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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thank You!

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 11:08 PM
Part Duex

In the issue of POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY for November, 1920, the prophesy was made that a "huge dirigible of the Zeppelin type will enable the explorer of the future to study the geography of the poles in a really scientific way." Now this promise is to be fulfilled in the projected transpolar flight of the new navy dirigible next summer. What will be the outcome?

And by the Fourth of July, 1924, we should know the answer to this most thrilling of all man's geographical conundrums

Will the ZR-1 Discover a Polar Paradise?

December, 1923

a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex
100 Year Delta fast approaching

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Timely reminder to show DELTAs for Friday 22nd:

5 yr deltas from 2018 - #1588 to #1599 = 12 posts,




3 yr deltas from 2020 - #4529 to #4534 = 6 posts




edit on 21-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi



posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

That got interesting fast.
I assume the PopSci page in question:

The idea of this mystery land seems to match something drawn on older maps.

From: Rare Maps.Com

The map shows the North Pole surrounded by four islands, an iconic representation. It is also a telling documentation of the prevalent geographic theories of the time.

Although best known for the projection named for him, Gerard Mercator was also the first cartographer to create an Arctic map. In fact, this was due in part to his famous projection. The Mercator projection sacrifices accuracy at the poles for navigational utility and efficiency. This map, the first stand-alone map devoted to the Arctic regions, is drawn from an inset on his famous world map of 1569—a clarification of the Arctic region that was so distorted on the larger world map.

Mercator's classic map of the Arctic is in hemispherical form and framed by four medallions and a handsome floral border. The map extends thirty degrees in radius to sixty degrees N latitude—ten degrees wider in radius than the original inset. The pole itself is made up of four islands, which myth had it were separated by four strong flowing rivers. These carried the oceans of the world towards a giant whirlpool at the pole where there stood a large rock, labeled here as “Rupes Nigra et Altissima.”

We keep getting told about an "ice wall" located around the South Pole, but could that be nothing but misdirection?

From: National Geographic

In 1906, legendary American explorer Robert Peary returned from an unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole with an astonishing revelation: He had discovered a new continent, a giant island floating in the middle of the Polar Sea, which he named Crocker Land after the sponsor of his expedition. There was only one problem: It didn’t exist.

In A Wretched and Precarious Situation: In Search of the Last Arctic Frontier, historian David Welky unravels the strange story of one of the world’s greatest discoveries that never was—and asks whether the grand old man of American Arctic exploration was guilty of telling one of history’s biggest whoppers.

Could this land be like the Phantom Island like land such as Hy-Brasil? Is this something that could be hidden in the modern day?

It really it something to think about, while it might not seem like much, travelling to places like the North Pole does seem to be gate kept for "safety" reasons. When Russia had traveled there to conduct underwater oil explorations, certain countries seem to lose their collective minds over it. Could it have been something else that was bothering them, something that they were afraid the Russians would reveal?

I'm not sure, I never really dug into this angle before. Could this have been what -Q- was talking about with that 40,000ft point?

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Uhm, yeah (laughs nervously)... I have had for years now a nagging feeling that Russia's military buildup and scientific research in the Arctic is only in part an answer to the threat posed by the U.S. and NATO. Think Game of Thrones. Everyone being distracted by various seemingly very important conflicts while the real threat and/or opportunity lies somewhere else entirely.

So let me open another can of crazy for y'all:

The Greco-Roman Omega symbol (i.e., “Q”) is representative of the Q-shaped Great Wall of Greenland which has been erected around Greenland in northern Canada and Russia. Although the exact date of the wall (i.e., veil) is unknown, it was likely started sometime shortly after Anno Domini (i.e., 000 AD/BC), taking centuries to complete. The wall is where the term “Defense” or “Day Fence” was originally derived from for it blocks the underworld from the 24/7 daylight of Greenland. Due to the Greco-Roman architectural features found within the Great Wall of China , it’s highly likely that the Omega-shaped wall around Greenland similar in design but far larger in size. The Omega letter is the last in the Classical Greek alphabet because the wall encircling Greenland is the last line of defense against the dreaded humans from the underworld. Because the United Kingdom is primarily responsible for the global defense of Greenland, the Omega symbol is found within the badge of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom . The Omega symbol is also found within the logo of the Indianapolis Colts (albeit upside down) for within the Omega-shaped wall resides the Imperial Cult of Rome . The Q-shape is also found in the clerical collar of Roman Catholic priests for they have historically been responsible for keeping the Greenland pure and clean. This sanctity has been achieved over the last 715 years by countless assassinations, terror attacks, wars and biological pandemics, most if not all of which have been either ordered or executed by members of the Roman Catholic Church.

The “Q" Symbol

The “Q" symbol is the 16th number/letter in the Roman Score and does not exist in the modern English alphabet . However, the “Q” symbol (i.e., Omega symbol) is represented in the English alphabet by the letter "U" . Mathematically speaking, the “Q” symbol has a numeric value of “15” in the Roman Score while the letter “U” has a numeric value of “21 ” in the English alphabet. The “Q” symbol, which was likely derived from the Wheel of Fortuna , tends to double as the Greek letter Omega .

The “Q” symbol is an acronym for the terms “You” and “Jew”, a description of those living outside of Utopia, an island society in the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., Greenland). The term “Utopia” (T+P) consonantly eguates to the term “Top” (T+P) for Greenland sits atop of the world. An “ ewe ” (Vyu) is a full-grown female sheep, symbolizing that “Humans” or “Yumans” are sheep that must be sheered and slaughtered by the global shepherd (i.e., the Roman Empire). The area outside Utopia is coincidentally patrolled by “ U-boats ” whose name was curiously changed to "submarines" shortly after World War II.
Full text of "Greenland Theory - Apocalypse Now (2014)" Internet Archive

I know - extremely weird... I summarized my thoughts about the author of the quote above in a different thread some time ago:

I first came across this guy when I did further research for the Greenland Disclosure Pattern after I had already written the three threads I have done on the topic so far. He made a whole website dedicated to Greenland Theory - Apocalypse Now which can also be downloaded as an ebook. He wrote that in 2013 .

I am convinced he is on to something. He either knows stuff and tries to pass as bat# crazy for his own protection or he is bat# crazy but with great intuition. Actually there is a third possibility - he could be part of a disinfo campaign

The author's name is David Chase Taylor. His book can also be downloaded in formats like, pdf, kindle, etc. from the IA
edit on 22-9-2023 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Sitting Bulls Wife stood out to me.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:19 AM
General Flynn gives the GO signal?, at 1:05 am UTC this morning:

For eight years in the hunt to get Trump, the ruling establishment and the institutions they run have interfered with every election, polarized a nation, impeded public discourse and debate on the most important issues of our time, and silenced America First supporters who disagree with their globalist agenda.


What would Thomas Jefferson say and more important, what would he do!?

Defined by #452

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158439 📁
Dec 23 2017 15:58:14 (EST)
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!


Timestamp of 1:05 am UTC leads to #105

Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148154941 📁
Nov 5 2017 19:54:47 (EST)
Please pray.
Operators are in harms way.
High risk.
High value targets.
Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.
More to follow.


posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:32 AM

FOCUS on the Why = God is in Full Control = The Only Way = Together
Focus on the Mission = VVision = Free the World without Any Kind of Fall Out
Divided We Fall = Programmed to Self-Destruct = Watch the World Burn
Emotions Cloud Judgement = Clear Your Mind = Take Back Control = Flip the Script
Watching a Goofy Movie to Gently Wake Sleeping = Bucket heads = TRUST Sessions
Faith Under Fire = Enough Must See = % That Truly See = We See You
Our Reactions = Our Choices = Our Humanity = Our Salvation = A Leap of Faith
We Earn it = The Right Way = By the Book = This is a LOVE STORY = God is LOVE
Its Been Over for A Very Long Time = Their Plan Failed = There is No Evil, Only US
Our Own Worst Enemy or Our Salvation = At a Crossroad = Simple Choice = Let's Live
WE United with LOVE = There are No Sides = Loop Breaks = Game Over = All Win
PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 22-9-2023 by brewtiger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

A few more quotes from Greenland Theory - Apocalypse Now - focusing on wall and Q

Number "5": He (n)

He is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the 5th decimal in the Jewish Gematria ’s “Mispar gadol” where it represents the number “5”. Symbolically speaking, the “He” symbol appears to be the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’etat”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’etat” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown.. Acronymically speaking, “He” (H) likely translates to “Forever Empire” or “Hercules” which is symbolic of the lasting strength and power of the Roman Empire. The letter He, along with Daled and Gimel are used to represent the Names of God in Judaism . He stands for Hashem which means “The Name” and is a way of saying God without actually saying the name of God. In Judaism , then number “5” is sacred as the Torah contains five books (i.e., Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy) which are collectively called the Five Books of Moses . He is often found on charms depicting the Hamsa symbol which is shaped like a five-fingered hand with an Eve of Providence (i.e., the all-seeing eye of G.O.D., otherwise known as Greenland of Denmark) in the middle of the palm. The symbol, which is used throughout the Middle East, is especially popular with the Jewish people for it represents the steering hand of Rome in the underworld.

I mean seriously... What the actual... ? Read that again:

Symbolically speaking, the “He” symbol appears to be the number “17” which is represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the "S" symbol meaning “System” and the letter "Q" in the modern English alphabet meaning “Coup d’etat”. In short, the number “17” equates to “System Coup d’etat” which is indicative of the current political system in which the governments of the world are routinely overthrown.

What are the odds???? To find more examples use "Q" as a search string (including the quotation marks).

12.15 Mt. Olympus & Mt. Zion

Mount Olympus and Mount Zion are code words for the gigantic twin-peaked mountain located atop the Earth in Greenland (i.e., the North Pole) . The mountain is currently home to Greco-Roman Empire, hence the numerous references and tributes to it in mythology, religion and popular culture. In Norse mythology, Asqard is known as the "Enclosure of the /Esir ” which is surrounded by an incomplete wall. The /Esir are an admitted a race of giants (i.e., the Giants of Greenland) while wall around Asgard is none other than the Great Wall of Greenland which encircles the island in northern Canada and Russia. In depictions of Asqard , there is a massive mountain located at the center, otherwise known as Mount Olympus or Mount Zion. Because the Garden of Eden is located in Greenland and not the Middle East, numerous renditions of the mythical place include an enormous mountain in the background, including but not limited to: "The Garden of Eden" (16th century), a painting by Lucas Cranach der Altere ; " The Garden of Eden " (c. 1828), a painting by Thomas Cole : and “ The Garden of Earthly Delights ” (1939), a painting by Hieronymus Bosch . Mount Olympus is evidently also depicted in the logo of Paramount Pictures , although the 2013 version has since been draped in snow.

13.06 No Man's Land

In order to prevent explores and tourists from accidentally re-discovering Greenland, a buffer zone known as “ No Man’s Land ” encircles Greenland in northern Canada and Russia, the two largest countries on Earth. No Man’s Land is defined in part as land that is unoccupied, while the Terra nullius is a Latin expression derived from Roman law which means "land belonging to no one". No Man’s Land in northern Canada is protected to the south by the Distant Early Warning Line , a string of continental defense radar installations stretching from Alaska to Greenland which has since morphed into the North Warning System (NWS). No Man’s Land itself is protected by Greenland’s autonomous drones which fly sorties 24-hours a day, seeking out and destroying any potential threats. No Man’s Land is also home to the Great Wall of Greenland which encircles Greenland in the shape of an Omega symbol (i.e., “Q”). The massive wall protected Greenland from discovery and invasion prior to the invention of aerial machines, radar and satellites. The term "Defense" was derived from Great Wall of Greenland which is in essence the "Day Fence", blocking the underworld from the 24/7 daylight of Earth's second moon which is located above Greenland. No Man’s Land is evidently depicted in Zephaniah 2:5 , which states, “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! The word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.” The term Canaan is code word for Greenland in the Holy Bible, the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Greco-Roman Empire.

edit on 22-9-2023 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Interestingly, last night on GBNews, they had the possible future PM of Poland being interviewed about migrants. Poland has a zero tolerance to immigration and the possible future PM clearly stated zero tolerance will continue. He was very annimated and passionate and made very clear arguments as to why.
Fast forward to 18.30....


posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
So, while Trump is getting his picture taken, and the media is going nuts, this happened.

From: New York Post

Senator Bob Menendez’s new wife cashed in up to $400,000 worth of gold bars — despite having faced foreclosure just three years earlier.

The sale, last spring, was months before his office publicly admitted that the New Jersey Democrat was facing a new federal investigation.

Nadine Arslanian, 56, sold the gold between April 7, 2022 and June 16, 2022, according to the senator’s annual public disclosures. It is equivalent to as much as 13 pounds of pure gold.

The sale was a remarkable financial turnaround for Arslanian, who had reportedly been struggling financially, even facing foreclosure on her home, before she married Menendez in 2020.

the story cont.

Manhattan federal prosecutors want to know if the senator or his wife received unreported luxury gifts, including a car and a Washington apartment, in return for political favors, according to reports.

The investigation is the second time the senator has been probed by federal authorities over allegations of corruption. A long-running New Jersey state investigation ended in 2011 with no charges filed.

Menendez, 69, was indicted in 2015 after prosecutors from the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Unit accused him of accepting lavish bribes from Palm Beach ophthalmologist and political benefactor Dr. Salomon Melgen.

This time there's a bit of an interesting twist.

Among the allegations was that the senator directed members of his staff to obtain visas for Melgen’s girlfriends, who hailed from Brazil, Ukraine, and the Dominican Republic.

Interesting list.

One more thing, and I think we should really ask ourselves questions about this:

Just as the foreclosure began, Arslanian founded her own consulting business — Strategic International Business Consultants LLC — which is run out of her home address.

The company has no online footprint, and it’s not clear who its clients are. Its incorporation was handled by longtime Menendez friend Donald Scarinci.

Is this common place, or could this be a Hunter involved LLC?

Good find and advance heads up.

Democratic senator Bob menendez and his wife were indicted this morning.

Menendez is a perfect example of how indictments don't matter if your constituents like you.

Senator Menendez was indicted a few years ago, and reelected afterwards.

I suspect we'll see him re-elected after this indictment also.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Yep, panic mode is ramping up a few more notches, now that US president Joe Biden is repeating stories, without remembering he just told the story a few minutes earlier.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Is this the same reference to rupes nigra?

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 04:25 PM
Theres an Audit Coming .... Future Proves Past ...

Red October?


Press Release


The Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) announced the selection of the Honorable Robert P. Storch, the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG), as the Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) for Operation Atlantic Resolve (OAR). In that capacity, Inspector General Storch will work closely with the other Lead IG partner oversight offices—the Department of State (State) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) OIGs—to deliver comprehensive and effective oversight of the wider U.S. response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Lead IG designation will take effect on October 18, 2023.

Q-Posts PANIC in DC ie:Storch


Follow your GUT - No Codes imbedded or Implied ... EVER*

To Each Theie Own ... THINK For Yorself

edit on 9222023 by MetalThunder because: Great to see You BrewTiger ! TRULY

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

The mention of a second moon caught me by surprise. Could that be a sly reference to the Black Knight satellite? I believe it has come up a couple of times in earlier threads.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 04:56 PM

ITs what Money is based on

Just an aside

edit on 9222023 by MetalThunder because: Godspeed

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You have good energy, Rel.

For better or worse, I don’t talk much with “entities” on the internet.

Avatars diminish the spirit and trust is hard to establish, but I'll do my best.

With that said... Politics are magic tricks and all the world’s a stage.

There is a hierarchy, above and below. Whether you believe what they believe is irrelevant.

To start:

- The White Brotherhood meets on the 25th year of every new century (2025).

- This is known as the Grand Assembly of the Hierarchy.

- They create a plan for the rest of the century based on what has or has not come to fruition by that time.

- The next General Assembly is VERY special. They will not only make plans for the remainder of this century, but for the remainder of the new millennium, due to the timing.

- The culmination of a new century, new millennia, and lastly, a new age.

- Such plans, they believe, will cause the new Aquarian civilization (way of life), to emerge.

More to come.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 01:42 AM

edit on 23-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: T7ROOT7H

Thanks for the response and compliment, T7ROOT7H!

Brainstorming off your inputs:

a) A family friend of my fathers was a Kensington councillor in early adulthood. He told us, in the 70s, that everything you see in public in politics has already been decided weeks prior. Disillusioned, he joined the Church of England and spent years looking for the Ark of the Covenant with my catholic parents,

b) The timing of the White Brotherhood century/millenium meeting aligns well with the Q public timeline; starting 8 years before. Is the whole Q process also a form of focus group; preparing the groundwork and propositions for the 2025 meet?

c) It seems to me that the Grand Assembly of the Hierarchy infers a guidance of evolution - and that the pyramid represents 3rd dimension, Square
4th, pentagram 5th, hexagon 6th etc. I wonder if we could jump to Septagon in the next cycle. Kind of ironic that the HIER in HIERarchy is French for yesterday,

d) CULMINATION/LASTLY implies END, rather than start, of new century, millenium, age?

e) 2025 = 5 x 5 x 9 x 9 = Eyes On 99... Interesting alignment with the White Brotherhood looking at the next century,

f) It would be interesting to know the date of the meeting, within 2025,

Thanks for stimulating my thought with some new tangents... I look forward to more.

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