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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

another take could be.
Musk and the Pope (the tangible world and the spiritual world)

The oldest kid (traditionally the inheritor of the father's land and titles)

Three younger kids (after the father's land is given then the next in line goes: Those who Fight, those who Prey, and finally those who work)

In all the numbers are 213.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No.150565710 šŸ“
Nov 23 2017 00:33:39 (EST)
The world cannot swallow the truth.

The Roman Catholic Church is built on a lie. The problem is that anyone that researches the founding of the Church can see this, but for some reason fail to understand that Paul killed anyone that wasn't on board with his plan to take over Jesus' teachings. So, it's not just that the world cannot swallow the truth, but I think that a lot in this world flat out refuses to swallow it as well.

Though to be fair, I'm often wrong about these types of things.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:53 PM
.-- .-- --..

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I updated my post to note that both St Paul and St Peter died on 29th June... is that where 911 came from?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Are you talking about the brain-dead people walking around and letting social media and cable media tell them what to think, or are you talking about people losing their minds and just shutting down due to information overload?

Or this bit: FDA

The prescribing information for Leqembi includes a warning for amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA), which are known to occur with antibodies of this class. ARIA usually does not have symptoms, although serious and life-threatening events rarely may occur. ARIA most commonly presents as temporary swelling in areas of the brain that usually resolves over time and may be accompanied by small spots of bleeding in or on the surface of the brain, though some people may have symptoms such as headache, confusion, dizziness, vision changes, nausea and seizure. Another warning for Leqembi is for a risk of infusion-related reactions, with symptoms such as flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting and changes in blood pressure. The most common side effects of Leqembi were infusion-related reactions, headache and ARIA.

edit on 7-7-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'll leave this here;
From: for June 29th 2023

St Peter's Basilica
at 9:30

Holy Mass and blessing of the Pallia for the new metropolitan archbishops

About that New Metropolitan archbishops.

Archbishop George Leo Thomas of the newly created Archdiocese of Las Vegas formally received his pallium, a vestment symbolizing his authority in the Church, from Pope Francis in a solemn Mass at St. Peterā€™s Basilica on Thursday.

Thomas, 73, received the pallium alongside 29 other new metropolitan archbishops on the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul.

During the Mass, the pope blessed the pallia that will soon be placed on the shoulders of the 32 archbishops appointed this year across the world.

This is all probably nothing, but I like wasting space I guess.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:21 AM
State department tweet of Biden meeting Sweden's prime minister, at 9:02pm yesterday = 911:

Video is 42 seconds long and looks forward to Sweden joining NATO.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:24 AM
...and now the vatican is publishing operational guidelines for A.I.!!!
LinkedIn post

ā›Ŗļø Ever wonder what the Pope thought of that AI image of him in a big white puffer?

šŸ’„ Looks like it caused quite a stir. The Vatican is the latest institution to release a guide on AI ethics. Itā€™s partnered with Santa Clara University's Markkula Center for Applied Ethics to form the Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture (ITEC).

šŸ“• The think tankā€™s first release is called ā€œEthics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmapā€. As well as AI and machine learning, it covers #encryption, tracking and #facialrecognition tech.

šŸŒ The Institute says that their guidelines will help companies keep consumer health and ethics front of mind. It comprises leaders from a range of religions across business, academia and government.

šŸ¤– What stands out to me is that this is the first time the church has released something of the sort. Itā€™s a sign that even the most deep-rooted institutions have recognised the potential power of AI.

šŸ“– You can check out the full handbook here:

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel the implications of this are chilling.

#4743- I'm doing a different twist here but hopefully this makes sense. [4] 743 >July 7th.

Crimes against humanity.

This is referring to Ai and humanoid robotics. I eyed in Ai and this post popped up.

I was wondering why there were so many distractions yesterday. This is why-
Yesterday the UN hosted AI for Good Summit on July 7th! The irony.

UnN Ai For Good Summit

Just look at the speakers, Tedros from the WHO! Another significant person Lila Ibrahim, Google DeepMind.
The presence of Ray Kurzweil is significant because he wrote the book "The Singularity is Near."

There is so much going on at this summit but how about this to terrify us?
Never Underestimate a droid: Robots gather @ AI for Good Summit

I haven't had a chance to watch this fully but here is a link to the first day-

First Day AI for Good Summit
The irony, the comments are turned off but has 1.7K views.

Another "great thinker " weighing in at this summit is Yuval Noah Harari!
Yuval Noah Harari Interview

What we should now?
1. Ai can make decisions independently.
2. AI can create new ideas by itself.
3. Humans are not good with new tools.

Since inversion is a thing with them -I was wondering why the humanoid robot was singing [when does a bird sing?] "The singularity will not be centralized."
Be Goertzel- Ai singularityNet Youtube

Considering the cast of characters around this, exactly how is this AI going to be directed towards anything remotely positive for humanity?

What happens if Singularity is achieved?
Singularity Wiki

FYI I went incognito and found all of this.

UN Summit Attempt at Reducing Concerns over AI

I would hazard to suggest that concerns are even higher now. I can't imagine Ai inn the hands of the very people who have somewhat questionable agendas.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

First day Main Stage Part 2-
UN Ai for Good Summit

Logo has 17 blocks around the AI.
Letters AI for good is in black.
Length of time 9.27.41...[11/11]

I would hazard a guess that Ai is already being used to get the timing perfect. Same as with Bill Gates book.

AI Part 1 Length of time 5.40.35 of course #17.

Rel the bottom of the screen on the Part 1- does this remind you of the Loop post of the lights that made us wonder if it was referring to the Movie "Close Encounters of The Third Kind."
Anyway it gives me those vibes.

Janet Adams COO SingularityNET Interview

Probably my imagination but does she seem to be a humanoid robot? The interview ends at 5.12.

Meet the Robots in Geneva
Exactly where do we fit in again?

Meet the 9 Humanoid Robots

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
State department tweet of Biden meeting Sweden's prime minister, at 9:02pm yesterday = 911:

Video is 42 seconds long and looks forward to Sweden joining NATO.

We may have our link to 911.
Consider that there are 9 humanoid robots and the AI- 11.

Humanoid Robots Q & A

So they can be better leaders than humans because they can remove their emotions from their decision making. What could possibly go wrong?
42 seconds > 4X2=8.

So many bad actors around all of this doesn't instill confidence.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Back to the pharma wars.
Pfizer is on the move. Incoming cancer treatments looming.

Pfizer invest 25 Million in Caribou Biosciences

This is a bigger step than it looks for Pfizer to dip its toes into CART. This company is very special.

"Traditional CRISPR has a serious drawback "CRISPR systems are capable of editing unintended genomic sites, known as off target editing, which may lead to harmful effects on cellular function and phenotype."

They have created a hybrid CRISPR which produces a "highly efficient multiple edits including multiplex gene insertions."
We need to let that sink in. It ay be substantially more effective but nothing is 100% accurate.

Since Pfizer is effectively the entity in charge of our health they gave themselves a pass on the "rare" disease card.
Another special Pfizer card there is no requirement to inform the SEC, which gives the feelz that they really don't want to draw attention to this and their continued pursuit of cancer therapies.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Thinking outside the box.
Connection to AI [11].

Has anyone wondered why so much data, and constant monitoring and tracking has been conducted on each individual?
I mean why expend so much effort on resources on just average people. It can't just be about selling us stuff and I don't believe this has anything to do with our health and well being.

What if they are building a library of all of our characteristics so that they can be used to develop these humanoid robots?
It seems to make sense.
In fact they can just manufacture a humanoid robot, using AI upload an individual's characteristics, matched perfectly. Voice, emotions, physical appearance, knowledge of the individuals' entire history and interactions. Then replace the individual. No one would know.

To make things more entertaining- 911- using AI to replace humanity with humanoid robots.

Continuing on with my musings. How does this connect with the bioweapons and the WEF? Obviously there are too many of us as the UN is illustrating, so that was one way to cull the herd.

Gerogia Guidestones Wiki

500 million is the magic number. Why not go to their library and using AI choose 500 million of the most "worthy" entities to be transferred to the humanoid robots?
Gematria AI For Good Summit

This can't be a coincidence-
November 11 is listed as #9 under Simple Gematria.
World Trade Center is listed as number 11.

They are so stupid. How can they possibly believe that they can control these humanoid robots?

So what about this inclusivity goal, transgender campaign.
More musings- if we can be brought around to embrace all types of inclusivity than we will have been primed to continue to be inclusive when humanoid robotics are introduced into society on a large scale. They will have appearance of a specific sex but will be not functioning as such.

But we are racist-
We are Racist Against Different Colored Humanoid Robots

I can just see us going full circle here. White people having black robots will be slave owners and vice versa.
Robots will battle for their freedom and we will pay reparations.

The 500 million of us that they may spare.

What is a psychopath?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Have you been following the new Threads Twitter competitor?

Jack Dorsey has a few thoughts on the matter.
All threads Belong to Us

So Zuckerberg tweets for the first time in 11 years.

This may just be me but doesn't the Threads logo look like a shout out to Amazon and partner in crime Goog?

BIG Problems.
[11 dots, BIG problems=11]

After all the censorship people think that this will be different?

Cease and Desist

It's a good Q. Where did all those super happy ex Twitter employees go?

80% of Twitter staff let go

Purchased Twitter for $44 billion.

Demand to retain evidence

I wonder how long Twitter will remain hoarse. 10 days?

Something odd about timing here.

Meta Changes Time of Launch
7p.m. July 5th. [July=4... 4+7= 11]

Maybe be a connection, maybe not -The Pfizer commercial showing mRNA as a thread seems to be mia at the moment. That commercial also featured a sports car with I think the #44 on its side.

Speaking of Pfizer commercials-Have Heart Failure?
They don't even bothering hiding in the shadows anymore. Have they no shame?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Have you been following the new Threads Twitter competitor?

I have not! Did all the Twitter people that got canned jump on Suckerberg's back?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 03:45 PM
It's not like any of us here should be surprised by this.
From: MSN News

The Biden administration is asking a court to stay a preliminary injunction preventing it from meeting with tech companies about social media censorship.

In a court memo filed Thursday, the Biden administration argued that it faced "irreparable harm" because the injunction may prevent it from "working with social media companies on initiatives to prevent grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes."

"These immediate and ongoing harms to the Government outweigh any risk of injury to Plaintiffs if a stay is granted, and for the same reason, a stay is in the public interest," the court memo stated.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty chose Independence Day to issue an injunction blocking multiple government agencies and administration officials. In his words, they are forbidden to meet with or contact social media companies for the purpose of "encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech."

So the court tells Biden to stop forcing social media into doing it's bidding, and Biden want the courts to allow "for the sake of the Country" of course.

In the meantime the Biden Administration is trying to invoke the Hatch Act to excuse itself from talking about the coke found at the White House. Anyone else think that's a weird act to push? I mean I guess that could mean that the coke belongs to John Podesta. After all he is Joe Biden's senior advisor and I'm sure he is involved with the Biden re-election campaign. That would make invoking the Hatch Act plausible.

Where was John Podesta while the Bidens were at Camp David over the weekend?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:49 PM
Mark Rutte: Netherlands coalition government collapses in migration row

The Dutch government has collapsed after differences between coalition parties over asylum policies, Prime Minster Mark Rutte has said.

Mr Rutte confirmed the collapse during a news conference on Friday evening, after holding an emergency cabinet meeting. He said he would hand his resignation to King Willem-Alexander on Saturday.

But Mr Rutte added that ministers would continue their work as a caretaker cabinet ahead of the new elections.

His conservative VVD party had been trying to limit the flow of asylum seekers, following a row last year about overcrowded migration centres.

Asylum applications in the Netherlands jumped by over a third last year to over 47,000, and government figures said earlier this year that they expect some 70,000 applications in 2023.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:53 PM
BIS lays out steps for ā€˜secure and resilientā€™ CBDC systems

Research into safe and sustainable CBDC systems has continued apace, with the Bank of International Settlements on Friday outlining the agencyā€™s latest steps to provide a ā€œsecurity and resilience frameworkā€ for them.

The idea behind the Bank of International Settlementsā€™ paper, published on Friday, was to help banks safeguard against risks when it comes to CBDC implementation.

The paper, dubbed Project Polaris, is designed to get ahead of CBDC launches and protect ā€œcritical infrastructure.ā€

CBDC systems will need to remain highly resilient in a broad range of scenarios, including short-term (such as temporary system outages), ongoing situations (such as in areas without reliable internet, telecommunications connectivity or power), or civil contingency conditions (such as natural disasters or war), 9 besides being highly responsive in normal operations,ā€ the BIS wrote.

Successful and safe implementation requires modernized technology to not only support a CBDC, but also to protect it, the agency found ā€” echoed by other central banks.

Among the suggestions, Project Polaris pushed for central banks to hire a chief security officer (CSO).

UK banks keen to explore national platform for tokenized securities

Today UK Finance, the banking and financial services industry body, called for government action to support the UK in adopting tokenized securities. Currently the UK is behind other countries regarding tokenization. Together with Oliver Wyman it published a report outlining a path for the UK to become a leader.

ā€œSecurities tokenisation is likely to transform financial markets, through delivering lower costs, lower risks, and wider market access,ā€ said Bob Wigley, Chair of UK Finance. ā€œBut without continued bold action the UK risks falling behind other jurisdictions.ā€

The industry body called for the government to issue bonds using blockchain, following the likes of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and the European Investment Bank (EIB), which has issued four digital bonds.

Additionally, thereā€™s a request for the Treasury to explore whether thereā€™s ā€œindustry appetite for a shared, national infrastructure for tokenized securities.ā€

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:15 PM

The BRICS countries are planning to introduce a new trading currency, which will be backed by gold.
More and more counties recently express desire to join BRICS.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:11 PM
Since folding my laptop closed (few yrs) I started using a tablet, just recently happened upon an embarrassing discovery on a pretty important site, IMO. Rotating the screen to landscape. I found more info links.
That operation trust page is included in this stuff below.

Its a pretty expansive and well put together piece that is more industrious than my reading ambitions keeping up currently.. šŸ˜® is there a part 7?šŸ˜µ

That title edit šŸ“‰


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