A friend had a stroke Friday nite & he is in hospital. He had major SX today carotid artery blocked 99%, placed a stint & everything went well. My family friends were there & the nurse or someone there informed them there were ~ 12 Covid Hospitalized Pts with the New Variant & it mimics a cold. Then in passing I said I bet they were all vaxxed.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 01:40 AM
The Georgia indictments were released at 11:30pm... sounds like the 11.3 MARKER to me!

Note that 11.3 appears in 7 posts but most importantly in #34 Q Clearance patriot/EBS!!!

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: G005E

There are some very interesting comments about that huge fire in Maui. Would you believed that the Maui police chief, John Pelletier, was the Incident Commander during the Vegas mass shooting?

Carine Knapin tweet

When I went to verify, Goog did the "results changing quickly" which means over target. Anyway I did find a Hawaii news report confirming this.
Meet John Pelletier

He has brought along his side kick, Charles Hank. All the rumbles about this being a DEW operation may be true.

This is just crazy-can anyone explain this?

What was Biden's response to this other than the generous, cough, payment of $700 to residents there-

Biden is Laser Focused

Words have meaning once again.

President Trump's Speech About Maui

Biden once again - no comment and a smile. It is simply beyond comprehension that he could be this tone deaf.

This has the feelz of the global warming, climate scam to usher in the Smart 15 minute cities because they have to Build Back Better.
Then there is Mark Zuckerberg. It's the mindset - Land for me and none for thee.

Kauai land purchase

This would be the perfect real life experiment in setting up one of these cities. Very troubling.

Two posts refer to Las Vegas- #111 and #92.


posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Bill Gates is bragging about the GM mosquitoes. At least he is out in the open about it now.

Bill Gates Notes

Nothing ever works as intended but perhaps that's the point. I find his emphasis on mosquitoes odd which means we should be on the hunt for something else. BTW the GM mosquito release in Brazil has not been this great success.

Brazil's experience with GM mosquitoes

"The Oxitec scheme worked at first, resulting in a dramatic reduction in the size of the mosquito population. But at the 18 month mark, the population began to recover." Now more diverse and robust because they have to be inclusive.

Fighting back-
California Suspends GM Mosquito Release

I wonder why Oxitec withdrew their permit request? Probably has nothing to do with asking Oxitec to "disclose data critical to assess potential public health and environmental impacts."

So what else is he up to, correction, Oxitec is up to?

Crop Munching Caterpillars

Undisclosed partner? BG?
GM Diamond Back Moths-Cornell Study

When does a bird sing?

Why Moths Matter

Gene Watch

This is a bit lengthy but it does a great job of explaining the many problems. Why, the big Q, Why they chose late acting lethality rather than sterility?
So they have plans for fruit flies, bollworms and olive flies as well.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Ektar

When you aren't so tired maybe you could post how to refill and reuse those sponges for everyone who is interested. That might be easier than responding to lots of requests. Have you used the ones that are charged over night?

Citronella wiki

"In the UK, EU legislation governing insect repellants came into force September 2006, which banned citronella as an active ingredient in any insect repellant products" It can be used as a perfume.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Ivermectin lies up next-

chief Nerd tweet

I'm amazed that John Farley has the audacity to straight out lie. Maybe he has forgotten that there are archives of what he said. .52 mark.
Meet John Farley Another chess piece put in place.

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,
every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."
George Orwell, 1984.

It seems they have slipped up this time and meanwhile Albert Bourla[Pfizer], Ugur Sahin[BioNTech], Scott Gottlieb, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and his sidekick have published detailed books about their plans and what they have done, step by step throughout this plandemic. They can attempt to rewrite the books but the first editions are out there.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The hunters become the hunted.

The Hunter Biden Interview That Never Was

Weiss shouldn't be anywhere around this Hunter investigation.

Meanwhile -
The Researcher

I'm not clear on this but if they have not followed the correct procedures can they be charged with treason? Their allegiance is to China as well as the NWO. I suppose that is the same thing.

Following in Pelosi's footsteps-
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

"Sometimes you can't tell people the truth, you have to show them."

More about the Maui fire

Good Q- Why were the residents warned?

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 05:59 PM
Russia’s central bank hikes interest rates by 3.5 percentage points as rouble falls

Russia’s central bank has hiked interest rates by 3.5 percentage points in an emergency move aimed at halting the rouble’s recent slide, after it fell to its weakest point in almost 17 months.

The decision to raise the key rate from 8.5% to 12% was announced after an extraordinary meeting of the bank’s board of directors, called after the rouble plunged past the psychologically key level of 100 to the dollar on Monday morning.

Russia Launches Emergency Rate Increase to Stem Economic Turmoil

China's economy facing crippling meltdown with £189bn firm on the brink of collapse

Shares in Country Garden real estate developer went into freefall on Monday, after the Chinese developer hinted multi-billion losses and suspended trading on almost a dozen of its corporate bonds.

Woes began for Country Garden, formerly China’s largest property developer by sales, when the firm missed an international bond repayment sparking a panic sell-off in the company’s own bonds.

Dow closes down 360 points as China angst rattles markets, strong U.S. retail sales raises Fed questions

U.S. stocks closed lower Tuesday as downbeat news on China's economy clashed with rosier views about the strength of the American consumer, which add more fodder for the debate on the Federal Reserve's next move. fed-questions

Fitch warns it may be forced to downgrade dozens of banks, including JPMorgan Chase

A Fitch Ratings analyst warned that the U.S. banking industry has inched closer to another source of turbulence — the risk of sweeping rating downgrades on dozens of U.S. banks that could even include the likes of JPMorgan Chase.

The credit rating firms relied upon by bond investors have roiled markets lately with their actions. Last week, Moody's downgraded 10 small and midsized banks and warned that cuts could come for another 17 lenders, including larger institutions like Truist and U.S. Bank. Earlier this month, Fitch downgraded the U.S. long-term credit rating because of political dysfunction and growing debt loads, a move that was derided by business leaders including JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon.
edit on 15-8-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

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