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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

We have a link to Mr. Pool. A few days ago the word "Glitch" was posted.


As Amuse tweets no one in the WH is making their own tweets.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Some more on the Maui fire.

What are the chances that there was a new Maui MTN Dew released through Dollar General store?

Another Maui Burst Mountain Dew

This pineapple flavored DEW cost $2.55 [5X5] and was released March 2022.

No coincidences "On September 11 [911] a 20 ounce render was discovered on the Pepsi Product info page, which hinted at a possible release."Mountain Dew Wiki Maui Burst

March 2022-August 2023 [Maui fire]= 17

Maui Mountain DEW 2019 Youtube

This was the first launch- August 21, 2019.[8+2+1=11].

As you can see in the Youtube's the first edition was in a can and did not have much of a pineapple flavor. The 2022 release was in a bottle and was more fruity. Inversion.
The original price was $1.25 [8].
Watch the water.
MOMO on Twitter

Obama calls for donations

One of the organizations is the Red Cross.
Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power [pop control + pharma billions kb]
Think AIDS.
Future topic.

Obama Foundation fire response. So this fire started on August 8- 88.

Wandering over to Hillary Clinton's X account.

Hillary Clinton Tweet

"Happy 88th birthday to Social Security."

Just for fun Obama was president for 8 years.


A paradise turned into a smart city run by AI and probably enhanced with humanoid robotics.

Along with Zuckerberg owning property there is Larry Elison.

Elison Pulled over for speeding on his own island

Wallstreet Apes Tweet

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

It is indemic.

The method pervades every source of media to some degree.

But the focus on the youth is crucial to accomplishing agendas.

Take a look into the coloring book Industry. And the money behind it.That is even more insidious. One doesn't have to look to far to note agenda driven propaganda in a supposedly innocent product.

This is a devious form of media,where young developing minds color within the lines,at the same time absorbing the overall theme of the propaganda being delivered, as the child adds there own color scheme to the information they are absorbing.

This method makes the message more personal as the participant adds personalized input into the prescribed blueprint.


/ Back to lurk folks...



edit on 16-8-2023 by Mike Stivic because: Now fast forward, as an adult you won't be coloring books with crayons.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Hawaii is considered a paradise.

A side comment. I've only been to Oahu, but the perception of Hawaii as paradise is very distorted. Yeah, Waikiki is nice if quite expensive. Honolulu -- looked run down to me. Whole island had a colonial feel to it, not at all like the continental USA. Above the beaches, the uplands have a lot of pineapple plantations in which the weather was unpleasant in the stifling hot sense. Dry up there too, I'm not surprised big fires start in the uplands.

An interesting place to visit. But to live-- those islands feel small and confined very quickly.


posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Well it at least it is advertised as such and still in ways symbolic of a paradise.
18 Undeniable Reasons Why Hawaii Is Absolutely Paradise

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:44 PM
Well how Qute
They have a Solution

Rebuilding Paradise (2018 Fire)

Ha ha
Q Cabins or really WW2 buildings reimagined. This guy made a killing off the fires and now maybe more off the Maui one.

I get it we need solutions but how about the damn government officials get the power companies to do their damn jobs. We donā€™t need non combustible housing. We need the government and utilities to stop playing footsie and grab ass.


posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Just announced Biden and Dr. Jill are finally going to visit Maui on Monday. The announcement is 8 days after the fire started.

Biden heading to Maui finally

9 minute mark the topic of the Red Cross comes up and what happened in Haiti.
"The Red Cross raised $500 million for Haiti earthquake relief in 2010, spent 25% on internal administration costs, built 6 houses for Haitians and refuses to say what it did with the rest of the money. And Michelle Obama helped lead their funding drive."

This $700 help is more like a 'wake-up' call for people to see that the government does more for other countries citizens than they do for us.
It is really strange to see Obama leading the response rather than Biden. It makes one think that there might be some shadow presidency going on.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Whereā€™s the Tylenol!

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Something very strange about this fire in Maui that might fit in with your post about the EBS.
Officials made a conscious decision not to sound any of the 80 EBS warning systems when the fires became uncontrollable.
Why would anyone make that decision?

Officials Face Criticim Over Maui Disaster Response

What if they sabotaged them on purpose because they do not want them activated under any circumstances because of the ku posts? I imagine some black hats have read them. What if this has happened in other states as well, that they have also been deactivated?

From that article we have all the markers 8, 10 and 17.

On August 10 the DOD activated 134 National Guard troops. Checking with Stars and Stripes it reports 258 National Guards troops were deployed so we have a bit of a discrepancy here.

Stars and Stripes Maui Deployment

Aside from the smart city/ AI agenda what if these fires were set like what Cali was doing to deal with their out of control debt.
Hawaii State Data

As you can see the state is an F. If they want to accomplish the smart city/ Ai agenda they needed to start fires, clear areas so that a rebuild could take place.

Another watch the water- the residents are unable to treat the water in any way to make it safe so they have to rely on donations of bottled water.

Of interest why would they select Hawaii besides being an island.

Hawaii You are the 1%

From dark to light. "For brief moments 60 days of the year, Hawaii is in darkness while 99% of the Earth's population is experiencing some sunlight."
This makes perfect sense to them.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 03:19 PM
Amazon Joins Forces With Ripple, Embracing XRP For Swift Global Payments

In a groundbreaking move, Amazon, the world-renowned e-commerce titan, has announced a strategic partnership with Ripple, a pioneering cryptocurrency company. This collaboration aims to bring Rippleā€™s XRP token into the heart of Amazonā€™s payment operations, potentially reshaping the landscape of global online commerce.

The key highlight of this partnership lies in integrating Rippleā€™s XRP into Amazonā€™s payment framework. The XRP token is renowned for its promise of delivering swifter and more efficient payment solutions, particularly suited for the vast clientele of Amazon spread across the globe. With this integration, Amazon is poised to set a new standard for seamless and rapid transactions in the e-commerce domain. This development is highlighted by a well-known crypto journalist CryptoGeek on X, formally known as Twitter.

Amazonā€™s recent decision to adopt Rippleā€™s technology signifies the increasing acknowledgment and approval of cryptocurrencies as a valid method of conducting financial transactions. This move by the leading industry company can potentially push cryptocurrencies, particularly XRP, into common usage. Additionally, this partnership allows Amazon users to make seamless, speedy, and cost-efficient transactions.

Ripple CBDC Advisor Reacts as Europe Gets First Bitcoin Spot ETF

Ripple CBDC advisor Anthony Welfare has cheered the launch of a new Bitcoin spot ETF in Europe.

The Jacobi Bitcoin ETF has finally gone live on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange, bringing Europe a new Bitcoin spot ETF.

Nearly two years after it was approved, London-based Jacobi Asset Management has listed Europe's first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) on Euronext Amsterdam.

The launch of the spot Bitcoin ETF is a significant step forward for Europe, given that U.S. regulators have yet to approve several comparable spot Bitcoin ETF proposals, including those from BlackRock and Fidelity.

XRP Competitor Stellar Gets Equity In MoneyGram, Plans To Disrupt Payments Sector

Denelle Dixon, CEO of the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), celebrated the deal in an official post. The partners have been collaborating since 2021 and, as a result, developed a crypto-backed product called MoneyGram Access.

Dixon emphasized the growth experienced by the XLM ecosystem since its partnership with MoneyGram, claiming that the Stellar network became the ā€œleader of cash-to-crypto on and off-rampsā€ due to this product. The partners have focused on creating tools to provide people with access to the ā€œdigital economy.ā€

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm having some serious trust issues.

Circling back to Bill Gates.
Perfume the secret weapon on the war with mosquitoes

While Billy has been investing in farm raising more and more mosquitoes for release I suspect that he is building a new business model. Why do I say that? Just from how he has operated in the past. He creates the problem, gets a reaction and then offers a solution.

Since this company has a Gates Foundation investment he is looking for this company to develop soap, detergents, and fragrances to deter the mosquitoes from biting. It's always about the $. Probably food will be in the line up. I just had a horrible thought- what if he puts one of their solutions into the fake meat he is flogging?

Billy likes to play these weird word games. He points out to Lily of the Valley as the best option to date.

The death scent project- The poisoned garden: Lily of the Valley

He knows exactly what he is saying "You see this pretty one here? It can kill a man and make it look like a heart attack." "Little liars- Every Lily of the Valley perfume you have ever smelt is a lie. Lily of the Valley is a mute flower and cannot produce aromatic materials."

Imagine if this is not handled correctly?
The History of Lily of the Valley

"It is very poisonous and can cause pain, vomiting and red skin rashes if ingested." They are often used in funeral flower arrangements representing sadness and loss.

Queen Elizabeth's Favorite Flower

The last sentence in Gates Notes "When the world gives children and families more tools to protect themselves, we save lives- and take the bite out of the world's deadliest animal."

I only have biting criticism of Gates- the entire world's deadliest animal.

This smacks of #151 clip
How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Who is best to conduct the attack?
What is the one force necessary to gain control?
Why does the Military play such a vital role in this global game of RISK?
What is money without power?

B & M Gates Foundation Teams up with dsm-firmenich

dsm- firmenich news

At this point anything connected to him and his foundation really needs to be investigated and not taken at face value.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Bingo we have a link to Fojack- Howard Moon.
Fojack tweet

China- Watch the Water

These people are desperate. Totally cut off, with no one coming to their aid. I can't imagine how many people are in danger at the moment and how many have drowned. And they are just going to sweep this under the rug, or at least try to.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: FlyingFox

It is indemic.

The method pervades every source of media to some degree.

But the focus on the youth is crucial to accomplishing agendas.

Take a look into the coloring book Industry. And the money behind it. That is even more insidious. One doesn't have to look to far to note agenda driven propaganda in a supposedly innocent product.

This is a devious form of media, where young developing minds color within the lines, at the same time absorbing the overall theme of the propaganda being delivered, as the child adds there own color scheme to the information they are absorbing.

This method makes the message more personal as the participant adds personalized input into the prescribed blueprint.

Wow. That was too insightful to let pass without a tip of the hat.

Media influence goes deep.

I remember saying something vaguely similar about memes. Because they kind of have to be ā€œfigured out,ā€ the process of understanding requires translating a picture into the meaning you perceive from it, making the moment of insight seem more like your own thinking than something someone else is saying.

The coloring book is even more manipulative. Coloring someone elseā€™s picture makes it your own. Kids proudly show it to their parents. ā€œLook what I did!ā€

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 06:02 PM
What an interesting coincidence. I just saw a White House pressor featuring John Podesta, from today

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 06:13 PM
Netherlands Suffers Unexpected Recession on Consumers, Trade

The Dutch economy unexpectedly succumbed to its first recession since the pandemic on weakness in both consumer spending and exports.

Peru Enters Recession, Bolstering Expectations of Key Rate Cut

Peruā€™s economy contracted in June, pushing the economy into a recession and bolstering expectations of an interest rate cut in the near future.

With China's Economy On "Verge Of Collapse", PBOC Central Banker Calls For Helicopter Money

As Bloomberg's Garfield Reynolds writes in the aftermath of last night's unexpected Chinese rate cut, while the nation's economic struggles were (finally) severe enough for the authorities to respond with their biggest interest-rate cut since the pandemic, it will be nowhere near powerful enough to help spark a turnaround.

For a start, Reynolds writes, that scope "is rather less impressive when you realize the reduction in the rate on one-year PBOC loans ā€” or medium-term lending facility ā€” was all of 15 basis points. Most central banks faced with the sort of slowdown China is facing might well decide to cut by three times as much or more."

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I can't help but think that the federal government wants Maui to host extra terrestrials if and when they arrive. After Maui is rebuilt of course.

What limited access I have had to ET, they seem to think that they have already disclosed themselves to us earthlings and that just amounts to UAPs (their craft) flitting around the sky and an occasional landing or two with automatons (greys) performing pre-programmed tasks for the scientists back on board the mother craft. Nothing will really change. It is very rare for a sentient organic (true ET) to come here to the planet. Basically, they don't like it here. So, don't hold your breath and the fed gov is wasting a whole lot of money (what else is new?).

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 09:08 PM
It would be great if someone could give A.I all this info and see what pops out,,,,,, Until then i am digging a hole in my back garden and getting in with a bag of peanuts, Give me a nudge when it is all over.

All the best
edit on 16823 by Quadlink because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Thank you so much for replying...this gives me a chance to finally contribute something to the thread & I will respond as soon as I get a chance to re look it all up or find my notes...I know it by memory for sure but need to look up the effective ingredient & see if its still available for sell since everything changed after the covid...

So sorry for the delay I had to rescue a wild kitten that a worker friend at the campground befriended &
wants to take home. He is 70 yrs old & his cat at home had gotten out & was hit by a car so he wants this kitten.

When my friend got off work Fri nite here at the campground, he was driving his golf cart back to his RV & right as he
arrived, he had a stroke & drove his cart into his truck...I found out out Mon morning & although the kitten had only allowed him to barely touch it's head with 1 finger for a week or 2, a couple we are both extremely close to who are across from me, were also able to touch him with a finger on Mon morning . They took me to the ranger station where the kitten was...I started talking to him in his language & boom he he was all over me & came out...

This was an unexpected blessing! I have never not had a Cat in my life. So now I get to help a friend who needs this kitty & I benefit from ALL the LOVE!!! plus I know how to train it... He is ~ 4wks old so that is such a perfect age to start training.

Sorry again for the babbling, these past 2 months have been HELL. One yr losing an extremely close Dear friend 27 July & also another close friend 3 July...

It's ALL GOOD!!! I am still thankful to be here & for still being excepted here in this Q-thread. I am still learning so much & I feel so bad that Cranky left & I couldn't reply cz he was such a great mentor & that means a lot of patience & etc...I was so shocked & not enuff time for me to respond smartly & now tears...I hope he eventually reads this...

Much Love & Peace to ALL!!!


PS Even though very latest blood work was not good extremely high Cytokines, Dr was very positive & can get back to where I was during Covid doing brain recovery but will take a while. YEAH!!! Missing Brew Tiger & the positive messages!

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:41 AM
is this messaging or am I seeing things?
From: Fox News

A California journalist died Saturday after a rope swing accident at a state park, according to officials.

A spokesperson for California State Parks told Fox News Digital that 23-year-old Kathryn "Katie" Hoedt fell from a rope swing just before 12:30 p.m. at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, located near Folsom, California.

And this:
From: Also Fox News

An off-duty Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy was shot and killed Tuesday by authorities on a golf course following an alleged domestic violence incident.

Police in Fontana, 50 miles east of Los Angeles, were called to a home in the 16000 block of Colonial Drive just after 3:45 p.m., the Fontana Police Department told Fox News Digital. A caller said her husband had fired a gun inside the home, police said.

The suspected shooter, Alejandro Diaz, 45, left the home with two guns when officers arrived and ran to the Sierra Lakes Golf Club, police said.

"He started shooting. Shooting up everything. Scaring the golfers, shooting at police. It was bad," witness Myesha Dowe told Fox News Los Angeles.

Officers confronted Diaz, the off-duty deputy, following reports of an armed man near the Sierra Lakes clubhouse and he was shot.

I can't put my finger on it, but something here doesn't seems right. I wonder if something crazy is going to go down this weekend. Something suicidal in nature?

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
So, Billy Boy Gates is now becoming an aromatherapist...... can't stop laughing her!]Excellent post.

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