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The Belgorod Was Done By Ukrainian Forces Dressed Russian militia

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posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: merka

There are no such thing as Belgorod militias..

Its a fantasy by some Hawk foreign policy advisers.
edit on 23-5-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

How does one side work to blow up every square inch of a country and then say WAIT!! you can't hit back outside of any area we invaded!!!

Exactly , Russia only seems to want to fight a war on other peoples territory , it's like Britain calling foul when Germany sent the Luftwaffe over.

It seems the Freedom of Russia Legion is being funded by Ukraine and have been there for a while , perhaps makes sense of some of the mystery explosions in Russia.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:09 PM
Well this is all getting a bit weird and who knows what's going on exactly. I'm sure the pro Pooty trolls will say the usual catch all line 'Uke nazis did it' lol.
I have heard of this free Russia legion over a year ago, there is a former Russian MP in exile who clraims he is organizing a resistance to the Pooty regime. There have been a lot of mysterious explosions and sabotage in Russia this could be part of it. Or maybe those dasdardly Uke Nazis did do it.
I love the Russian propaganda if they level whole cities and kill civilains it's all good just killing uke nazis, if Ukraine does it it's a terrible terrorist attack!

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: gortex

It seems the Freedom of Russia Legion is being funded by Ukraine and have been there for a while , perhaps makes sense of some of the mystery explosions in Russia.

I'm pretty sure Ukraine is funding much of it with American dollars (why not?), but I would also say they are actual Russians against what Putin is doing.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: JimTSpock
There have been a lot of mysterious explosions and sabotage in Russia this could be part of it. Or maybe those dasdardly Uke Nazis did do it.
I love the Russian propaganda if they level whole cities and kill civilains it's all good just killing uke nazis, if Ukraine does it it's a terrible terrorist attack!

We also need to remember that Putin has been killing off oligarchs that do not kiss his ring. There is a good number of others that have left the country. Add in all of them losing billions on billions as this goes on means that there is a sizable anti-Putin force with a crap load of money and power that people seem to ignore.

Also, don't discount the Wagner group from being involved to change things to their advantage with Putin.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: gortex

Exactly , Russia only seems to want to fight a war on other peoples territory , it's like Britain calling foul when Germany sent the Luftwaffe over.

I think a better example would be for Germany to call foul if anyone tried to fight them on German soil and not only in France and Poland.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

but I would also say they are actual Russians against what Putin is doing.

Which was my point to vNex on page 2 , his claim they are Ukrainian is bogus as they're Russians who are sick of Dictatorship.

"We are Russians just like you. we are people just like you.
We want our children to grow up in peace and be free people , so that they can travel , study and just be happy in a free country.But this has no place in today's Russia , rotten from corruption , lies , censorship , restrictions on freedom , repressions , in that Russia a persons life means less than an officials wallet , in that Russia where a separate railway is being laid to the residence of the bunker Grandfather (Ouch!) instead of repairing roads in the regions.

In a dictatorial country where children are separated from their parents for calling for peace and teenagers are given life sentences.It's time to put an end to the Kremlin's dictatorship

Thanks to all those who support us , to everyone who sends us donations and smokes where necessary , your support is what every day reminds us of our final goal , Red Square Moscow.
Be brave and don't be affraid because we are coming home . Russia will be free !"

Russians now have 2 choices , fight for Putin or fight for your country.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Judging by the statements and videos they have posted, it seems they are quite real?

As for "some Hawk foreign policy advisors" they do have some of those in Russia?

On that point, still waiting for your condemnation of Medvedev's threats to tsunami nuke the UK, kill our PM and arm the IRA etc?

Rather "hawkish"? No?

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: merka

There are no such thing as Belgorod militias..

Its a fantasy by some Hawk foreign policy advisers.

Look I'm just trying give them the benefit of doubt here and assume it's untrained militias defending because the regular Russian army would have at least killed 10,000 of the invaders and captured 100 Abrams tanks.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: merka

originally posted by: putnam6
LOL, it was pretty much alluded to in the other thread on this subject that this was a possibility among a number of possibilities.

The problem is all sides have been caught in half-truths and outright lies who are you gonna believe?

LOL ironically the last thread basically ended with that assertion, everybody lies, and it's all BS.

regardless,how it is your Twitter source is considered legit when a cursory search sees plenty of tweets like below.

What do you mean, a 50 man minor border incursion suffering over 1000 KIA and presumably 3000+ wounded make perfect sense.

Belgorod militias probably took out at least 250 HIMARS batteries too.

It's called comparison and contrast, showing that there are other tweets out there and there is no telling which ones are accurate or not. As for what I considered probably semi-legit was the youtube video, did you watch it? I did I even had to turn on CC because of his thick accent. Regardless it is as legit as any of the insights and ideas Patton's favorites have presented.

Furthermore, it's like just my opinion, man.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 01:32 PM


They disagree.

"We are Russians just like you. we are people just like you.
We want our children to grow up in peace and be free people , so that they can travel , study and just be happy in a free country.But this has no place in today's Russia , rotten from corruption , lies , censorship , restrictions on freedom , repressions , in that Russia a persons life means less than an officials wallet , in that Russia where a separate railway is being laid to the residence of the bunker Grandfather (Ouch!) instead of repairing roads in the regions.

In a dictatorial country where children are separated from their parents for calling for peace and teenagers are given life sentences.It's time to put an end to the Kremlin's dictatorship

Thanks to all those who support us , to everyone who sends us donations and smokes where necessary , your support is what every day reminds us of our final goal , Red Square Moscow.
Be brave and don't be affraid because we are coming home . Russia will be free !"

Sound like pissed off Russians to me

Wonder if Assad will send Vlad help.

Thanks for posting this, it really gets to the crux of the issue in my mind. We have the countries, corporations organizations, treaties, politicians, and generals on both sides. I have a skeptical eye on every one of those sons of bitches


It's the people, the pawns, the grunts, the guard, caught in the middle I can relate to, identify with, and ultimately hope they get whatever little slice of peace and freedom they so richly deserve.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: merka

There are no such thing as Belgorod militias..

Its a fantasy by some Hawk foreign policy advisers.

Pretty much like there is no such thing as a special
Military operation. It’s just an invasion. The fantasy of a lunatic president. You still rootin for Putin when it’s him you should be a shootin?
edit on 23-5-2023 by ARM1986 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 06:55 PM
Last I heard Russian forces (from a nearby base) had moved in and eliminated all 39 of the Ukranians involved in this attack (holed up in residential areas unfortunately, as they seem prone to do).

Not sure what they did with the US armoured vehicles. Probably put them on display with the rest of the captured equipment. The Ukraine should ask the Russians to start kitting them out, they probably have more western equipment than the west does by now. After all, they are still getting their diesel fuel from Russia (according to Sy Hersh).

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Quintilian

Last i saw tweets some Ukrainian forces AFU/DRK were wearing clothing that look like militia "dressed up as militia" several Ukrainian tanks were destroyed near Belgorod.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: gortex
The EU had a good relationship with Russia before the clowns
Before the regime change in Kiev supported by victoria nuland
edit on 23-5-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: gortex
The EU had a good relationship with Russia before the clowns
Before the regime change in Kiev supported by victoria nuland

What you are trying to say is that the EU had a reasonable relationship with the EU until Russia started invading, annexing land, destroying and killing. Quelle surprise - would never have expected that outcome.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: paraphi

until Russia started invading, annexing land

I see you keep avoiding the parts when the US started the regime change in Kiev around 2013/2014 when they brought in state officials like victoria nuland, Sen Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine

edit on 24-5-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: paraphi

destroying and killing

It was ok for the Ukrainian forces to be killing civilians and destroying homes?

Or petro poroshenko threatening those civilians that those civilians in parts of Eastern Ukraine would live in shelters?

There is a video of Poroshenko saying this.

Quelle surprise - would never have expected that outcome.

EU thought sanctions would have an affect on Russia economically, the sanctions had being hurting Europe more.

It shows that through the costs of living on the food import/exports.

edit on 24-5-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness
a reply to: MrInquisitive

How can you claim Russia is the baddest bad butt on the planet? Their military has become a joke, and it abuses and slaughters its own soldiers.

LOL its funny what you guys will believe

joke military still kicking our ass . Over 200 billion now they need f16s .

stop believing everything our government and media say its makes you stupid

The irony of your post is breath taking. What we will believe? How about what you Putin fans believe? How long did grandpa Putin say the SMO would take? Three the seven days, yes? What is it up to now? Oh yeah, 454 days. Taking 10 months to take Bakmut when one has superiority in number of troops, artillery and aircraft isn't an impressive feat. The much vaunted (by Russia) Russian winter offensive petered out. Russia can't defend its own borders, and has a nuclear weapons storage facility 16 km from the Ukrainian border.

Russia has lost over 200k troops, nearly 3800 tanks, over 7400 ACV's and 3300 pieces of artillery, over 300 planes and nearly 300 helicopters, along with much other equipment, including the flagship guided missile cruiser of their Black Sea fleet. That's not doing well against a much smaller and more poorly armed nation. Russia has lost far more equipment than Ukraine had at the beginning of the war or has now.

And what with the puny, single military parade with one T-34 on May 9th? They need every last T-54/55 or newer for the war because Russia has lost so many tanks.

And why wouldn't the country with the 39th largest air force need more planes to fight the 2nd largest air force?

I don't implicitly believe everything regarding the war told by the US, UK or Ukraine, but what is said by these countries comports more with reality than what Russia says. You ever watch or listen to the videos of Russian troops complaining about their conditions, or intercepted phone calls home? You saying the infighting between the Wagner group and the regular Russian military isn't real?

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: soundsofmadness

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

So Russia needs China to save its bacon, because 80 "Ukrainians" stormed the border?

Does Russia's Super Power card get revoked? Obviously, China has over taken Russia completely at #2.

Id suggest Russia needs Chinese troops and Chinese weapons, and Chinese leaders

It seems like Russia is the baddest bad asses on the planet. How much aid has been sent to Ukraine?

How many weapons? How is Russia still taking cities ?

If you say it enough I guess that makes it true, right?

98 Million population difference
47 million available manpower difference
631,000 active military difference
200,000 paramilitary difference

52 billion difference in military expenditures

Russia is so good the Global Military Index has them at 2 while Ukraine is 15th

Are you referring to Russia shelling an 80,000 pre-war population town into the mud as taking a city?

somewhere Vasily Chuikov yawns and rolls his eyes

over 200 billion from just us . Keep believing buddy it make you look smart

The US has only provided around $77 billion in aid. Perhaps all the aid from west combined totals $200 billion. Some of that aid is economic in nature, and a lot of the military aid is for older systems or older ammunition that will go bad in time, and costs money to maintain. Might as well use it to provide a country fighting one of your major adversaries, and degrade its military. In fact, it's the best use of defense funds.
edit on 24-5-2023 by MrInquisitive because: corrected US spending figure

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